On Tuesday, the City Of Seattle is expected to sign the documents to approve the new stadium. The exact area is not determined yet and not specified in the documents. Many expect the new stadium to be placed near Safeco Field in the SODO area. The red tape has already begun, however. By state law, a 1 year environment review is required. They are going also review others areas not just the SODO area. $200 million of the expected $490 million dollar stadium is to come from public funds. It is expected to be paid back by admission taxes and rent money. In the event, the payback falls short, Mr. Hansen will cover the rest. For sports fans, this is a major deal and many are excited to have a new NBA team (and possible NHL team). History says it’s not going to work out but good luck to them.
I am not as excited as them, however. I know Seattle residents will support our Seahawks more than they would ever support our new NBA or NHL team. Just like any other sport and as we saw with the SuperSonics less support is given to teams who constantly lose. In my opinion, Seattle stadium owners have a way of not supporting any of the really good players. We always trade them or not renew them because of financial reasons. It’s all about selling out the local stadium and not the long term value (or away games). We could care less about them. That trend is pretty constant and it sure doesn’t want me to support any teams here. Visits are drawn to teams by player branding. It’s the exact reason why boxing is so poor today – they don’t support player branding. Fans want to support their favorite player, visit, dress like them, read about them, etc… without that the support will always be low for new players with no branding. Seattle was constantly built good players and just when the public falls in the love with them (their brand) they are gone to a new team or not supported by their owners anymore. I hate that aspect it’s just bad business.
I would expect this to fully pass and be signed on Tuesday. It will take many years before we actually have something new to visit, however. Just to complicate this process more it doesn’t appear the International Longshore and Warehouse Union locals are going to support it at all. They are already complaining about the traffic chocking their working area. Unfortunately, the Seattle City Council will make this decision with or without them. It’s a done deal.
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