At this time I’m against Initiative Measure No. 1240. Our schools are constantly needing more money now and obviously can’t manage what we have in place so I can’t imagine them digging any deeper into a hole with charter schools. I do support the idea of the charter school system and perhaps would support it in the future. At this time, however, better management, reviews, and oversight is needed in our current public schools to see where the over spending is happening and how improvements can be made. Our public schools today are constantly complaining about lack of funding (I blame it on spending), however, with the money they are getting now through enrollment – it would be passed to the charter schools making it even more difficult. It’s a very messy situation and the main reason I can’t support it at this time is because our current system (financial for schools) needs to be examined and repaired first.
Initiative Measure No. 1240.
“This measure would authorize up to forty publicly-funded charter schools open to all students, operated through approved, nonreligious, nonprofit organizations, with government oversight; and modify certain laws applicable to them as public schools. “
As I do support the idea of charter schools and would most likely support it down the road, due to to the current situation of public school system I can’t support this initiative at this time. We need to root out the problems with our current system first.