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Cancer Causes: Fact or Myth and Prevention

Top Cancer Causes Facts or Myths

Cancer is a scary disease. When we hear this word we all have different initial reactions. Some words that pop into our minds include: Survivor, scared, death, battle, support. This word stirs different emotions and thoughts in everyone. There is still much that researchers don’t know about this disease. However, with the internet, we are ever diagnosing what are the cause, how to prevent it, and if we can be prone to it. In Seattle, we have companies that are providing high valued research into this disease like that Seattle Cancer Care Alliance and Fred Hutchinson.

This can be a scary topic and often the internet can be full of both accurate and inaccurate information. It’s important to know what researches have concluded as true and false surrounding cancer. What’s hype, what’s myth, and what is fact? Doing your research is important. Have you heard about diet, products, and lifestyle being contributing factors to getting cancer? For example, claims have been made against Johnson and Johnson Baby Powder, Diet Coke, and lack of exercise and certain lifestyle have been accused of causing cancer.

Johnson and Johnson Baby Powder is in not scientifically proven to be linked with causing cancer. Individuals who have used it and been diagnosed with cancer, have linked it the use of Talcum in the product. According to the American Cancer Society, “It is not clear if consumer products containing talcum powder increase cancer risk. Studies of personal use of talcum powder have had mixed results, although there is some suggestion of a possible increase in ovarian cancer risk. There is very little evidence now that any other forms of cancer are linked with consumer use of talcum powder”.

This raises the question: does Talcum Power cause cancer? When talking about whether talcum powder is linked to cancer, it is important to distinguish between talc that contains asbestos and talc that is asbestos-free. Talc that has asbestos is generally accepted as being able to cause cancer if it is inhaled. This type of talc is not used in modern consumer products. The evidence about asbestos-free talc, which is still widely used, is less clear.
Researchers use 2 main types of studies to try to figure out if a substance or exposure causes cancer, lab studies and studies in people. In most cases neither type of study provides enough evidence on its own, so researchers usually look at both lab-based and human and studies when trying to figure out if something causes cancer. Many studies in women have looked at the possible link between talcum powder and cancer of the ovary. Findings have been mixed, with some studies reporting a slightly increased risk and some reporting no increase. Many case-control studies have found a small increase in risk. But these types of studies can be biased because they often rely on a person’s memory of talc use many years earlier. Two prospective cohort studies, which would not have the same type of potential bias, have not found an increased risk. For any individual woman, if there is an increased risk, the overall increase is likely to very be small. Still, talc is widely used in many products, so it is important to determine if the increased risk is real. Research in this area continues.

Onto the next debatable cancer causes, diet coke: fact or myth? While it can increase your chances, it does not seem to be classified as a direct cause.

The harmful effect that diet soda has on gut immunity, and the fact that artificial sweeteners promote cancer-causing obesity, diet beverages can increase cancer risk in other ways. The Center for Science in the Public Interest downgraded Splenda from “Caution” to “Avoid” in its Chemical Cuisine glossary of food additives, citing a study conducted by the Ramazzini Oncology Institute in Italy which made a clear connection between Splenda and leukemia as well as other blood-related cancers. The aspartame-formaldehyde-breast cancer connection was made by researchers and integrative medicine advocates as early as 1999.

Aspartame is another hot word linked to causes of cancer. Aspartame has been used in the United States since the early 1980’s. It is now found in thousands of different food products. Aspartame is commonly used as a tabletop sweetener, as a sweetener in prepared foods and beverages, and in recipes that do not require too much heating (since heat breaks down aspartame). It can also be found as a flavoring in some medicines.

In the body, aspartame is broken down into phenylalanine, aspartic acid, and methanol. Methanol can be toxic in high amounts, but the amounts that result from the breakdown of aspartame is lower than with many “natural” foods. For example, drinking a liter of diet soda would lead to consumption of 55 milligrams (mg) of methanol, as compared to as much as 680 mg of methanol from a liter of fruit juice.

According to the American Cancer Society, “Researchers use 2 main types of studies to try to determine if a substance or exposure causes cancer. (A substance that causes cancer or helps cancer grow is called a carcinogen.) In studies done in the lab, animals are exposed to a substance (often in very large doses) to see if it causes tumors or other health problems. It’s not always clear if the results from these types of studies will apply to humans, but lab studies are the best way to find out if a substance has the potential to cause cancer in humans before widespread exposure occurs. Another type of study looks at cancer rates in different groups of people. Such a study might compare the cancer rate in a group exposed to a substance versus the rate in a group not exposed to it, or compare it to what the expected cancer rate would be in the general population. But studies in people can sometimes be hard to interpret, because there may be other factors affecting the results that are hard to account for. In most cases neither type of study provides definitive evidence on its own, so researchers usually look at both lab-based and human studies if they are available.”

Along with diet, people go to extremes in their lifestyle to counteract the chance of getting cancer. But are these effective tactics? There is no way to guarantee that you will live a cancer free life, but there are ways to reduce your risk. Preventive behaviors are an important way to reduce your risk of cancer.
Using any type of tobacco puts you on a collision course with cancer. Smoking has been linked to various types of cancer — including cancer of the lung, mouth, throat, larynx, pancreas, bladder, cervix and kidney. This is not new news to us, but some people chose to ignore this advice increasing their risks. Chewing tobacco has been linked to cancer of the oral cavity and pancreas. Even if you don’t use tobacco, exposure to secondhand smoke might increase your risk of lung cancer. Avoiding tobacco — or deciding to stop using it — is one of the most important health decisions you can make. It’s also an important part of cancer prevention.

Maintaining a healthy weight might lower the risk of various types of cancer, including cancer of the breast, prostate, lung, colon and kidney. Physical activity counts, too. In addition to helping you control your weight, physical activity on its own might lower the risk of breast cancer and colon cancer. Adults who participate in any amount of physical activity gain some health benefits. But for substantial health benefits, strive to get at least 150 minutes a week of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes a week of vigorous aerobic physical activity. You can also do a combination of moderate and vigorous activity. As a general goal, include at least 30 minutes of physical activity in your daily routine — and if you can do more, even better.

Skin cancer is one of the most common kinds of cancer — and one of the most preventable. Try these tips: Avoid midday sun. Stay out of the sun between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., when the sun’s rays are strongest. Stay in the shade. When you’re outdoors, stay in the shade as much as possible. Sunglasses and a broad-brimmed hat help, too. Cover exposed areas. The cultural pressure to be bronzed and beautiful is not worth the health risks. This one of the most preventable kinds of cancer. Don’t skimp on sunscreen. Use generous amounts of sunscreen when you’re outdoors, and reapply often. Avoid tanning beds and sunlamps. These are just as damaging as natural sunlight.

Cancer prevention includes protection from certain viral infections. Talk to your doctor about immunization against: Hepatitis B. Hepatitis B can increase the risk of developing liver cancer. The hepatitis B vaccine is recommended for certain high-risk adults — such as adults who are sexually active but not in a mutually monogamous relationship, people with sexually transmitted infections, intravenous drug users, men who have sex with men, and health care or public safety workers who might be exposed to infected blood or body fluids. Human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is a sexually transmitted virus that can lead to cervical and other genital cancers as well as squamous cell cancers of the head and neck. The HPV vaccine is recommended for girls and boys ages 11 and 12. It is also available to both men and women age 26 or younger who didn’t have the vaccine as adolescents.

Another effective cancer prevention tactic is to avoid risky behaviors that can lead to infections that, in turn, might increase the risk of cancer. Practice safe sex, limit your number of sexual partners, and use a condom when you have sex. The more sexual partners you have in your lifetime, the more likely you are to contract a sexually transmitted infection — such as HIV or HPV. Another preventative action is to not share needles. Sharing needles with an infected drug user can lead to HIV, as well as hepatitis B and hepatitis C, which can increase the risk of liver cancer. If you’re concerned about drug abuse or addiction, seek professional help.

Regular self-exams and screenings for various types of cancers such as cancer of the skin, colon, cervix and breast can increase your chances of discovering cancer early, when treatment is most likely to be successful. Scheduling these exams or knowing how to self-examine are critical. The more you know the quicker you can act.

Overall, cancer is a very complex disease and there is still much that researchers don’t know about it. While people hold strong to their deep-rooted beliefs about what causes cancer, studies show that there is still much to learn and understand. It is simply not as easy as a cause and effect. While some things are clearly linked to cancer, it is not one hundred percent clear how to total prevent or cure it. Products such as Johnson and Johnson Baby Powder, Diet Coke, and certain other foods still have much research around them before experts can know for sure. In the meantime, eating healthy, exercising, and staying out of the sun can help reduce your risk of cancer. If this is a strong topic for you personally, support our Seattle cancer organizations.

Elon Musk October Overview: SpaceX, Hyperloop, and Australia Energy Crisis

Elon Musk Review of Companies

October was a busy month for Elon Musk. SpaceX had another successful launch, we are starting to see the beginnings of the Los Angeles Hyperloop, and he is busy trying to solve the Australian energy crisis. These are all ongoing projects, and many of them hit a milestone this month. Many are watching with anticipation to see what all can be accomplished before the new year. But for now, let’s take a look back at what happened over the last month.

Space X
SpaceX success is speaking for itself, and October showcased another win for SpaceX. SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket successfully delivered Koreasat-5A to its designated orbit. This is the company’s 16th successful mission of the year, making it twice the number of successful missions in 2016. Twelve of those landings happened in 2017 alone; the company let three other rockets splash down in the ocean this year during missions where, by design, there was not enough leftover fuel for the propulsive landing that settles the rocket down on the platform. The goal of all that work is to reduce the cost of reaching space, for both SpaceX and the companies that pay it to get there.
SpaceX is understood to be targeting mid-December for the Static Fire of Falcon Heavy followed by a late-December, No Earlier Than 29 December, the launch of the heavy-lift rocket. SpaceX fans will be tuning in from around the world to view the final rocket launch of the year. And if you have been following the number of launches, it will be a fantastic way to wrap up a monumental year for the company. For a company that almost folded in its early stages, the future is looking bright.

All eyes are on the Falcon Heavy, which Musk says will be “the most powerful operational rocket in the world by a factor of two.” Containing three boosters with nine engines each, the Falcon Heavy will have twice the thrust of the next largest rocket at lift-off — equal to about eighteen 747 aircraft — and space enthusiasts are eagerly awaiting its maiden mission. But no one is quite sure when it’ll be. Earlier this year, SpaceX mentioned November as a possibility, but November is here and the launch has reportedly been delayed due to issues linked to launchpad availability, which is partly down to SpaceX’s own busy launch manifest with its current Falcon 9 rocket. Musk is known for his fluid timelines, but this will not be a launch to miss. Read more about Elon Musk on the SpaceX biography page:

Hyperloop One
The Hpyerloop is beginning to come to life. Elon Musk tweeted an image of the first tunnel his Boring Company is drilling under Los Angeles to demonstrate his progress toward integrating Tesla, Hyperloop, the Gigafactory, and SpaceX. The ultimate goal: “Transportation-as-a-Service.” Cutting down traffic and negative environmental effects from traffic in LA.

Through a system of robotic transporter sleds that will lower vehicles to underground tunnels, which will, in turn, whisk them to their destinations at 130 miles-per-hour, Musk claimed that he could cut the travel time for the eight-mile trip from downtown Los Angeles to Westwood from 40 minutes to five or six minutes. How is that for a shortened commute? You sure would get a lot of time back for yourself. Think about how much life you would gain back if you weren’t parked in the LA parking lot for your commute? The thought is appealing.
Advertisement Musk sees the coming approval of so-called “autonomous vehicles” (driverless cars) within the next four years as kicking off a highly competitive market-share grab for trillion-dollar markets among existing and new ride-hailing companies.

Hyperloop tunnels give Musk a huge competitive advantage in the coming competitive environment where urban transportation is sold by the mile. He will have the edge over legacy roads that are already highly congested and were not designed to be efficient cross-town corridors. Musk’s vision combines Tesla-made electric vehicles, utilizing Hyperloop cross-town tunnels, and electrified by Gigafactory batteries, to reach SpaceX’s launch pad.
One of billionaire Elon Musk’s lesser-known ventures is taking the spotlight with word that The Boring Company is planning to dig a rapid-transit tunnel between Baltimore and Washington, D.C. That’s not all: Musk says the company is putting the finishing touches on a second tunneling machine, which will be nicknamed Line-Storm as a tribute to a Robert Frost poem. The first machine is named Godot after the Samuel Beckett play. It’s being employed to dig a tunnel in Hawthorne, Calif., where Musk’s SpaceX rocket venture is headquartered. In June, the CEO of SpaceX and Tesla estimated that he spent only about 2 percent of his working time on The Boring Company, which focuses on lowering the cost of tunneling to facilitate high-speed underground transit. He must have saved up a lot of that time for this week.

Australia Energy Crisis
In the summer of 2017, Musk agreed to build the world’s largest lithium-ion battery to secure South Australia’s power supply in the wake of a statewide blackout. Musk was not fully prepared for the task he was undertaking, as he admitted to during a recent interview. While Musk is an optimist who works hard for the hope of some sustainable future, his hand in the solution of Australia’s energy crisis has been met with cynicism.

Tesla has multiple renewable energy projects in Australia. During an interview with Australia’s 60 Minutes, CEO Elon Musk made it clear he believes renewable energy is the future of civilization. He has never been shy or withholding about his thoughts regarding our future survival. Without it, we risk returning to “the dark ages.” Musk has a hand in the future of Australia’s energy grid. Back in June, the company signed a deal with Trans grid to supply New South Wales homes with their Power packs; in July, Tesla landed a second contract to build a 100-Megawatt battery system in South Australia, which Musk proposed to have finished within 100 days. Musk made this belief abundantly clear, saying if energy isn’t renewable, it’s not going to last.

While renewable energy is important for the benefit of our planet, Musk was speaking specifically about Australia. There’s currently a sizable fight occurring between Australia’s six states and the Commonwealth over Australia’s future energy sources, and how much energy will cost—a conflict Musk and Tesla are now caught in the middle of. Electricity has become so expensive that some people have decided to live without it to save money.
“I didn’t realize there was this big battle going on,” said Musk on 60 Minutes. “I just didn’t know.” In an attempt to belittle Tesla’s endeavors, Liberal Party of Australia member and Treasurer Scott Morrison has taken to comparing Tesla’s 100-Megawatt battery to a tourist attraction; a statement Musk is familiar with. “We get that (criticism) all the time,” said Musk. “It can be a little disheartening.” A harsh comment coming from someone who is not bringing any alternative solution.

Despite the complicated situation for Australia’s energy grid, Elon Musk thinks residents “should be proud of the fact that Australia has the world’s biggest battery.” Beyond that, he also suggested that people should be happy Australia is leading the charge in the search for better energy sources; it can be an example that shows other countries that the switch from fossil fuels to renewables is possible and in everyone’s best interest.
“It is an inspiration, and it will serve to say to the whole world that this is possible,” said Musk.
In recent months alone, we’ve seen what Tesla’s battery packs are doing in other parts of the world. Notably, in Puerto Rico, Tesla has started restoring power to local hospitals following the damage caused by Hurricane Maria.
For proof of what Tesla and renewable energy can do for Australia, look at Logan City in southeastern Australia, which managed to save $1.5 million after installing one of Tesla’s power packs. No bad. The financial benefits wouldn’t stop there, either. According to Musk, Australia has an abundance of natural resources, meaning “electricity should be cheap.”

With these named projects, Musk will have his hands full through the end of the year and beyond. What’s amazing about these endeavors is how they are focused on creating a sustainable and more efficient future. This month he also started striated talking about Tesla in a new and futuristic way. Imagine getting into your car, and it automatically takes you where you want to go without you even having to tell it. Though it may feel Jetson-like (as many of his newest ideas so), that futuristic reality is coming, says billionaire tech entrepreneur Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX. A Twitter user suggested to Musk that he would love to be able to get in his car and tell it where to drive him. Musk’s response was, “it won’t even need to ask you most of the time.” All Tesla vehicles are built with the hardware necessary for full self-driving capability, including eight cameras and a computer that sees and hears in all directions. “Together, this system provides a view of the world that a driver alone cannot access, seeing in every direction simultaneously, and on wavelengths that go far beyond the human senses,” Tesla says on its website. Think about the time, energy, and man power you would save if this daily task was taken over for you. Musk is about maximizing efficiency and creating a more sustainable future. As much criticism as Musk receives, you have to praise him for his willingness to take risks. SpaceX, Hyperloop, and the Energy Grid’s in Australia are all revolutionary in their right. As we approach the end of 2017, many waits in anticipation for the next launch or milestone from these ventures.

Elon Musk and the Search for Regulated Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence with Elon Musk

Artificial intelligence has been making significant advances over the last decade. Researchers and scientists have been diligently working on improving and perfectly true AI. There has been a debate raging among some industry leaders, like Bill Gates and Elon Musk, on how far artificial intelligence research should go. There has been a lot discussion and theories on the yet to be known consequences of the advancement of AL. There is no clear picture on where this research is leading and there is no way to really predict what AI will be like when it reaches its true and complete form.

Many believe that the rise of AI is inevitable and soon it will encompass all of humanity’s daily activities. AI will become a crutch that mankind uses to perform almost all the tasks needed to survive. Already, technical conveniences like Siri and Alexa, have infiltrated the lives of many.

These intelligent personal assistants have become the go-to accessory to help make people’s lives more streamline and convenient. Slowly but surely, these AI devices have become so ingrained in the daily activities and decisions of most people that very few realize that they have become so dependent on these AI devices. It is so simple and easy to rely on these devices for convenience. On a side note, a robot has been throwing shade at Elon Musk.

There are some people that believe all these extraordinary advancements in AI spells certain doom for the human race. People like tech entrepreneur, SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk, believe that scientists and researchers should adhere to strict and serious regulations when improving the search for truly independent artificial intelligence. His doomsday predictions sounds like the plot of the famous science fiction movie. He has been scoffed at by some, but others are taking his words seriously.

Elon Musk believes that artificial intelligence poses an existential crisis for humanity. Musk has discussed his thoughts about what he considers the greatest threat to the world at public speaking events in the past and most recently he has gone more in depth about the dangers that he believes that humanity faces in the future.

At the bipartisan National Governors Association in Rhode Island, Musk not only spoke about energy sources, his own electric car company and space travel but also commented on his belief that AI is dangerous. When Gov. Brian Sandoval of Nevada asked if robots will take everyone’s jobs in the future, Musk responded that “robots will do everything better than us.” He elaborated by stating, “AI is a fundamental existential risk for human civilization, and I don’t think people fully appreciate that.”

This isn’t the first time that Musk has run the alarm about what he believes is the biggest threat to mankind but at this particular event, Elon Musk preached about the need for AI regulation. He has been preaching the need for AI regulation since 2014. During an interview at the AeroAstro Centennial Symposium at MIT, Musk discussed computer science, AI, space exploration and the colonization of Mars but the conversation very quickly turned towards the fear that AI could ultimately become humanity’s overlord.

He said, “I think we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. If I had to guess at what our biggest existential threat is, it’s probably that. So we need to be very careful,” said Musk. “I’m increasingly inclined to think that there should be some regulatory oversight, maybe at the national and international level, just to make sure that we don’t do something very foolish.”

Even though many have raised doubts about his doomsday predictions, Musk is not just sitting by and doing nothing about what he believes the future will hold for us. He has helped found a company that is currently researching and working on “discovering and enacting the safe path to artificial general intelligence.” Even though this company is in its infancy stages, they currently have over 60 researchers and engineers on staff working full time to research artificial intelligence and its future ramifications.

The company is currently working on problems that require fundamental advances in AI capabilities, publishes at top machine learning conferences, offers open-sources software tools for accelerating AI research, and releases blog posts to communicate research. The company has plans to be as open as possible with its findings are research. They already have published numerous studies on their website.

OpenAI, unveiled last December, has already made a lot of waves in the artificial intelligence community. When the company announced their existence, some of Silicon Valley’s biggest companies began offering a lot money to the artificial intelligence researchers that were looking to join OpenAI, scrambling to get those researchers on board with their AI research efforts before they went over to Musk’s company.

These other companies knew that Musk was looking to bring on board the best of the best in the artificial intelligence research field. Open AI didn’t match these offers but instead offered something else. OpenAI offered these researchers the opportunity to conduct their research in the manner that they saw fit instead of worrying about churning out products and quarterly earnings. OpenAI gives these researchers the chance to focus on following their instincts instead of having to follow a production schedule.

Open AI has another unique aspect. The company plans on sharing all of its research and findings away. Musk created the company with the intention of sharing all its findings to the public. One of the biggest surprises about AI researchers is that most of them actually want their findings to be shared with the world. The brightest minds in the field aren’t motivated by lots of money, the next product cycles or profit margins. They genuinely want to research and discover how to make artificial intelligence better and this can only happen is the research is open source and shared with other companies and researchers.

The motivation for Musk to create a company that is not based on a making profits or products is because he believes that research needs to be conducted in a fashion that leads to humans having control over artificial intelligence and not the other way around. Musk believes that the many strides that have been made in the search for artificial intelligence need to be viewed as a cautionary tale instead of a tale of exciting exploration and discovery.

He issued this warning in 2014, “I think we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. If I were to guess like what our biggest existential threat is, it’s probably that. So we need to be very careful with the artificial intelligence. Increasingly scientists think there should be some regulatory oversight maybe at the national and international level, just to make sure that we don’t do something very foolish. With artificial intelligence we are summoning the demon. In all those stories where there’s the guy with the pentagram and the holy water, it’s like yeah he’s sure he can control the demon. Didn’t work out. “

Not everyone agrees with Musk and his predictions about the future of artificial intelligence. Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has the exact opposite opinion when it comes to “summoning the demon”. Gates believes that Musk is being a little too premature when it comes to his dire warnings about this upcoming evolution in AI. Gates, whose recent thoughts regarding AI were published by the Wall Street Journal, was quick to say that he respected Musk but that he didn’t agree with ringing the doomsday bell when it comes to AI.

In the joint interview with Satya Nadella the third CEO of Microsoft, Gates had this to say about artificial intelligence, “The so-called control problem that Elon is worried about isn’t something that people should feel is imminent,” says Gates, according to a transcript of the interview published by the WSJ Magazine. “We shouldn’t panic about it.”

Gates isn’t the only one tech giant that disagrees with Musk. Mark Zuckerberg believes that AI will ultimately make our lives easier and better. The Facebook founder has been pretty outspoken about his feelings and he whole-heartedly disagrees with Musk. Zuckerberg is not as neutral as Gates when it comes to his feelings about AI and its future.

Zuckerberg decided to conduct a Facebook Live stream from his backyard this last July to answer the questions from fans around the world. As the Facebook founder was smoking meats in his backyard in Palo Alto, he answered a user submitted question about the future of AL. The question was, “”I watched a recent interview with Elon Musk and his largest fear for future was AI. What are your thoughts on AI and how it could affect the world?” Zuckerberg’s response was simple. He believes that Musk is being irresponsible and that, “I have pretty strong opinions on this. I am optimistic,” says Zuckerberg. “I think you can build things and the world gets better. But with AI especially, I am really optimistic.”

Zuckerberg went on to say that AI has already done so much for humanity. He gave the example of artificial intelligence being used to diagnose diseases and that self-driving cars will create less accidents on the road. He also responded to Musk’s calls for the regulation of artificial intelligence research. “Whenever I hear people saying AI is going to hurt people in the future, I think yeah, you know, technology can generally always be used for good and bad, and you need to be careful about how you build it and you need to be careful about what you build and how it is going to be used,” says Zuckerberg.

He does not believe that there should be any regulation over artificial intelligence research. He thinks if anything, there should more invested into AI research and that the research should proceed at full steam ahead. He said, “But people who are arguing for slowing down the process of building AI, I just find that really questionable. I have a hard time wrapping my head around that,” he says.
Recently, Maureen Dowd wrote a very long Vanity Fair article that even went so far as to claim Musk’s ominous warnings are nothing more than a very elaborate sales tactic. In her article she said that, “Critics ‘argue that Musk is interested less in saving the world than in buffing his brand,’ Dowd writes, and that his speeches on the threat of AI are part of a larger sales strategy.”

There seems to be more opposition to Musk’s predictions than support but Musk is not bothered by those that oppose his ideas about artificial intelligence. In fact, despite what others are saying, he has stayed strong in his beliefs. Whether artificial intelligence ends up being humanity’s savior or its overlord is yet to be determined. Since there is so much that is unknown about the exact form that AI will take, Musk is right to at least to raise awareness about the potential risks that could arise from the research that is being conducted.

Implementing some form regulation should be required so that at least the researchers can retain more control over their findings and their possible creations. There is still so much that is unknown about the field of artificial intelligence that adding a few precautionary measures might be more helpful than harmful. Musk is not advocating for stopping all research, he just wants there to be better rules and regulations for safety purposes. Artificial Intelligence could be some thing wonderful but there is no way to actually know. Let’s hope that the future will hold the very best when it comes to AI but in the meantime, maybe being cautious is the best plan of action.

Washington’s National Park Fund – Over the Top!!

Washington’s National Park Fund Hosts ‘Over the Top’ $750,000 goal for our Big Three national parks in Washington State

Seattle – Washington’s National Park Fund (WNPF) and its new Discovery Group will host an ‘Over the Top’ event on Friday, September 22 at the Georgetown Ballroom. This fundraiser will award all monies raised to projects voted on by attendees throughout the evening.

The Discovery Group ‘Over the Top’ Event is a fusion of two distinct groups at Washington’s National Park Fund. The Discovery Group, millennial-based constituents, supports the Fund through community fundraisers and volunteerism; the Over the Top Society of individuals provide $1,200 annually in unrestricted giving. The event is designed to provide an engaging and diversified atmosphere for the audience to mingle with like-minded supporters of our Big Three parks.

Each attendee is awarded 5 raffle tickets to designate toward any project of their choice, with stations and park rangers leading discussions and presentations throughout the ballroom. Projects are in the areas of Science and Research, Youth and Family, Visitor Experiences (including trail maintenance & search and rescue), and Volunteerism. At the end of the evening, the winning project from each park with the most tickets will receive a grant. Afterward, one raffle ticket for each park will be drawn, and a prize will be awarded to the winning contributor of the ticket.

Raffle prizes include: (1) an overnight stay at the historic and luxurious Quinault Lodge (donated by Aramark Parks and Recreation), (2) a photography session in North Cascades National Park from Discovery Group member and well-known PNW outdoor photographer Scott Kranz, and (3) a stewardship project and private tour at Mount Rainier National Park.

Park projects for consideration include:
Mount Rainier National Park: Rangers Kevin Bacher, Tara Chestnut, and Brett Hergert
•Mount Rainier Volunteer Program
•Keep Wildlife Wild
•Locator Beacons for Backcountry Use

North Cascades National Park: Rangers Jason Ransom, Regina Rochefort, and Mignonne Bivin
•Fisher Reintroduction
•Cascade Butterfly Project
•North Cascades WOW (Wiping Out Weeds)

Olympic National Park: Rangers Lee Taylor, Sam Brenkman, and Lee Snook
•Adventures in Your Big Backyard
•Environmental Fish DNA and Non-Native Fish
•Search and Rescue Personal and Protective Equipment

Two Beers and Seattle Cider will provide libations, and $25 tickets can be purchased here on WNPF’s website.

About Washington’s National Park Fund
Washington’s National Park Fund (WNPF) is the official philanthropic partner of the Big Three — Mount Rainier, North Cascades, and Olympic National Parks — which span more than 1.6 million acres of the Evergreen state. Annually, WNPF allocates monies to more than 75 otherwise unfunded projects with the goal of deepening the public’s love for, understanding of, and experiences in Washington’s National Parks. Get involved at

*Photo by Eric Sheckler

Natalie Khawam Biography

Early life and Education:
Natalie Kimberly Khawam was born in 1975 in Beirut, Lebanon. She has an identical twin sister named Jill Kelley, an older sister named Caroline and a younger brother named David Khawam who also is an attorney. She moved with her family in 1976 to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Natalie Khawam attended the Lower Moreland High School in Pennsylvania and she graduated in 1993. She then attended Arcadia University and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts. Later went on to attend the Temple University Fox School of Business and Management and she graduated with a Master of Business in 2001 in Healthcare/Health Administration and management. She then received a Master in Science in 2002. In 2002, she started law school at Georgetown University Law Center and graduated in 2005 with a Doctor of Law in Healthcare Law.[LinkedIn]

Natalie Khawam With Her Sister Jill Kelly
Natalie Khawam With Her Sister Jill Kelly

Professional Career:
After spending 15 years working in both the private and public sector, Ms. Khawam decided to open her own law firm in Tampa, Florida. Natalie Khawam founded the Whistleblower Law Firm P.A. in 2012. The firm focuses on the following practice areas: Healthcare fraud, wrongful termination, sexual harassment, corporate fraud, veterans benefits, Qui Tam, Federal OWCP, equal employment matters, whistleblowing, fair labor standards, contract disputes and negotiations, class actions, and matters related to the Family and Medical Leave Act.

Ms. Khawam exclusively practices federal law with a focus on whistleblower laws. She typically practices the following areas: False Claims Act (Qui Tam), Medicare/Medicaid fraud, Veterans Benefits, matters before the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs, the Office of Inspector General, Office of Special Counsel, Merit Systems Protection Board, and last but not least matters that relate to the Whistleblower Protection Act. Also, numerous AFGE Local unions throughout the country voted for Ms. Khawam as their attorney. She is a well known leading criminal defense attorney in Tampa, Florida. Her office has also taken on cases related to divorce, personal injury, and family law matters.

Ms. Khawam and her firm are passionate about representing veterans in their legal matters. She recently represented client Gunnery Sgt. Peter Nolan in his appeal to have his naval records corrected to allow him to receive his disability income, healthcare benefits, and back pay. Natalie Khawam filed an appeal and it was ruled successful in favor of her client, Gunnery Sgt. Peter Nolan and his benefits were reinstated. Natalie worked hard to make this situation right for Mr. Peter Nolan.

Working with Veterans is a top priority for Attorney Khawam, and she ensures that her firm representatives use their expertise to serve those who have been abused or mistreated by the system. While the Whistleblower Law firm encompasses a wide range of specialties, Attorney Khawm is committed to helping the men and women of the armed forces. As noted above, Natalie Khawam was able to help Mr. Gunnery Sgt her client. Peter Nolan win an appeal, that would get him his rightfully earned disability income and health benefits. Unfortunately for Sgt. Peter Bolan, a Department of Defense Physical Evaluation Board, unsuitably claimed he was only ten percent disabled and therefore unfit for duty, which means that Sgt. Nolan was going to lose many things in his like including income, insurance, and health benefits due to being unfit to serve in the military. There was a mistake in the process and Sgt. Peter Nolan knew it. He hired Khawam, and she to submit an appeal over the issue with the Board for Correction of Naval Record and was able to get the benefits and money that he was entitled to. It is sad that people who risk their lives are put under this amount of stress to know if they will have their basic needs met, but attorneys like Natalie Khawam understand what these brave men and women sacrifice, and Khawam is highly motivated to ensure that they receive what they are indeed eligible and deserving of. She is most famous for her involvement in the Petraeus Scandal in 2012.

Often, the law firm will handle cases where employers retaliate against their employees, potentially leading to loss of work, income or benefits. There are several labor laws that exist to protect the rights of employees, and the Whistleblower Law Firm works to enforce those laws. When necessary, the Whistleblower Law Firm can also handle class action lawsuits related to its practice fields.

Aside from the founder and managing member Khawam, the Whistleblower Law Firm’s team consists of several attorneys, management, and support staff who all work to assist clients with their federal employment law and fraud issues. The law firm also has confers with several consultants, who regularly provide expert opinions on matters relating to medical issues and other aspects of federal labor and employment law.

Understanding Whistleblower Law

Whistleblower law encompasses a wide variety of legal matters, referring to cases where one person provides information about another individual committing a crime. For many cases, the so-called whistleblower is an employee who is reporting an illegal act by his or her employer. When the illegal act consists of fraud against the government, it becomes a qui tam whistleblower case.

These types of legal actions allow for employees to speak out about unjust actions. Additionally, employers are not allowed to engage in retaliatory actions against the employee, as long as the whistleblower had a reasonable purpose for believing the illegal act had occurred. A claim does not need to be true for a whistleblower to receive these protections.

These cases can quickly become complex legal matters that require the help of an attorney. Natalie Khawam and the Whistleblower Law Firm help employees protect their rights and bring illegal acts to light.

Case Accomplishments

Throughout its history, the Whistleblower Law Firm has represented many successful cases. One recent case involved a qui tam lawsuit involving an act of healthcare fraud. Khawam represented the case, earning a verdict in favor of her client. The case received a judgment of over $166 million in compensation. This is just one of Khawam’s significant judgments that Khawam has won for her clients.

Additionally, Khawam has represented several cases in favor of veteran’s rights. In one such case, Khawam represented a client who suffered retaliation after speaking up against poor patient care standards in an area VA hospital. Khawam was able to help her client maintain her position at work and continue advocating for fair treatment standards without punishment, as should have been the case initially.

Other accomplishments held by Khawam and the Whistleblower Law Firm include the creation of new case law through trial, setting a precedent for later cases to follow.

Volunteer Experience:
Natalie Khawam currently volunteers as a Guardian ad Litem for the Florida guardian ad Litem Program.

Board Affiliations:
Ms. Khawam is an active member of the Military and Veterans Affairs Committee (MVAC) of the Hillsborough County Bar Association. She is also on the board of directors of the Whistleblowers of America, a non-profit organization that assists and supports whistleblowers that have suffered retaliation after having identified harm to individuals or the public.

Bar Admissions:
Attorney Khawam is admitted to practice law in several Federal Courts across the United States. Natalie is very active in the community as well was a member of the Federal Bar Association. Obviously, a standing member of the Florida Bar. She supports the ABA’s annual Qui Tam conferences in Washington DC and other causes she is proud of.

Public Speaking Engagements:
Natalie Khawam has had numerous speaking engagements and often participates in summits and conferences that focus on whistleblower related matters. Recently, she spoke at the at the Tampa Bay Women CPAs 2018 A&A CPE event in Tampa, Florida, on June 14, 2018, presenting on the topic of whistleblowing. On August 1st 2018, Natalie Khawam moderated the panel titled, “Blowing the Whistle at the Department of Veteran’s Affairs – Another Perspective” at the annual Whistleblower Summit for Civil and Human Rights in Washington DC. There are no Seattle speaking arrangements scheduled at this time.

Ms. Khawam teaches other attorneys the False Claims Act for CLE credits in the state of Florida. She also travels around the country teaching whistleblower laws to numerous federal government employees. She currently doesn’t have any speaking arrangement or classes scheduled in the City of Seattle.

Natalie Khawam, first and foremost, her son, Grayson Paul Wolfe II, is the highest priority in her life. She is an avid tennis player and loves swimming. When she is not advocating for her clients, she spends her spare time traveling and cooking. Previously, Khawam was married to Grayson Wolfe. The divorce was highly publicized in the news. During the process, Khawam received letters that showed support in her favor by General David Petraeus and General John Allen.

Her sister, Jill Kelly, is well known for filing a complaint (received harassing emails by Paula Broadwell) that lead the FBI into investigating CIA Director General David Petraeus and his extramarital affair with Broadwell. Gen. David Petraeus is still married to his longterm wife Holly Knowlton and did not divorce during the controversy.

Trump Impeachment Will Never Happen

President Donald Trump

Many people are not on the Trump train as he continues to cut the tape and create a smaller government. One thing I hear often is how people believe Trump will eventually be impeached. They believe it may come from the Russian probe or something he does down the road as his presidency continues. Lets just cut to the chase. Trump will never be impeached and here is why.

First let’s talk about the position of the President. Being the President of the United States, he is immune from criminal prosecution. It’s protected under the constitution of the United States. Here is what it says exactly from Article I, Section 3: “Judgment in cases of impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States: but the party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to indictment, trial, judgment and punishment, according to law.”. In short, while in office, he is untouchable.

I don’t think people realized that impeachment is a complicated process and it must be voted on and passed on by both parties. It’s a political process – not a trial. Sure the Democrats are on a hunt to stick it to Trump by any means but at the end of the day, the Republicans must also impeach him and that simply isn’t going to happen. A vote to impeach Trump by a republican politician would also put their own job on the line. At this time, Republicans control the house (with 90% approval rating by Republicans) so nothing is going to get by them.

People are also confused about impeachment history. The facts are that no president has ever been impeached successfully. 2 presidents have been through the impeachment process but no President has ever been convicted. Of course, everyone remembers Bill Clinton playing with Monica Lewinsky in the office. He was impeached by the House of Representatives for basically lying about his affair and was charged with perjury and obstruction of justice. Once it was voted on by the Senate, however, he was acquitted. The other President was Andrew Johnson on February 1868. He was accused of violating the Tenure of Office Act. He was acquitted as well, narrowly, with just 1 vote to spare. Those are the only 2 presidents who have faced the impeachment process. Also, if you’re wondering, Richard Nixon was not impeached – he resigned before the process started. The point in all of this is that impeachment is not an easy process and never has been successful.

Keep this in mind. The President has the power to control federal prosecutions and to pardon federal offenses as well. The Department of Justice is an office under the White House and President. If the Department of Justice is under the President then who would sue the President? They are not able to indict Trump no matter what happens or what is discovered. That is why impeachment is a bipartisan political process.

That is why Trump will not be impeached.

Remembering Chris Cornell – Lost Highway Poem

Remembering Chris Cornell

I’m writing to you today due to a strongly felt opinion of matters. With the sudden and
tragic passing of Chris Cornell, it’s safe to say that many of us from all around
the world have grieved as one devastated collective whole.

The generation of my youth, who has been immensely touched by the work of Chris
(Soundgarden, Audioslave and Temple of The dog, etc.) throughout the years has also
been taking it with overwhelmingly deep sorrow.

We are lucky in the sense that through the internet, we have a social media support
team of sorts. Most of us don’t have a soul to cry to in real life or a safe place
to vent our lengthy distraught paragraphs about how much Chris meant to us. As kids,
we’re told to get it over it as some parents think it’s ridiculous to cry over
somebody we barely knew.

That’s where they are wrong.

Within in the last two weeks, I’ve talked to strangers upon strangers. We all have
one thing in common, our outpouring of grief is too much to handle alone by
ourselves. Some of us don’t have the words to express how we feel on the inside.
Chris Cornell’s music has been a place of solace for those who suffer from personal
demons and mental illness. He gave us a peace of mind when we were surrounded by
nothing but pure darkness.

In a roller coaster of such events, we are all searching for someone to comfort us
with words that capture exactly how we feel within our grief-ridden heads. It makes
us feel less alone. That’s the beauty of literature, and it’s one of the main
reasons why I’m a writer/poet. Since that dreadful day, I have written a quartet of
tribute poems for Chris and have posted them all throughout social media.

Though I post my poems as my own intimate body of work, an expressive reliever from
my personal troubles. Something came out of those poems that I never would have
thought to happen. People began to compliment me, thank me – within days I had
received a small heartfelt pile of messages from people who said that my tributes
resonated with them on such a deep level and that it lessened their pain to know
that other people felt the same overload of emotions that they did.

I could never have comprehended such a heartfelt reaction, I wasn’t the biggest –
nor was I the most knowledgeable Cornell fan in the world. A couple of his songs had
managed to strike a chord in me during my darkest depressions, but that was more
than enough to make me feel utterly heartbroken and destroyed at his passing.

After seeing such an emotional response from those online, it’s made me want to take
a giant leap and comfort others on a wider level. One of the most fulfilling gifts
as a writer for me is to help people with my words.

It’s my goal to express what others cannot. As as private sufferer of so much, I
want to let people know that they are not alone in their struggles and that this can
be overcome with taking comfort in the supportive fact that so many others across
the globe are feeling exactly the same way.

And it seems I’m not the only one who believes in the power of words. The Chris
Cornell fans that have reached out to me personally, they believe you should publish
my poem as not only a tribute – but as a public relationship status of emotions that
most of us are still feeling. A mental soother to the souls who don’t have a voice
as they mourn ever so strongly.

I’m not a person who boasts with arrogance when talking about my work. In fact, I
only wish to do this out of the hope that this could potentially help those closest
to home. I’ve never had any of my poems officially published. If I were to choose a
purpose for my first print, I couldn’t think of a better reason than this.

I wouldn’t be the person I am today without the genius souls of music.

Music remains as a major source of inspiration for my poetry. It pushes me and helps
spread my creative wings in soaring heights that I wouldn’t have dared to think
venture by myself. Some of my greatest influences in life come from your city.

It would be a lifelong dream to pay homage to the men of music that saved me in
terms of artistic exploration/expression and of course, as a human being who has
endured many painful things. I want to pay tribute to Chris Cornell.

These words of mine were written with the utmost of love and respect for the man
himself. But I’m not the one who gives meaning to my words. Only the audience bears
that strength. So here is a few messages from those who have their own strong
reasons as to why my poem deserves to be published.

By – Liliana Torre

“It’ll be a great thing for his fans to see and it might get you noticed cause when
I read it, it really was what I was feeling and so many other people feel that way.
That’s all the reaffirmation you need and to put it simply, it’s exactly what his
fans relationship with his music is.

You said it in the most perspicacious and beautiful way and it deserves to be more.
I feel this is the quintessential Chris tribute from his fans aka you. You are our
voice. I really believe in this and the effect it could have on people’s lives and
yours. Go for it.” – Violet – 20 years old, America.

“I agree with Violet! It’s a beautiful poem that deserves and needs to be known! It
express what we’re all feeling. It’s a beautiful tribute to Chris Cornell. Just go
ahead and send it.” – Salomé – 21 years old, Portugal.

“Submit it – It was a beautiful poem that deserves to be heard. I bet a lot of
Chris’s fans will appreciate your kind and moving words about him.” – Anonymous.

“You should publish these…notes from the heart of a music lover.” – Keia – Late 20s,
Brooklyn, New York.

So there you have it. In the end, it’s your choice. I’ve been unexpectedly nominated
as a voice, one that has helped others in ways that I could never have imagined. I’m
beyond grateful for all the support and encouragement that I’ve been blessed enough
to receive. But with your help, you can make our connected voice stronger.

I may just be a girl from the other side of the world.

But I sincerely want to help those who wish to remember Chris Cornell in every way
possible, I hope you will help us too. Here is my poem, it’s called “Lost Highway”
and I dedicate it to Chris Cornell in the highest of regards.

“I cling to your voice like a reluctant child that’s lost.
My gathered thoughts officially belong to your cause.
Choking constantly with harsh tears that refuse to bleed.
You were always there for me in my darkening time of need.

My face is expressionless because my heart is strained with the cries of pained
poetry. I can’t comprehend the present, only the past – for that’s where you’ll
forever last.

It’s like my body’s being savagely ripped to pieces, only to be told it’s the work
of jesus. It’s punching me in the throat with a hardened fist and yet I no longer
wish to believe this.

I’m laying in a comforting museum that’s filled with your screaming artwork of
sound. Your echoing words caress my torn skin with precision but you’re nowhere to
be found. I keep exploring within your eyes as an act of grace to help forget this
grieving craze. Trying to resist the urge of becoming hopelessly attached but your
spirit already exists in my endured panic attacks.

Searching for a solace whilst turning the faucet of your triggering absence.
Breathless at the haunting delivery of your speech that I simply cannot bear to
complete. The universal hugs of others soothe my denying soul as our mutual
connection saves us from being sold. Though there’s still so much to say to you in
terms of appreciative love, I just hope you can hear me from way up above.”

Liliana Torre

Will AI Force Governments to Implement Universal Basic Income?

Neural Lace Technology

Elon Musk is known for making bold yet educated predictions about the future of the world and space. The real-life Tony Stark has recently been speaking out about the role artificial intelligence will play in the future of mankind. His most recent speaking engagement at the World Government Summit in Dubai proved to be another interesting speech about the role of technology in the near future. The rapt audience was riveted by Musk’s latest thoughts on artificial intelligence and challenges humans will face when AI becomes more commonplace. Musk getting into AI is another example of why he is the The 21st Century Father of Invention.

The World Government Summit in Dubai is a symposium that includes some of the most prominent leaders from both public and private sectors, as well as international thought leaders and pioneers. It is an engaging, inspirational, thought-provoking, and future-focused dialogue that is designed to help guide and shape the future of governments and their citizens. It is a diverse open dialogue that covers a wide variety of topics that focus on the wellbeing on humanity. The ultimate goal is to set an agenda for the future by learning how to harness technology in order to ensure the success of future generations. Elon Musk among others spoke out about the challenges that the world will face if the world doesn’t plan now. Musk strongly supports humanity and future climate changes. Recently, he expressed to the White House that he will be leaving Trump’s advisory board if the US parts with the Paris climate accord.

Musk’s enthralling speech focused on what he believes will be on of the world’s biggest challenges in the next one hundred years. The talk centered on three main components that Musk believes will be the cause of humanity’s greatest threat.

These three components included artificial intelligence, automation and job displacement.

In the beginning of his speech, Musk was asked about the challenges that humans will face in the next 100 years, he told the audience that he believes artificial intelligence will eventually will surpass its reliance on humanity and completely rule our world. This will create what Musk refers to as a dangerous situation for humanity.

He stated in a stark warning, “deep artificial intelligence, or artificial general intelligence, where you can have artificial intelligence that is much smarter than the smartest human on Earth, this is a dangerous situation.”

Musk believes that we should approach how we develop AI with caution instead of gusto. Technology is all encompassing in our lives. Innovation in the 21st century is mostly focused on the advancement of technology and artificial intelligence plays a huge part in that advancement. He has spoken in the past about the danger humanity faces when artificial intelligence reaches peak intelligence. He has been so passionate about this issue that he has actually started a company that will hopefully someday merge the human brain with artificial intelligence so that humans can keep pace with AI.

During his speech, he touched on the disservice that he believes the scientific community is currently committing by not being careful. He noted, “I think we need to be very careful in how we adopt artificial intelligence and that we make sure that researchers don’t get carried away. Sometimes what will happen is a scientist will get so engrossed in their work that they don’t really realize the ramifications of what they’re doing.”

Musk believes that the rise in AI will cause a rise in automation, which equates to a rise in job displacement. He believes that the industry that will be impacted the most by autonomous technology is the transportation sector. Musk proposes that these large-scale layoffs will occur not in 75 or even 50 years, but he believes that it will happen in the next two decades. He argues that the transportation industry won’t be the only industry to experience these substantial layoffs, there will be a domino effect that will see other areas of the workforce being forced out of work. This is why Musk thinks that the world’s governments should implement a universal basic income to compensate for the lack of jobs. “I don’t think we’re going to have a choice,” he said. “I think it’s going to be necessary. There will be fewer and fewer jobs that a robot cannot do better.”

The loss of jobs is not the only challenge that humanity will face when the machines take over. Most people derive a sense of self from their employment. People define their identities by their jobs or careers. He poses the question of how will humans find meaning in their life without their jobs. He says, “A lot of people derive meaning from their employment. If you’re not needed, what is the meaning? Do you feel useless? That is a much harder problem to deal with. How do we ensure the future is a future that we want, that we still like?”

Elon Musk’s talk at the World Summit was a riveting one that brought some valid concerns to the forefront of the world news. These are ideas and concerns that need to be addressed sooner rather than later. Even if Musk’s timeline isn’t accurate, it is still a very real threat that needs to be addressed. Advancement in technology is moving at an astounding rate and planning ahead and creating programs now will help to stop the collapse of the world economy. Whether or not you agree with Musk, it is hard to deny the fact that the dizzying pace of technological advancement is starting to diminish the need for humans in certain jobs. Musk is creating a call to action for the governments of the world to think and plan for this very uncertain future.



Elon Musk’s Newest Venture Pursues Neural Lace Technology

SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk is backing a new venture called Neuralink. The company is focused on creating devices that can be implanted in the human brain. The eventual purpose of Neuralink is to help humans merge with software and keep pace with advancements in artificial intelligence. Neuralink will pursue “neural lace” brain-interface technology to bridge the gap between AI and humans.

According to The Memo, Neural lace would be a fourth layer on the top of our brains. Human brains have three layers building up from the center, a reptilian brain, a limbic system, and a neocortex. Neural lace would physically attach to our brain matter so our minds can connect directly to the internet.

“I don’t love the idea of being a house cat, but what’s the solution? I think one of the solutions that seems maybe the best is to add an AI layer,” Musk said. “Something I think is going to be quite important—I don’t know of a company that’s working on it seriously—is a neural lace.”

Musk said a neural lace would work “well and symbiotically” with the rest of a human’s body, acting as a merger between biological and digital intelligence.

Neuralink will build a brain-computer interface or “neural lace” that will eventually upload thought to the internet. Before this happens, the technology be focused on helping those with epilepsy, Parkinson’s and depression, and restore function to people with stroke and brain injury.

Neuralink may sound far-fetched and futuristic, but Musk’s pattern of building new companies based on uncharted territory follows a familiar pattern. Use SpaceX and Tesla as examples. Both used the same model, starting with near-term products that weren’t nearly as ambitious as later efforts to lead to grand designs, like landing on Mars or affordable, mass-produced electric cars. While these efforts are still in the works, Musk has taken them further than anyone before him.

Neuralink is registered as a “medical research” company in California last summer, with Jared Birchall listed at the president, CEO, and CFO of the company.

Read about the Elon Musk’s launch of Neuralink. (

Learn more about how it all started with Elon Musk (

Is Colin Kaepernick Coming To Seattle?

Colin Kaepernick Seattle

There have been rumors swirling for a while now in the sports world that ex-49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick could potentially coming to Seattle. It was reported this morning that the free agent came to Seattle to meet with the team. Currently, the Seahawks are the only team that has showed any interest in Kaepernick since the 49ers relieved him of his contract this year.

It was reported that besides Kaepernick, the Seahawks are looking at former Denver Broncos, Cleveland Browns and St. Louis Rams backup QB Austin Davis as potential backup quarterbacks for the team.

None of the other teams in the league are pursuing Kaepernick. His abysmal season last year combined with his outspoke nature put him in the media spotlight and not in a good way. His political statements during games put him at odds with the league, his teammates and the media. He was lambasted in the media and that bad press has continued to follow him. Outside of the Seahawks, he has no real opportunities.

The Seahawks are in need of a consistent backup quarterback this upcoming season. The fate of their current backup is up in the air. During the offseason, the Seahawks backup Trevone Boykin has been facing potential legal trouble. Texas authorities filed a motion to potentially revoke Boykin’s probation following his involvement in a crash last month in Dallas plus a December 2015 bar fight in San Antonio. Russell Wilson also had to sit games out due to injuries so the Seahawks are in need of a reliable backup quarterback.

Kaepernick has been training hard since he was let go from the 49ers. His trainer, Josh Hidalgo, says that Kaepernick is training with him like he is preparing for the upcoming season. It seems that Kaepernick is working to get in shape and ready for any team willing to take him.

Preservation with a Purpose – Big Winner at Recent Auction

Mt Rainier Seattle Washington

(SEATTLE, WA – 5/24/17) Preservation with a Purpose is the Big Winner at Recent Auction
$104,000 raised for historic structures in Washington’s national parks

Washington’s National Park Fund (WNPF) recently held its annual Spring Dinner &
Auction, and raised a record-breaking $300,000 for Mount Rainier, North Cascades and
Olympic National Parks. With the theme ‘Preservation with a Purpose,’ the event’s
Fund-A-Need raised $104,000 for historic structures within the parks. The projects

North Cascades National Park — Buckner Historic House: Located in North Cascades
National Park’s remote Stehekin Valley, the Historic Buckner House (built between
1914 and 1925) lies within the Buckner Homestead Historic District. The district is
listed on the National Register of Historic Places as an outstanding example of
early settlement and pioneer farming. A prime visitor attraction, the historic
district is managed by the North Cascades National Park as an interpretive site.
Over its 100-year history the stone and log foundation has dramatically and unevenly
settled. By 2014 the back portion of the house was 12 inches lower than the front.
In 2014-2015, the park’s Preservation Crew successfully lifted the house into level
alignment and retrofitted a reinforced concrete foundation. This new foundation was
specifically designed to allow for placement of log and stone masonry fascia on the
exterior where visible to retain its historic character. Using the original
materials, this project will recreate the stone masonry and log foundation along the
three exposed foundation walls, thus preserving the historic character of the

Olympic National Park — Dodger Point Lookout: The trail to Olympic National Park’s
Dodger Point Lookout begins in the Elwha Valley and follows the Long Ridge Trail
5,000 vertical feet over 13 miles, ending at the Dodger Point Lookout. Constructed
by the US Forest Service Civilian Conservation Corps in 1933, it predates the
creation of the park in 1938. It is the last remaining fire lookout on the Olympic
Peninsula and has all the fire-finding equipment intact within the building. It was
also used as an Aircraft Warning Service station, and was placed on the National
Register of Historic Places in 2007. Due to the park’s wilderness designation, work
must be completed with minimal tools which are brought onto the site by stock only
— no helicopters.

Mount Rainier National Park — Ipsut Creek Cabin: The Ipsut Patrol Cabin was built
by the National Park Service in 1933 to serve staff and visitors at the Ipsut Creek
Campground. Major flooding in 2006 undercut the structure and it was moved and
rebuilt nearby, but not finished. Located near the Carbon River entrance, this
Preservation with a Purpose project will complete the restoration of the historic
cabin, making it operational. Rangers will once again be able to occupy the cabin
while traversing Mount Rainier National Park’s backcountry, aiding visitors in need,
and providing trail maps and directional assistance to those visiting the area.

As our nation’s national parks face a $12 billion deferred maintenance backlog,
friends’ groups like WNPF are critical in meeting the needs of our nation’s special

About Washington’s National Parks Fund
Washington’s National Park Fund (WNPF) is the official philanthropic partner of
Mount Rainier, North Cascades, and Olympic National Parks, which span more than 1.6
million acres of the Evergreen state. Annually, WNPF allocates monies to more than
75 otherwise unfunded projects with the goal of deepening the public’s love for,
understanding of, and experiences in Washington’s National Parks. Get involved at

Preservation with a Purpose:
Dodger Point Long-Time Volunteer:

To the Parks!

PS: Have you heard about our Spring Fireside Circles in the parks? Check them
out: – registration is open now!

Kelly Sanderbeck
Donor Development Manager
Washington’s National Park Fund
1904 3rd Avenue, Suite 400
Seattle, WA 98101 (206) 623-2063

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