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The TR Master Journal List is not a Journal Whitelist


The Thomson Reuters Master Journal List is not a journal whitelist and should not be used as one. Numerous low-quality and predatory journals are announcing their inclusion in this list as a mark or guarantee of quality, fooling many.

The purpose of the list is to serve as a comprehensive list of journals included in at least one of 24 different journal indexes produced by Thomson Reuters. If a journal is included in one or more of these indexes, it appears in the master list.

This is a problem because the barrier for entry into some of the Thomson Reuters indexes is very low. Take the index called Zoological Record, for example. It includes over 4700 journals, including many predatory journals that are unworthy of being included in any quality scholarly index.

Don’t be fooled by this list.

The journal shown in the top image above, Investigaciones Europeas de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa (IEDEE) is an example. It provides misleading information about the TR Master List.

On its home page, the journal declares,


The Master Journal List includes all journal titles covered in Web of Science (WoS). This means that articles published in the journal will be searchable, discoverable and citable in Web of Science.”

This is somewhat misleading. It’s included in one of Thomson Reuters easiest databases to get into, its Emerging Sources Citation Index.

Here’s a screenshot of the journal’s entry on the TR Master List:

The whole truth.

As you see, according to the entry, it’s only included in Emerging Sources Citation index, a list I’ve documented as containing junk journals.

I encourage all ministries of education, all universities and colleges, all academic departments, and all funding agencies to stop using the Thomson Reuters Master List as a measure of quality.

The list is filled with dozens or hundreds of low-quality and predatory journals. Using this list as a quality indicator actually promotes the lower quality, open-access journals included in it, for it serves as advertising for them, drawing in authors seeking easy and fast acceptance of their article submissions.

By: Jeffrey Beall
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Source: Scholarly Open Access

Bair Hugger Warming System

Bair Hugger Warming System

There has been some false information and harmful rumors being spread around regarding the Bair Hugger Warming System and Dr. Michelle Stevens the Chief Medical Officer for 3M Infection Prevention Division, wants to set the record straight in the video “Straight Talk about 3M™ Bair Hugger™ Warming Therapy”. The facts are online also. Dr. Stevens has been a practicing physician for almost two decades and has been an expert advisor to hospitals and other medical professionals on the issue of preventing infection. In the video she examines the Bair Hugger System and the multitudes of benefits that is provided to patients before, during and after surgery and dismisses any negative information surrounding the system.

Anyone who has preformed surgery in an operating room knows that keeping the temperature cool in the room and anesthesia can cause the body to cool very quickly. The operating room staff understands that during surgery because a patient’s body can lose body heat very quickly there are many types of potential complications that can occur during or maybe after surgery. Certain complications like infection, heart problems, or blood transfusions that would otherwise not be needed, could happen once the body’s core temperature drops. These types of complications can lead to longer stays in the hospital and higher death rates.

Dr. Stevens says that the solution to these potential complications is Bair Hugger Warming Therapy. The system is beneficial for patients to help keep their body temperature normal during surgery. She says that, “Study, after study, after study has shown that actively warming patients can prevent heat loss and reduce the risk of complications.” Bottom line, 3M’s Bair Hugger blankets and gowns keep people warm during surgery thus preventing potential complications.

How the gown and blankets work is very simple. The gown or blanket is placed on top of the patient and warm air is circulated through it and that warmth helps keep the patient’s body temperature at a normal level. Over the course of 30 years Bair Hugger blanket has been used over 200 million times. Due to the success of the system, 3M acquired the system in 2010 and continues to back the effectiveness of this system today. 3M also continues to invest and research in the field of patient warming because they are driven by the wants and needs of their patients. Both doctors and hospitals around the world have given positive feedback to 3M about the effectiveness of the Bair Hugger.

In spite of the positive feedback and the studies that have consistently proven that Bair Hugger has helped the health of patients worldwide, a competitor has been trying to scare people about the Bair Hugger. This particular individual claims that using the Bair Hugger Blankets can lead to infections and has focused on using scare tactics to frighten people undergoing hip or knee replacements. Due to these assertions, 3M has taken the time to look into these claims by consulting with top specialists in the field who Dr. Stevens has a very high regard for concerning this issue. After extensive research and consulting with these top experts, 3M is positive there is no base to these claims. Unfortunately, a few plaintiff lawyers have gotten wind of these false claims and have convinced some patients to sue 3M for infections that they may have contracted during or after surgery. To date, there has been no connection made between the Bair Hugger and infections during or after surgery. 3M is confident that the Bair Hugger system has not cause harm to anyone. Dr. Stevens wants to assure current and future patients that the system is safe.

Dr. Michelle Stevens concludes the video by saying, “There is overwhelming evidence that the use of Bair Hugger Warming Therapy is associated with improved surgical outcomes” This is why leading health care organizations worldwide continue to use Bair Hugger and recommend that it be used in surgery. She encourages anyone with any questions to contact their healthcare provider or to contact 3M directly.

Overview of Bair Hugger:
Bair Hugger is a warming system used by hospitals to moderate body temperature before, after, and during surgery. Introduced for use in 1988, and developed by Dr. S. Augustine, the Bair Hugger has been used by most major hospitals across the United States. The Bair Hugger system has been used over 200 million times since its invention and continues to grow and be used by medical providers across the globe. The system is used in over 80% of U.S. hospitals today.
Bair Hugger’s are made out of soft and comfortable material to lay across the patient and evenly distribute heat across the patient’s body. Bair Huggers are used to keep patients safe and assist in the different stages of surgery. Bair Huggers blankets warming units’ filter air, then force warm air through the Bair Hugger blankets. These blankets are disposable. The warm air is dispersed evenly throughout the blanket to keep the patient warm. Medical providers know the importance of patient warming technology, and have counted on the Bair Hugger to assist patients in medical related procedures for over 20 years.

Health Care providers speak highly of the Bair Huggers purpose in the medical field:

“We use Bair Hugger therapy for every case, every day. This included 600 pediatric urology cases in 2011. This product has allowed us to keep our pediatric patients normothermia (normal body temperature) even though we keep our rooms cool.” – Gregg P., New Brunswick, NJ

“We love Bair Hugger products in our OR. Knowing the patient is normothermic (normal body temperature) and comfortable frees the nurse to implement other safety measures and utilize their time wisely.” – Kristina J., Findlay, OH

“We do 30-50 cases a day, and we use Bair Hugger therapy for our patients. The patients like them, and as the manager of the pre-op and PACU (recovery room), I feel Bair Hugger [therapy] is a reliable product.” – Shane S., Clackamas, OR

As seen above, the Bair Hugger is appreciated by multiple parties who work to keep patient comfort and safety a priority. From nurses, to pediatrics, to cardiac care, a wide range of health providers rely on these blankets to ensure good patient outcomes. The Bair Hugger, primarily and traditionally used in a hospital setting, has also been used in emergency situations to save lives. It has been used in the Trauma Ward for U.S. soldiers in Iraq, warming runners at the Boston Marathon who needed medical treatment, treating a hypothermic man after a car accident, and many more instances. This warming system has saved countless lives.

The Bair Hugger is a trusted and widely used practice. Since 1988 it has been improving the quality of care that patients receive and hospitals are able to provide. Moderating body temperature is of upmost importance before, after, and during surgery. This method will continue to be used by health care providers around the globe to ensure positive patient outcomes. Safe and tested technology like the Bair Hugger will continue to better the future of health care. The Bair Hugger has made its mark in the health care sector as a safe and trusted way to help patients.

Below you’ll find a short video about Bair Hugger hosted by Michelle Stevens, the chief medical officer of 3M’s Infection Prevention Division:

Overview of Bair Hugger
The 3M Bair Hugger Warming System is a convective temperature management system used within hospital to maintain a patient’s core body temperature pre, during, and post a surgical procedure. The Bair Hugger system consists of a reusable warming unit and a single-use disposable warming blankets, gowns, and other technologies. This medical device launched in 1987 and is currently manufactured by the 3M Company. The Bair Hugger warming system is used by more than 80 percent of U.S. hospitals and is considered the gold standard of warming systems used in hospitals today.

Forced Air Warming Basics
The Bair Hugger warming system draws in the filtered air of the operating room, passes it through an internal filter and warms that air to the selected temperature. The warmed air flows to a single-use Bair Hugger warming blanket through an enclosed hose and is then gently dispersed across the surface of the skin. All surgeries include an element of risk, especially surgical site infections. Anesthesia can change the body temperature, and doctors take this into account when thinking about patient care. If body temperature is not closely monitored, a surgery can quickly take a turn for the worst. As a solution to this common issue, hospitals and surgical centers often use warming technology to warm the patient, to maintain normal body temperature throughout surgery. This method of body regulation is popular among hospitals and doctors because of its low cost, effectiveness, and safety. This method of surgical warming is heavily studied and monitored and has said that is can improve overall patient outcome and patient comfort.

Hypothermia Risk and Prevention
Surgery is a complicated process, and unintended hypothermia adds one more factor to the equation. Unintended hyperthermia is a common but preventable aspect to surgery and occurs in 50% of all surgical patients. Even mild hypothermia can cause a post surgical crisis. Patient temperature management often is a secondary thought instead of a required standard. It is also a significant financial benefit of reducing hypothermia rates in surgical patients. Studies have demonstrated that maintaining normothermia can result in savings of $2,500 to $7,000 per patient by eliminating the costs of hypothermia-related complications, including surgical site infections.

Patient Satisfaction
Patient satisfaction has come to the forefront of healthcare in the recent years. Patients now have more say over who treats them, how they want to be treated, and where they want to be treated. This has put a new pressure on hospitals to accommodate these patient requests and expectations. A happy customer is likely to return to the service where they had a positive experience. One way that patients can be satisfied with their hospital stay is by being comfortable. With Bair Hugger warming technology, caregivers can replace standard hospital gowns with a forced-air warming gown can boost patient satisfaction and comfort. It has also been found that forced-air warming can reduce patient anxiety. For a patient, surgery can bring a lot of anxiety, no matter how prepared you are or how much homework and investigation you did on your particular surgery, you are still placing your trust in the caregivers and experts around you. Reducing patient anxiety is correlated with fewer interventions, a quality experience, and in some cases requiring less anesthesia. With Bair hugger blankets to regulate body temperature, patients can expect a reduction in the rate of infection, and shorter hospital stays. According to 3M Bair Hugger Technology, “Whenever our customers and their patients see the Bair Hugger brand’s modernized, symbolic icon, we want them to understand that one of the most passionate, patient-focused organizations in the world stands with them to support successful surgical outcomes.”

Gowns and Blankets
The Bair Hugger warming gown system has added a new level of comfort to patient care. While the gown creates a sense of comfort and warmth, it is also performing the important job of safeguarding against the complications and risk that come with unintended hypothermia. Hospital gowns can feel clinical and cold, so a warming gown is just a small but impactful tool used to increase both patient recovery and comfort. While hospitals exist to heal people, it can become a positive experience if a certain level of ease and comfort is achieved.

When you’re recovering after surgery, it’s nice to be warm, but it’s more important that your doctors and caregivers can regulate your body temperature It’s vital to watch when patients are undergoing complex surgical procedures. That’s why 3M Bair Hugger warming blanket system has connected ideas and inspiration, people and products, to make sure these needs are met. The Bair Hugger system has demonstrated, flexible temperature management solutions designed to help you achieve your patient normothermia goals without compromising surgical access. From pediatric to geriatric, simple to challenging. We’ve got you covered. Bair Hugger blanket warming system offers 25 blanket models.

Why is Normothermia so Significant?
The maintenance of a normal core body temperature, called normothermia, is a critical component of patient safety. Core temperatures outside the normal range pose a risk in all patients undergoing surgery and have been associated with an increased risk of surgical complications, including surgical site infections. The difference between a positive patient outcome and a complicated recovery can be a matter of degrees. Unintended perioperative hypothermia is a frequent, yet preventable, complication of surgery. It can increase the rate of wound infection, extend recovery time, and extend the length of stay. The 3M Bair Hugger normothermia system provides a comprehensive solution that works seamlessly throughout the perioperative process to effectively and efficiently measure and manage patient temperature. Medical devices are no longer products you sell to doctors or nurses based on popularity or likeability. They are tools that must contribute to better outcomes while providing an economic benefit worthy of investment. Bair Hugger blankets provide the kind of outcomes providers are hoping for at a price that is reasonable. The patient warming industry is just small piece to the healthcare environment.

Bair Hugger Safety
The 3M Bair Hugger Patient Warming System is safe to use in orthopedic and other procedures. The FDA cleared this technology to treat and prevent hypothermia more than 25 years ago. 3M has built its reputation as a credible, science-based company by making products customers can rely upon. 3M Health Care earns the trust of healthcare providers every day by making products for patients that are safe, effective and improve the quality of care. 3M would not continue to sell a product if there was a reason to believe it harmed patients or providers.

Bair hugger warming units are a reasonable size, not difficult to operate and are not heavy. These qualities give them an easy and no obtrusive status in the surgery room. Bair Hugger have different ways to mount in patient rooms and allow each facility to use them in a way that makes sense. Patients come in all shapes and sizes, and Bair hugger gowns and warming technology are made to accommodate the wide range of patients that hospitals and care facilities see. Bair Hugger has even added features like adhesive strips, head drapes, drain holes, and tie strings to gowns for patient comfort and recovery ease. Many of these additions were included in products because Bair Hugger values its customer’s opinions and feedback, always looking for ways to improve the patient experience and satisfaction. The Bair Hugger temperature monitoring system is the most recent technology platform to join the portfolio, and it’s an important one. This product offers an accurate, not invasive way to measure and account for body temperature before surgery, in the operation room, and the PACU, getting rid of the need for multiple temperature reading products. It streamlines the process and doesn’t give too much variation in data that practitioners were seeing when using multiple machines.

Operation Room Air Flow Study
Any good and trustworthy product can prove its effectiveness and safety, and Bair Hugger did that by testing the operation room flow air study, proving the warming equipment was not negatively impacts or affecting the outcomes of surgery. A scientific research project was conducted to test this question. In the end, the facts and outcomes concluded the that Bair Hugger Warming System did not disrupt the normal airflow patterns of an operating room and did not move air from the floor to the surgical site in hip replacement producers.

The study had three parts that were explored. The first part was investigation advanced mathematical calculation based upon the fundamental laws of physics to track the pats of airflow in the operating room. The findings showed that the air from the Bair Hugger System avoided the sensitive surgical site. The air from the warming system was traveling away from the surgical table and moved towards the room exhaust vents along with the air beneath the operating table and did not move towards the surgical site.

The second part of the study involved experiments performed in an operating room with flow visualization studies that deliberately injected visible fog into multiple locations in the room. First behind the anesthesia screen where the Bair Hugger air would exit near the patient’s head. Second, underneath the surgical table. And third, next to the surgical table, near the surgical team, and near the surgical site. This investigation found that downward clean moving air from ceiling supply ducts in an operating room inhibited air from other sources from intruding into the surgical region. The downward flow of clean air worked regardless of whether the Bair Hugger Warming System was used or not.

The last section of the investigation included a review of the scientific literature. The best scientific work did not show any causal link between the use of a Bair Hugger Warming System and surgical site infections. More than 170 clinical studies have utilized the Bair Hugger system, and studies have demonstrated forced-air warming’s usefulness.

In Conclusion
The 3M Bair Hugger warming blanket system is the most used and studied method of surgical warming in the country, with its clinical benefits, efficacy, and safety well documented in more than 170 studies and more than 60 randomized controlled clinical trials.

Did you know the Bair Hugger warming blanket system is the preferred patient warming device of U.S. healthcare facilities (and 8 of the top 10 orthopedic hospitals1) and is supported by numerous healthcare organizations because of its proven safety and effectiveness? The Bair Hugger warming blanket system has become an indispensable component in the care of surgical patients, providing safe and effective warming therapy to patients across the globe. Next time you are getting surgery and see Bair Hugger warming technology in the room, you can be assured that your team and hospital is giving you the golden standard on patient warming technology. With all different variables and unknowns of surgery, regulating your body temperature shouldn’t be one of them. Caregivers rely on the warming technology of Bair Hugger for patient positive patient outcomes and comfort.

FAQ’s about Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

Girl Stressed On Therapy Photo

With continuing uncertainty over the safety of long term use of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), many women are seriously considering either coming off it or avoiding taking it altogether. However, finding a safe and effective replacement can be very confusing. So what can you do to escape the Menopausal Maze?

Q. I’m on HRT. What do I do to come off?

A. If you wish to come off HRT it is advisable to discuss this with your GP first and to plan the best way to stop. Recent indications suggest coming off gradually over three to four months is best. If you stop instantly you run the risk of developing severe symptoms. Wait until you completely stop the HRT before taking any of the hormonal remedies.

Q. I had menopausal symptoms before I went on to HRT. What do I do if they returning when I come off?

A. There are many natural remedies for menopausal symptoms. Match your symptoms with the remedies outlined below:
Hot flushes/night sweats
Sage tincture*
Hot flushes/night sweats, mood swing,
depression, aches and pains, vaginal dryness tincture of Black Cohosh*
Lethargy, stress, loss of libido, vaginal dryness
Siberian Ginseng* & Avena sativa
Stress, anxiety, mood swings
Avena sativa, Passiflora, Female Essence
Prevention of osteoporosis

* These remedies are not recommended if you have had or are having treatment for any hormonally induced cancer. Also check with your doctor or healthcare professional for any contraindications.

Q. I don’t have any menopausal symptoms despite my periods gradually disappearing. What should I take?

A. Lucky you! This is the way it is supposed to be! Maintain your diet and lifestyle and add in a vitamin E supplement and Urticalcin to help prevent osteoporosis. If you do start to experience any symptoms, consider the remedies listed above.

Q. I am 65 (live in Seattle) and I am still experiencing flushes and irritation. What can I take?

A. If you are over 65 or your menopause started more than 10 years ago it is more than likely that your own hormone levels have tailed off and that, if you are experiencing what looks like menopausal symptoms it may, in fact, indicate adrenal stress. A hormonal remedy such as Menosan or Black Cohosh is unlikely to work. Try Urtica (nettle), a vitamin B complex and a magnesium supplement. If you feel stressed or anxious take Avena sativa or Passiflora Complex too.

Here is some general advice on a pain free menopause –
There are many simple things you can do for yourself regardless of the symptoms you may be experiencing.

Eat a well balanced, wholesome diet and don’t miss meals low blood sugar levels can trigger hot flushes!
Ensure that you have regular bowel movements (at least one a day) constipation can be a major factor in causing hot flushes!
Drink plenty of plain water at least a liter and a half.
Take regular exercise a brisk half hour walk a day can work wonders!
Deal with stress. Stress causes the release of chemicals that promote hot flushes!
Take a mineral supplement. Your local health food shop will be able to advise you on a good quality one.

Drink coffee or other caffeinated drinks. These are a real no-no for the menopause. Take herb teas instead nettle is wonderful for hot flushes; drink a couple of cups a day.
Smoke. No need to say more!
Drink alcohol. If you must have the occasional drink, go for organic wine.

*Always consult your physician before implementing any advice you read online. We’re a newspaper not a doctor.

Beat Your Cold and Flu Symptoms Twice As Fast

Beating A Cold or Flu Twice As Fast

I hate being sick with anything. Living in Seattle in the tech field I work a lot so I really need to be healthy in my job. This is a highly technical report but you might find it useful when it comes to using Echinacea and beating the cold or flu twice as fast.

Years ago, a study commissioned by Bioforce AG showed that Echinaforce was well tolerated and was significantly more effective than placebo in the treatment of influenza infection (Brinkeborn R. M. et al., Phytomedicine 1999). Those using Echinacea experienced a resolution of their cold and flu symptoms twice as fast as those in the placebo group.

Between 2003 and 2006 further clinical studies were published in medical journals of high repute. In some the effect of different Echinacea products is a contentious issue, but the safety is universally described as good.

The quality of Echinacea products being tested is definitely of paramount importance, as is made abundantly clear by an American investigation into Echinacea preparations, which found that 10% of those taken from health stores contained no measurable Echinacea. Of those that actually contained Echinacea, 48% didn’t contain the amount they said they did on the label (Gilroy CM et al. Echinacea and truth in labeling. Arch Intern Med 2003; 163:699-704).

In both the Barrett (2002) and Taylor (2003) trials, which failed to demonstrate efficiency, the authors refer to the possibility that uncertainty as to the quality of the material used could have caused the negative outcome.

In 2004, Goel et al published a trial that demonstrated the efficiency of Echinacea in the treatment of colds and flu, when it is used as soon as a cold starts. At 7 days, 95% of the subjects using Echinacea were free of symptoms compared with only 63% in the placebo group. In their paper, Goel and colleagues note: the wide disparity in different preparations, lack of standardization of products on the basis of active components and undefined dosing procedures are some of the factors that seem to have led to inconsistent and non-reproducible results.

(Goel et al. J Clin Pharm Ther. 2004, 29 (1): 75 83.)

In 2005, Goel published another trial showing that volunteers taking Echinacea purpurea at the onset of a cold had a greater decrease in their daily symptom score than a placebo group. He found a significant and sustained increase in the number of circulating total white blood cells, monocytes, neutrophils and NK cells, as well as an improved mopping up of free radicals, and deduced that this may have led to a faster resolution of the cold

symptoms. (Goel et al. Phytother Res. 2005 Aug; 19 (8): 689-94.)

Much negative or inconclusive work has been done on Echinacea angustifolia, and nothing can be deduced about the effect of Echinacea purpurea from this. The positive results achieved by Brinkeborn and Goel both involved ethanolic extracts (tinctures) of Echinacea purpurea produced from freshly harvested plant material.

In 2004 we were also delighted by the work published by Gertsch, in collaboration with the Clinical Trials Dept. staff at Bioforce AG, which discovered a definitive mechanism of action for Echinaforce. This work pinpointed the action of alkylamides in modulating production of TNF-a (Gertsch J et al. FEBS Letters 2004; 577: 563 569), and confirmed our opinion that Echinaforce is an immunomodulator rather than an immunostimulant.

In 2006 more good news has arrived in the shape of the Cochrane Report, which reviewed 16 controlled clinical trials investigating the effectiveness of several different Echinacea preparations for preventing and treating common colds. They concluded that some preparations based on Echinacea purpurea (including the aerial parts) might be effective for shortening the duration or decreasing the severity of cold symptoms in adults if taken after the onset of those symptoms. (The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2006, Issue 1. Art. No.: CD000530.pub2.)

Then a paper co-authored by two Bioforce AG staff and Professor Johnston from the National Heart and Lung Institute at the Imperial College London examined the data from three Echinacea prevention trials and concluded that there is evidence that use of Echinacea was effective in the prevention of the symptoms of the common cold.

Those using Echinacea were less likely to develop colds when compared to placebo, reducing the incidence by about half. (Schoop R et al. Clinical Therapeutics. 2006: 1: 10.)

As you can see, there is plenty of research showing the efficacy of high quality Echinacea purpurea products, containing the aerial parts, and made from freshly harvested herb.

Other Echinacea products may not be as effective, which brings us back to the need for consumers to be aware that-

All Echinaceas are not the same!

And they need to be very discriminating about which Echinacea they use.

*Always consult with a physician before taking our advice. We are a Seattle newspaper and are not doctors.

Taking a Zinc Supplement

Zinc Supplements For Healthy Living

Recently, when advising a young male patient in Seattle, I recommended he take a zinc supplement. I don’t like taking pills can’t I get it in food? What foods is it in: I’ll eat more of those, he said.

This is a sensible reaction and I welcome it in many cases. Nutrient questions are pretty popular in my physician office in Seattle Washington. In this example – there are situations, however, where it doesn’t necessarily turn out to be the best option for rectifying imbalances in the body.

1. If the patient has poor digestive function and is therefore not absorbing nutrients efficiently from food, even if their diet is good.

2. If the nutritional deficiency is large and it would take a long time on a rather artificially constructed diet to make up the deficit.

3. If the nutrient in question is difficult to find in sufficient quantities in food sources. This is often the case where people are not eating organic food but food grown on nutrient-deprived soil, such as where intensive farming methods are practiced.

There are also certain situations in which people need to increase the supply of nutrients going into their bodies in order to meet increased demand.

1. When undertaking demanding sporting activities or doing a physically demanding job

2. When under pressure at work or at home, with harassing deadlines and insufficient sleep

3. When recovering from illness or coping with a long drawn out problem such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

In these situations, a supplement that provides extra quantities of vital nutrients such as the B vitamins or iron can be extremely helpful.

What is the best option for supplementing the diet?

Our bodies were designed to get their nutrients from food. Taking isolated nutrients that were synthesized in a laboratory isn’t very natural. The most logical option is to take extra nutrients in the form of foods, handily concentrated into a manageable form so that you don’t have to eat several extra meals a day. The reality is that we have so many poor food choices available to us. It’s not just a Seattle thing it is all over this country.

The body will recognize foods as its nutrient source and will be able to unwrap the package to utilize the contents efficiently its the natural way. Everything the nutrient needs to get into the system and work effectively there is present in the whole food form. Many extremely nutritious foodstuffs that you would find difficult to access on a regular basis are provided in botanical supplements sourced from foods, with nothing added or taken away.

So if you need a little extra to keep you going or bring you back to your best, look for botanical supplements, to make it easy for your body to take extra nutrients on board.

There you have it Seattle viewers – Zinc is important but make sure it is taken from a quality source. Some good sources include: Spinach, Shrimp, Pumpkin seeds, Garlic, and Watermelon Seeds to name a few.


*Before taking our advice in this article always consult with a local Seattle physician who is educated to give quality advice. We are a newspaper – not doctors.

Enhancing Your Circulatory System For Better Running

Enhancing Your Circulatory System With Running

I love running in and around Seattle. From Green Lake to Pioneer Square, I am always on the go. I’m a member of several running groups in Seattle and a Running Meetup as well. It is actually one of the my favorite things to do besides eating or sleeping honestly. I have several grandchildren and want to make sure I’m around for a long time and this means to respiratory and circulatory system need to be in tip top shape. I wasn’t always in this great shape though.

Pins and needles are one of the first signs by which we know that our circulatory system is perhaps not reaching the parts that it should. If your circulation is sluggish like mine was, the outlying regions such as fingers and toes will suffer they may be tingly, they may be cold, but they wont be happy. Here is why. The circulatory system is meant to transport blood around the body to take oxygen and nutrients to the cells and take waste matter away. This is vital: no oxygen means tissues die and no waste disposal means toxic build-up in the tissues.

Before anything quite so drastic happens, though, we get advance warning in the form of chilly hands and feet and the pins and needles that mean that blood flow is restricted. It’s not a good sign. The heart needs to be pumping strongly enough to get blood through the whole arterial system, right to those far-flung areas such as the toes. If you have low blood pressure, this is unlikely to be happening. Try Crataegus for 6 to 12 months to bring your blood pressure up to a healthier level. Running and getting in shape helps with this and that is why I’m constantly running around the City of Seattle.

Many people don’t realize that low blood pressure, whilst being useful for reducing heart attacks, causes other symptoms such as dizziness, light-headedness, fatigue and sensitivity to cold, due to the lack of oxygen getting
to the head and the other extremities.

The other factor that contributes to poor circulation is spasm in the arteries, especially the smaller ones that

lead further into the tissues and organs. Here, Ginkgo biloba will help you. It relaxes spasm in the small arteries and allows blood to flow more smoothly out to those areas that might not have had good deliveries for a while. I will take it daily and I believe it helps overall with these issues.

If you’re not sure what is causing your poor circulation, do consult your doctor to check for contributing factors such as low blood pressure. It is safe to take Crataegus and Ginkgo together for a 6 to 12 month period if you want to give your whole circulatory system a good overhaul. If you are concerned about fatty deposits in the arteries, taking Crataegus in the form of Hawthorn-Garlic Capsules will be appropriate, as it contains further ingredients to address this issue.

Remember that you can’t take Ginkgo if you are on Aspirin or Warfarin. The recent research on Ginkgo biloba tincture revealed that it increased blood flow through the capillaries (the tiny blood vessels that lead off from small arteries, deep into the tissues and organs), and even opened up capillaries that were previously unused. Wonderful results from a simple herbal remedy!

Hope this article helps our Seattle residents with better health and happy living. Now go for a run!

*Be sure to always consult a physician before starting any fitness program or taking our advice. The Emerald City Journal Newspaper recommends doing your own research about this topic and verify with a Seattle physician to implement the procedures expressed in this article.

Woody Allen and the Depiction of Strong Women in Film

Woody Allen Photo

Women in film have come a long way. There was a certain way that women were depicted in film that painted them as demure and always a second fiddle to a male character. Even distinct female characters in films still relied on a man to either save the day or protect them from either an emotional or physical calamity. Typically the female character would follow same trope. They mostly had the same characteristics and never quite had the depth that the males character did in film. It was hard to come by a distinct female lead that had in depth character development.

Woody Allen is one of the most recognizable filmmakers of the current and last century. He is known for some of the most prominent films in the last 60 years. Since 1965 Allen has been making films but some of his most loved and cherished films involved some interesting and thought provoking portrayals of women. Movies like Annie Hall, Hannah and her Sisters, Vicky Cristina Barcelona, and Manhattan were all well received by critics and audiences. Some of these films won awards and most of them top multiple lists as some of the most humorous or influential films of the last 100 years. As such a prolific director, Allen covered a variety of topics in his movies mostly relating to relationships and gender issues. But out of all his movies, the ones that had a strong, well-developed female character have been his most loved films.

The women characters in Allen’s movies experience a wide variety of emotions and experience complex situations that help them grow as characters. The movies that have these strong female characters show women that did not conform to the gender stereotypes that were prevalent during that time. It was a departure from the standard female characters in most movies. Leading up to the 1960’s there are a very formulaic portrayal of women in film. The gender stereotypes were rooted in the belief that women in movies were meant to be seen and not heard. Men dominated the complex character narrative and women were relegated to background noise. Woody Allen changed that and created substantial roles for women.

There was a change in how women were viewed in the 1940’s because of the war. When all the men left to fight in the war, women took over in the workplace. They had to take over in different work fields that normally didn’t hire women. They experienced their first sense of freedom outside the home. Women felt like they were accomplishing big things for the first time in their lives. It was a huge step forward for women’s rights. They got the taste of freedom for the first time.

Things changed though when the men came back from war. The women were then sent back to their homes and expected continue on like they did before. It was a struggle because some of these women wanted to once again go out into the workforce and contribute to their household in a different way. But they found it difficult to find jobs. When all the men were off fighting, jobs were in abundance. However, once the men came home, the opportunity dried up but women in general didn’t want to go back to the way things were. Although the pressure to remain at home was strong, women wanted to start pursuing careers and to gain independence.

In the 1950’s this attitude that women should only contribute to the domestic part of household was still very prevalent but women wanted more. Even though they didn’t quite make any headway until later, women started wanting a new representation of what a woman should embody. The Hays Code, otherwise know as the Motion Picture Production Code, was a censorship code in Hollywood that dictated how women were supposed to be represented in films. The code dictated that women had to be married in the film and had to live a domestic life. The women characters had to also had to been shown enjoying this domestic lifestyle. This general representation of women in film started to become less and less appealing to a lot of women who made up a majority of moviegoers in the 1950’s and leading up into the 1960’s.

The 1950’s was considered the Golden Age for Hollywood. The same seven studios churned out movies at a phenomenal pace. These movies followed the same plot, contained the same character development and had the same themes. Women soon grew tired of these trite plots that no longer fit the new narrative. Women were looking for a new type of character and a new type of plot. They wanted the focus to be more about the women characters than the male and they wanted new plot lines and more character development.

Starting in the 1960’s there was a change in attitude when it came to the movie going experience and filmmakers like Woody Allen answered that call. At a time when women were still fighting to gain equal ground, Allen was creating complex female characters that were memorable. Audiences found his plots and characters to be thoughtful, unique and rare. Allen had already made a name for himself as a stand up comedian and a writer and as he delved into directing and writing screenplays, he garnered even more praise and accolades for his genius. His movies that featured strong female characters however are considered some of the most funny and endearing movies of the 100 years.

Woody Allen got his start writing jokes for pay starting at the age of 17. He even had an agent who would sell them to different newspaper publications. He tried attending college but the traditional education route was not for him. He attended New York University and the later attended City College of New York but both times, he ended up dropping out. Soon it wouldn’t matter because at the very young age of 19, he was able to join the NBC Writer’s Development Program in 1955. This was his true start in Hollywood that would soon lead to a very successful career.

The writers program soon led to a full time job working for The NBC Comedy Hour in Los Angeles. He started writing full scripts for shows like The Ed Sullivan Shows, Candid Camera and The Tonight Show. Allen began to gain the reputation as a diligent writer who would spend hours and hours writing a script. Even though he was able to quickly turn around a script, they were still quality scripts. His humor was unparalleled at that time and people started to refer to Allen as a genius.

His writing career soon led to a career in stand up comedy. At first, his humor and stand up routine was not appreciated. Allen focused more on the stand up monologue routine versus telling one joke after another. People did not appreciate the monologue style at first and Allen himself was not like typical stand up comedians during the 1960’s. He had a nervous, intellectual affectation that people didn’t quite understand. However, as attitudes about entertainment began to change so did Allen’s popularity.

The 1960’s saw a radical change in how women viewed their world. Even though the Women’s Rights movement had its roots in the late 19th century and the early 20th century, there was a huge resurgence in the 1960’s. Women were pursuing their intellectual interests along with their careers interests. Women were out protesting for their rights and the 1960’s kick started deep cultural changes in society. Along with this change in attitude came the change in attitudes towards entertainment. This change in the 1960’s led to more women being portrayed in movies as independent people. Female characters started to take center stage in films and Woody Allen was the perfect writer to help bring intricate female characters to life.

Woody Allen’s greatest work involves female characters that are funny, multifaceted and complicated. One of his most famous movies, Annie Hall, received widespread critical acclaim and won the Academy Award for Best Picture in 1978. The movie also won Best Director, Best Original Screen play, and Best Actress. The lead female character, played by Diane Keaton, became one of the most well-loved and well-known female characters of the 20th century. It is hailed as the most loved Woody Allen movie of all time. The plot of the movie follows the comedian Alvy Singer as he tries to find out the reason behind the demise of his relationship with his ex Annie Hall. There are many themes that follow throughout the film, but the character of Annie Hall was the true standout.

The character of Annie Hall is so vivid and down to earth. Women admired the character’s distinct fashion style that was more masculine than feminine. The audience watches as she transforms into an ambitious artist who starts to experiment with life. Annie Hall experiences complex character growth that shows a sense of independence and exploration. She grows to be a very multifaceted character that had mass appeal. The character of Annie Hall is still one of the most loved movie characters of all times. Thanks to the success of this movie Allen then felt the confidence to write more scripts that involved substantial roles for women. He was giving some amazing female actresses the chance to take on the challenge of a complex character.

Women for decades were cast in a certain light in Hollywood. They were given the same typical roles with the same plots in movie after movie. This monotony soon gave way thanks to the need and want for movies with substantial female leads. The entrainment industry in the 1950’s and 1960’s began to experience a decline in profits thanks to a lack of interest. The reason for the lack of interest is that the wants and needs of the typical moviegoer changed. People wanted films that were more intellectual and thoughtful. The Women’s Rights movement helped to aid the change in Hollywood. More and more roles were being written for women. Doors slowly starting opening for women in the entertainment industry and Woody Allen led the way by writing substantial female leads in his movies.

In the NY Times article titled “Annie and Her Sisters”, the author delves into the complexities of Allen and his female leads. There have been a lot of criticism aimed at Allen over the years, but the one thing he says that he has never been accused of is writing poor female leads. Woody Allen himself said in the article, “People have criticized me for being narcissistic. People criticized me for being a self-hating Jew, that’s come up. But not being able to create good women was not aimed at me very often.”

Woody Allen is considered a genius. His movies are considered some of the best movies in the history of films but his most beloved films involved female leads. He writes beautiful, well-rounded female characters that experience life in a unique way and experience growth and independence from those experiences. He writes a female lead that audiences relate to and love. He has the unique ability to write a female character that comes from his ability to observe women and then translate those observations into a beautifully written script. He was one of the directors that really helped to usher in an era in Hollywood that includes some very memorable roles for women.

[Woody Allen Biography]

New Open-Access Publisher Launches with 65 Unneeded Journals

Cute logo, but this publisher is dead on arrival.

A new open-access publisher with the strange name The Scientific Pages launched recently with 65 worthless scholarly journals. All the journals duplicate the coverage of existing subscription and open-access journals.

The publisher gives this as its headquarters address:

The Scientific Pages
1805 N Carson Street
Suite S, Carson City
Nevada 89701, USA

However, this is really the address of The Carson Mail Depot (Web page down now), a rent-a-mailbox company. I don’t know where they’re really based — probably South Asia. The domain name data is blinded.

The publisher is currently spamming for editorial board members, and the spam emails signed by “Nancy Perez,” probably a fake name.

The website text is tortured and ungrammatical. Explaining their copyright policy, they say,

“Any content published with us will hold the copyrights. Thus we recommend to use only with proper citations cited when used. This ensures that the content utilized will be solely for personal purpose and not for commercial usage.

The manuscripts published with the Journal will retain copyrights ownership with authors.”

That makes little sense. Like many predatory publishers, this one tries to place itself as a trusted partner in the open-access movement. Seeking approval, it states ([sic] throughout):

“OA provide many benefits to the scientific community such as, high visibility, retain copyrights, unlimited space constrains for data, rapid publication and dissimilation, high impact, high readership, and citation feasibilities.”


I think their journal cover images all include pictures lifted from the internet. Here’s the cover for their journal The Scientific Pages of Pediatrics:

What’s that under the teal blanket?

All their journal titles begin with the phrase “The Scientific Pages of … ” To me the term “scientific pages” refers to young employees in the library who fetch science books.

So, when you get a spam invitation to join one of their editorial boards or to submit a paper to one of their journals, I recommend you delete it.

Appendix: List of The Scientific Pages journals as of 2016-02-25
1.The Scientific Pages of Addiction and Rehabilitation
2.The Scientific Pages of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics
3.The Scientific Pages of Agricultural Techniques
4.The Scientific Pages of Alzheimer’s Disease & Dementia
5.The Scientific Pages of Anesthesia and Pain Management
6.The Scientific Pages of Artificial Intelligence
7.The Scientific Pages of Atomic and Nuclear Physics
8.The Scientific Pages of Brain Cancer
9.The Scientific Pages of Brain Disorders
10.The Scientific Pages of Botany
11.The Scientific Pages of Breast Cancer
12.The Scientific Pages of Cervical Cancer
13.The Scientific Pages of Cognitive Science
14.The Scientific Pages of Community Medicine
15.The Scientific Pages of Crop Science
16.The Scientific Pages of Depression and Anxiety
17.The Scientific Pages of Dermatology
18.The Scientific Pages of Diabetology
19.The Scientific Pages of Electronics and Communication
20.The Scientific Pages of Emergency Medicine
21.The Scientific Pages of Endocrinology and Metabolism
22.The Scientific Pages of Family Medicine
23.The Scientific Pages of Forest Research
24.The Scientific Pages of Gastroenterology
25.The Scientific Pages of Geriatric Medicine
26.The Scientific Pages of Gynecology and Obstetrics
27.The Scientific Pages of Health Care
28.The Scientific Pages of Heart
29.The Scientific Pages of Hematology
30.The Scientific Pages of HIV and AIDS
31.The Scientific Pages of Horticulture
32.The Scientific Pages of Immunology
33.The Scientific Pages of Infectious Diseases
34.The Scientific Pages of Information Science
35.The Scientific Pages of Leukemia Research
36.The Scientific Pages of Lung Cancer
37.The Scientific Pages of Metallurgical and Material Engineering
38.The Scientific Pages of Mood Disorders
39.The Scientific Pages of Nephrology
40.The Scientific Pages of Neurodegenerative Disorders
41.The Scientific Pages of Neuro Oncology
42.The Scientific Pages of Nursing
43.The Scientific Pages of Opthalmology
44.The Scientific Pages of Oral Cancer
45.The Scientific Pages of Oral Health
46.The Scientific Pages of Orthopedics and Rheumatism
47.The Scientific Pages of Otolaryngology
48.The Scientific Pages of Pancreatic Cancer
49.The Scientific Pages of Pediatrics
50.The Scientific Pages of Pediatric Neurology
51.The Scientific Pages of Physical medicine
52.The Scientific Pages of Plant Pathology
53.The Scientific Pages of Psychiatry
54.The Scientific Pages of Pulmonology
55.The Scientific Pages of Public Health
56.The Scientific Pages of Regenerative Medicine
57.The Scientific Pages of Renal Cancer
58.The Scientific Pages of Rice Research
59.The Scientific Pages of Robotics
60.The Scientific Pages of Sleep Medicine
61.The Scientific Pages of Soil and Water Science
62.The Scientific Pages of Sports Medicine
63.The Scientific Pages of Translational Medicine
64.The Scientific Pages of Translational Neuroscience
65.The Scientific Pages of Vaccines

Sharon Bush’s Work With Protein Matrix

Sharon Bush with Protein Matrix works to reduce grease buildup.

Protein Matrix is a product meant to break down and remove substances from pipelines. The solution is meant to break down substances including fats, oils, and grease (FOG). Protein Matrix is environmentally friendly, cost-efficient, and doesn’t use harsh chemicals like many of the other products out on the market. What happens to things poured down residential drains? Unfortunately, substances build up over time and stick to sewage pipes. Fats, oils, and grease can disintegrate and damage pipelines. Many of these buildups will come from everyday household items, especially residue and bits from food leftovers that make their way down the drain. Many people don’t realize what they put down their drains can have a negative environmental impact. Sharon Bush is the driving force behind Protein Matrix.

Protein Matrix works in a two-step process. The components of the protein matrix are specially made to break down and prevent the buildup of excess materials within a pipeline. In the second step, the breakdown of buildup materials are converted into a flowable non harmful product. The broken-down product can be more easily digested by water waste treatment and allows the pipelines not to be full of excess build up.

Protein Matrix is essential in preventing sewer spills. All the buildup that occurs in pipelines will eventually lead to unfortunate and unwanted sewer problems. If there is sewage backup, it can lead to overflow, and that is often an undesirable situation. Flooding is inconvenient, expensive, and preventable. If you could prevent contact with sewage overflow that is filled with potentially harmful bacteria, you would want to. Overflow sewage can find its way into all kinds of different unwanted places including parks, lakes, and yards. Protein Matrix is a proactive solution to sewage buildup that could lead to unwanted spills. Instead of having to repair damaged sewer pipelines that have had build-up, you could use Protein Matrix to break down materials that have built up over time and maintain pipeline structural integrity in an environmentally friendly way. While sewage spills are unsightly, there are also health consequences of being exposed to material that is meant to be contained.

Protein Matrix is an excellent alternative to environmentally harmful products that are currently used to break down sewage build up. When a newer and more productive product comes to the market, it takes time to overtake older and outdated methods. Lye (sodium hydroxide) was commonly used to maintain FOG complications. While this was the standard for many years, there are now more environmentally friendly and useful methods. Protein Matrix doesn’t hurt the pipes while it is breaking down the material buildup. It works hard to break down the built-up FOG without harming the pipes.  Protein Matrix is water-based, biodegradable, non-toxic, nonvolatile, and nonflammable. Protein Matrix can be used on more than just sewage systems. As just one example, it can also be used on commercial kitchen baking racks as a degreaser. There is peace of mind knowing that a product that is tough enough to break down FOG in industrious sewer pipes are also just as safe to be used in a kitchen setting.

Sharon Bush has done work with numerous philanthropic organizations, promoting the ideals of love and family. Across her various efforts, she’s worked to help numerous causes, including education, pollution remediation, and other nonprofit organizations. Her contributions have helped further advance these causes, helping people around the world. Read more about Sharon Bush:

You can follow Sharon Bush on her website:

The Story of Tesla & Elon Musk


Tesla was founded in 2003 by a group of engineers in Silicon Valley. This group wanted to make an electric car with instant torque, power, and zero emission—something better than the existing gasoline-powered car. The mission was to move the world towards sustainable energy. Building, financing, and creating Tesla did not come without it’s challenges—both early and late in the game.

Tesla was and is unlike any car built before. The steep learning curve of creating a consumer friendly electronic car was a bold move for a group of Silicon Valley engineers, and success did not come overnight. The story of Tesla is touch and go. Trying to innovate new work while fixing arising problems. Tesla’s engineers first designed a power-train for a sports car built around an AC induction motor, patented in 1888 by Nikola Tesla, the inventor who inspired the company’s name.

The face of Tesla today is Elon Musk although he was not the founder of the company. Tesla was founded by Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning in July 2003. Their mission was to make an electric sports car. This was not the first time an electric car had been attempted, but Tarpenning and Eberhard wanted to take a different spin on how other manufacturers envisioned the car. Eberhard and Tarpenning connected with Elon Musk when while attending a conference at Stanford University where Musk was speaking. Eberhard approached Musk about the idea of an electric sports car. Eberhard realized that Musk was the first guy he had met who shared his vision for electric cars, ‘Make a vastly superior car, not just a car that sucks less’.

According to Tesla News, Musk led the company’s $7.5 million Series A financing round in February 2004. This is when Musk became Chairman of the Board for Tesla. In February 2005, Elon Musk again led another round of financing to get $13 million more into the company during the development of the yet-announced Tesla Roadster. Then, in 2007, the company raised a $40 million Series C co-led by Musk and Technology Partners. Musk was invested financially and motivated to see Tesla succeed.

On July 19th, 2006 Tesla’s first production vehicle was shown by CEO Martin Eberhard and the company’s chairman Elon Musk at an invite-only event at the Santa Monica airport. The high of this event was short lived because by the end of 2007 because Tesla was burning through company money at an unsustainable rate and needed different leadership. In December 2007, Ze’ev Drori, a successful high-tech entrepreneur and proven chief executive, became CEO and President. In October 2008, Musk succeeded Drori as CEO. Drori became Vice Chairman, but then left the company in December. By this time, Musk had put $70 million of his own money into Tesla.

In 2008 Tesla Motors released its first car, the completely electric Roadster. In company tests, it achieved 245 miles on a single charge, a range unparalleled for a manufacture electric car. Additional tests showed that its performance was comparable to that of many gasoline-powered sports cars. The Roadster could accelerate from 0 to 60 miles per hour in less than 4 seconds and could reach a top speed of 125 miles per hour. The lightweight car body was made of carbon fiber. The Roadster produced no tailpipe emissions, as it did not use an internal-combustion engine. The vehicle’s electric motor was powered by lithium-ion cells. Despite a federal tax credit of $7,500 for purchasing an electric vehicle, the Roadster’s cost of $109,000 made it a luxury item. Not yet a car accessible economically to the general public. If the end goal was making sustainable energy accessible, the cost of the car had to come down. In 2010 Tesla raised $226 million. It became the first America car company to go public since Ford in 1956.

In 2012, Tesla launched Model S, the world’s first premium electric sedan. Built from the ground up to be 100 percent electric, Model S has redefined the very concept of a four-door car. With room for seven passengers and more than 64 cubic feet of storage, Model S provides the comfort and utility of a family sedan while achieving the acceleration of a sports car: 0 to 60 mph in about five seconds. Its flat battery pack is integrated into the chassis and sits below the occupant cabin, lending the car a low center of gravity that enables outstanding road holding and handling while driving 265 miles per charge. Model S was named Motor Trend’s 2013 Car of the Year and achieved a 5-star safety rating from the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

In 2012 Tesla stopped production of the Roadster to concentrate on its new Model S sedan, which was acclaimed by automotive critics for its performance and design. It came with three different battery options, which gave estimated ranges of 235 or 300 miles. The battery option with the highest performance gave an acceleration of 0 to 60 miles per hour in slightly over 4 seconds and a top speed of 130 miles per hour. Unlike the Roadster, which carried its batteries at the front of the car, the Model S had its underneath the floor, which gave extra storage space in front and improved handling because of its low center of gravity.

In late 2014, Tesla CEO Elon Musk unveiled two dual motor all-wheel drive configurations of Model S that further improve the vehicle’s handling and performance. The 85D features a high efficiency motor at the front and rear, giving the car unparalleled control of traction in all conditions. The P85D pairs a high efficiency front motor with a performance rear motor for super car acceleration, achieving a 0 to 60 mph time of 3.2 seconds – the fastest four-door production car ever made. Tesla managed to make the P85D even faster in July of 2015. The car’s “Insane” mode becomes “Ludicrous” mode, shaving the 0-60 speed from 3.1 seconds to 2.8 seconds. Unlike the first improvement, the upgrade isn’t free this time. Requiring new hardware that can handle higher voltages without melting, the upgrade costs $5,000 for existing P85D owners. With this upgrade, the P85D becomes one of the Top 20 fastest accelerating production cars in the world.

In March of 2016, Tesla revealed a more affordable Model 3. The base model will start at $35,000 and is scheduled to start shipping at the end of 2017. Pre-orders opened the night of the announcement. By the end of the evening 150,000 orders had been recorded. That is three times more Tesla shipped in all of 2015.
Tesla’s vehicles are produced at its factory in Fremont, California, previously home to New United Motor Manufacturing Inc., a joint venture between Toyota and General Motors. The Tesla Factory has returned thousands of jobs to the area and is capable of producing 2,000 cars a week.

The company is expanding its manufacturing footprint into other areas, including in Tilburg, the Netherlands, where it has an assembly facility, and Lathrop, California, where it has a specialized production plant. To reduce the costs of lithium ion battery packs, Tesla and key strategic partners including Panasonic have begun construction of a gigafactory in Nevada that will facilitate the production of a mass-market affordable vehicle, Model 3. By 2018, the gigafactory will produce more lithium ion cells than all of the world’s combined output in 2013. The gigafactory will also produce battery packs intended for use in stationary storage, helping to improve robustness of the electrical grid, reduce energy costs for businesses and residences, and provide a backup supply of power.

Today, Elon Musk is considered to be one of the most influential inventors of the 21st century.

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