The American born blacks are doing lots worse than the immigrant blacks in their test scores in math. They use…
I once wrote an article here about the trillion dollar deficit he have in America. It was created for both…
I must admit one of the my favorite nights in Seattle is New Years Eve. My other favorites include Halloween…
A group of lawmakers are going to tackle the states popular initiative system. They never have liked the idea that…
The NWSUNDAY section of Dec 4, 2011 had a full page about how Senior Services will help disabled or elderly…
You have all read about Polly the Georgetown squirrel by now, if not this is the time to do it.…
This is a follow-up post we created when Georgetown's Corson Ave was shut down for several months while they made it…
Hope you're ready to pay the man more because the 520 bridge toll will be starting on the 29th of…
Hello, my name is Polly. No I am not an alcoholic. I am addicted to people. I had been stealing…
As predicted, the not so "Super Committee" has failed. It's no big surprise to me really. It was doomed before…