Seattle Newspaper for the People by the People


Jeff Jacobs - page 11

Jeff Jacobs has 240 articles published.

Navy Spending Tax Money At Key Arena

The Old Key Arena Building in Seattle

A friend and I went to a concert a few weeks ago at Key Arena (she was persuasive).  The last time I visited was in High School for a hockey game; it was a good experience.  Going to the Key Arena isn’t something I would normally do these days.  The ticket prices, parking, and traffic make it mostly miserable for me.  The City Of Seattle strategically limits the hours of street parking so you can pay the $25+ parking at the event.  The concert was mostly sold out by the time we decided to go.  The remaining tickets were in the nosebleed section and after the Ticketmaster fees they were $98 dollars each.  With that being said, this plan was starting to fall apart quickly.  I decided to check out Craigslist to see if any opportunities were available.  After a few days, I decided to pull the trigger on some Key Arena luxury suite tickets via Craigslist posting for

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Dreams of Success: Mark Hurd

Many teenagers and young adults watch successful businessmen and businesswomen wear fancy clothes, drive in expensive cars, and go to upscale parties. They imagine what the high life would be like as a successful executive. They dream of money and all of that money can buy, and wish for the success that has been bestowed upon others. What many of them never recognize is that those successful people once had the same dreams before turning them into realities.

Mark Hurd was one of those dreamers. So were many of the famous figures of business technology. They worked hard, had an idea, and then discovered how to turn that idea into a profit. They saw needs in society that others missed, and they found themselves able to fill those niches. Mark Hurd and others like him followed the examples and advice of those that came before them, the men and woman whose faces could be found on the covers of Fortune and Forbes Magazines.

For Mark Hurd, the journey to success was not short, and it was not easy. He put in a lot of long hours and had some unsatisfying days before making his dreams come through. But Mark Hurd and others like him have long known that in order to make your dreams come true, you have to work as hard as you can and never give up. That is why Mark did not quit his job as junior salesman at NCR when he likely deserved a much higher position.

Instead, Mark Hurd worked to become the best at the job he was given, and once he had done that he was promoted, and given a new challenge. With every new position and new responsibility, Mark could feel himself getting closer and closer to his dreams. Those dreams were still a long way off, it was true, but Mark Hurd was not going to give up.

In 1994, after 14 years of performing in various sales, marketing, and management positions, Mark Hurd was promoted to Vice President of one of NCR Corp’s larger divisions. He performed well, as he had always done, and was named COO of the division and President of NCR Corp as a whole. His dreams were finally coming to fruition.

Mark Hurd was named the COO of NCR Corp in 2002, and after only a year was named CEO, making him the President and CEO of the company where he had worked for 23 years. In 2005, Mark Hurd had led NCR Corp to incredible success and growth. The company grew nearly $300 million dollars (up 6%). A few years later he was offered a position at Hewlett-Packard as President and CEO. He took the position. Even at HP Mr. Hurd was able to increase their revenue nearly 63%!

When the name Mark Hurd began to show up in the lists of Fortune, Business 2.0, and Forbes, it was evident that his dream had been realized. Mark Hurd at last attained success. He worked hard, he worked long, he devoted his life to the business of technological advances, and he became successful.

Many people would consider this to be the culmination of his dreams. But the thing about dreams is that they must always evolve. Success is a great dream to have, but far better than success and wealth is excellence. Mark Hurd led HP with an attitude of excellence, and continues to do so as the President of Oracle Corporation today. It can only be assumed that Mark Hurd will continue to pursue excellence for a long time to come.

Overall, one the best businessman working today. We are including his revenue performance chart below. As you can see it’s impressive work.

Mark Hurd Revenue Chart
Mark Hurd Revenue Chart

**Inspiration piece submitted to inspire Seattle residents to make big moves in their careers. Dream big and be your best at everything you do.

Obama Taking More Of Your Rights! New Gun Laws

With almost two months in office now, President Obama continues the path to abolish anything left in this country.  His shady ways of Obama care will be here shortly and I can’t wait for Americans to start complaining.  They have no idea how much this is going to cost them.  My response will continue to be “told you so”.  The ads from H & R block are starting to run on TV how they are going to help us all out with the details and how much it is going to cost us if we decide to opt out.  Doesn’t this sound fun?  If you’re not in the loop a health plan is required by everyone when the time comes.  What I find even more amazing is that the people I continue to talk to think this is free health care.  They are wrong!  It’s the “Affordable Health Care Act”.  “Affordable” unfortunately isn’t defined Keep Reading

EMP New Years Parties – My Experience

Each year it seems there is a party at the EMP. I have been to it 2 times now for news years. My second visit was regrettable unfortunately but that is a lesson learned. The new years event is something I would do once, however, if you have never done it before. Another visit would be pointless since it’s the same each and every year. Which is to bad because I really enjoyed it the first time.

The EMP New Years Party is exciting. From what I saw they have two main live bands (big stage & side bar). The big stage band was
disappointing at both of my visits and the real fun came from the small band which played 80s music at the side bar. After a while there
was more people at the small side bar then at the big main stage which pretty much proves my point. The upstairs (3rd level) was DJ R&B music which seemed to be a younger crowd.

The alcohol obviously was expensive and so were the tickets. Just like every event these days there is another company which plays the middle man and attaches on these heft ticket processing fees.  I can’t remember there name but they do New Years Parties all over so the event isn’t that unique to Seattle or anything like that.

The prices go up as the new year gets closer. Ours were last minute and it was $69 per ticket. You should also know that you can’t leave the venue which nobody will tell you. So that means when all the fire works are exploding under the space needle you’re stuck inside. You can’t go out on the balcony or leave for a smoke break or anything. That is a big disappointment and something they should find a solution to really quick considering the EMP is in the shadow of the Space Needle.

My only regret is that they don’t mix up the event each year. It’s the same old thing every where which is unfortunate because if I new it was different each year I probably would go. Like I said, if you haven’t gone then you should at least do it once. I should also mention that there was a pretty large line to get into the party the second time.  It was outside in the cold and rain and wasn’t very organized so go a little early and be prepared for any weather conditions.

Hope this helps when considering the EMP for your next New Year Party.

Seattle News Live

So if you’re looking for Seattle news live then you have come to the right website. The Emerald City Journal is a newspaper in the Seattle area which publishes news and content on a daily basis. All big news stories are published pretty much live as it happens. We have worked hard to bring you the most up to date and real information possible. The information published on the the Emerald City Journal is opinionated and ran by the people for the people. We share all opinions about stories even if they contradict each other. We are not one sided – we believe everyone deserves to have a voice and we are the medium to express that.

Some of the Seattle news events that are live include weather, sports, and traffic information. You can use our site even on your iPhone or iPad as our site is mobile ready.

As our Seattle newspaper continues to grow every month we will be introducing new live options. These include news streaming and voice pods which can be streamed at your pleasure or even downloaded on our site. History

The Zine Archive ( is now powered by the Emerald City Journal.  We are looking forward to preserving the history of the Zines they gathered over the years and building up the archive with even more.  Zines are an expression of art to us and we hope to continue to build on this foundation so many generations can use it down the road.

We are proud to have been giving this opportunity to take it over and continue the legacy of the website.  Our Seattle Arts & Creativity section will do just that.  Not only will you find many new Zines here but also all kinds of art, history, and unknown artists who are willing to share even their most personal stories.

We want you to join us in sharing this new section.  Engage and provide us with your favorite zines or poetry.  Art is a form of expression and we hope this section does just that.

If you’d like to learn more about Zines we’ve included a video below about making your Zine below.  When you’re done take a picture and tell us about it using our contact us page.


David Petraeus Is A Naughty Boy

With all the news surrounding David Petraeus and is his naughty boy love affair, I figured I would share my thoughts on the issue.  First it all started out as just an affair and then his immediate resignation.  Mr. Petraeus is 60 years old now and knows how these things can look bad on the country and the White House so the reasoning I could understand.  He felt the spotlight and wanted nothing of it.  The public, however, was ready to stone this guy.  Some even wanted him to answer for the affair and have him pushed through the court system.  Even though the affair is morally wrong the military has setup ethics codes which pretty much can put you in jail for anything they find such as being irresponsible, making us look bad, or whatever they find morally wrong.  It’s pretty much the same as our legal system if they want to nail you for something they can find a loop hole to make that happen.  It comes down the resources and just figuring out how to make it work.  The affair itself I could careless about and I just couldn’t understand why everyone else cares so much.  It doesn’t effect them or their lives.  It’s not your wife or family that is now in Keep Reading

Seattle Streetcar Projects A Big Drain

It appears Seattle continues to look at ways to blow our tax money.  The City Council is going to spend $10 million dollars to just review adding streetcars in Seattle.  The $10 million will be spent on just reviewing the roads, locations, areas, tracks, population etc.  In the event, the City decides to move forward on a streetcar, it will cost $50 million dollars.  How could anyone actually be considering this?  It’s just way out of our budget and simply doesn’t make any sense.  We would be better off buying a new bus, painting it (thus branding it) and naming it the Emerald City Shuttle.  It’s dedicated to just this mile and goes back and fourth all day.  The costs are maybe 100K for the bus and another 30K per year for the driver.  Do you know how many years it would take with my plan and budget compared to your $50 million+ plan?  It would take 50 years on my plan to even reach you’re $50 million initial construction work easily.  You’re plan doesn’t even include millions per year for maintenance of your plan.  It’s just a no brainer.

Lets talk about the extra revenue.  My plan and your plan does create revenue except my plan Keep Reading

Nurse Family Partnership Program In Seattle

The Seattle Council approved an increase into the Nurse Family Partnership Program.  The budget for the program was $1,017,816 and it was increased 61% now to $1,641,672.  I was curious what this program does exactly so I did some investigating into it.  I had some concerns obviously since that is a huge increase.  The City Of Seattle continues to claim poverty for many of it’s programs and issues so increasing the amount for a nursing program raised a few red flags for me.
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Marjiuana Taxes In King County

Now that we all can smoke marijuana (I don’t smoke), where will all this tax revenue in King County be used?  I truly hope they use it to fix many of the issues we have in the City Of Seattle such as our public schools. What my biggest concern obviously is it being wasted and put in a program, system, or project where the marijuana tax revenue is supporting it completely.  To bad we don’t have more clarity on that.  Ideally, i would like it to not be used in the general fund but I don’t think that is going to happen.  The general fund should be able to support all the things of the City now.  Introducing money just gets wasted into new projects or programs.  We need better ways to protect our tax money so it’s not all spent on wasteful efforts and then becoming bad debt.  If that happens we’re in the same boat we’re in now where raising taxes, fines, or whatever is the solution to fixing their wasteful efforts.

Having talked to many people over the new found freedom of smoking marijuana, they feel that Keep Reading

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