I seems to me that if ordinary citizens oppose something and do all the hard work of collecting enough signatures to put 101 on a ballot for a vote, it should be on the ballot. City attorney Pete Homes said it was not legal because it seemed to take away the states ability to build a state highway. Judge Joan DuBuque agreed with him. In other words democracy can be wiped out by two people. City attorney Pete Homes wants the tunnel built and has locked horns with Mayor Mile McGinn over this. An attorney for DOT joined the suit and said the city cannot block a state project. We the people have said time and time again WE DO NOT WANT A TUNNEL. Supposedly the state is broke as well as the Federal Government so why are they cramming this expensive thing down out throats. Before it was settled about people challenging it they signed agreements in haste so they could say once they are signed they cant be stopped by an initiative. People tried to get an initiative to at least question the tunnel for an Agust vote,but again Pete Homes challenged it and got it watered down to where they are calling it the Seinfield initiative because it is about nothing and will do nothing. The August 16th Referendum asks voters to approve or reject how the City Council plans to give notice to the state to proceed with the tunnel. That’s like saying “yes we have no bananas”. What really concerns me is the mind set the Department of Transportation has. They do not want the taxpayers to have any say at all. DOT says it is their goal to follow the will of the Governor and Legislature, which approved funding for the tunnel. Well, to me that is really cockeyed thinking. The Governor and Legislature are working FOR the people. They should have no right to fund something that the taxpayers made clear they did not want. As for them approving funding makes it sound like they have magic funds. No the funding is money they have taken away from working people after they squandered a lot on overhead. One overhead expense should not be happening, and that is the $600,000 the “Top Dog” at DOT makes. If a city has no say over a state project then we should not have to pay for it at all. Elizabeth Campbell who sponsored 101 is appealing it to the State Supreme Court but the plans just go on and on instead of waiting until everything is settled before signing agreements and contracts. It still says that Seattle property owners who benefit has to pay overruns. Well Governor Chris Gregoire promised she would not let that happen. Well she wont be Governor when they build the tunnel .

Confusion In The Community – What The Public Thinks Of Sound Transit Over Future CID Station
Photo: The March 23rd Sound Transit meeting turned into dueling rallies between