This is our hot topics page regarding the Seattle, Washington Mayor Mike McGinn. Below you’ll find are hottest news articles that everyone is reading at this time. We have covered a lot of stories here involving the Major and there will be many more to come. Mayor Mike McGinn was elected the Mayor of Seattle in November 2009. He is also a lawyer and a former Sierra Club state chair member. One of his most controversial stands was for his opposition to the tunnel replacement project. Mike McGinn was born on Dec. 17, 1959 and his political party is Democratic.
The Seattle Mayor is married to Peggy Lynch and has 3 children (Jack, Miyo, and Cian). He grew up with a family of 8 and got his BA in economics from Williams College (Massachusetts) in 1982. He also attended UW School of Law. Mayor Mike McGinn lives in the Greenwood area of Seattle.
News topics on the Emerald City Journal related to Mike McGinn:
Mayor Mike McGinn’s response to the Supremes Court ruling regarding 2/3 voting is an interesting article about the Seattle Mayor and how he basically applauded the decision of the Supreme Court for ignoring the voters who wanted it to happen. Requiring a 2/3 vote would help all the out of control spending we have in Seattle. He says now Olympia can invest more in our transportation system but he doesn’t understand we pay all that in our taxes. If the spending was made public and very itemized, he could easily ask for more money. I believe Seattle residents just want to know that their money is all being used correctly. If the taxes are being used up efficiently now, then there will be no problem asking for more taxes to repair important transportation matters.
Seattle’s $10 million dollar streetcar project is a construction project that our Mayor Mike McGinn is supporting. We feel quite different about spending so much money and honestly find it wasteful. By the way, the $10 million dollars is just for planning that doesn’t even include the construction aspect. The big project would create just 3 street cars – who cares but read the full news story here on the Emerald City Journal.
The Waste Management garbage strike in Seattle which basically shut down the collection of garbage for 8 days are going to be fined $1.24 million dollars. Mayor Mike McGinn made the announcement back in Sept. 2012. The settlement was 1/3 of the amount set in the contract breaching terms. The amount was far less than expected considering the Agreement the City of Seattle had with Waste Management.
Mike McGinn’s support for new NBA team is a news article about the Mayor’s secret NBA contract and support for the cause to making this happen in Seattle. As you know the City of Seattle is constantly talking about slashing and cutting police and fireman and how we have no money for the streets, however, a new NBA deal would be OK. It turns out the Mayor has a fund of $250,000 that he can use without even telling the City of Seattle council about it!
Mayor Mike McGinn opposes the Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement provided by the Emerald City Journal newspaper the Mayor responds via email for his views of why the Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement (Tunnel) is a bad idea. He simply feels it’s not the best option available to repair it. Read the email now and consider his view of why replacing the viaduct is not the best option for Seattle residents.