President Obama Agenda & Laws

As the time continues to pass with the Obama Administration, the picture is becoming even more clear.  He is not interested in touching anything that would potentially make him look bad.  He wouldn’t cut spending as they will cut jobs and ruin is record.  He won’t be touching the medicare issues or social security.  In short, anything that could potentially hurt his brand/image will not happen.  The can will be kicked down the road for the next guy (or girl).  Any issues that could hurt him will be passed on to someone else.  For example, he was quick to play dumb with the Benghazi attack.  Hilary took the fall but played the obvious dumb card when asked questions, which was a big surprise.  The guns sold to Mexico, which ended up killing our Agents, were sealed.  My point is this trend will continue for years to come.

Obama is the type of President that won’t correct any issue and history has already proven this.  He simply will create new laws to make him look good while bypassing the main issues at hand.  Take Obamacare for example.  An issue that could have been corrected by simply not paying out overvalued health services.  Saying no to the hospitals charging $200 for a $4 shot or $500 for an overnight stay in a hospital and charging customers 5x as much for prescriptions.  Obama’s “Affordable” health care program keeps the current rates (and greed) in place and doesn’t fit the real problem.  It simply makes the people pay a subscription per month thus more revenue.  It keeps all the worthless jobs and programs in place.  It also creates a fee ($2000+) for those of us who don’t comply.  He doesn’t want to call it a tax but the IRS monitors it.

A good law Obama should have created was the seat belt law.  It’s the perfect example if you’re still confused.  The law generates revenue and doesn’t really solve any issue.  It’s sold to the public as a safety issue but really it’s a revenue generation model.  Same with the traffic light photo cameras.  It’s something that can be slipped through being a safety measure while generating tons of revenue.  It doesn’t fix the system only adds to it by being more complicated.  These are the type of laws Obama loves to create.  Don’t fix the issues; just create something new outside the scope of the system that generates revenue.

Another good one for Obama would be a gun insurance plans.  Gun owners could get insurance that would protect them, and others should a gun go missing or fire accidentally.  It’s almost the perfect law for Obama to push forward.

I thought I would share my thoughts on how the Obama Administration operates the laws we’ll continue to see in the next few years.

Update: Let’s recap how President Barack Obama did during his presidency.

President Barack Obama, serving from 2009 to 2017, had a presidency marked by several significant achievements across various domains. Here are some of the key accomplishments from his time in office:

  1. Affordable Care Act (ACA): Perhaps the most notable legislative achievement, the ACA, commonly known as Obamacare, was signed into law in 2010. It aimed to reduce healthcare costs, expand healthcare coverage, and improve the quality of healthcare for Americans, significantly reducing the number of uninsured adults in the U.S.
  2. Economic Recovery: In response to the Great Recession, Obama implemented the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) in 2009. This stimulus package was designed to save and create jobs, spur economic activity, and invest in critical sectors, including infrastructure, education, health, and renewable energy.
  3. Dodd-Frank Act: Signed in 2010, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act aimed to prevent the excessive risk-taking that led to the financial crisis in 2008. It increased financial regulation and established the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) to oversee financial products and services.
  4. Paris Agreement: Obama played a key role in crafting the Paris Agreement, a global pact designed to combat climate change by limiting global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius. The U.S. joined the agreement in 2015, demonstrating a commitment to international climate policy.
  5. Normalization of Relations with Cuba: Obama took historic steps to normalize relations with Cuba, reestablishing diplomatic relations and easing decades-long economic and travel restrictions between the two countries.
  6. Killing of Osama bin Laden: In 2011, Obama authorized a covert operation that led to the death of Osama bin Laden, the mastermind behind the September 11 attacks and the leader of al-Qaeda.
  7. Repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell: Obama ended the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy in 2011, allowing gays, lesbians, and bisexuals to serve openly in the United States military.
  8. Iran Nuclear Deal: In 2015, the Obama administration played a leading role in negotiating the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), which aimed to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons in exchange for the lifting of economic sanctions.
  9. Economic Growth and Job Creation: Under his leadership, the U.S. saw consistent economic growth and job creation, recovering from the Great Recession. The unemployment rate fell from a high of 10% in 2009 to 4.7% by the end of his tenure.
  10. Education Reform: Obama’s “Race to the Top” initiative offered competitive grants to encourage and reward states for education reform across K-12 schools, promoting standards and assessments, data systems, and teacher and principal effectiveness.

These accomplishments reflect a wide-ranging impact on both domestic and international policies during Obama’s two terms as President of the United States.

Jeff Jacobs

Having lived in the Pacific Northwest his entire life, Jeff understands and delivers a different perspective about politics. Even though many may disagree with his language and writing style, you can't debate his passion for the Seattle area and his committment to a better society.

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