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Questions About President Obama’s Visit To OSO

Obama OSO Landslide Visit

I felt the need to do a follow up about the multi million dollar waste of money for President Obama to come visit the people of OSO. It was just photo shoot with Susan, Patty and Maria. But now that all that money has been squandered I want to ask if he noticed any thing different here than at the New Orleans flood. I know he was not president then, but should certainly know what I am talking about. Here are some questions he should be asking himself, and thinking very hard about answers he comes up with. He could learn quite a lesson here if he wanted to.

Where are the rows of brand new mobile homes that were furnished almost immediately for the flood victims in New Orleans?? These were totally trashed within a matter of months. Did OSO get any?

Where were the mobs demanding fast food instead of the free food that the people in OSO were cooking for the victims and workers. In New Orleans food that was good enough for the soldiers was not good enough for the victims.

Why isn’t the military in OSO to prevent looting, violence and raping that occurred in New Orleans?

Why aren’t the victims in OSO gathering in places like stadiums demanding more free stuff instead of helping one another? Old white woman in their 80’s are busy cooking funeral meals for the victims.

We will never get to compare answers if you even give this a second thought but I think it’s the mindset of the people. The people of OSO are working people. They were there to get away from the crime in the big cities. They wanted a home, that they paid for themselves. They wanted to earn their own way, and most of all did not want the government’s handouts that would keep them from doing what they wanted to do. In New Orleans most of the houses were free to the tenants to begin with. If something falls apart(tenants trash it) it just gets replaced. They have no respect for each others property and steal from each other, so it only makes sense if their house gets flooded, no problem, Uncle Sam will give them a new better house. Give them all the food they need. Meet all their demands to keep them from killing each other.(and of course voting you back in office) In OSO the people bought their homes, and were making payments. They bought their food. They always helped each other and probably did not even lock their doors. Perfect example how you can drag down whole cities by making them dependent on the government handouts. You are not helping them plan for a good future. It is more or less, one meal at a time. If that quit they don’t have a clue how to help each other. Nothing is of any value to them they way it is for people who have had to go to work each day to put food on the table and buy a house.

Did you notice any of that President Obama? If you did I am sure you would never admit it, and call me a racist on top of it.

Obama Keeps Blowing Money

Obama OSO Mudslide Visit

As reported previously by Lilly, it is now official President Obama will be making a visit to the devastated OSO mudslide site. It’s obviously a way for him to build his popularity, show remorse, and shake a few hands. If he really cared, he would stay home and send/write a check for 2 million plus dollars as that’s about what it takes in fuel/staff just to get here. The money would be 100x more beneficial to the people then him standing around taking photographs and getting publicity out of it. For Obama, however, it’s all about him and making the people love him. He continues to say one thing and then goes and does another. This is just another example of wasted time and money provided by President Obama. The reality is we all feel bad about the situation (it’s horrible) but these people need money to buy food and get back on there feet. A hand shake, photographs, and positive news coverage doesn’t solve a thing. Plus, the time and resources to get the President here is a huge waste of taxpayers money. It costs millions to fly him around.

It’s never been about the wasted money for Obama, however. Just look at Obamacare this guy will spend billions maybe even trillions of dollars just to make the program work. I hear about it on the TV and radio every day! Even if it’s failing horribly, he will dump every last penny to make the program work so he doesn’t look bad over it. There is a point and we probably have already past it where just giving all the uninsured people a check for 100K would have been a better option and it would cost much less.

The OSO mugslide is horrible but let’s be honest here how is Obama going to help with the efforts except making himself look good by being there. This publicity is going to be on every news channel across the country and it’s just one be positive PR stunt.

To date, 41 lives have been lost due to the disaster. A few individuals in the area still remain missing and have not been accounted. Each day approx. 625 workers continue the search and clean up efforts.

Can’t Afford Obamacare? Get To Work!

Can't afford Obamacare then get to work!

There are many reasons why I didn’t support Obamacare.  One of them has really not been discussed in the public or by the supporters of the law.  First, most supports of the law in my opinion have their regular 9 to 5 jobs.  They feel their insurance is covered by their employer so who cares about the costs to the other Americans right?  Most Americans fall into that category. Self employment is a big deal here in a America, however, and with that being said I do understand entrepreneurship and business ownership isn’t for everyone.  I for one want to be wealthy one day and don’t want to settle for an average $40,000 per year job.  I have always felt that this opportunity is what America is about.  Many come to American for this opportunity.  You can go on your own and make a difference for yourself here.  If you work hard and build your own empire (instead of working for someone else) then you can be your own King.  You can be a multi-millionaire and not have the worries of working for the man.  Sure, it’s not for everyone and mostly about your environment and how you were raised I believe.  I have great friends who don’t want to take that chance or leap into something that could be much more beneficial.  They have so many opportunities due to the field of work they are in. It’s the difference of being happy with $3,000 per month or giving it a shoot to make $50,000 per month.  They are content with the average routine of 9 to 5er’s.  I don’t really understand that reasoning but it’s a personal choice and I respect that.

My point is that Obamacare is a set back in entrepreneurship.  Before Obamacare, you had that opportunity to quit your job (saving up and putting some cash away) and try to make it happen.  However, with Obamacare you have to take into the healthcare monthly fees now.  Since you won’t be supported by a company, you have to factor this in.  It’s much harder to be a business owner or self employed just starting out.  The law puts a bigger burden of financial responsibility on you and there is a less chance you’re American Dream of self entrepreneurship will ever happen.  The burdens are much larger and most likely to much for most to risk.  Many more won’t take that chance now.  In short, I have felt the Obamacare law is a big step back for people who want to make a better future for themselves.  It’s a set back for the dreams of what America is to many people all over the World.  An opportunity to spread your wings, give your idea a shot, and perhaps you can have live a life of prosperity.

The truth about Obamacare is….that it’s much harder now.  Many won’t even bother to give it a shot and more people will have to just get normal jobs working for the man.  From a Government and taxes perspective this is a great system.  They can force people to the workforce and build up the taxes and revenue which is what they need so greatly right now.  Obamacare, because of the rates/plans, forces you to the 9-5 workforce.  You probably can’t afford it going the entrepreneur route anymore (especially just starting out) so you’re going to need to get a job and support our economy. You need to get your taxes automatically taken out of your paycheck each week and be the perfect citizen. Obviously the more citizens working the better the economy is.  It’s that hidden agenda nobody talks about and one big step back for the American Dream and entrepreneurship.

Obamacare Monthly Fees Way To HIGH

Obamacare Monthly Fees Rates To HIGH

The day has come where you can officially get online and start the process to order your law required health care (Obamacare). Just like the new system in place even the online websites were a complete failure. The excuse provided by the White House is that there was and is to much traffic. Being an Internet guy I assure you fixing those issues doesn’t take over a day (30 min max). Don’t you find it odd that the official website is fine but the others can’t stay online? Even though the White House will never admit it, the issue comes to satisfaction and negative customer sentiment. Imagine all the negative publicity regarding the high rates of Obamacare right now. You can pretty much search any new article on the subject, read the comments, and see the population is pissed about the costs. Turns out the public got screwed about the rates because they are not even close to being cheaper for the American public. When the website exchanges doors opened for business the public began to complain. This negative sentiment was and is reaching far and wide right now and to save face (and the system) they had to lock it down. What’s the perfect excuse? The White House blames it on the traffic. By doing so you also create a demand for the service which they need. They need everyone onboard with the program and participating. The only reason they are down right now is to control the propaganda of negativity. It’s bad… really bad.

I find it amazing as I read the comments from people. Many are blaming the Republicans already. The others are blaming Obama even people who supported him are now starting to see another Government failure. They, like most, support the idea and “hope” of what it would bring, however, at this point I see them coming to the conclusion that they got duped on this one. It’s sad to see so many have the passions in their hearts about American and still believe the people in charge will protect them and provide the hope and care this nation needs. Politics is all the same. They truly believed in Obama with his stellar speeches about Hope. Unfortunately, behind the doors is all about capitalism and the numbers. I admit he is the best I’ve seen when it comes to talking and many feel into that trap. I just hope this is an awaking to many. Obamacare is now the law and nothing is going to change that. Republicans can continue to play games and even shut the government down but Obamacare is going to push forward.

I have seen the monthly fees associated with Obamacare and they are ridiculously high. It is no even close to the affordable range for most. Being that most live paycheck to paycheck there is no way they are going to be able to pay the monthly fees for health coverage. Doing a search for myself out of curiosity and it came to $282 per month. If you have a family you’ll easily be $400 plus per month here in Seattle. If you voted for Obama in the second term, you have nobody to blame but yourself on this one. I’m not saying it would have been better with someone else in the office (both are evil) but supporting this law is going to hurt a lot of Americans financially. We are starting to see it in the news now and comments/feedback people are reporting after searching for these so called affordable plans. Turns out there is nothing affordable about it.

Obamacare Running Wild On You! (Opinion)

Obamacare Celebration

Better start saving those penny rolls because the required Affordable Health Care Act is coming your way.  I’ve been reading more and more about the rules but mostly the fees involved.  At this point, It’s going to happen it’s just a matter of how much it’s going to set me back each month. Monday, Vermont released their health insurance exchange program rates for individuals. It reads:

Rates being offered for the benchmark so-called “silver plan” for individuals will be a bit less than $395 per month for individuals buying a Blue Cross Blue Shield product, and $410 a month for those buying a similar policy form MVP Health Care. Those prices are similar to what an individual pays now for a similar suite of coverage options, Goddard said.

Lower-income Vermonters will get federal tax credits and state premium subsidies to cover some of the costs. For someone making the median individual income of about $34,000 a year, that will reduce the cost of the Blue Cross plan to about $230 a month, and the MVP plan to $252.

The Blue Cross family plan will cost $1,111 a month through Vermont Health Connect. For MVP it will be $1,151.

Well.. that sure sounds cheap only $395 per month in Vermont.  What is affordable about that?  This of course shouldn’t come to a surprise to most of you since I have been preaching about this for a longtime now.  What truly is amazing is the amount of people supporting this corruption and they simply are sheep in the wind.  The only one who will benefit from this is the government who just got 300 million people to buy a monthly health insurance plan (or have a business pay it for them).  It’s going to be a big shock for many Americans when they start shopping for health care at one of these state “affordable” health care exchanges.

If you don’t know by now the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has the rates, however, they are keeping their mouths shut until September to break all these “affordable” monthly rates to the people.  Yes, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services knows the rates because they got the filings from all the insurance companies already.  In September, you can start buying – that’s only a month away!!

One slick strategy the administration is going to take with Obamacare is with regard to it’s low-income credits program.  As you know if you’re broke, you can signup similar to welfare and get credits to lower your health care costs.  You still need to have health care and purchase it, however, it’s much cheaper.  The move they are making, however, is really slick like I said and let me explain that now.  In the first year, if you apply for low income credits, they will just take your word for it that you’re broke/low income.  In short, they are going to let you get in cheap (turn their heads and not look the first year) then in the second year, it will be fully audited.  Wow!! isn’t that slick.  It’s slick because when the rates are finally released they are going to be HIGH.  It’s going to scare people and they are going to say “forget this I’m not participating”.  However, with an option to get in easily the first year (with no problems no reviews of financials) and just taking your word or testimony for it that you’re low income – you just signed up and are part of the system.  In the end, that is all that matters.  They just want you to be part of the health care system, signed up, and willing to participate even if the first year is a freebie.  I applaud them on this slick move – most Americans will never get that concept.  It’s the same concept as paying taxes.  It’s not about the amount of taxes you owe that gets you in trouble, it’s when you don’t participate or say “forget this program”.  That is when Uncle Sam lays the smackdown on you.

If you work for a company who is going to (you think) have to pay for health care coverage, you may have another thing coming.  For businesses, the choice is clear.  Limit the hours their employees work and you’re fine.  That essentially means you’re going to have cover that health care expense each month on your own…. or get another job.

Honestly, folks I really would like an Affordable Health Care Program and I think everyone would agree with that.  The truth is that it’s not going to happen and we’re fools to believe it was/is going to happen.  I knew it and you’re going to soon find out it’s not what is cracked up to be.  If the program was $100 bucks per month, I would be on-board.  I would support it completely.  That is what my prescriptions cost each month so it is a good deal for me personally; however, that numbers won’t work like that.  We are a country of greed and insurance companies and governments need their cuts.  If Obama really wanted to fix the health care system for the people, he would fix our broken system by simply saying that the government isn’t going to pay $500 for one night in the hospital.  The government isn’t going to pay $300 for a shot that costs the hospital $6 bucks.  Seniors are getting screwed and I’m getting screwed.  The fees are way overvalued and even with Obamacare in place – they will continue to be because the system doesn’t get fixed.

Obamacare is a system to increase revenue without actually saying it.  It adds lots of money in the system (businesses & individuals all paying), producing massive tax revenue.  Obamacare is about adding more money in the system that is and continues to be broken.  It also creates penalties which are administered through the IRS if you decide not to participate.  We’re not saving money with this in place – the citizens are losing more money.  You really think they care if you go the hospital with a broken leg and can’t pay the bill?  How much do you think the government is losing by you not paying the hospital their enormous fees to look at your broken leg?  Think about it.  Sorry folks, it’s not the rainbow you were looking for when you elected President Obama.  This pot of gold is empty.

Update: Unfortunately, Obamacare continues to be unaffordable to most people who actually pay for it.  The people who can barely afford it are paying the full price while everyone who doesn’t work or want to get a job gets healthcare for free (or very low rates). The program is an example of how socialism works and obviously the way the Democrats are moving this country.  Many are without insurance and are risking their lives without it while others stay home and abuse the system. Prescriptions continue to be unmanageable.

Obamacare continues to be a topic of substantial debate since its implementation in 2010.

Recognized Successes:

  1. Increased Coverage:
    • Millions of previously uninsured Americans gained access to healthcare coverage.
    • The act allowed young adults to remain on their parents’ insurance plans up to age 26.
  2. Pre-existing Conditions:
    • Insurers can no longer deny coverage or charge more due to pre-existing conditions.
  3. Medicaid Expansion:
    • Many states expanded Medicaid, providing healthcare access to more low-income individuals and families.
  4. Healthcare Marketplaces:
    • The creation of healthcare marketplaces provided a platform for Americans to shop for and purchase insurance.
  5. Premium Subsidies:
    • Federal subsidies made insurance premiums more affordable for many households.
  6. Improvement in Healthcare Quality:
    • Focus on quality over quantity in healthcare provision aimed to improve outcomes and patient experiences.

Recognized Challenges:

  1. Premium Increases:
    • Many Americans experienced significant increases in health insurance premiums.
  2. Limited Options in Some Areas:
    • In some geographic locations, options for insurance carriers became limited.
  3. Mandate Controversy:
    • The individual mandate, which penalized people for not having health insurance, was a point of contention (note: the penalty was effectively eliminated in 2019).
  4. Complexity and Bureaucracy:
    • Some critics argue that the ACA introduced additional complexity and bureaucracy into the healthcare system.
  5. Employer Mandate Issues:
    • Some small businesses reported challenges in navigating and affording the employer mandate to provide healthcare.
  6. Access to Care:
    • Despite having insurance, some individuals found accessing care challenging due to factors like narrow networks and high deductibles.

Perspective Matters:

  • For proponents, the ACA is often seen as a landmark act that expanded and improved healthcare access and enacted crucial protections for consumers.
  • For critics, it represents governmental overreach and is seen as responsible for various issues in the healthcare system, such as rising costs and limited options in certain areas.

Michelle Obama’s Trip To Ireland

Michelle Obama Vacations Wasting Tax Money

If you are a regular reader of this Website you read what I wrote about Joe Biden’s expensive hotel stay. I do not want to be accused of picking on MEN so I want to follow up with Michelle Obama’s trip to Ireland. For sure she did not have to check her bank balance or look in her pockets for some change or do any price shopping for a place to stay. Nope since it was on the taxpayers dime she went for the best. According to reports she stayed in the Princess Grace Suite which charges $3,300 a night. Her entourage booked 30 rooms.  The cost of the two day trip has been reported to be around $5 Million dollars. Taxpayers pay for first family’s travel. But shouldn’t there be a limit? The Obama’s have thumbed their noses at us lowly working Americans time after time. Even if it is legal to do it, how can the Obama family blow through millions while at the same time preaching about the cuts the sequester is causing. Obviously it does not affect them.

His trip was a real money waster too. He can,t seem to stay home. It cost Ireland a lot for his security. They take Air Force One and Air Force Two. His speeches were terrible but there was a good reason. It was the SUN. They say the sun was in his eyes and he could not see his teleprompters. Guess he has never given a speech in the sun before. When he spoke in Germany it was before 5,000 invited guests (and it has been said that a lot of those did a no show). When Kennedy spoke there it was to a crowd of 450,000. Even Republican Ronald Regan spoke to 45,000.

If anyone is against anything the Obama’s are for they can be audited by the IRS. Obama will act like he is shocked that the IRS would single out Patriots, or Tea Party groups and he will pretend to do something about it but he needs the IRS. They are the source of the money for the government to waste. Once the IRS starts on you even if you did not do a thing wrong, you’re done. They can trump up something in an audit and you can fight them for years and never win. They can take your home, you can lose your job and never really be sure what the heck happened. All you end up with is a huge attorney bill.

This got a little off track from Michelle’s trip but the Presidents lies are slowly catching up. He says this is a transparent government but it’s anything but. With all the surveillance of private citizens he is trying to say he did not have any warning about Benghazi. Help was an hour away. He hasn’t even said where he was that night, but he has lied about everything else what could he say that anyone would believe. Until the IRS is dismantled not much will change. They are not making up the rules, they are coming from the White House. The only thing positive the IRS workers have done this year is “learn to boogie”. They should boogie right off the stage and lose their jobs. If they do something really bad they get put on paid leave. I read that the IRS got a bonus of $70 million. Not sure for what. Was it for throwing the election? But hey Obama is cutting expenses by closing the White House to the public at a savings of $17,000 a week. Maybe it was that savings that made it possible for Michelle to take a hairdresser to put glitter in her bangs.  Need to go throw up yet?

Obamacare Information

Starting in 2014, Obamacare is a requirement of every American citizen.  Some individuals will get Obamacare through their jobs and others will need to research and find the best health care program for them.  Below you’ll find all the Emerald City Journal news topics related to Obamacare and we hope the information we provided is useful.  If you’d like to post your own news, articles, or information related to the Affordable Health Care Act (also known as Obamacare) right here on our Seattle news website, please let us know.

President Obama Agenda & Laws article covers the lead up to Obamacare.  Not much is known except the American people are standing by President Obama and his Affordable Health Care Act which starts in 2014.  Many have argued whether he should have even been elected over the Benghazi attack but the voters do continue to support the President and his agenda & laws.  You would think these issues would ruin his reputation but he was re-elected.

Obama Taking More Of Your Rights!  New Gun Laws news article was written to inform you about your rights about gun ownership and does cover some information about Obamacare.  It goes into a conversation about all your rights and how they are slowly being stripped away from you.  Whether it’s Obamacare or other laws, Obama has a way of saying one thing then doing another behind closed doors.

How will Obamacare impact your job? A great article showing the connection between your job and the new Obamacare health program connection.  Business owners are now being forced into providing health care to their employees, however, business owners are simply going to limit the employees hours (under 40hrs per week) to bypass that requirement.  Since Obamacare is also a requirement of new hires working 40+ hrs per week, we are going to find that business owners are going to adjust that in their employment job offer (secretly lowing he offer) when starting a job to cover those extra health care expenses.  Read how the Obamcare program may impact your employment with this news article on the Emerald City Journal.

How you could lose our job over the new Obamacare healthcare program and other information about the Affordable Health Care Act.  This article is for those who voted for Obamacare and are currently employed and working full-time.  With the passing of the Obama’s Health Care program you could be getting yourself fired from your job.  Not a smart move voting for this in my opinion.  Not to mention that if you’re every let go from you job, that would mean you’d need by by and keep medical and you’ll need to pay for it out of your pocket.

What does Dr. Kevorkian and Obamacare have in common?  An interesting article about how Obamacare could be similar to the activities of Dr. Kevorkian.  More of fun article regarding the topics but an interesting read for sure.  Recently Dr. Kevorkian died so who will replace his efforts maybe it’s Obamacare.

Photo Of The Obamacare Law.  That is a lot of pages!
Photo Of The Obamacare Law


Michelle Obama Working Hard At Oscars

As I was flipping channels last night between CBS (Osama Bin Ladin raid recap) and the Oscars, I couldn’t help but watch Michelle Obama kiss more ass to the public. I have said it a hundreds times on the Emerald City Journal. Michelle and Barack Obama are all about making the American people love them, building their popularity, and brand. They want popularity so they can get the continued support to pitch their crap in the White House.  A President (or anyone) will always be voted for or supported due to popularity.  A sense of connection with us, always seeing them, being inspired by them – this person will always take the Keep Reading

President Obama Agenda & Laws

As the time continues to pass with the Obama Administration, the picture is becoming even more clear.  He is not interested in touching anything that would potentially make him look bad.  He would cut spending as they will cut jobs and ruin is record.  He won’t be touching the medicare issues or social security.  In short, anything that could potentially hurt his brand/image is just not going to happen.  The can will be kicked down the road for the next guy (or girl).  Any issues that could hurt him will be passed onto someone else.  For example, he was quick to play dumb with the Benghazi attack.  Hilary took the fall but played the obvious dumb card also when questions which was a big surprise.  The guns sold to Mexico which ended up killing our Agents was sealed.  My point is this trend will Keep Reading

Obama Gun Ownership Laws

There is an old saying that goes something like this. “If you always do the same thing over and over you will always get the same results.” That’s exactly what the politicians are doing about gun violence. What I am going to write will be a little bit extreme but the point I want to get across is that not one thing they have suggested doing is going to make us safer or cut down crime. In my opinion it will make crime more rampant.

NOW, for my simple observations. For a fact we have GOOD GUYS with guns. We have BAD GUYS with guns. Which guys kill more people, and do more robberies? I think we will all agree here that Keep Reading

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