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Admin - page 33

Admin has 358 articles published.

Conference attendee to OMICS: I want out

Today’s post consists of two emails. One is from OMICS Publishing Group to a scientist who attended an OMICS conference, and the second is the scientist’s reply to OMICS.

Email from OMICS Publishing Group

Dear Dr. Jim,

Greetings for the day!! We are really thankful to you for your consistent support towards the conference Genetic Engineering 2013 and for efficiently managing the conference.

We would like to know your experience during the conference days. Also I would like to have your feedback for Genetic Engineering 2013 and Suggestions for the upcoming Genetic Engineering 2014.

Your Suggestion and feedback value a lot for us for further proceedings. Thank for your cooperation. Awaiting for your early response


Lincy Mathew
Genetic Engineering 2013

Email to OMICS Publishing Group

Hello! I am happy to provide you my honest feedback about Genetic Engineering 2013. I hope you take my comments/suggestions to heart. If not, I will certainly never attend another OMICS meeting. Frankly, it was by far the worst, most unorganized meeting I have ever attended in my nearly 30 years as a scientist. It was a total sham of a meeting. In no particular order, here are my complaints:

1) The meeting was shortened to 2 days from 3 with no notice. We were not notified of this change in any way other than when the final program was available online, it covered only 2 days instead of 3. People came from all over the world for this meeting. They need time to make flight changes etc. Personally I drove so it wasn’t a problem, however, I did end up paying for an extra night for a room that I did not need. In these tight budget times, as a Government scientist we can only attend at most one meeting per year. To waste money on a room we did not need is inexcusable. We should be all notified in advance before the length of a meeting is changed.

2) I was asked to be on the “Organizing Committee” and was never asked my opinion on anything. The meeting was “organized” without any input from any organizing member, at least anyone that I talked to. Only 2 out of 19 listed organizing members were actually at the meeting. I even emailed one member that was not at the meeting and she told me that she never had any input on the meeting either. Why have an organizing committee if they cannot do anything? It appears you wanted us on a “committee” to look good, to make the meeting look legit.

3) The meeting is billed as a major event but it is far from it. At the “height” of the meeting, 19 people were in the room. By the second day, there were perhaps half as many. If all the supposed organizing committee members were present, we would have had twice as many attendees!

4) On the first day we had 13 scheduled talks. Of these, we ended up having only 8. The other speakers never arrived. Having nearly 40% of the speakers never arrive indicates a HUGE organizational problem. Do attendees think this is the fault of the organizing committee that never had a say in these maters? Is that why there is an organizing committee, to take the blame? I certainly fielded plenty of complaints while at the meeting. I finally found myself saying, I am not associated with OMICS. I have never seen a meeting where more than a few percent of the scheduled talks were missing. The other keynote speaker and I each gave 2 talks, so between us we gave a full 50% of the talks on the first day!

The second day was worse. Of the 10 scheduled talks, only 3 were given. A whopping 70% of no shows! Thus, the meeting actually ended at lunchtime on the second day. So a meeting that was supposed to run 3 days, was actually at most 1.5 days and that is being generous. Did we get 50% of our registration fee back? In a word, no.

5) There was no acknowledgement/apology from the OMICS organization about the poor turnout for the meeting even though the founder was there.

6) There was no real guidance from the OMICS organizers on how to run the meeting. I was tapped to moderate the meeting, which I did. However, that quickly turned into running it from start to finish with no guidance. It was only after many emails and in person questions that I figured out what was wanted. How the actual meeting proceeded seemed to be of little importance to OMICS. I feel very used.

7) What seemed more important to OMICS was presenting awards. When I arrived I had to sign a huge stack of awards. Anything from being a chairperson, to presenting a talk, to attending the meeting was grounds for an award. This seems very much like being in elementary school. A large amount of time was taken up on the first day by handing each other awards and having our pictures taken doing so. Why? I strongly suspect these photos will be used for promotion of further OMICS meetings. See all the smiling scientists! I did not attend this meeting to promote OMICS, but I strongly suspect that is what I will be doing. Why else have me sign these “awards”? OMICS wanted to have my name and affiliation associated with everything that happened at the meeting.

8) OMICS is not fully honest. Not only was this meeting much smaller than billed, shortened without notice etc, it is being advertised as a bigger success than it was. There is a report page that can be found here:

On this page, it shows twelve different scientists that gave “expert presentations” at “Genetic Engineering 2013”. The problem is, 3 of those scientists were not even there! This will be discussed further below but I request my picture and name be removed from that page. I do not endorse Genetic Engineering 2014 in any way. I do not want people to think that I do.

9) As one of my duties, I was asked to judge the poster presentations which I was happy to do. Near the end of lunch on the second day, Dr. Oshimura, the chair for the day stood up and announced that he had just been told that the rest of the meeting had been cancelled. Everyone still in attendance was shocked. This cancellation was because none of the afternoon speakers were present. Furthermore, he announced that the poster presentation would start immediately. There were a couple problems with this, neither of which were his fault. I know of at least two attendees that had already left the lunch room and thus did not get his announcement. They came back at the assigned poster time, 4:10, to put up their posters and found out then that the meeting was over. Thus, their posters were never judged through no fault of their own. They came all the way from Mexico to present their posters which were never viewed by anyone but a few of us that felt badly for them. When the announcement was made at lunch, I went and asked the OMICS representative, Monalisa, what I needed to do as far as judging the posters; did she have a form for it or what the procedure was. She informed me that Dr. Srinubabu Gedela already judged them! I don’t know when this happened (must have happened before lunch as we and they were in the same room and I didn’t see him.) but he 1) for certain did not see all of the posters as at least two were not up yet and 2) likely is not qualified to judge posters on genetic engineering. Again, science comes second in these “meetings”. The attendees that traveled great distances at significant cost deserve better.

I could go on and on but this is probably more time than I should waste on this already. In summary, this meeting was far too expensive for far too little meeting. It was “organized” (and I use that term loosely) with no help by an organizing committee, yet we take the blame. Many appearances are made to make it look like a fantastic meeting, but it is not. I do not wish to be a part of this meeting in the foreseeable future. Thus, please remove my picture(s) and name from this website: I do not want anyone to be confused into thinking that I endorse your product. I also do not want my name and/or picture to appear on any other promotional material for any upcoming OMICS meeting. I respectfully ask that you follow my wishes. I wish to cut all ties with OMICS group.

Also, I am currently writing my resignation letter to resign from the editorial board of OMICS’ Advancements in Genetic Engineering for all of these and other reasons.


James Sawitzke Ph.D.
Center for Cancer Research
National Cancer Institute
Frederick, MD 21702

Note: Dr. Sawitzke has sent several additional emails to OMICS repeating his requests but they have not responded, and his requested action has not been taken.

By: Jeffrey Beall
Follow on Twitter
Source: Scholarly Open Access

Jim Sawitzke says:

September 12, 2013 at 10:59 AM

I have now successfully removed myself from the editorial board via a phone call, emails were ignored. I have been unsuccessful reaching anyone on the phone about the Genetic Engineering meeting.

Sept. 12, 2013

Jim Sawitzke Ph.D.

Solomon Steiner says:

November 26, 2015 at 9:52 PM

Just for everyone’s info – this massive company is run out of India, they will address you with fake names like “rebecca parker” but do not be fooled.

Scott C says:

April 11, 2016 at 7:38 AM

Indeed, I’ve had emails from Derrick Matthews, when the quality and structure of the English clearly indicates something is awry. Emails from OMICS have been added to my junk mail filter.

David Gurarie says:

September 12, 2013 at 11:04 AM

What a sham!
Lately, I send all such solicitations to spam w/o opening.

Bruce W says:

September 12, 2013 at 11:54 AM

This Omics Publishing Group recently sent an e-mail to a the lady, who is mentioned on our website as our department’s secretary, asking her to be part of the Organizing Committee for the 2014 Neurology Meeting. The exact wording:

“Basing on your expertise we would like to honor you by giving the position as an Organizing Committee Member for Neuro -2014. Also we would like to give you an opportunity of plenary speaker at this conference. As an Organizing Committee Member the privileges would include an honorable position as the chair/co-chair for the session of your interest. ”

Already a long time ago we renamed them as the Comics Publishing Group.

m3gan0 says:

September 19, 2013 at 8:33 AM

that dishonors the honorable comics publishing industry.

Nils says:

September 12, 2013 at 11:55 AM

I really don’t see the need for all these new conference-organizing services. Small conferences (up to 100 attendees, say) are best organized at your own university/research institution, or at a venue in your geographical area. Then there are plenty of well-established conference centers, e.g. Banff. And finally there are the big recurrent meetings organized by scientific societies.

I believe all other organisations are just after your grant money.

Hope Leman (@hleman) says:

September 12, 2013 at 1:49 PM

We all owe a great deal to Jeffrey Beall and Dr. Sawitzke for this expose. It was fascinating reading–and very shocking to see scientists being treated so shabbily. Thank you both for such a detailed, absorbing, damning report.

Ron Davis says:

September 13, 2013 at 4:52 AM

Mr. Beall, I am happy to see a new watchdog like, Thomson Reuters, Scopus’s SCImago, during my online search for reliable sources. I am happy that this market is growing. They are offering SNIP indicator. Please visit

Farid says:

September 13, 2013 at 12:20 PM


Scopus’s SCImago is far better than Thomson Reuters since it is available for all users to verify the quality of a journal. These days, many Predatory journals establish a link with ISI and claim they are ISI index and many authors may accept their claims. Scopus’s SCImago cannot be manupulated and it is better than ISI.

Sylvain Bernès says:

September 13, 2013 at 8:30 AM

OMICs did a single mistake: to ask to Dr Sawitzke for feedback about the meeting.

R3sanon says:

September 17, 2013 at 11:08 AM

TL/DR – Gullible career lab tech’ in protected government job is angry because he got taken for the fool he probably is.

What the hell is an NCI scientist doing, wasting their only meeting per year on what is widely known to be a scam? Was this guy living under a rock? Did he not do any homework about this organization? For most scientists out in the “real world”, we go to meetings run by established societies in our area of expertise. Those, and a couple of other well known conference organizing bodies (Gordon, Keystone).

This type of negative publicity is useful, to highlight these shady business practices to the <1% of academia that isn't aware of them already. But C'mon! In my opinion he got exactly what he deserved for being so gosh-darned gullible in the first place. He got his ego massaged by the invitation, and thought "this looks sweet". It's like that time the Department Chair got a computer virus, or gave the Dept. bank account details to a guy from Nigeria who seemed legit. Maybe that's why this guy is a "senior research associate" and has a grand total of 20 publications after 30 years in the biz. He'll probably also find there's all sorts of small print in the attendance contract, in which attendees agree to have their name and likeness associated with the meeting, so he's up the creek without a paddle on that front too. Wonder if this guy has an AOL email account too? Mike says: September 18, 2013 at 6:34 AM Oh mighty R3sanon, with the >20 publications (greater than Dr. Sawitzke, for sure!), we should all bow down to your dizzying intellect and sharp detection of fraud from ANY corner of the globe. Please bestow upon us more words of wisdom from your tower on high so that we “protected” minions at the NIH can learn from your astounding (probably NIH granted) research insights! LOL

Diana says:

October 18, 2013 at 1:27 PM

And despite Mr. Sawitzke’s request his name is mentioned several times here still: “Special heartiest thanks to the moderator of Genetic Engineering 2013, Dr. Jim Sawitzke, NIH, USA for his contribution and consistent support for making this conference a success”.

Entertaining side note I have seen at least one listed publisher link to your site as a place they are indexed. Now that is funny.

Recognizing a Pattern of Problems in “Pattern Recognition in Physics”

Getting sloppy?

Copernicus Publications is an open-access publisher based in Göttingen, Germany. It is not on my list of predatory publishers. However, I do have some serious concerns with Copernicus Publications.

Specifically, there are some problems with Copernicus Publications’ journal Pattern Recognition in Physics. The problems are these:

The journal’s editor-in-chief, Sid-Ali Ouadfeul, who works for the Algerian Petroleum Institute, started publishing his research in journal articles around 2010, but he’s only been cited a couple times, not counting his many self-citations.

Co-editor-in-chief Nils-Axel Morner is a noted climate “skeptic” who believes in dowsing (water divining) and believes he has found the “Hong Kong of the [ancient] Greeks” in Sweden, among other things. These beliefs are documented in Wikipedia and The Guardian. Morner has over 125 publications, but pattern recognition does not appear to be among his specialties.

Moreover, speaking of “pattern recognition,” my analysis revealed some self-plagiarism by editor Ouadfeul in the very first paper the journal published, an article he himself co-authored.

The following passage appears on page 6 of S.-A. Ouadfeul and L. Aliouane’s 2013 article, “Pattern recognition of structural boundaries from aeromagnetic data using the 2-D continuous wavelet transform and the 3-D analytic signal.”

This was published second, in 2013, in Pattern Recognition in Physics.

The highlighted text first appeared in the following chapter of an online book entitled Wavelet Transforms and Their Recent Applications in Biology and Geoscience, edited by Dumitru Baleanu, ISBN 978-953-51-0212-0, and published on March 2, 2012.

This was published first, in 2012.

(from p. 259). The authors of the 2013 piece do not attribute the verbatim passage to the authors of the 2012 work, nor do they even cite the pirated text in their bibliography. Also, the article contains additional instances of self-plagiarism. Is this the kind of “pattern recognition” the journal is talking about?

In summary, the journal so far contains only five articles: two articles by a co-editor (Ouadfeul), two by climate skeptics whose views align with the other editor (Monrer), and one article bearing a significant amount of self-plagiarism. This is not a good start for a journal, and the publisher ought to be concerned and take action.

The journal’s cover page.

By: Jeffrey Beall
Follow on Twitter
Source: Scholarly Open Access


Philip Odfer says:

July 16, 2013 at 11:10 AM

Its not good bad from the publisher. But it is also a reality that first few issues of almost every publisher are not good. That’s why ISI, Scopus and PubMed always ignore 2 or 3 issues and index afterward issues, as initially, its difficult for publisher to shepherd good articles. I could not consider it a very bad thing its human.

Samir Hachani says:

July 16, 2013 at 11:16 AM

I think that Ouadfel is surfing on the Copernicus name .Copernicus is the Publisher of the highly respected Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP) and Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions (ACPD) on behalf of the European Geosciences Union. I do know something about the site I have done part of my thsesis on the open peer review Ulrich Poeschl has pionneered. Ouadfel you ain’t no Poeschl !!!!!( though I’m Algerian too but knowledge does not a accept this kind of shenanigans

dikstr says:

January 17, 2014 at 10:47 AM

Copernicus’ action is a sad commentary on the lengths to which so-called scientific media will go to shield the deeply flawed CAGW hypotheses of the IPCC from reality and reason.

Mal Adapted says:

January 18, 2014 at 4:23 PM

You’re apparently under the misapprehension that hypotheses of CAGW originate with the IPCC. I think you’ll find…

Andrea says:

July 16, 2013 at 2:08 PM

What is interesting to me is why you do not include this one in your list. Have you made any changes in your policy? You used to be much harder on OA startups!

Genaro japos says:

July 16, 2013 at 5:36 PM

Thank you dr beall for the pattern recognition writeup that tracked a plagiarized part of an earlier published manuscript. Your advocacy
Has helped the far reaches of the planet, such as the philippines in particular. We are enlisting the help of turnitin, ithenticate and grammarly for this purpose. We are moving towards academic integrity as a proactive means to combat plagiarism. We are mobilizing our members to get membership in the international center for academic integrity in clemson university. In the darkness, we are seeing more candles being lighted from the single candle you started.

Claudia Holland says:

July 19, 2013 at 12:10 PM

My concern about Copernicus has to do with when an APC payment is due for one of their journals. The Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (NHESS) journal requires payment of an APC for an author’s paper to be posted for discussion in NHESSD (from $15.75 to as much as $51.00/page). This payment is due upon acceptance of the article for posting in NHESSD.

Using the journal’s example (see a “typical” article would result in an APC of approximately $519.00. But this statement, “The discussion paper style leads to three times more pages than the classic manuscript style,” suggests the fee will be higher than that of a paper submitted for traditional peer review.

The tasks underwritten by the APC are clearly described on the journal’s website. Most of these tasks are not associated with publication of a peer-reviewed article; it is actually a fee charged for posting a working paper that may not be published in a formal publication.

Consequently, whether the Exec Editors intend this or not, the timing of payment intimates that Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (NHESS) is a vanity publication because the fee is due BEFORE the paper is actually published. The “acceptance” letter an author receives is only for the initial vetting process by the editor and the availability of the paper for discussion.

I am not criticizing the review process for this journal, but I am highly skeptical of the reasons for charging the fee before a paper has been peer reviewed and accepted for publication. As a manager of an open access publishing fund at my institution, I cannot currently recommend payment of this journal’s APC.

A Scientists says:

July 20, 2013 at 2:06 PM

I think Ouadfeul and Morner are big personlaities and they don’t merit what you have written. You are very hard and I think that you have some problems with these big personalities. Do you call this passage a plagiarism !!!
I have read all the five papers of PRP and authors are big scientists ! and you ……….

Scientist says:

July 20, 2013 at 5:25 PM

I’m not agree with you man! this is the geological setting of the area established by geologists in both of papers the source is cited.
Please try to be intelligent before write some thing about other scientific personalities. The paper is co-authored by two editors and handled by Dr Morner (reputable scientific personality).
I think that your objective is not clear………..

Scientist says:

July 20, 2013 at 5:29 PM

Samir Hachani
I think you should be a publisher of at the least one paper before talking about scientists like that!
Please try to spend your time preparing your Phd rather than talking about personalities that have spent their time working hardly to serve science with 00.00 euro

Samir Hachani says:

July 21, 2013 at 2:27 PM

I , Samir Hachani , sign with my real name. Mister ” scientist ” who are you ? wouldn’t you be either a person who’s acquainted with the “personnalities” or the personnalities themselves !!!!! I’m not trying to start a polemic but reacting to what Dr. Beall has noticed. If the “personnalities could prove they have been wronged , they can sue !!!! As far as I know, they are silent ” and ” silence implies consent “.Saha Ftourek “scientist “

Pattern Recognition says:

July 21, 2013 at 6:15 AM

I have read carefully the paper, I think this not a plagiarism, this the geological setting of the area.
The reference (Dejami, 2009)is cited in both papers

Ahmed says:

July 21, 2013 at 7:47 AM

this your opinion, you are not a god and a big scientists to juge journals and personalities. Please accept my apologies but………
Copernicus is a big publisher and work with big personalities
Open Access is a new publication procedure; please see

A.Philip says:

July 21, 2013 at 8:29 AM

It is not good from educated people to say harsh words about big scientists Like Morner and Ouadfeul

Michael says:

August 4, 2013 at 5:24 AM

Benestad has written a comment (in PRP) on the earlier Scafetta PRP article (S13). Benestad is scathing of S13 and some quotes are:

“This conclusion is in error because it is based on a misrepresentation of the previous work.”

“S13 further made reference to “outdated hockey-stick paleoclimatic temperature graphs” with no factual support”.

“S13 misrepresented BS09 by giving the impression that a multiple regression with 10 covariates was used to estimate the solar contribution to the recent warming.”

New OA Publisher with a Strange Name: iProbe


What an odd name for a scholarly publisher: iProbe. It sounds like the name of an Apple app for endoscopic surgeons. Here is my probe of iProbe.

The name is not the only strange thing about this new publisher. Most of its website appears to have been translated into English using Google Translate. Much of it makes no sense and is extremely smarmy. Take this text from one of its calls for papers, for example:

Please respond to this mail as soon as possible if you are paying attention. We would look forward for your valuable reply. It is always a great pleasure & treasure to hear back from you doctor! For promoting the scientific community, it’s really very interesting to work with you I must say. If you contributed for this journal would be treasured.

With warm regards,
Editorial Office
Open Access Journals
iProbe Group

The publisher has 48 brand-new journals in its portfolio. Most are medical science journals, but there is also a math journal, an engineering journal, and one zoology journal. None has any content yet, and the editorial boards are currently being formed and the journals are all open for submission. The article processing charge for a research article is $799.

The site lists this address:

14175 Sullyfield Circle
Suite # 402, Chantilly
VA 20151, USA

A Google search of that address brings up a company called USM Business Systems, which has a branch office in Hyderabad, India. Is this publisher really an Indian operation?

Have these companies even heard of iProbe?

Each individual journal links to the page above. The page makes no sense to me. It says, “Partially published articles will be deposited in PubMed” Huh? Why not publish the entire article?

It also says all articles will be deposited in — among other services — Google Scholar. How do you deposit an article in Google Scholar?

I think the publisher’s use of the logos here is unwarranted and an attempt to make itself look legitimate. I am increasingly seeing new fleet startups like this one. Does the world really need these 48 new open-access journals?

Hat tip: Dr. Thomas Long

Appendix: List of iProbe journals as of June 10, 2013:
o Addiction Therapy & Clinical Research
o AIDS & Clinical Research Journal
o Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology Journal
o Ecology & Ecotoxicology
o Emergency Medicine & Health Education
o Engineering Journal: Aeronautical & Aerospace
o Inorganic Chemistry Journal
o International Journal of Biomedical Engineering
o International Journal of Clinical Anesthesia
o iProbe: Clinical Case Reports
o iProbe: Journal of Biotechnology
o iProbe: Journal of Civil & Environmental Engineering
o iProbe: Journal of Computer Science & Engineering
o iProbe: Journal of Computing Programs & Systems
o iProbe: Journal of Mathematical Analysis & Applications
o iProbe: Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
o iProbe: Journal of Natural Sciences & Mathematics
o iProbe: Physical Chemistry Journal
o Journal of Biological Informatics & Biodiversity
o Journal of Biological Research & Development
o Journal of Cancer Therapy & Research
o Journal of Cardiology Research & Therapy
o Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Biochemical Technology
o Journal of Clinical Pharmacology & Clinical Pharmacokinetics
o Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
o Journal of Computer Software & Hardware
o Journal of Dental Research & Therapeutic Science
o Journal of Dermatological Science & Therapy
o Journal of Environmental Sciences & Research
o Journal of Forensic Science & Technology
o Journal of Gynecological Research & Therapy
o Journal of Health Community
o Journal of Life & Agriculture Sciences
o Journal of Mechanical & Biomechanical Engineering
o Journal of Nanotechnology & Nanomedicine
o Journal of Neurology & Neurological Sciences
o Journal of Nutritional Science & Therapy
o Journal of Palynology & Phycology
o Journal of Pharmaceutical Science & Development
o Journal of Primary Care & Family Medicine
o Journal of Surgical Research & Technology
o Journal of Traditional Medicine
o Journal of Vaccination & Vaccines
o Journal of Zoological Research & Development
o Macromolecular Science: Research Reports
o Natural & Synthetical Products in Organic Chemistry
o Otolaryngology Clinical Research
o Social Sciences: Current Research

By: Jeffrey Beall
Follow on Twitter
Source: Scholarly Open Access


Genaro japos says:

June 13, 2013 at 12:28 PM

Is there a way interpol can apprehend predatory publishers? How can such acts constitute international crimes against science and humanity? Can we make a position paper to unesco and compel members of united nations to be signatories?

Jeffrey Beall says:

June 13, 2013 at 5:06 PM

Most of them are not doing anything illegal. They all enjoy freedom of the press. I don’t consider them illegal, just unethical.

adakole abu says:

June 13, 2013 at 4:24 PM

Please I would be pleased to have your comments on journals such as: Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, African Journal of Biotechnology, Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction, Livestock Research for Rural Development, International Journal of Poultry Science, Macedonia Journal of Medical Sciences, Iranian Journal of Reproductive Medicine. Kind regards,

Adakole Abu

Visit to Soweto – Vilakazi, Wandies, Hector Peterson Memorial and More

The word on the street is that Johannesburg, South Africa is a place of villains and cruelty. I had heard multiple warnings that you would be car-jacked in Johannesburg if you were foolish enough to stop your car at a red light. “Johannesburg has a higher crime rate than Iraq,” one Australian friend of mine warned me. My reading pointed me in another direction.

Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela’s autobiography, “A Long Walk to Freedom” affected me deeply. He spent much of his life in Johannesburg as a lawyer arguing anti-Apartheid cases. He painted a lovely picture of South Africa as a “Rainbow Nation” where forgiveness dominated over the violent history. Mandela gave me the impression that South Africa is synonymous with triumph over adversity. I’d have to see for myself.

All reading aside, I had an understandable level of trepidation as I packed for a day trip into Soweto. Soweto (or the South Western Township) is a vast neighborhood of people, many of whom live at a level of poverty I have never experienced or can really understand. This area was the epicenter of the anti-apartheid rebellion which swept across South Africa in the late 1970?s. AIDS mortality rates are the highest in the world in South Africa. The movie about segregated aliens called Sector 9, was filmed here and inspired by the social architecture of Soweto during Apartheid.

On the way from our rich, predominately white neighborhood, we made a detour to see the Soccer City Stadium. This mammoth building can manage 90,000 and was built exclusively for the FIFA World Cup. It is massive and mesmerizing. A swath of rich African sunset colors have been painted on the enormous panels that wrap around the building. The panels are like tiny pixels in an enormous digital collage which makes up the exterior of Soccer City. The building’s form is inspired by the African Calabash which is a natural gourd that is used to share food and the African fermented milk booze. Over the next 6 weeks this triumphant building will be the site of the most important sport competition in the world.

South Africa was under the gaze of the world. “Will they be ready?” was the common question. This was to be the first FIFA World Cup to be held on the continent of Africa. Will Africa be able to pull this immense undertaking off? One could entertain doubts while standing in front of Soccer City two weeks before the games begin and construction isn’t finished. Hundreds of workers were milling around the structure like ants. Those working the landscaping and side walks near the front smiled and worked calmly while those far off on the building were so minuscule in comparison to their structure that one couldn’t tell if they were working or chilling.

In South Africa there are neighborhoods called townships. Townships are predominately black neighborhoods that were either historically where the blacks chose to live, or were drawn up in the early 20th century by the Apartheid Regime. Drawn up like: “the blacks over there, the coloreds over there and us whites here.” Apartheid is an Afrikaans word meaning separate and apartheid wanted a separate society. Much like “separate but equal,” which we had in the USA-South, but Apartheid was even less focused on equality.

There are many parallels to the civil rights movement of the United States and that of Africa. In both the whites tried to choke economic growth and social development from the blacks. In both instances the whites would implement demeaning policies aimed at suppressing the self confidence in the black population. In my opinion, the large difference between ZA and USA is that in the USA the whites are the majority. In South Africa the whites are the minority. The potential for power struggle created an understandable level of fear in the dominate white group. Besides, in South Africa the whites aren’t even a unified group.

Afrikaans is a Dutch based language that has developed it’s own style and soul that is truly African. Afrikaans people are white, but they are entirely African. They have their own history and allegiances to Boer farming roots and Paul Kruger. The whites that have more British influence hold allegiances to the Queen and Cecil Rhodes. As a rule, they don’t speak Afrikaans and they have a more British view of human rights. Unification of the Cape of Good Hope, the Orange Free State (Boer), the Natal and the Transvaal was a dream of Rhodes.  Rhodes dreamed of seeing a unified country and this idea led to violent times.  None-the-less, South Africa was unified through the South Africa Act of 1909.  (there was a very long coming and complex agreement that was reached here.  Books can we written about the complexities of this act.)  40 years later, Apartheid governance took over.

The Apartheid governance developed a complex and perplexing system of laws to separate the different races based on color. There was no separation of races based on ethnic understanding. The Zulu and the Xhosa are both blacks but they are far from homogenous. Afrikaans and old British white folks have their own feelings of distrust towards each other. The coloreds (Indian, Malay, black and white mix) are also a interesting mix of people. None-the-less, Apartheid Government says: “blacks over here, whites here and coloreds here” and that’s how it went. Now, more than 100 years later we are touring around to see how it all has played out.

We left Soccer City for Soweto driving fast in our big white VW van.
Johannesburg has a highway system as imposing as that of Los Angeles, California. A significant difference in South Africa; the lines for traffic are more ideas than rules. When traffic gets bad the 4×4 trucks go off the road and up on the mud dividers to get ahead of the rest. Anywhere where your wheels can carry you is fair game on the South African roads. People swerve inside the orange construction cones to get ahead of those foolish enough to line up. The construction for the World Cup was causing bizarre traffic jams.

This was the sort of traffic jam where, in California one keeps their window up and their head down. As I sat in the back of the car, I couldn’t help but feel that these cars full of Africans were all smiling and giving us thumbs up. Most seemed positive about the traffic and happy to just be moving. Sure, we were stuck but I got more thumbs up in that gnarly traffic jam than I do in a year of California driving.

We came up over some hill top and we were informed that this expansive swath of dwellings was Soweto. Soweto sprawls out as far as the eye can see. Over the far hills you see hills of Soweto in the distance. It’s a strange blend of government brick buildings and shanty towns constructed of tin roof material and whatever else could be produced.

Though many of the homes look as if they are built by an assembly line, many of the dull old run down government buildings have been remodeled into beautiful homes. They have gardens, fancy gates and car ports. Outside on the street people sell food under the cover of a tarp supported by a few poles for shade. Open air barbers cut peoples men and women’s hair down to the super popular buzz cut. “Surgery” was offered on signs all around, but we learned that these were simply pharmacies, not places to have surgery performed. The government buildings that have been converted into drinking establishments are called “shebeens.”

Down towards what feels like the center of Soweto, there are two huge power plant towers (like the nuclear power plant where Homer Simpson works). These massive structures have been all painted up triumphantly with a beautiful African mural. This old power plant is now a tourist attraction boasting the worlds 2nd highest bungee jump. It’s a stunning sight. The structure itself is and example of triumph over adversity. The power-plants used to spit out toxins in the middle of Soweto to produce power for the white folks living outside of Soweto.

As we drove through the center of the township I couldn’t help but notice all the smiles. Earlier that morning I expected to have an abrasive day of avoiding gangsters and panhandlers deep in the slums of aggressive Africa, but all I saw around me were smiles and people giving me the “thumbs up.”

Our first stop was at the Roman Catholic Church which was a center for solidarity against apartheid. The church does not match the vastness of the neighborhood to which it serves. It is a humble building, yet its history is remarkable.

Our guide showed us the bullet holes in the ceiling from when the security forces raided the church in response to the uprisings in the 1970?s. A broken marble mantle on the pulpit is left broken from the butt of a security force officer’s gun. The bullet holes and broken pieces of the church are left to remind the people of those violent times.

It was an amazing struggle. A black man during Apartheid had no basic human rights. Every Black was required to carry a book describing his work, his family and his travel permission. At any time and without due process, a police officer could demand to see a mans paperwork and move him or her along. The blacks weren’t allowed to own their houses or visit white areas without permission. The whites used the blacks as servants but never wanted them around afterwards.

Above the church was an exhibit of photos by Jurgen Schadeberg. Schadeberg documented Soweto during the youth uprisings. His black and white images of comfortable rich white folks juxtaposed with images of poverty stricken hungry black folks leave a lasting impression. He has images of dangerous looking Apartheid anti riot tanks, security forces beating protesters, protesters hiding from police and families crying.

Photo of Apartheid Poverty

We left the church. Despite all the friendly smiles, I must admit that I was nervous about being in the poorest place in one of the most dangerous countries in Africa. I’m about as white as Goldilocks. All of these images were of white people beating, enslaving and scaring the black people. Someone must hold a grudge? It was lunch time so our guide took us to a place down the road called Wandie’s for a traditional African meal. It was here that all my fear went away and I fell in love with Africa.

A pair of musicians surprised our group with finger snapping and singing as we walked through the door. One played guitar while the other drummed on whatever was near him all the while singing beautifully. The atmosphere was incredibly welcoming and warm. The food was rich, flavorful and exotic (though I’m no an of the tripe).

The musicians sang, played and spoke throughout our entire meal. They played the Lion King Song, Bob Marley Songs, and a host of African songs. We sang along, some danced and everyone was caught up in the comfort of the atmosphere. The musicians would speak briefly between songs about their culture. They described the South Africa that I read about in Mandela’s writing; a “Rainbow Nation” where everyone respects each others differences. Everything about lunch screamed rainbow nation, this was one of the greatest lunches of my life.

Our guide’s friend, Botha, a beautiful young Zulu girl danced along with the musicians and kept us entertained with her sassy humor. I asked her if she had to speak to Xhosa people in English due to the language barrier. She seemed surprised with my question and explained that she could speak all the languages of all the different tribes. “We grow up immersed in it,” she explained.

After lunch we drove to Nelson Mandela’s old home. As we drove down this street we learned that this was the only street in the world where two Nobel Peace Prize winners had both lived. Vilakazi Street. We passed Desmond Tutu’s house on the way to Mandela’s; both Nobel Peace Prize winners.

Nelson Mandela spoke fondly of his home at 8115 Vilakazi St, Orlando West Soweto. “It was the opposite of grand, but it was my firs true home of my own and I was mightily proud. A man is not a man until he has a house of his own.”

The history of the house is provided in the flyer. I’ve included the main history page of the flyer:

“The Mandela House at 8115 Orlando West, on the corner of Vilakazi and Ngakane Streets, Soweto, was built in 1945, as part of a Johannesburg City tender for new houses in Orlando. Nelson Mandela moved here in 1946 with his first wife, Evelyn Ntoko Mase and his first son. They divorced in 1957, and from 1958 he was joined in the house by his second wife, Nomzamo Winifred Madikizela (Winnie).

Nelson Mandela was to spend little time here in the ensuing years, as his role in struggle activities became all-consuming and he was forced underground (1961), living a life on the run until his arrest and imprisonment in 1962, and sentence to life imprisonment in 1964.

Outside the home of Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela returned to 8115 for a brief 11 days after his release from Robben Island in 1990, before finally moving to his present home in Houghton. Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, herself harassed by the security forces and imprisoned numerous times, lived in the house with her daughters until her own exile to Brandfort in 1977, where she remained under house arrest until 1986. The family continued to occupy the house until after Mandela was released from prison. The house was subsequently turned into a museum, with Nelson Mandela as a Founder Trustee of the controlling body, the Soweto Heritage Trust.”

This is the literature the pamphlet provides the visitor when entering the museum. Our guide informed us of a few details left out of the pamphlet: Nelson Mandela gave his home up to the Soweto Heritage Fund despite the fact that it cut his ex-wife’s source of income. His ex-wife, Winnie Mandela, had been using their old house as a shebeen. This upset Mandela because alcohol had played an important role in keeping the blacks under control during Apartheid. It took the power of a team of lawyers to have the house returned to Mandela. Mandela then gave the house to the Heritage Trust.

His home is just another old house built by the Apartheid government but this one is surrounded with modern walls to give it a modern museum feel. The exterior bricks are charred from firebombings while Winnie lived there. The interior of the building is packed full with fantastic trophies and letters of support from people and countries around the world. The house in very small and you can see it all in about 2 minutes, if you rush. If you take your time you could spend hours examining all the interesting gifts and print given to Mandela. I left with a profound sense of admiration.

Just down the road, we got to speak with the project manager for the Hector Peterson Museum. We learned that the place was built under contract for 40 million Rand. For 6 months management organized the Vilakazi area communities into rotating labor force that could build the museum. The production spent this time because they wanted to weave community involvement and the museum.

Hector Peterson was murdered at the age of 13 for rioting against Apartheid government in the youth revolutions of the late 1970?s. Peterson was unarmed and killed by fully armed and armored security forces under Apartheid directions to suppress black “upiddyness.”

The project manager was working to build this museum to recognize the sacrifice of the young man. He decided to award the building contact to a white building contractor. He told us the story of awarding the contract and it went something like this (I paraphrase):

“I sat the contractor down in my office and told him I chose his bid from all the others. I told him “I choose you” and the contractor remained silent for a moment, the he stood up and walked out the door. Two days later he called me for a meeting. He walked into my office, sat down and cried openly. The contractor explained that he had been a member of the Apartheid led security forces which were in Soweto on the day of Hector’s murder.”

This is stunning. One of the important officers in the Apartheid security force was used by the people of Soweto, as an integral tool in building the museum to honor a fallen revolutionary. It’s difficult to imagine a more triumphant perseverance of the South African people.

Hector Peterson Memorial Plaque

The project manager reported that the white contractor and the black community worked together smoothly throughout the whole building process. The project found a successful finish. He explained that the contractor was on side 7 days a week from beginning to end of the day. “His professionalism and dedication was moving,” he told us.

“No building tools or materials were lost to thieves throughout the whole process” he explained. The community had guarded the construction site without the need to hire a security company or erect a physical barrier around the site. This museum is a remarkable testament to the feeling of reconciliation that makes South Africa such a rich place to be.

Behind the museum is a memorial square dedicated to the youth sacrifice in Soweto and the youth league of the African National Congress (ANC). This square looks down a long street lined with trees, each tree planted by a different world leader or celebrity. The trees planted by memorable names such as Bill Clinton, Nelson Mandela, Alicia Keys, Don Hahn (producer of the Lion King), Desmond Tutu and a host of others.

The project manager wants this whole area to be developed into a big triangle “long walk to freedom.” One day a guest could walk all around the area to get a feel of the land and the people that make up the remarkable Soweto area.

Night had fallen by the time we left the Hector Peterson memorial. We got stuck in traffic for hours before we finally got back to our place. I sat up for hours despite the exhaustion from a long un-expected day. I couldn’t stop thinking of how foolishly afraid I was at the beginning of the day. Most of all, I was deeply inspired by the people of South Africa.


Should Journalists Cite Material from Predatory Journals?

Worthy of citation?

by Robert Calin-Jageman and Jeffrey Beall

Society benefits from the results of scientific research in many ways. Scholarly research supports expert testimony in courts of law, medical research is translated into improvements in clinical care, and the media report on new and interesting research and how it may impact our lives.

So, what’s at stake when a media outlet cites information from a journal published by a predatory publisher?

This was the case recently when the Chronicle of Higher Education wrote a glowing summary of a research paper published in Psychology Research, a scholarly journal published by the questionable publisher David Publishing.

David Publishing is a Chinese outfit that purports to operate out of Southern California. Its poorly-run website is extremely slow and difficult to navigate. Also, its journals lack credible editorial boards and publish articles of dubious quality — it’s a vanity press. As of this writing, there is no editorial board listed for the journal.

One of the ironies of predatory journals is that they sometimes contain articles that seem sound. This occurs because some serious researchers are fooled into thinking the publisher is a high-quality one, or they don’t evaluate its quality sufficiently.

So, should journalists cite material from predatory journals? Should they pick out the potentially good from a sea of obvious bad? Or should journalists refrain entirely from reporting on research from predatory journals?

Complete embargo seems to be a wise choice for several reasons. First, it doesn’t seem that predatory journals conduct meaningful peer review for any of their articles. Thus, all their articles could include errors of analysis or interpretation that would have been corrected by expert reviewers. Is that really such a big deal? Probably. After all, even high quality open-access journals like PLos ONE reject about 30% of submissions. For the 70% that make it through it’s usually with substantial improvement through feedback and revision. Thus, even though some articles in a predatory journal can seem sound, it is probably best to consider their real quality an unknown. Given this, journalists would probably be better off avoiding predatory journals in favor of the abundance of true peer-reviewed research reported each week.

Another reason for the popular press to completely avoid predatory journals is to keep from adding fuel to the fire.

Secondary coverage can only add to the veneer of credibility that predatory journals seek to manufacture, enabling them to dupe even more hapless victims.

It’s surprising to see a respected source like the Chronicle being sloppy enough with sourcing to report on an article from a predatory journal. It’s a stroke of good luck for the journal, but their gain may be the Chronicle’s loss.

There is also the increasing problem of articles in high-quality journals citing research published in predatory journals, and we hope to study this more in the coming year.

By: Jeffrey Beall
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Source: Scholarly Open Access


Shawn says:

January 8, 2013 at 1:04 PM

Any type of embargo is not practical. First, there is no standard that you can enact to determine which publication is vanity press. You can define vanity press as “Pay to publish,” but it is very difficult to prove the lack of peer review and/or editorial boards. Second, while there are clear cut examples, the trend is definitely heading toward heavily disguised operations. Even seasoned serials professionals have a hard time figuring these publishers/publications out sometimes. Finally, a real journalist that did his/her homework would have also cited the fact that the publisher is based in China and have been labelled as a vanity press.

I think that’s the proper way to handle these types of situation.

Bob Calin-Jageman says:

January 22, 2013 at 9:02 AM

You guys are giving journalists way too much credit. It’s not that they are being fooled by predatory publishers. It’s that they don’t care if the sources is disreputable.

When I contacted the journalist who wrote up the CHE story, he was fully aware the source was predatory. But, he replied, in this case the primary authors had told him there was peer review, so he felt it was fine.

I contacted one of the senior editors at CHE to ask about this. He concurred. He felt that the poor quality of the journal doesn’t reflect on the specific article at all, that this would be spreading guilt by association. He argued that there policy is simply to quote and cite the sources, which they had did in this case. The fact that the journal had no editorial board to conduct the claimed peer review did not impress him. The fact that the authors of the primary paper would no longer respond to emails about it didn’t worry him.

So – journalists aren’t getting tripped up. They just simply don’t have a stake in this fight–a source is a source is a source for them. I think that’s what should change–fooled is fine, but they really shouldn’t knowingly use a predatory journal article as a source.

Bob Calin-Jageman says:

January 22, 2013 at 9:05 AM

p.s. here is a bit of my correspondence with CHE:

I asked them:
Does the CHE article meet your standards for journalism? Does it violate principles of journalistic norms, such as “don’t cite dubious sources” or “check your sources”? It is *this* issue which I believe deserves comment and response.

I would argue, as I did in the letter, that a journal with no academic process transmits its dubious status to all its articles. Therefore, it is not good journalistic practice to rely on articles from such sources. If CHE agrees, I would urge you to flag, amend, or retract the article for falling below CHE’s standards for quality. If CHE disagrees, I’d like to know why (e.g. perhaps CHE journalists are sufficiently astute to judge the scientific quality of an article regardless of its context).

And CHE editor Lawrence Biemiller replied:

I’m not the final arbiter of our journalistic standards, but my gut feeling—as a 32-year employee of the paper—is that yes, this article meets our standards. It reports accurately on credible research of interest to our readers. The fact that this research was published in a journal of questionable integrity may mean it’s time for a follow-up article on predatory journals, but I don’t myself accept your blanket guilt-by-assocation approach. As our earlier article on such journals noted, legitimate, well-intentioned scholars are being taken in by these journals, but I don’t think that means we have to ignore all their research. I know Dan and his editor, Sara Hebel, have talked over your points and don’t see that this article requires the retraction you sought.

As for not quoting dubious sources, any journalist tries to do that, but it’s a slippery slope. I myself have been having trouble believing anything that has come out of the mouth of the Speaker of the House of Representatives about the fiscal cliff, but I have a number of friends who are equally suspicious—far more suspicious, actually—of anything they believe the president has said about guns. So where does that leave us?

—Lawrence Biemiller

Ogwo says:

January 9, 2013 at 2:25 PM

I agree entirely with Shawn.

Robin Hood says:

January 12, 2013 at 1:00 PM

Exactly Shawn. That is why the scientific community is now in serious trouble, I believe. Journalism and scientific journalism is, in my opinion, already so biased and opinionated, that it actually doesn’t matter to the academic community. If we look at main-stream US “journalism”, it is evident that each one is pushing for a socio-political agenda. So, scientists should always be suspicious of journalism overall, because most journalists are not scientists and thus have no understanding, in fact, of how it works. The underlying risks that Jeff is referring to are, however, more important for scientists. And allow me to explain using an example. Imagine a scientist does a search on Google or Yahoo for a toic, e.g. salmon eggs. Maybe some OA PDFs appear in the first 2-3 pages of Yahoo or Google, and, because the scientist is too lazy, or too irresponsible to conduct a thorough search on “respected” data-bases, or maybe because the scientist is unaware of the predatory nature of many OA operations, that predatory paper on salmon eggs slips into the reference list of a paper that might be eventually published by a non-predatory publisher. Suddenly, you have a situation where valid publishers, at least those that abide by fairly well established industry codes, are actually supporting predatory OA publishers by “validating” them in reference lists. Thisis the immediate imapct. The mid-term impact which is now becoming evident over 2006-2013, is that papers from predatory publishers can, in the case of one publisher, now start to account for as much as 15% of all references in reference lists (suing Jeff’s lists as the industry standard). Most of these predators have a long-term vision, and if you and others haven’t figured this out yet, then you will never figure it out. Predators are seeking, as a long-term goal, to be massively referenced in as many journals as possible. Then, along comes Thomson Reuters’ spiders and automatic bots, which are simply robots that scour the internet and data-bases in search of key-words, and develop an Impact Factor based on number of times a journal is referenced. Before you know it, clearly predatory publishers, with unqualified editor boards, fraudulent actions, rubbish and non-sensical papers and no scientific quality, quality control or transparency, suddenly appear with an Impact Factor. This is, in the fraudster’s eyes, the ultimate validation. And we, the scientific community, give it to them on a platter. Thus, the first thing that needs to take place is EXACTLY an embargo on clear predators, and their papers should be BANNED from being included in reference lists of valid journals. Of course, many “valid” publishers and journals are themselves predators, in different ways, so soon it will be difficult to differentiate valid from invalid predators, and OA from print predators. Science is in crisis, no doubt. But radical measures like banning and embargos might be the only way to force the hands of fraudsters who only have one objective in mind: profit (by hook or by crook).

Ted Harris Albuquerque: Internal Law Enforcement Workflow Expert

Ted Harris of Albuquerque is a young professional leader who understands the importance of efficient workflow processes. A key component to efficiency, Ted Harris Albuquerque says, is effective communication. In his current position, Ted is able to provide support work for law enforcement leaders, internal departments, and colleagues. This entails writing specialized law enforcement documents including, but not limited to, commendation letters, memorandums, transfer orders, internal requests for vacancy, and much more.

To successfully perform his job, Ted Harris of Albuquerque must interact with multiple levels of law enforcement personnel. This requires personal interaction and communication skills to keep all internal relationships professional and functioning. To craft these law enforcement documents, Ted Harris of Albuquerque must gather information from police reports, photo evidence, dispatch recordings, video recordings, and much more.

“Ted is always mindful of his coworkers, orders from his superiors, and the workplace around him,” one colleague says. Perhaps this is what has made him such an important component of the internal law enforcement workflow. Furthermore, Ted’s passion for a career in human resources has given him the insight, skills, and knowledge necessary to create effective communications internally.

Aside from communication and workflow process work, Ted Harris Albuquerque has also learned how to navigate software specific to the police department. Once a document is written and approved, Ted Harris of Albuquerque must use specialized document management software to send out the orders, transfers, and memos. Ted Harris of Albuquerque also uses law enforcement software to locate and print any needed police reports and records.

When he was in college, Ted Harris of Albuquerque was an active member of the Student Government. “Ted was really passionate about serving the student body and helping provide the best collegiate experience possible for everyone,” one colleague recalls. Aside from working in Student Government, Ted Harris of Albuquerque also worked as an intern for the city.

These experiences gave Ted Harris of Albuquerque the foundation needed for his current position and provide a promising start for a career in human resources. Ted Harris of Albuquerque is passionate about his work and being part of a greater team. During his experience as an administrative assistance to the Sheriff’s Department in Bernalillo County, Ted Harris of Albuquerque learned the importance of ethical workmanship, friendship, and honesty.

These traits have allowed Ted Harris of Albuquerque to succeed as a young professional, and he looks forward to developing his career for many years to come.

The Emerald City Journal offers breaking news from Seattle to all over the country.  Submit your news and stories.

Topic:  Ted Harris Albuquerque > Workflow Expert

Corey Davis of Darien Lauded for Pharmaceutical Industry Experience

When most patients visit the pharmacy, they rarely think about what happens behind the counter. The reality is that the pharmaceutical industry is complex in its operation and equally as vast in scope. Pharmaceutical industry professional Corey Davis of Darien has over 17 years of experience working as a highly successful Wall Street sell-side analyst. By covering specialty pharmaceuticals for nearly two decades, Corey Davis of Darien has been able to help well respected companies grow, new medical developments come to fruition, and patients receive the care they deserve.

In fact, Corey Davis of Darien is so celebrated for his specialty pharmaceutical work that he was named to the Wall Street Journal as “Best on the Street” in 2005. This nationwide recognition distinguished Corey Davis of Darien as a sell-side analyst trusted for his insightful, analytical, and impressively sharp stock-picking acumen. Before that, Corey Davis of Darien was recognized as an Institutional Investor who was ranked in the Annual All America Survey from 2002-2006.

As Corey Davis of Darien has risen in the industry, he’s made numerous appearances on television as a news contributor. With appearances on CNBC, BNN, and Bloomberg TV, Corey Davis of Darien has had the opportunity to provide sharp analysis and insight into the specialty pharmaceutical industry and its performance on Wall Street. One of the key points that Corey Davis of Darien is consistent in making is that the medical industry will always continue to grow since patients will always need drugs.

Colleagues, industry insiders, and everyday viewers all praise Corey Davis of Darien for his ability to provide succinct answers to complex questions. By breaking down complex issues to simple terms, Corey Davis of Darien is able to help a larger audience appreciate the inner-workings for specialty pharmaceuticals. Such appearances also give Corey Davis of Darien the opportunity to network with other analysts, insiders, and professionals who play a major role in the industry, making him one of the most well connected specialty pharmaceutical leaders.

So what exactly does Corey Davis of Darien focus on? Though he works as a sell-side analyst on Wall Street, Corey Davis of Darien is also passionate about focusing on specialty pharmaceuticals that treat central nervous system disorders. By focusing on both the financial and health care vantage points, Corey Davis of Darien is able to provide the best insight and analysis time and time again in the world of Wall Street.

Corey Davis Darien works hard in his personal life and business experience.
Corey Davis Darien named by the Wall Street Journal as “Best on the Street” in 2005

Article provided by the  The Emerald City Journal provides news and information related to Seattle and other areas across the country.  Topic:  Corey Davis Darien

Corey Davis Darien | Top Stories

Articles and top stories related to Corey Davis Darien on the Emerald City Journal Newspaper.

Corey Davis Darien Industry Experience

Corey Davis of Darien is so celebrated for his specialty pharmaceutical work that he was named to the Wall Street Journal as “Best on the Street” in 2005. This nationwide recognition distinguished Corey Davis of Darien as a sell-side analyst trusted for his insightful, analytical, and impressively sharp stock-picking acumen….Read more about this article and about Corey Davis Darien on the Emerald City Journal Newspaper.

Corey Davis Darien – Wall Street Work

By following industry news, reading professional journals, and following the latest medical developments, Corey Davis of Darien is able to maintain the insight needed to make the best predictions and strategic maneuvers possible. In fact, Corey Davis of Darien is so well known for his work on Wall Street for the specialty pharmaceutical industry that he’s appeared on numerous news shows as a guest contributor.

The Emerald City Journal Newspaper provides news, articles, and stories related to topics across the country.  From Seattle, Washington to New York The Emerald City Journal has you covered on all the breaking news.

Corey Davis of Darien Passionate About Central Nervous System Medications

In the early 2000s, the specialty pharmaceutical profile for Corey Davis of Darien would begin to rise around the nation. It began when Corey Davis of Darien was recognized in the Annual All America Survey multiple times as a top Institutional Investor. Recognition continued to grow and in 2005 – Corey Davis of Darien “broke onto the scene” as the “Best on the Street” in the Wall Street Journal. These awards would distinguish him as a specialty pharmaceutical professional who is not only passionate about his work but also celebrated for his analysis, insight, and stock-picking acumen.

So how did Corey Davis of Darien master his skills in analysis and predictions in the pharmaceutical industry? Simple: he’s a passionate proponent for central nervous system medication.

By following industry news, reading professional journals, and following the latest medical developments, Corey Davis of Darien is able to maintain the insight needed to make the best predictions and strategic maneuvers possible. In fact, Corey Davis of Darien is so well known for his work on Wall Street for the specialty pharmaceutical industry that he’s appeared on numerous news shows as a guest contributor.

Central nervous system medications include Alzheimer’s disease drugs, amphetamines, analgesics, sedative drugs, anticonvulsants, anti-inflammatory drugs, antipsychotics, Parkinson’s disease drugs, and more, says Corey Davis of Darien. Though the world of central nervous system medications is vast, Corey Davis of Darien is particularly passionate about new research in cancer medication and treatment.

Corey Davis Darien photo enjoying the sun outside.
Corey Davis Darien studied Molecular Biology at Princeton University, earning his PhD in 1997. (Source: Google)

Such passion and concern for the well-being of patients fighting cancer has given him an edge as a Wall Street analysis. Medical concern has enhanced his ability to create detailed financial projections, predict future trends, and gauge the outcome of the ever-important FDA and regulatory reviews. “Specialty pharmaceuticals is a tough industry,” says Corey Davis of Darien. “You have to be passionate about what you do in order to succeed.”

To become the lauded industry insider he is today, Corey Davis of Darien studied Molecular Biology at Princeton University, earning his PhD in 1997. Before then, Corey Davis of Darien attended Middlebury College and was a Series 7 registered representative. He was also registered for Series 63, 86, and 87.

In spite of his thriving career, Corey Davis of Darien always makes sure to keep his family first and focus on serving others. Corey Davis of Darien is currently 43 years old and looks forward to developing his career for many years to come.

The Emerald City Journal offers news, articles, and personal stories related to Seattle, Washington and other areas across the nation. Topic related to Corey Davis Darien. Find other topics related to Corey Davis Darien using our search feature located at the top right corner.

Simple Ways To Save Money

The past few years I have been on a mission to save money.  It seems everything just costs way to much and I’m done with it.  I call it a minimulist lifestyle and of course it’s not for everyone.  Making more money and saving it is something everyone wants but to what extreme you’re personally willing to go is the question.  I’m pretty extreme, however, I believe the tips below are my best simple ways to save money for the everyday person.  I took out the extreme ones like moving out of the country.  Like I said, some people are willing to take a more extreme approach and others are not so pick and choose as you wish.

ENERGY:  I find each month one of the biggest bills is energy.  It’s rediculously high and my thermastat has been turned off for months.  Unfortunately, not much we can do here except try to use less.  I went around the house and unplugged the things I rarely use.  Like lamps I never use but they are plugged in.  The toaster and other kitchen counter appliances are plugged in so I unplugged them also.   Even though, you don’t use things that are plugged into the outlet doesn’t mean they are not charging you for it.  My point is take a walk around the house and unplug the things you rarely use.  If you decide to use it later simply plug it back it and use it temporarly.

INSURANCE:  If you’ve been with the same insurance provider for more than 3 years, you’re probably paying too much.  You always save the most when changing providers so make a few calls and see what there quotes are.

PRESCRIPTIONS:  If you have prescriptions that cost a lot each month, take a trip to canada or simply buy your perscriptions online at a reputable canadian pharmacy.  All that is required is your prescription from the doctor and shipping in some cases is free.  After the Primetine Mist issue I was placed on Qvar for my ashama medication.  It costs $213 for one canister which lasts a little less than 2 months.  I can get the same thing online for $36 bucks.  In short, it cost more in America so look at other options.

BANKING:  If you have a checking account anywhere that charges you a per month fee – cancel them.  Free checking has been available for many years now so getting charged $7 a month by the bank to hold your money and collect your interest (you ain’t making no interest anyway) is a big rip off.  I love my BECU account.  I hate Bank Of America and US Bank.

PHONE LINES:  If you just have a landline you use for local calls then this probably won’t save you to much.  However, if you’re paying for any long distance or unlimited calling and have a landline you’re getting ripped off.  You’re probably using Century Link or Comcast.  Make the switch to a prepaid cell phone.  You can get them at Walmart (straight talk) and it’s pay as you go (no contracts).  They run off AT&T or Verizon networks and I use the AT&T option.  For $30 bucks I get 1000 min voice, 1000 min text, caller id, voice mail, call waiting, and pretty much all the bells and whistles.  I haven’t had a drop call in so long I can’t remember.  I easily saved over $100 per month doing this.  If you’re thinking about this make sure you look at your bill to calculate how many minutes you’re using now.

INTERNET/TV:  Comcast is my provider and my biggest expense with them is my Internet.  I have found that the Internet costs are the hardest to lower, however, everything else like your TV or phone line can be lowered.  To get it lowered, however, you can’t just ask you have to call them and discuss cancelling.  Just say you’re going through hard times and need to “discuss” cancelling service.  They will forward you to a special team of representives that are hired to keep you around even if you pay less.  I dropped my TV bills down to $10 per month – how much are you paying?

CREDIT CARD DEBT:  (EXTREME TIP – NOT FOR EVERYONE) If you have credit card debt that is out of control and your credit is already not so good – you may want to save up and negociate / settle them.  Strategies online by the pros will tell you to call them and negociate your interest rates I have found that to be difficult or perhaps they are not willing to do that anymore.  If you think about it from their perspective it makes sense.  With all banks $1 dollar given to them allows them to barrow $10 off it it and that is how banks (checking accounts) work.  So, if you’re in a dire situation and thinking about paying one off completely using savings or equity…. consider letting it go a few months.  Next, it will go to collections.  Once it goes to a collection company the credit card company sold it to them for pennys on the dollar and you can negociate it at 25% of the balance or less.  The trick is to don’t be desperate when talking to them and don’t wait to long to settle or you’ll get sued (at which point you’ll settle for even less).  Before starting change your address if possible (go paperless online) and change your number to a Google Voice number so you’re not called all the time.  Like I said extreme option and you’re personal situation determines if it’s for you or not.

MORTGAGE:  If you’ve lost your shorts and you’re home isn’t worth anything anymore consider walking away.  Stop throwing your money into the fire.  Foreclosure takes over a year so considering the amount you’ll save in a year (or add a renter) you’ll make way more than continuing your payments.  Additional Seattle mortgage info here. Another great site is:

SHOPPING CARDS + GAS:  If you go to Safeway or Fredmeyer for your shopping consider saving & working together as a family to get the best deals.  The trick is to use one phone number as a family.  If everyone uses the one phone number at checkout you’ll save considerably more.  I typically save 30 cents a gallon on gas each fill-up! It’s amazing.

– hope you found at least one of these simple ways to save money tips useful.  I have


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