Seattle Newspaper for the People by the People


Jeff Jacobs - page 16

Jeff Jacobs has 240 articles published.

Dow Constantine New $20 Car License Fee

Here we go again.  King County Executive Dow Constantine wants to implement a $20 car license fee to fix more roads.  In the proposal he is urging the approval of the fee where 250,000 people live.  Many excuses where give why this is needed I particularly like that one about declining property values.  First there is no collation with property values and property taxes.  It nearly never adjusts and only goes up with regards to property taxes.  Don’t believe me compare your last couple years property taxes to this years.  Your home value went down and your property tax probably went up or stayed the same.  What a joke.  Next excuse was the declining population in these areas.  Well… if we have less population in these area that means we have less cars on the road causing damage.  Also means we should have less expenses when it comes to staff.  I assume staff is at a record high sitting around tables “just because”.  Give me a break this is a business so adjustments in regards to staff working, revenue, and population all need to work together.  Is this being done? I highly doubt it.

We also got to look at the county’s general fund.  73% of $680.6 million dollar budget goes to justice.  That means all the money is being spent on the Sheriffs, jails, courts, prosecutors, and defenders.  Obviously, this is the area that needs the most work so lets clean up the laws to quickly manage this better.  Dismiss the cases that obviously are losers, legalize things that should be like pot, and stream line the processes better.  Another 20% goes to the administration costs so that leaves like 10%.  This is just pathetic.

Another area of concern is the gas tax and where is that going?  Where are at an all time high right now and the city is making the most they have ever made.  We sure can come up with 50 million for a new arena tomorrow but can’t fix the roads?  Are you serious?

It seems the only solutions ever presented when financial times get rocky are tax increases.  They never cut and always pass the buck.

Perhaps if someone could figure out the bus routes more people would use them.  That is just one big cluster.


Seattle Waste Management Is Fined A Little

Today Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn announced the fine for uncollected waste during the strike for Seattle Waste Management. For the 8 days of the strike, Seattle Waste Management is going to pay 1.24 million dollars in a settlement. I’m disappointed we didn’t really nail them hard on this one. We should of made a point and showed an example that if you’re going to play games they you’re going to pay the full amount. There shouldn’t have been a settlement for 1/3 of the amount for breaching the contract amount which is what this amount comes to. We shouldn’t of even sat down and talked about it. Just send the penalty per the contract and that is it. Seattle Waste Management got a slap on the wrist with this decision and more importantly we wasted an opportunity to make a point so this won’t happen again next year or the following years (and it will for sure).

So for the 8 days of the strike you can expect to get about $8 dollars back. Wow Big Deal!

Michelle Obama Will Be In Seattle Oct 2nd

The First Lady, Michelle Obama, will be in Seattle on Oct 2nd 2012.  Obviously an event to raise money and convience the public that hope and change is on the way anytime now.  The event will take place at the Westin Hotel and prices to get inside range from $500 – $10,000.  If you’d like a pretty photo with the First Lady, Michelle Obama, it’s going to set you back $5,000.  This is a fundraising event to re-elect the the President and her husband Barak Obama.  Just like the Democratic convention that was on TV you can expect her to say how great of a man he is and a loving husband.  It’s the same song and dance and part of their re-election gameplan.  This family man with the perfect family pulling the strings of the nation to re-elect him in November.  It’s actually not a bad plan in my opinion.  Americans love all this perfect husband and family talk.  They just eat it up.  Considering that all the real data that matters like the economy, jobs, education, taxes, obamacare, national debt, etc is in the worst shape of this nations history after 4 years – might as well play the family man card.

I’m looking forward to the debates coming up shortly.  One thing about Obama is that he is a great speaker.  The man can speak and convince a nation on any topic even if it’s doing horribly bad (like the economy).  Mitt Romney doesn’t have that “family loving great husband” brand that Obama has going for him.  Michelle Obama and Barak Obama really know how to leverage that.  Thus, the reason they are split up and running around town saying great things about each other.  Paul Ryan on the other hand is going to mop the floor with Biden.  Paul Ryan is witty and fast to throw it back at you.

Seattle Seahawks Monday Night Football

Tonight is the night and it’s going to be a big one.  The Seattle Seahawks vs the Packers at Century Link Field (downtown Seattle).  The Seahawks finally are back in the spotlight on prime time TV (kinda see below) Yes, its a home game and the city is sprawling with Packer fans.  I was driving downtown Saturday and they were pouring in all dressed up in Packer gear.  Tailgating parties started early this morning.  The game starts at 5:30pm so if you get out of work at 5pm you may have some trouble getting home.  Ticket prices at a minimum are $200 bucks and I would expect a full stadium of 70,000 screaming fans.

In the 43 years Monday night football has been running, the Seahawks have only been featured 25 times.  There record for Monday night games is 17-8 which isn’t that bad in my opinion.  Both teams have 1-1 records coming into tonight’s game.  Packers are favored in Vegas by 3.5 points.  However, the Hawks at home and the 12th man can change how a game is going.

You should know that you probably won’t be able to see the game at home though.  Unless of course you pay the big bucks to upgrade your TV package (with ESPN).  It’s a sleavy move by the people in charge to have you buy the tickets, go the bars and buy dinner or $8 drinks, or make you pay more for cable each month.  With that attitude, it sure makes me want to support another stadium (not!). If you want to stay home, you’ll have to settle for the radio stations 710 AM and 97.3 FM.

My Prediction:

Sorry Seattle fans, I’m all about the numbers/odds so I’m taking the Packers on this one.  However, being a Seattle resident I do hope the Hawks can pull it off.

Seattle Deal Of The Week!

Everyone once in a while we have to break the rules so this week we’re listed two deals.  The first deal is a one day only deal (Today!) and the other follow-ups on a previous article about Easy And Simply Ways To Save Money.  In the article I spoke about shopping for a new insurance company if you’ve been with them for 2 or more years.  The reality is that after you’re with an insurance company your rates rarely go down.  In most cases they add on a few dollars per year.  However, the open market changes.  You car value decreases or your home values decrease for example – and your current insurance provider doesn’t take those into account.  They already have you as a customer (probably on auto billing) so why would they bother.  My point is to save a few dollars you should make a few calls and see what the options are.  Won’t cost you anything and if the quotes are not better then you still have your current insurance company.  It’s a Win/Win.

Today Only -Deal:

The Childrens Place – are offering 20% off and free shipping and handling.  Everything ships free and there is no minimum purchase required.  Some items are marked at $1.99!

Coupon: G9HEF67J92 if you need it at checkout, however, it looks like they are offering the deal on their homepage.

Seattle Deal Of Week:

I highly recommend you give Dan Marek a call at per our save money on insurance discussion.  Discuss your options with him and see if he can beat your current insurance rates.  Dan Marek insurance is located in Western Washington so he is local guy who has been in the insurance industry for a long time.


**Do you want to be featured on the “Seattle Deal Of The Week”…. Then Contact Us.  There is no cost to be featured.  Each week we pick the best deal we feel benefits our readers the most and post it live.  Please be descriptive with your offer when submitting it – thank you.

Seattle News Stations (Most Popular)

Some of the most popular Seattle news stations include the Emerald City Journal (of course)!

Others include the Seattle Times, Tacoma News Tribune, Komo News, Kiro 7, and Q13 Fox News.  Most Seattle news stations have both TV time and online websites with offer recent news stories to the public.  The difference between these Seattle news stations and us is that we offer news that is opinionated.  All opinions are independent so you may read one story liking a polical view and another story which doesn’t like the view for example.  Either way, we share everyones opinon and let the public decide on their own how they feel about the specifics of the news story.

We have found most news stations across the nation just doesn’t tell you how it is.  They are great at giving you the overview of a story but lack when it comes to the public opinion or what the negatives could be for a topic.  We fill that niche and that is why we are on the top Seattle news stations.

Obama Cyber Warfare With Iran

What do you do with a country you want to bomb but really can’t because of the the political ramifications?  You call your Internet Army and start a cyber war.  You then make it classified so the public doesn’t know what is happening and how much you’re spending.  While I can’t blame it all on Obama (eventhough it was greatly increased under his management and still is today) the Bush Administration started it.  The operations were code-named “Olympic Games”.

A portion of the cyber warfare activities was accidently released to the public via the Internet and a bunch of nerds figured it out.  After studying this Internet worm, they figured out it was developed by the US and Isreal.  CIA director, Leon Panetta, and Obama discussed shutting it down or continuing its progress, however, after reviewing how effective it has been causing havoc they decided to keep it going.  They released a newer version and another after that on Iran.  The cyber warefare with Iran continues today.

Due to this attack, Iran started their own cyber warfare unit and has been quoted as saying that the “Iranian military was prepared to fight our enemies” in “cyberspace and Internet warfare”.  Very little evidence has been reported about Iran striking back though.

Independent Internet security professionals are looking into another cyber warfare worm/virus called “Flame”.  It attacked the computers of Iranian Officials sweeping up information on them.  US Officials say it wasn’t part of “Olympic Games” and have declined to say whether they were involved with it or not.

No wonder our foreign policy with Iran is no good and diplomacy isn’t working.  From all this, it appears America threw the first punch with Iran.

Charlotte And Jonathan Antoine

Today has been a day of Entertainment on the Emerald City Journal. If you’re a regular here you probably know that we don’t discuss much in regards to entertainment and celebrities. Honestly, there is just so much of it (and drama involved) and we want to make a bigger difference when it comes to the way people think about politics and news.

I did, however, see this sometime ago and wanted to share how amazing it is. The video is inspirational and a must see. Below you’ll see the video but its about two kids named Charlotte and Jonathan Antoine. They go to school together and we’re formed together by their music teacher. They are trying out on Britain’s Got Talent TV show. As Jonathan Antoine says, he always struggled with his size and fitting in with the others. It’s starts out with Simon Cowell (and the audience) agrevated with the talent so far and figured they were going to be another disappointment. Watch the video and feel inspired for a moment.

Martina McBride @ The Puyallup Fair

Today, Wednesday Sept. 12, 2012, Martina McBride will be playing at the Puyallup Fair.  Many have named her the Celine Dion of Country Music.  Not sure I could compare her to Celine Dion (she is amazing), however, Martina McBride is an amazing singer.

To date, she has recorded 11 studio albums, a greatest hit album, a Xmas album, and two additional compilation albums.  At the age of 49, she has sold over 14 million albums.

Martina Mcbride, whose real name is Martina Mariea Schiff was born in Sharon Kansas. The small town had a population of around 200 people.

The Puyallup Fair Concert Series:

Martina McBride
Date:  9/12/2012
Showtime:  7:30 pm

September 11 Attacks In Libya

Yesterday obviously was Sept 11th and a day many Americans remember fondly.  It was also a secret attack in Libya focusing on the U.S Embassy in Libya.  At this time, the details are sketchy, however, we do know the attack was sophisticated, took planning, and happened to fall on the same day September 11th 2012.

The attack took the life of Christopher Stevens (52) which is the U.S ambassador to Libya and 3 other Americans.  The events took place at night in the eastern city of Benghazi.

Because this event was highly coordinated and perfectly timed for 9/11, I believe we’ll soon see that this was a anniversary attack and the news will report it as such.  We’ve been talking about such an attack for years from Al Qaeda and here it is.

The Obama administration has stated that they are not jumping to conclusions and saying so would be “premature”, however, I am calling a duck a duck and saying it now that this was a well-planned terrorist attack.

Wait for the news to say it because it’s coming out soon.

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