Whenever an open-access publisher uses the phrases “Academic Research” or “Publishing Group” in its name, researchers should be very wary. Here’s a low-quality, rent-seeking, open-access publisher that combines both phrases: Academic Research Publishing Group. I recommend keeping a safe distance from it
The publisher is based in Pakistan’s Punjab Province. It publishes 11 super-broad-scoped journals, publications that duplicate the scope of hundreds of pre-existing subscription and open-access journals. For example, one of their journals is called Scientific Review, and it will publish pretty much anything.
Their journal cover images are uniformly amateurish in appearance, all adorned with pirated images.

In addition:
o ARPG spams and promises a fast peer review.
o They charge for “Modification/After Publication,” a practice that disincentives the correction of errors in papers.
o The journals claim to be indexed/abstracted in SlideShare, which is not an academic index (not even close).
o The published articles do not bear any licensing statements, and the author guidelines don’t say how the published articles will be licensed, a sign of an unsophisticated publisher.
o The publisher is not associated with any standard digital preservation services or organizations.
Academic Research Publishing Group is a rip off. Authors pay to publish their papers, but the services provided are way below standard. The publisher has managed to trick researchers from many regions, including Scandinavia, into publishing in their quick, easy, and cheap journals. I recommend avoiding all of this publisher’s substandard, third-rate journals.
Appendix: List of Academic Research Publishing Group journals as of 2016-11-02:
1.Academic Journal of Applied Mathematical Sciences (AJAMS)
2.Academic Journal of Computer and Electronics (AJCE)
3.Business, Management and Economics Research (BMER)
4.English Literature and Language Review
5.International Journal of Economics and Financial Research (IJFER)
6.International Journal of Healthcare and Medical Sciences (IJHMS)
7.International Journal of World Policy and Development Studies (IJWPDS)
8.Journal of Agriculture and Crops (JAC)
9.Research Journal of Education (RJE)
10.Scientific Review (SR)
11.The Journal of Social Sciences Research (TJSSR)
By: Jeffrey Beall
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Source: Scholarly Open Access
Keith says:
November 8, 2016 at 9:54 AM
Impressive – my university’s Internet security service has already blocked the website of “Scientific Review”.
si says:
November 10, 2016 at 4:21 AM
Academic Research Publishing Group recently start new publication company with the name of Noble Academic Publisher: Please click on that link: http://napublisher.org/?ic=info&id=1. The 4 journals title are as follows:
1. Noble International Journal of Economics and Financial Research
2.Noble International Journal of Social Sciences Research
3. Noble International Journal of Business and Management Research
4. Noble International Journal of Scientific Research
The aim & scope, and Author Guidelines just copy from different websites.
*User submitted. Statements do no reflect the views of the Emerald City Journal.
*Note: First Amendment Right of Freedom of Speech – paragraph 4(c)(iii) of the overall Policy.
The Academic Research Publishing Group or napublisher.org are own their respected trademarks.