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Admin - page 34

Admin has 358 articles published.


Sad but true our national debt is over 16 trillion dollars now.  Since it’s election time (and even before that) the finger pointing continues.  If we can pull any good news out of the this I guess it would be that China is no longer our big daddy foreign holder.  They are owed about 1.16 trillion of it.  Japan took on about 1.12 trillion of it.  About 5 trillion of it is internally ours for the Social Security Trust Fund and federal pension systems. The rest is divided up between many countries in smaller increments.  The federal reserves buys it up also to keep it stable which is shady but anyway.  The Bush era certainly didn’t help with the wars debt added and Obama’s promise of reducing it in half – just never came (nor will it ever come).  Obama can blame Bush and how he inherited it, however, after a year in office you have to take the rest of the blame being the man in charge.  It’s never going down and another 4 years will produce the same results.  Will Mitt Romney make a difference?  I doubt it but he at least deserves a shot at it in my opinion.  I would prefer someone who would take drastic changes like a Ron Paul, however, America isn’t ready for that yet.  Perhaps another 4 or 8 years will change their minds.

Here is some food for thought.  The debt added under Obama’s 3+ years in office was more than Bush added in his 8 years of presidency – combined.  Bush added 4.9 trillion total and Obama added 5.4 trillion and climbing.  One last point regarding unemployment rate under Obama, no incumbent has ever been re-elected with unemployment this high – ever.  In the event, Obama takes another 4 years he will have not only made history as the first African American president but also making history being re-elected with the highest unemployment rate.  Congrats if you win I guess.

The Journal of Buffalo Science

Veterinary sciences in buffaloes?

We recently discovered a new Pakistan-based, hybrid, open-access publisher called LifeScience Global. The site lists 15 journal titles, including the Journal of Buffalo Science.

The site tries to give the impression that the publisher is based in Ontario, but we had a look at their “office” there, and it’s really a tall apartment building, so it’s probably just someone letting them use the address.

This publisher is more sophisticated than most. To attract author fees these days, you have to be more and more convincing, and you have to look like a genuine publisher. This publisher is a member of CrossRef, it assigns DOIs to its articles, and its web design is much better than average.

The site incorporates social media applications, but it also has advertising.

Strangely, the funding model the site appears to be launching with is a hybrid model. It has both open- and toll-access articles, and it offers subscriptions. Many of its journals have yet to publish any articles.

The Journal of Buffalo Science’s first issue (vol. 1, no. 1, 2012) has about 22 articles, but only three of them are open-access. We’re surprised there is so much research interest in buffalo science; we thought it was a dying field.

The publisher offers an economics journal, the Journal of Reviews on Global Economics, despite its name, LifeScience Global. Why worry about a specialization when there’s money to be made? The site’s main page has at least three typos, and strangely, despite its North American office, almost all the authors are from outside North America.

Finally, we’re confused about the cover image of the Journal of Buffalo Science. The image doesn’t look like any buffalo we’ve ever seen. In fact, it looks like some type of bull.

By: Jeffrey Beall
Follow on Twitter
Source: Scholarly Open Access


sri says:

September 27, 2012 at 12:51 AM

famous Indian breed “MURRAH” has curly horn and picture is definitely of buffalo

Jeffrey Beall says:

September 27, 2012 at 10:24 AM

Thank you for this helpful comment!

Hachani Samir says:

August 2, 2012 at 12:14 PM

The image does not look like any known buffalo because “it’s bull “!!!!

Dana Roth says:

August 2, 2012 at 9:43 PM

Having lived in India and making yoghurt from water buffalo milk (since most of the cows have TB), there should be lots of interest in these ‘buffalos’, although there must be a surplus of journals already in existence on this subject.

Jay says:

August 4, 2012 at 8:02 PM

Both junk science and the new crop of open access publishers who follow unethical practices to make a quick buck should be monitored closely. Scientific publishing has become a business enterprise. More and more new online publications pop up everywhere not only from Asia but also from the US, Europe, and Africa. Solicitations from most new open access journals are sent from Canada, US, Europe, Africa, and Australia. Another growing trend is conducting scientific conferences almost every week in certain US cities as well as in few Asian cities, organized by industry people who apparently are not the experts of the themes of the conferences. Again, this money making enterprise is jointly operated by representatives from the US, Europe and Asia. So, everyone contributes to this new trend.

It is interesting that papers are retracted in high impact, “peer reviewed” journals by scientists of all nationalities. The disappointing thing is that these scientists go on with their daily business unaffected, including getting the NIH grants. The high impact journals do not acknowledge their role in retractions. It appears that the established journals also should be monitored closely to minimize junk science.

By the way, I am not aware that most cows in India have TB. Buffalo milk is cheaper than cow’s milk and probably contains more fat and so yields more yogurt. Also, yogurt (curd) from buffalo milk tastes better! It is a personal preference, nonetheless.

Jacob says:

August 5, 2012 at 2:33 AM

the image seems to be of an asian water buffalo with rounded horns.. nevertheless.. more important is the content being published.. new entrants in open access publishing are coming thick and fast .. we have to weed out the ones doing unethical practices .. on the other hand, the publishing giants (the Elseviers, the Springers etc) want scholarly publishing to be their property and never would like smaller publishers to grow.. with low production & labor costs and highly skilled workforce in Asia its natural that many big names in publishing moving their offices to India etc.. as a result smaller publishing companies are coming out from the region..

Info says:

August 30, 2012 at 1:19 PM

The second issue of Journal of Buffalo Science is now online. The September 2012 issue contains a Theme Section entitled “Use of Reproductive Techniques in Buffalo” edited by Dr. Vittoria L. Barile (Italy). The section contains six papers on various aspects of this topic. The issue also includes a general articles section containing five papers covering various areas of interest on buffalo related research. Lifescience Global also announced that all articles of the first issue (Volume 1 Number 1) are now available in OPEN ACCESS and can be downloaded with full text in PDF.

Matt Hodgkinson says:

November 19, 2013 at 4:08 AM

One person involved is Atif Hussain, who previously did marketing for Bentham Science. He is apparently studying digital marketing at the University of Toronto, so there might be a real connection to Canada:

Jeffrey Beall says:

November 19, 2013 at 4:10 AM

Thanks, Matt.

Six New Vanity Presses — One with an Unbelievable Name

Wudpecker Research Journals (see below)

Today we present six new (or newly discovered) vanity presses that we have added to the list of predatory publishers.

Intellectual Archive

This site is an “institutional repository” for people who ought to be institutionalized. They accept anything, so this makes for very interesting reading; some very wacky ideas are presented here. Also included, surprisingly, are many legitimate offprints (some violating copyright). The site boasts that it sends abstracts of all submissions to major libraries via its Intellectual Archive Bulletin (ISSN 1929-1329), but it may not really exist yet– it’s not cataloged. I wrote and requested a copy. They told me that my library could subscribe to the bulletin for $200 (electronic) or $400 (print). This is misleading — the language implied that the bulletin was sent to libraries, implying that it was sent for free.

For an additional fee you can have your submission published in their print journal, Intellectual Archive Journal (ISSN 1929-4700). To publish, you must pay a fee ranging from $20-$50 depending on length. You can also pay to get a certificate that says your deposit was made into the repository. Online-only deposits are free. Subscriptions to this journal are $700 (electronic) and $1,400 (print).

The only real value of this site is the entertainment value that the crazy articles provide. It’s worth a look, just for the laughs. This is a true scholarly vanity press.

Wudpecker Research Journals

I could hardly believe the name either. This is a brand-new operation based in India. It has half a dozen journals, but they have little content. Why the name? I’m not sure, but maybe it’s to make this start-up publisher stand out among the increasingly-crowed open-access publishing industry.

Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)

This mega-site offers dozens of journals and even more conferences. It’s based in India, but the conferences take place all over Asia. You get to pay for attending the conference and also for having your paper printed in the corresponding journal. Almost all its journal titles begin with “International journal of … ” but in most cases the authors are from India. If you need a couple publications to meet your yearly minimum, this is a good place to send something you can write in a couple days; I have a feeling they will accept it.

MASAUM Network (website down)

The “contact us” page for this bogus publisher lists addresses in the US and the UK, but it’s really based in Pakistan. The publisher states,

“MASAUM Network is an international, independent publishers [sic] for high quality journals, proceedings, books, e-books from all areas of science, engineering, technology, humanities, social sciences, management science and medical sciences etc.”

They charge £200 for accepted papers.

Centre For Info Bio Technology (CIBTech)

Each week, we discover at least one, new open-access publisher from India. This one offers 16 journals and promises a quick turnaround time for article submissions.

The publisher states, “CIBTech is always committed to maintain highest standard of workings whatever project it undertakes and work with never to compromise attitude.” Too bad their commitment to high standards doesn’t apply to the text on their website.

Pelagia Research Library

I cannot tell where this publisher is based; their “contact us” page only gives email addresses (but the author fees are stated in dollars and rupees, so it’s probably Indian). It lists five journals. The website has a sloppy yet bare appearance; this site was probably set up in a matter of hours. The journals all started in 2010 or 2011. One of the journals is the European Journal of Experimental Biology. I think it’s deceptive and unethical to name a journal after a region that it’s not published in.

By: Jeffrey Beall
Follow on Twitter
Source: Scholarly Open Access


L says:

June 19, 2012 at 7:22 AM

Hi there,

I’m leaving a comment to thank you for your work. I’m a graduate student in Montreal (Canada) and two days ago, I stumbled upon your blog searching for informations about the Center for Promoting Ideas.

My departement sent a call for papers yesterday for one of their journal and it looked like something I could eventually publish in. Plus, it was open access, which I support. After a quick search, your blog came up with other blogs and emails telling people NOT to do businness with them. I wasn’t even aware that fake publishers or open access journals were out there.

So I wrote back to my departement telling them about your blog and other sources and told them to warn students about this publisher. Turns out two students in my grad school were thinking about publishing with them but had small problems that felt weird. One of them was a few hours away from sending a payment to Pakistan!

So thank you very much for your work, keep it up! You “saved” at least three student yesterday from days of pain with this publisher. We then found out that a professor we know was on the editorial board. Turns out, he was not. It was also fake.

P.S. Please forget all the errors in the text, english is not my first language.


abhaga says:

June 28, 2012 at 9:02 PM shows that Pelagia Research Library is likely based out of India.

Morgaine Dinova says:

June 29, 2012 at 10:25 AM

I can’t seem to find a list of *good* open access publishers here.

The headline link to “List of Publishers” would be expected to link to a page of reasonable OA publishers, given the name of this site. Instead it links to “Beall’s List of **Predatory** Open-Access Publishers”, which is the opposite. It’s confusing.

Likewise, the side-link “Scholarly Open-Access Publishers” just leads back to the whole blog (which is mostly dedicated to predatory ones), instead of to selected articles about good or reasonable OA publishers. Perhaps the Categories aren’t being used properly? I would expect them to categorize articles.

I came here looking for a list of publishers to recommend because of their good policies on open access. Isn’t there such a list?

Jeffrey Beall says:

June 29, 2012 at 12:31 PM

The UC Berkeley Library maintains such a list here:

Morgaine Dinova says:

June 29, 2012 at 2:46 PM

Thanks Jeffrey. 🙂

Luis Murrell says:

February 12, 2013 at 2:15 PM


I’m doing my PhD from Ontario and i’m thinking about publishing my dissertation with a reputed org. Some of my colleagues suggested me to use sciedu resources for the same, since they are all benefited with the same, but i’m confused. Please suggest me some well accepted and honered press, I would be really grateful.

Jeffrey Beall says:

February 12, 2013 at 2:17 PM

I recommend this list prepared by the UCB libraries:

Luis Murrell says:

February 19, 2013 at 5:37 AM

Thanks for the help Mr. Jeffrey. I am looking for more resources for my anthropology research papers, is there any online library having a lot of sciedu press releases or unique sciedu resources? Please advise.

Andy says:

September 6, 2015 at 9:50 AM

Surely, as you were doing your research and writing your paper, you used published work from several to many sources. You can look through the list, and choose whichever journals you cited most often?

Sheikh says:

October 6, 2015 at 9:48 PM

Thanks for the information about predatory publishing. People in the third world don’t have the luxury of choice in where to publish. I do not think The Journal of Finance will accept submissions from a Nigerian, a Kenyan or an Indian graduate student trying to finish up a PhD.
I agree these online publishers cut corners, are expensive and have crazy practices like asking the authors to send $200 fees to Bangladesh through Western Union, but what choice do the Non-Europeans of the world have?.
While I agree with you that some practices are unethical, I think you should be careful not to sound condescending in fighting predatory publishing. The way to go is to provide a list of Journals accessible to students from far corners of the world that will understand their unique circumstances.

David Publishing: Flipping Its Model

Part of the David Publishing web page. After clicking on “help,” a user is show a box that says “help” and nothing more.

This publisher is an enigma to me.

David Publishing made my 2012 list of predatory open-access publishers. I wrote:

“Although this publisher purports to be headquartered in Libertyville, Illinois, United States, it actually appears to operate out of China. The home page shows a view of the Libertyville Industrial Park, the supposed home of the operation, as if to prove it operates in the U.S.”

Now, the picture of the Libertyville Industrial Park is still there, but it rotates with a stock photo of three diverse, scholarly-looking people. This operation seems to have abandoned Libertyville, as the contact us information now lists an El Monte, California address¹. Also, the site was completely down for a couple months between December 2011 and February 2012.

More importantly, the publisher’s model seems to have changed from open access to toll access. All the content (except for the article abstracts) are behind a pay wall. And strangely, it may be continuing to charge author fees, for I found this (unidiomatic) statement on a submission form: “8. Please confirm to pay for the publication fee for the delivering article.” If this is all true, then it would be the first toll access publisher I’ve heard of that also charges author fees.

It’s also possible that this site is a total fraud. It’s a Chinese operation and every page on the site is slow to load. It could be set up mainly as a place for Chinese authors to get credit for foreign publications. The Chinese government does have incentive programs with monetary rewards for Chinese scholars who publish abroad.

I regularly get emails about this publisher. It is a big spammer that harvests emails from other publishers and from scholarly websites. It panders to graduate students who lack publications, offering to publish their work but failing to inform them about the author fee (that information comes later).

The list below contains David Publishing’s current journal portfolio. I recommend that scholars do not conduct any business with this publisher including submitting articles, submitting on editorial boards or advertising. I would also be very skeptical of any article bearing the David Publishing imprint.
o China-USA Business Review
o Chinese Business Review
o Computer Technology and Application
o History Research
o Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology
o Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
o Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture
o Journal of Communication and Computer
o Journal of Earth Science and Engineering
o Journal of Energy and Power Engineering
o Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering (A & B)
o Journal of Food Science and Engineering
o Journal of Life Sciences
o Journal of Literature and Art Studies
o Journal of Materials Science and Engineering (A & B)
o Journal of Mathematics and System Science
o Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation
o Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing
o Journal of Physical Science and Application
o Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering
o Journal of US-China Medical Science
o Journal of US-China Public Administration
o Journalism and Mass Communication
o Philosophy study
o Psychology Research
o Psychology Research
o Sino-US English Teaching
o Sociology Study
o US-China Education Review A & B
o US-China Foreign Language

[¹]. David Publishing Company, 9460 Telstar Ave Suite 5, EL Monte, CA91731, USA Tel: 323-984-7526; Fax: 323-984-7374

By: Jeffrey Beall
Follow on Twitter
Source: Scholarly Open Access

Mike A Noorzai – Rare Classic Cars

With the passing of Mike A Noorzai, his family has asked us to list many of his classic cars.  If you’re interested in any of them listed below send the Emerald City Journal an email.  Funds will help support his family including college tuition for his daughters.  A portion of the profit will also go to local charities supporting cancer awareness.

Mike A Noorzai
Mike A Noorzai a consultant and journalist at the Emerald City Journal.


Mike A Noorzai classic car for sale. 1955 Chevy Bel Air
Mike A Noorzai classic car for sale. 1955 Chevy Bel Air
Mike A Noorzai Classic 1992 Jaguar XJS Convertible
Mike A Noorzai Classic 1992 Jaguar XJS Convertible

Updated Oct 2014 –
The family of Mike A Noorzai sent us a handwritten letter thanking the Emerald City Journal for the years of work and personal friendship with him. They expressed he was always happy working for us as a freelancer but all the great team who always respected him plus took his advice on matters. Additional photos are being added below as well supplied to us. They are from his personal car collection – one of his favorite personal hobbies.

Noorzai Great Family Photo
Noorzai Great Family Photo
Noorzai Old House Photo
Noorzai Old House Photo

Mike A Noorzai

Mike A Noorzai
Mike A Noorzai (1950-2014). Seattle, Washington Biography

A member of the Seattle community and active athlete, Mike A Noorzai was a dedicated journalist and consultant for the Emerald City Journal. With over 20 years of experience in print and media, his passing just shows how fragile life can be. Mike A Noorzai served in the Navy and many years later retired. He was a family man, community advisor, and experienced businessman. Everyone here was always impressed with the way he communicated. Mike knew a lot about the business and little about everything.

One of Mike’s greatest passions was going to the baseball games in Seattle and his large collection of classic cars. I remember him telling me so many stories of how his father would take him to the games and how much he loved spending that time with his father. He tried to go to many of the Seattle Mariners games with his children because as he grew up he understood how much he loved that time together. Mike A Noorzai is survived by his wife Nancy Noorzai. Many of the staff members of the Emerald City Journal took the day off in March 2011 to just show how much he gave to the company and the experience he shared.

On a personal level, Mike was a good friend. Together we shared a passion of motorcycles and classic cars. Mike had a fantastic collection of cars that I was really jealous about. Many were passed down from his father but he continued to add to his collection even up until his passing last March. We loved talking about cars and sometimes would even go on road trips. These are the moments I will remember the most.

Mike A Noorzai's Classic Cars From His Collection
Mike A Noorzai’s Classic Cars From His Collection


Emerald City Journal:  Disclaimer

Welcome to the Emerald City Journal.  We offer headline news for independent thinkers in the City of Seattle and it’s surrounding areas.

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Emerald City Journal:
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Suite 300
Seattle, Washington 98104
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Not For Everyone

Neglected Graves Household to ‘Invisible Dead’

Duncan Shropshire stops by the edge next to the tree line, exactly where the meadow will become a forest. His yellow linen shirt is mis-buttoned and crooked, leaving the bottom of his stomach somewhat uncovered.

His 8-year-old daughter, Mia-Grace, stands a foot or so behind him, wiping her runny nose together with the sleeve of her blue sweatshirt. Right after about a moment, she lets out a sigh of boredom.

Shropshire, 51, clasps his daughter’s hand and starts talking…stop her in to the Northwest Georgia forest.

“This is exactly where your ancestors are buried, again right here,” Shropshire says. “C’mon, I am going to show you.”

And having a loving tug, Duncan Shropshire shares along with his daughter a crucial bit of their family’s background.

Nonetheless keeping fingers, the pair weaves by means of the maze of skinny pines, stepping more than fallen oaks and basketball-sized sinkholes. Mia-Grace stays silent though her father appears singularly targeted on transferring ahead. Immediately after 5 minutes, they visit a mass clearing exactly where rows of fist-sized rocks bulge out from the floor.

Each and every rock sits atop modest depressions inside the floor.

“You see these humps inside the floor?” Shropshire asks.

“Uh-huh,” Mia-Grace replies.

“Those are rows of graves. They are stacked like spoons right here,” Shropshire says. “There was a good deal of people today right here. People today with the 1800s are buried right here. And I am attempting to maintain it inside your memory the way in which granddaddy held it in mine so it will not be forgotten.”

The 2 crouch down getting closing to the ground, flat rock with all the phrases “Lewis Dickson, 4? scratched into it. For the left with the marker is often a row of twelve rocks. Towards the entrance, you’ll find 4 other rows of stones, various in range.

“How long did they bury our kin right here?” Mia-Grace asks.

“They began within the early 1800s, child,” Shropshire solutions. “They labored our individuals to die right here. They had been slaves. And most likely by about 1905 is the time they stopped burying in this particular region. Your great-great-great grandfather, a (slave-owning) gentleman named Wesley, he had 5 youngsters by this slave lady, your great-great-great grandmother. She is buried more than right here on this facet. Her title is Molly.”

Mia-Grace’s mild green eyes get massive. “I’m anxious may I possibly plan on them,” she says.

“Oh, child,” Shropshire says having a chuckle, “they’re gone. They are gone! They are sleeping now, awaiting the Lord to arrive.”

A “rare” and “special” location this is.

The Shropshire gravesite is inside the Appalachian foothills exterior Gore, Georgia. About 1,000 ft from your clearing. It is definitely an outdated abandoned church on the dusty dirt street. Specialists say that if slaves or previous slaves are buried in the are it could be a exceptional archeological find.

“In Appalachia, it could be incredibly uncommon to possess a black or slave graveyard,” explained Ruth Small, co-author of “Sticks and Stones: 3 Centuries of North Carolina Grave markers.” “The farms in Appalachia had been modest, and there had been less slaves.”

Small says slave cemeteries within the region would already be marked with area stones, such as the rocks in the site, or wood stakes that burned down.

“It’s incredibly regional and extremely nearby,” Small continued. “I’ve observed within the coastal location with graves marked with seashells.”

Other grave markers utilized in black burial cites all through the Southeast incorporate iron pipes, damaged dishes, cups, bottles and reside cedar trees, based on Chicora Basis Executive Director Michael Trinkley. He focuses on cemetery preservation.

“The difficulty with preserving these kinds of sites is the fact that African-American cemeteries are challenging to uncover,” Trinkley mentioned. “You can believe the folks buried there because of the invisible dead. Instead of understanding exactly where they’re, or how a lot of you can find, helps make them prone to be hard to find.”

Even when gravesites are acknowledged, they nevertheless could be destroyed for improvement. Trinkley factors towards the very low nation of South Carolina.

“The regions that had been employed for burial grounds,” Trinkley explained, “those locations had been near to h2o. They had been regarded as waste locations, locations exactly where burying slaves was not a considerable reduction for the planter. These places currently are amongst probably the most sought-after for actual estate.”

Officials in Chattooga County, exactly where the web page is situated, say that they’re unaware of any grave websites within the hills close to Gore and the web-site requirements to become registered with all the library being a cemetery prior to it could be regarded as for safety via nearby ordinances.

Trinkley and Small each say the possible historical significance of grave websites warrant investigation by nearby or state officials.

“What if in that grave was your mom or your youngster?” Trinkley asked. “It’s an concern of respect and an concern of dignity. It is the final choice culture as well as the person make with each other.”

“There are not numerous traceable slave graveyards, and every single 1 is unique in it is personal way,” Small additional. She says the Shropshire family members can position to that spot and say, “This is exactly where we’re from; this can be exactly where our roots are.”

Two cemeteries for two ancestors

Shortly prior to sunset, Mia-Grace and Duncan Shropshire head more than to an previous white cemetery about a mile in the forest gravesite. The dates about the gravestones recommend that it absolutely was utilized across the very same time because the forest cemetery.

There, Shropshire and Mia-Grace stroll more than to some marble headstone that tops ten ft. Before it really is a modest plastic Confederate flag flapping inside the breeze.

“This is Wesley Weatherspoon Shropshire. … He was 1 from the colonels within the Civil War for your Confederacy,” Shropshire says. “He had 5 young children by means of a slave he owned through the identify of Molly.”

“My great-great grandmother?” Mia-Grace asks.

“Your great-great-great grandmother,” Shropshire corrects her. He turns to level towards yet another grave site when Mia-Grace notices her father’s misbuttoned shirt. She stops him mid-sentence and starts to repair the crooked buttons.

“Why is Molly buried more than there and Wesley more than right here?” she asks.

“Because that is the way in which it absolutely was, Mia,” Shropshire solutions.

Mia-Grace’s confront is filled up with intensive focus as she tries to undo the bottom button on her father’s shirt.

Lastly, she pries the button absolutely free. She seems up at her father and says assuredly, “But people today are individuals. It does not issue what they’re. They are all of the very same.”

“That’s a great factor to believe, but back again then it was not like that, Mia,” Shropshire tells her. “The dark-skinned men and women had been buried way back again more than yonder, as well as the light-skinned folks had been buried right here.”

Mia-Grace lastly fixes her father’s shirt, leaving it straight. Then, she skips more than towards the other finish with the cemetery. Shropshire watches her race throughout the whole lot.

“You cannot do effectively in existence in the event you do not know your background. Without having your background, you are absolutely nothing,” he says.

Mia-Grace playfully hides behind a massive headstone, calling for her daddy to chase her. A quarter-way towards her, he stops, turns about and yells back again, “I reckon she’ll be buried wherever she desires to.”

Internet-Savvy ‘Firefly’ Followers Fly Again in to the Battle


Accurate Browncoats, such as the fictional flexibility fighters they named on their own right after, do not quit simply.

These diehard followers of “Firefly,” the 2002 cult Television hit, possess a background of turning to the net to buck improbable odds in protection of their preferred demonstrate.

Now, they are at it once more.

Just days soon after an apparently offhand comment from Nathan Fillion, who played Capt. Malcolm Reynolds within the short-lived Fox sequence, the Internet has as soon as once more lit up with efforts to revive the sci-fi franchise.

Final week, Fillion, who now stars in ABC’s “Castle,” instructed Amusement Weekly he’d adore to play Mal once more. Then, he ratcheted points up a notch.

“If I received $300 million in the California Lottery, the very first factor I’d do is purchase the rights to “Firefly,” allow it to be on my personal, and distribute it online,” Fillion informed EW, a Tech News Blog companion.

Then, some probably shocking on the internet reactions began rolling in.

The following day, previous “Firefly” author Jose Molina wrote on Twitter: “For what it is well worth, I’ve informed him I’d drop what I used to be performing and adhere to.”

Then, Jane Espenson, who wrote an episode, chimed in: “I’m there, if required,” she tweeted.

Jewel Staite, who played ace mechanic Kaylee about the display, had a easy solution whenever a Twitter follower asked if she’d be on board: “Is the Pope Catholic?”

Which was additional than sufficient for enthusiasts (whose “Browncoat” nickname, from the way, arrives through the Western-style dusters worn by Fillion and other people around the demonstrate).

A web page, “Help Nathan Acquire Firefly,” popped up, below the title “Let’s obtain the Captain his income.”

The objective? To create a indicates of accumulating pledges that may flip into donations if a revived “Firefly” seems like it could turn into a fact.

The pledge program hadn’t been formally developed as of Tuesday, but followers had been currently composing within the site’s comment segment that they are prepared to pony up.

In 5 days, the site’s Facebook group had picked up far more than 33,000 members — about ten,000 of them within the previous 24 several hours.

The 2 creators from the web-site are remaining publicly anonymous for now. In an e-mail to a Tech News Blog (which arrived from an tackle connected for the website and was talked about within the group’s Facebook page), they mentioned they function inside the nonprofit area but “have no credentials to communicate of” within the TV/film market or “Firefly” neighborhood.

They acknowledged the odds that Fillion was significant about acquiring the show’s rights are “pretty very low,” but wish the community’s willingness to assistance some kind of revamped “Firefly” will motivate creator Joss Whedon or somebody else together with the appropriate clout to create a transfer.

“Joss compensated from pocket to create [Web series] ‘Dr. Horrible,’ and it is not merely compensated him back again, it is compensated the people concerned,” they stated within the e-mail. “We’d prefer to see him be prepared to allow enthusiasts grow to be his pocket and revisit [‘Firefly’].”

They say they “won’t get a penny” from everyone till an individual like Whedon or Fillion will get involved with an work to revive the display and would search to setup a not-for-profit basis or some thing with the type if that occurs.

Other devotees from the cult preferred say they are not shocked from the fast Internet motion.

“I could not think it when I initial study the tale,” stated Brian Harvard, co-creator from the twenty five,000-member-strong “Bring Back again Firefly” Facebook page. “Then, all of the sudden, everyone’s posting these hyperlinks for the ‘Help Nathan Purchase Firefly’ page and I mentioned, ‘We’ve acquired to assist obtain the term out about this.’ ”

Even just before “Firefly” was formally sacked in 2002, supporters had used for the Internet to attempt to help save it. Employing the on the net instruments from the early 2000s — concept boards, fan web-sites, chat rooms and LiveJournal weblogs — they organized. Contact it an early instance of crowd-sourcing.

They collected income for an advert in Selection, organized a postcard-writing marketing campaign to Universal Images and, once the DVD box set was launched, elevated $14,000 to place copies on 250 Navy ships for your crews to look at.

The fan base’s self-styled guerrilla advertising is extensively regarded as to get served Whedon get funding for 2005’s “Serenity,” a characteristic movie that attracts with each other a few of the loose stops in the collection.

“On the net, which was 1 of the very first instances you have observed like a drive to provide some thing back again,” Harvard stated. “Now, using the introduction of Facebook? My goodness — that is most likely probably the most valuable instrument, subsequent to the world wide web alone, to truly carry some fire underneath this motion.”

Harvard acknowledges that Fillion’s comment seems like an off-the-cuff quip. (And twentieth Century Fox, which owns the rights to “Firefly,” has not expressed any wish to offer them.)

But he says that does not imply absolutely nothing will arrive from the web response to it.

“Even if this venture goes nowhere, a minimum of it is some thing to point out the powers-that-be that there is a item there that might be creating them some cash,” he stated.

Obama blames politics for the delay on immigration – Yahoo! News (Political Discussion)


Is there anything that this man will NOT blame something on someone else rather than his own ineptness? Congress is partisan because, honestly, the democrats made it that way. They put their feet down in the ’80s with Reagan and then broke their promises as politicians are wont to do. Again in the ’90s. When the republicans, first time with Clinton in ’94 were together, there was a groundswell due to previous policies, and things got done. Even Clinton recognized that things needed to be signed and he did.

Now, with 8 years of absolute vitriol hatred against George Bush and thus everything conservative (rightly so in some areas, but mostly no), these petty children of the left are trying to blame everything on the right because no one on the right agrees with them. If the ideas were so great, then all the members, sans a few, would support it. But it is NOT good. So what does the POS POTUS do? Bitch and moan that partisanship is the problem and since he is a lefty, it is clearly the right’s fault. Sheesh!

Why not stop all the legislating and go on a permanent holiday (the whole 530 members of Congress and the president)! Nothing will get passed, and I guarantee you the stock market will be above 14K. Either that, or we will have a civil war again.

good luck and good night!


Debateguy: Maybe I should rename the trend “Blame Game Trends”. This article sums up what I believe to be the overall impression of our POTUS. Blame everyone else. Point fingers at everyone else.

Well, Mr. President. Did your mother (or grandmother as your mom wasn’t around much) not tell you that when you point your finger at someone else 3 more are pointing at you – from your OWN hand?

I cannot wait for this man to go the way of Jimmy Carter.

Jimmy: Obama and his friends love illegal immigration for a simple reason.  Eventually, somehow, someway, millions of the illegals in this country will get citizenship.  And they will get benefits (many are getting them now).  And most important of all, they will vote, and they will vote Democrat.

Obama ain’t stupid.  He knows this as well as anyone.

Unfortunately, we’ve closed this discussion because it is old.

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