Metro Transit does not care about their people who depend on buses to be independent and get to doctors or…
Finally a story in the paper got peoples attention about the University of Washington. By now most everyone has heard…
Even Though MLK day was back in January, their was a recent news story about Jesse Jackson that just made my jaw…
It's sad businesses continue to rip people off. Do they really think in this digital age that nobody is going…
I want to invite you to take a nice walk thru Georgetown. Look at the houses on Corson and Carlton.…
The City Attorney just sued to block the Referendum against the Highway 99 Tunnel. Does he have the legal right…
Let’s call the load of taxpayer’s money the Gravy Train. It’s a little train that COULD. There is billions on…
Susan Enfield who took over immediately upon the firing of Maria Goodloe-Johnson says she has no big changes planned. What…
If you drive a motor vehicle you could soon be taxed for the miles you drive. Uncle Sam with the…
Richard Conlin Seattle City Councilman Won’t Answer Taxpayer Questions. I recently wrote each member of the city council. Only two…