Seattle Newspaper for the People by the People


Jeff Jacobs - page 10

Jeff Jacobs has 240 articles published.

Voice of Hope: Seattle Author, Artist Nadine C. Keels Says, “Keep Going.”

Seattle, WA, April 16, 2013 — “Nadine” is a French name that means “hope.” With the ongoing purpose of spreading hope to her readers and audiences, Seattle author and spoken word artist Nadine C. Keels recently released her ninth book, Love Unfeigned, and her first poetry album, Hope. Lyricized., within five weeks of each other. The album was released on April 1 in celebration of National Poetry Month.

“Bad news is inevitable,” Keels says, “so we must keep good news in demand. People need to be reminded that authentic love yet exists and that life, with all of its triumphs and trials, is still worth living. My novella, Love Unfeigned, is an invitation for imperfect human beings (in a word, everyone) to take their self-imposed bounds off of love and to let it live. After years of my listeners’ requests for an audio recording, Hope. Lyricized. is my response to the demand for hope in uncertain times, to positively impact how we view our circumstances and make decisions.”

Keels has been performing spoken word since 2006. Her latest presentation took place on March 30 at the One Love Urban Poetic Experience at Langston Hughes Performing Arts Institute in Seattle. The event, which featured nine selected local and national poets, was hosted by the nonprofit organization Of One Body, to support their relief work for underserved communities around the world.

Keels is one in a group of authors, with 20 books published between them, at Kingdom Family Worship Center International in Kent, home to a number of writers, actors, dancers, songwriters, and recording artists. The authors are currently working on their second anthology, set for a mid-May release. Keels says, “Conveying hope through literary and performing arts is a powerful way to tell humanity, ‘We haven’t set our goals for life in vain. We’ll make it if we keep going.’”

Find out about Nadine C. Keels and her books and spoken word at:

Joe Biden $585K Spending Spree In Paris (1 Night)

Joe Biden Paris Visit

The spending continues with Joe Biden making a trip to Paris last February.  The one night stay for him (and his team) came to $585,000.  Joe Biden and his team rented out 100 rooms at the Hotel Intercontinental Paris Le Grand (a 5 star hotel).  The average cost for a hotel room there is $475 per night and the presidential suite is a cool $3,900 per night.  The government contract was recently released to the public discussing the trip.  Specifics about whether he stayed in the presidential suite is not known, however.  There is another case of him and his team staying at the Hyatt Regency London in early February which total $459,000.  At least we don’t have a spending problem in America – two solid cases of the administration blowing more tax money.  Both contracts are available for the public to read it on the website.

If spending your all your tax money like this doesn’t make you angry (and it should) then think about this… how about their honesty in reporting the facts about the visit?  Think about this… even if they purchased 100 presidential room suites for him and his team at the hotel for $3,900 each, they still wouldn’t have spent the full contracted amount of $585,000.

I have said it time and time again.  Before Obama and Biden are out of the office, our national debt will hit at least $20 trillion dollars.  It just continues to go up everyday and they simply don’t have courage to cut any real spending.  Just like the first 4 years in office, they are going to kick the spending can down the road for the next guy to handle.




Hillary Clinton Comes Clean About Gay Marriage (Support)

Hillary Clinton Gay Marriage Support

Hillary Clinton came out of the closet this weekend with a video of her (more like a campaign pitch) view of supporting gay marriage.  The video included below is very much like a TV political campaign ad.  Watch it for yourself.  Many are saying this is her buildup for the 2016 presidential election.  Considering her Benghazi attack failure, I’m not sure that is possible.  That is whole another topic, however.

What I find most interesting about Hillary Clinton and her video release of supporting gay marriage is how long it took her.  My gosh Hillary Clinton was the first lady back in 1994.  So what the hell took so long to make the statement?  The reality is Hillary Clinton is just another Keep Reading

Davy Crockett Ship Owner Going To Prision

Going To Jail Bret Simpson, the owner of The Davy Crockett, will be sent to federal prison for 4 months (plus home detention time).  He was sentenced and charged due to him abandoning an old beat up barge in the Columbia River.  When Mr. Simpson got the 400 ft former Navy ship he figured he would just scrap it and walk off with a tidy sum of money.  It is believed his company, Principle Metals LLC, made $88,000 just for the first haul of metal.  Of course, it’s hard to provide an accurate number of metal as it would be easy to hide in my opinion.  With that being said, it probably was much more.  One thing we know for sure about the Federal Government is that if you’re hiding money, accept cash, or making it in a way that cannot be traced back then they get very angry.  They don’t support issues in which they are not getting their cut such as marijuana or prostitution for example.

This is the first case in Washington State that a boat owner was sent to Keep Reading

St Patrick’s Day Seattle

St Pattys In Seattle

Break out your bag pipes, irish food, and green beer because Seattle is celebrating St Patrick’s Day.  This weekend is going to be so much fun and the real party starts today (Saturday) and end late on Sunday.  This year there is even a St Patrick’s Day parade which starts at 12:30pm (Saturday) on 4th ave S from Jefferson.

On Sunday, over 17,000 runners are going to take over the city with The St Patrick’s Day Dash.  The event supports the Schrempt Foundation and children charities.  The St Patrick’s Day Dash is in its 29th year now.

The nightlife will of course be very exciting.  Some of my favorite spots tonight and tomarrow will be Keep Reading

Utrecht Art Supplies Self Portrait Art Contest

SEATTLE, WA – March 12th 2013 – Premier art supply retailer Utrecht Art Supplies announced today a painting contest entitled “Self Portraits” will begin taking submissions starting on Saturday March 15th at the Seattle store located on Capitol Hill.

Utrecht Art Supplies – Seattle chose to start their first annual art contest with the theme of “Self Portrait” in honor of the Seattle Art Museum’s European Masters exhibit, now on display, centered around the famous self portrait of the master himself – Rembrandt.

Contestants are asked to come into the store to fill out a formal entry form. Contestants will then be asked to complete a self portrait (of themselves) using the color palette of one of these old masters – Gainsborough, Rembrandt, or Van Dyck. Utrecht will make available the lists of the colors required to the public and will be selling discounted sets in the Seattle store only. Entries are due no later than Monday April 15th 2013 by 7pm. Contestants are entering for the chance to win one of four Utrecht Gift Cards in two categories, juried and popular vote. Contestants must be at least 18 years old or older.

Once all submissions have been received Utrecht will then showcase the submissions at the store starting on Wednesday April 17th 2013, wherein the public will be allowed to vote for their favorite self portrait. Popular vote submissions will no longer be accepted after 6PM on Saturday April 20th 2013. Utrecht will also hold a Juried exhibit during the same period the popular vote is occurring. The jury will be composed of one local artist – Damien Puggelli, a Seattle Art Museum representative, and one Utrecht store staff member – Chris Rollins, Assistant Manager.

Utrecht will hold an opening event on Saturday April 20th 2012 from 9am to 9pm to announce the juried and popular vote show winners. Winning artists will also be awarded their prize(s) at the show. The Juried show winners will be announced at 7PM with the popular vote winner announcement to follow at 8PM. The Juried competition winners will receive a Utrecht gift card in the amount of $100 for first place, $75 for second place, $50 for third place, and $150 for the most popular votes.

The show starting on Wednesday April 17th 2013 will run at the Utrecht Store until Wednesday May 15th 2013. Starting on Thursday May 16th the entries will be returned to the artists.

Utrecht Art Supplies – Seattle has been supplying Pacific Northwest artists and students on Capitol Hill for more than 14 years.

Contest Eligibility & Rules:


The Utrecht Art Supplies in Seattle, WA “competition title” Competition is open to legal residents of the United   States who are at least eighteen (18) years old at time of entry.


The Competition begins on Friday March 15th 2013 and ends on Wednesday April 17th 2013.

How to Enter

Visit Utrecht at 1124 Pike St in Seattle, WA and fill out the official contest registration form. Entry into contest is free.

Self Portrait must be 9”x12” and can be on any backing the artist chooses. Contestants may use Oil, Acrylic, or Watercolor paint only and must use a color palette from Rembrandt, Van Dyck, or Gainsborough (see attached list for specific colors).  Any Entry submitted after deadline of April 17th, 2013 at 7:00PM PST will be ineligible for Competition. Entries to the Competition must be submitted through the Utrecht Seattle Store.

Competition LIMITED TO THE FIRST 75 ENTRIES (in total) turned into UTRECHT.

Multiple entries not permitted. All entries become sole & exclusive property of Utrecht.

Winner Selection

On or about Thursday April 18th 2013 Customers visiting the Utrecht location at 1124 Pike St. in Seattle, WA will be eligible to cast a voting ballot selecting one entry based on quality and originality of work. Winners will be notified on or about April 20th, 2013. Results will be tabulated by Utrecht and be deemed Final upon completion of the voting process.


Juried – 1 Utrecht Staff, 1 Museum Staff, 1 Local Artist*

1st Prize Winner – $100 Utrecht Gift Card

2nd Prize Winner – $50 Utrecht Gift Card

3rd Prize Winner – $25 Utrecht Gift Card

Popular Vote

Winner – $150 Utrecht Gift Card

Entry Conditions.

By entering the Competition, entrant represents and warrants to Utrecht as follows: (a) all elements of the Entry Materials may be reproduced and generally used by Utrecht as contemplated in these Official Rules without the knowledge, consent or approval of any third party; (b) entrant hereby grants Utrecht the irrevocable, perpetual, worldwide, assignable and royalty-free right to use the name, image, likeness, comments and biographical data of entrant, and to photograph, adapt and reproduce the Entry Materials, in its various products and services and the related advertising, publicity, promotional and marketing materials of Utrecht in any and all media, and to permit others to do so.

General Conditions

Utrecht reserves the right to cancel, suspend and/or modify the Competition. Utrecht reserves the right in its sole discretion to disqualify any individual it finds to be acting in violation of these Official Rules or any other promotion or in an unsportsmanlike, distasteful or disruptive manner.

Raising The Social Security Age

Social Security Age Increasing

Every year we hear the same news… people are living longer. These “studies” say the average expectancy now is 72 years old. Me, personally, know a lot more people who have died at a younger age than actually living until 72+. In fact, a just heard a friend of mine say her Mom died in her sleep just a few days ago. She was 54. Yesterday (3/5/13) we got the news one of the biggest managers in wrestling’s history (WWE) died and he was 58. His WIKI page is here. I honestly don’t believe the hype coming out of these “studies”. The realty is that everything you hear on the news/media, government, or these “age studies” needs to really be analyzed. All these organizations have a motive and propaganda to change your mind on issues. The scarcity or news (for or against) helps to convince the public to vote Keep Reading

Michael Bloomberg Banning Soda Pop

A perfect example of someone wasting our tax money as a politician.  Out of everything that needs to be fixed in this country (and NYC), Michael Bloomberg figured he would start banning large soda pops.  I guess it must be nice to sit around all day and not fix a damn thing that is really important.  A law that he figured wouldn’t put his head on the chopping block may have backfired.  As you know most politicians these days focus on the things (or create new things) that don’t put them in the line of fire.  They like to sit back and think of things that generate revenue but are not currently in place.  A few good examples would be photo lights, speeding lights, hotel room taxes, seat belt laws, plastic bag tax etc.  So the “genius” Michael Bloomberg creates a ban on large soda pop.  Well done! Like I said, another example of a “play it safe” politician. Keep Reading

Michelle Obama Working Hard At Oscars

As I was flipping channels last night between CBS (Osama Bin Ladin raid recap) and the Oscars, I couldn’t help but watch Michelle Obama kiss more ass to the public. I have said it a hundreds times on the Emerald City Journal. Michelle and Barack Obama are all about making the American people love them, building their popularity, and brand. They want popularity so they can get the continued support to pitch their crap in the White House.  A President (or anyone) will always be voted for or supported due to popularity.  A sense of connection with us, always seeing them, being inspired by them – this person will always take the Keep Reading

President Obama Agenda & Laws

As the time continues to pass with the Obama Administration, the picture is becoming even more clear.  He is not interested in touching anything that would potentially make him look bad.  He would cut spending as they will cut jobs and ruin is record.  He won’t be touching the medicare issues or social security.  In short, anything that could potentially hurt his brand/image is just not going to happen.  The can will be kicked down the road for the next guy (or girl).  Any issues that could hurt him will be passed onto someone else.  For example, he was quick to play dumb with the Benghazi attack.  Hilary took the fall but played the obvious dumb card also when questions which was a big surprise.  The guns sold to Mexico which ended up killing our Agents was sealed.  My point is this trend will Keep Reading

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