Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. Wins By A Landslide

The title of this story is a little misleading because under normal situations that would not be unusual or hot news, but in this case it’s almost like “Where is Waldo”?. This is sure an example of people not paying any attention to who they vote for.  A name like his would beat almost any unknown good honest person running against him.  You might say I am picking on a black or something but that’s not the case at all.

Jackson was treated at least six weeks for bipolar disorder. He was having extreme mood swings and has been on medical leave from the house and has not been seen in public for months.

Jackson has not been at work since last June. He got caught up in all sorts of crooked deals and did like what most celebrities do they cop out and go someplace for treatment rather than answer any kind of questions. He is facing a federal probe into misuse of campaign funds. He needs to explain where he got the money to decorate his home as well as a gift of a $40,000 Rolex watch he bought for a female friend. But he went in to re-hab of sorts. Mayo Clinic in Minnesota.

Besides his campaign problem and health issues he has been the subject of a House Ethics committee probe over an alleged bribe he offered to Blagojevich to appoint him to the seat vacated by President Barack Obama.  Of course Blagojevich is in jail at the moment so at least we know where he is. But where is Jesse Jackson Jr?

As Congress returns to Washington, Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. disappears again. He now says through his lawyer that he will not resign until he gets disability pay. How does he have any say about resigning? He should have been sent packing when his Mayo treatment did not cure him sufficiently to return to work last July. He has been getting full pay and benefits (I think) for doing absolutely nothing. He does not show up to vote on any issues or bill or whatever is going on.

But this story really was not about Jesse Jackson Jr’s problem on its own, it shows how the voting public does not read or pay any attention to who or what they are voting for. Look at the presidential election. No one thought it was possible for President Obama to win a second term after running the country into such debt, and making friends with the dictators instead of our allies, and lying about almost everything. Look at this Benghazi mess, he is still lying. He just says blame him, or he is responsible but never answers a thing. Or at least that is my opinion. But Jesse Jackson Jr has mental problems, temper tantrums, bribes, misuse of campaign funds, absent from work for over six months and gets elected by a landslide. Can the people in Chicago read or don’t they care. They sure have an abundance of crooks that’s for sure.  Perhaps the cold Windy City is starting to affect their minds and the way they vote.  Your comments please.

Jesse Jackson Jr
Lilly Marek

Having lived in Seattle (Georgetown) for over 80 years, Lilly has a passion for the area. A true Seattleite, Lilly has the history & experience to discuss any topic. Being retired, she enjoys visiting with her many grand children, gardening, and writing.

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