Seattle Newspaper for the People by the People


Jeff Jacobs - page 12

Jeff Jacobs has 240 articles published.

War In Iran Heating Up With USA

The secret war with Iran continues under Obama.  Even tough we haven’t claimed any official foots on the ground (so we’re told), it’s common knowledge that the Iran cyber war is full steam ahead.  We continue to push them when we can with public words and UN sanctions, however, one day the time will come that a bomb will be needed.  Israel has already drew the red line and that line will be pushed over under the next four years under Obama.  Sanctions and diplomacy hasn’t worked in 4+ years and we all know that it will continue to be brushed off by Iran Officials.  Since Israel always supported our wars and provided support as a partner so the US as a nation will be obligated to show them the support when it’s required to get physical.

So how is Obama going to deal with this situation.  There is no doubt Iran isn’t going to stop and we can only do so much about it for now.  In my opinion I view Iran like Iraq.  We believe something is going on over there and they “may” have something now or in the future which could be used against us.  We went into Iraq for the same exact reason.  That didn’t turn out to be true, however.  In hindsight, many believe Iraq shouldn’t have been invaded by President George Bush.  Of course that is easy to say looking back at something in history.  At the time of the invasion, many supported it and were still Keep Reading

Our News Journal Online & The Differences

I find it amazing how so many news outlets claim they are “neutral” in their reporting of news.  It’s almost two faced the way they operate.  Most of their news is presented as neutral it seems, however, every once in a while they will throw in something that weighs very much in one direction.  Look at the Seattle Times for example.  They really pushed for Obama the last few days he was re-elected.  Each of the Seattle initiatives were expressed and analysed by them and why they supported them.  Fox News is obviously for the Republicans as well as CNN supporting the Democrats.  My point is news agency that claim they are “neutral” really are not. Being an author for the Emerald City Journal I have noticed this more and more.  You look back when Ron Paul was running and at one point in the election process he really have tons of supporters.  His campaign stops where filled to max with people, however, nobody bothered giving him any of the news.  It went to who the news agency felt was the best for the Republicans like Keep Reading

Funny Obama Pictures

With the newly re-elected President of the United States Barack Obama, we probably should start things off with another set of funny Obama pictures.  Our last set of funny photos of Obama was a tremendous success so what is a few more funny ones right?  Enjoy the complimentary photos of President Obama.

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Seattle Will Spend $290 Million+ On Seawall Repair

With overwhelming support of 77%, Seattle will spend an estimated $290 million dollars to repair the Elliott Bay seawall.  It was perfect timing considering the scarcity spoken by the council and Sandy hitting the east coast.  Being fresh in voters minds it was an easy pass.  Of course many don’t understand the consequences of approving it.  Such as their property taxes being raised $68 per year, however, many vote without even understanding most of the details.

The voters also approved a $119 million dollar levy to automate finger print processing at crime scenes.  Seems pretty expensive to me considering they already have a system in place and all they really needed was a larger Internet WIFI range to access and process that info.  That really is a cheap expense if done properly, however, I have said it many times the Seattle City Council does believe Keep Reading

Legalization Of Same-Sex Marriage Approved In Washington State

Gay Flag

Washington State will become the first state to legalize same-sex marriage with a popular vote of the public.  Other states have passed same-sex marriage with their court system; however, it has never passed from a popular vote like Washington State has now.  32 states have tried and failed to legalize it before.

As of 10:30p.m the numbers were very close, however, the win and legalization of same sex marriage is only minutes away and fully expected to pass.  Capital Hill is party central right now.  Many proud supporters are celebrating not only the win for Obama but the victory of Referendum 74 (gay marriage rights).

This measure will make history in this state.  Same-Sex couples can apply for marriage licenses as early as December 6th, 2012.  Governor Christine Gregoire will enact legislation on February 13, 2012, which will confer comprehensive marriage rights to same-sex couples within the state, endorsing equality and inclusivity in matrimonial laws.

Supporters of the law raised nearly $12 million.  That is 5x the amount their opponents raised.  It was also the most raised compared to any other campaign on the ballot.

Update: It passed! On a Wednesday that marked a pivotal moment in legislative history, a bill legalizing gay marriage in Washington state garnered its final legislative approval, primarily supported through a party-line vote. This step poised Washington on the verge of becoming the seventh state in the U.S. to legally recognize same-sex marriages. Eager to sign the measure, Washington’s Democratic Governor, Christine Gregoire, anticipated “putting into law an end to an era of discrimination.” However, opposition, predominantly from religious conservatives, pledged to pursue its repeal in the forthcoming November polls. This approval from the state House of Representatives occurred just a day after advocates for gay marriage in California celebrated a significant legal triumph when a voter-backed gay marriage ban was deemed unconstitutional by a federal appeals court.

Washington State Same Sex Marriage
Washington State Same Sex Marriage – Approved.

The legislation in Washington successfully traversed the state House of Representatives with a 55-43 vote, following its passage in the state Senate by a 28-21 vote just a week prior. With Democrats—holding the majority in both legislative bodies in Olympia—predominantly backing the bill, it also drew endorsement from notable Washington-based corporations, such as Microsoft, Amazon, and Starbucks, who collectively employ tens of thousands of workers in the state.

Republicans Own The House 4 More Years

As we continue the path of 4 more years with President Obama (re-elected on 11/6/12), he was one big problem and that is the Republicans.  The Republicans also held their position in the House 4 more years.  This has been a major road block for Obama.  A lot of the bills and changes Obama wanted to move forward never made it pass the House.  This was one of the main reasons I supported a new candidate.  Obama will continue to be road blocked by the House.  The House continues to express this to the Democrats that any measures given to them which raises taxes a dime, will not be support or moved along the House.

And that my friends is why we are looking at 4 more years of the same from Obama.  If he could have done early – it would have been done.

John Boehner Speaker Of The House
John Boehner Speaker Of The House (Republican)

Barack Obama Re-Elected For Second Term

The game is over and the masses have spoken.  Barack Obama has been re-elected for a second term.  At this time, it appears he will win the popular vote (barely) and the electoral vote which means another 4 years.

What will another 4 years bring us?  Well I hope it was better than the last 4 years.

The Republicans will hold the House again.  In short, more of the same except another 4 years.  Congratulations.

Barack Obama Re-elected 2012
Barack Obama Re-elected 2012

Presidential Election 2012 – Vote Seattle!

This is it.  The time has come where you need to make the right choice for the next President (and Washington State Measures).  Many news agencies are expecting Obama to take it, however, I am not certain about that.  Whatever happens in the next 4 years – it starts today with your vote Seattle.  Today is Tuesday November 6th, 2012 and that means the Presidential Election 2012 has started.

Seattle Voting Information:

Washington State Measures reviewed on the Emerald City Journal:

Seattle Proposition 1 – (Against)

Senate Joint Resolution No. 8223 – (Against)

Initiative Measure No. 502 – (Supported)

Initiative Measure No. 1240 – (Against)

Initiative Measure No. 1185 – (Supported)

Advisory Vote No. 2 (Substitute House Bill 2590)

Your 2012 Presidential voting picks (articles):

President Barack Obama OR Mitt Romney

Obama May Negatively Impact Your Job

In a recent article for the Emerald City Journal, we spoke how voting for Obama may negatively impact your job and/or future job salary opportunities (lower offers).  We spoke about David Siegel the CEO of Westgate Resorts and the email he wrote to his employees (thousands of them).  Today more CEO’s are stepping forward with the same warnings that your job maybe on the line if you support Obama.  This time the email is from Saddle Creek President Cliff Otto.  In the email he expresses many things but it comes down to Romney’s positions on energy and taxes align with the company better.

I do think it’s fair that employees know what is coming to them.  Most voters just look at the benefits (hey! free health care everyone) yet don’t understand the consequences that their employer will need to make adjustments in the company to make the numbers work and that means the possibility of cutting staff.  It’s a smooth move by Romney.  He expressed it on a conference call with the National Federation of Independent Business.  Unfortunately, I don’t think it has really hit the voters yet or they simply don’t realize that businesses can’t just write off Obama Care they have to balance their budgets.  You can’t spend money you don’t have.  Companies with 100 employees would need to come up with an extra 100K per year at least for the Obama Care program and that doesn’t just grow on the money tree in the backyard.

Another email from a car part manufacturer in Michigan (Lacks Enterprises) is expressing the same consequences.  It basically says that if you don’t for Romney, it could result in higher taxes and lower pay.  He earges his employees to for “less government”.

Lastly, you probably have heard of Steve Wynn (Wynn Resorts).  They are the third largest casino operator in America.  Mr. Wynn went a step further and mailed a 60+ page packet to his 12,000 employees.  Steve Wynn has stated, “It would be a complete disaster if Obama wins, which is why I’m urging my employees to vote for Romney.”  It will cost Steve Wynn millions of dollars per year if Obama is elected.

Unlike David Siegel the CEO of Westgate Resorts who doesn’t come out and say it (don’t vote for Obama) more and more companies are getting stronger in their statements and making it quite clear that your vote for Obama may put your job on the line.

Presidential Election Day

Tuesday Nov. 6th is the big day.  It’s time for the presidential election.  First up Obama with the poorest record in history or Mitt Romney and his trust funds.  The presidential pick is yours – so who are you picking?  I’m sure either way we are screwed but I’m putting my “hope” with Romney this round.  I believe many fell the same way.  I have heard many changing gears to support the other side of the team.  The main reasons I will be supporting Romney is due to the fact Obama has the poorest record in history to date.  You can look at jobs, economy, or gas number they are all down compared to when he started.  Foreign policy is joke.  Second, the republicans won’t support any of his bills which means he simply won’t be able to get anything accomplished without their support and that is not going to happen in the next 4 years should he be re-elected.  Third and most importantly – Obama Care.  I really don’t need the extra bills in my life which will easily be $1,000 or more per year for health care for myself.  If not acquired, I will be fined (taxed without saying it) by the IRS!  The IRS will manage the program by the way.  It’s all just shady.  The idea is also bad for jobs.  Not just my job and life but everyone’s if you have one.  If you’re employed now you’re job will be evaluated should Obama be elected due to Obama Care and the new business expenses involved.  With that being said, my support is going to Mitt Romney.

I found myself even more engaged this year compared to any other year that is for sure.  I actively participated in all the debates and listen intensively.  The first debate was a game changer and just verified my reason to vote for Romney.  He manhandled President Obama.  The others were even in my opinion.  Biden may have got the edge on Paul Ryan which I didn’t see coming.  Joe Biden came off as a rude old man, however, he was more of an authority figured which hurt Mr. Ryan I think.   Obama tried to get more aggressive on the second attempt however it wasn’t enough to change anything.  There was one point where Mitt Romney told him to sit down and Obama did it like a scolded little kid.  Third debate was even with Romney trying not to over do it while keeping everything even.

I must say I am happy to see that the presidential election day is finally here.  The radio, tv, telephone message have become a real pain.  I am tired of the complaining, fighting, and lying from both sides just to persuade votes.  On Tuesday, all this garbage will be done with and we can move on to bigger and better things whomever our President turns out to be.  I’m also excited to pick on all the mistakes of the next president who ever that maybe.  Vegas odds have Obama winning by a large margin.  In the event Obama does take the election (which I don’t think is going to happen), it certainly wont be by the popular vote.

Presidential Election Day
Presidential election day this Tuesday. Obama vs. Romney last chance!


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