Seattle Newspaper for the People by the People


Jeff Jacobs - page 17

Jeff Jacobs has 240 articles published.

Moody’s Credit Ratings Threat To US

It’s about that time again, when we need to raise the debt ceiling.  Moody’s credit ratings services has stated that they will be cutting our rating if a debt deal is not reached.  Obviously, one will be agreed upon eventually.  Money seems to grow on trees for our Government so whats another trillion dollars to spend? Nobody wants to stand up to really cut any spending here in America as it could put their political career in jeopardy.  To save face our politicians think of ways to pinch the dollars out of us without saying its a tax.  They are no ashamed to propose taxing the 1% because they know the other 99% will be ok with that and their job is safe down the road.  It’s a shame really no one has stepped up (except Ron Paul) who has the confidence and brass to make the tough decisions about spending cuts.

In 2011, our “big cuts” were so small it was pathetic.  In perspective, if a family was in 142,710 in debt the equivalent spend cut was $385 dollars!  What a joke and honestly the proposal of cutting so little should be embarrassing.  Who could review a proposal like this with so little cut per year and not laugh them out of the room.  You would never pay your debt off at that rate so how can we expect to do that with our national deficit if we are making similar cuts?  We can’t and they won’t.  Obama won’t do it nor will Mitt Romney do it.  We need someone who is serious and just cuts a good 20% or more out of the ridiculous programs and tasks the Government shouldn’t even be involved in.

During the last negotiations of raising the debt ceiling our congress agreed upon cutting  38.5 billion dollars (pathetic).  In the 8 days they talked about what they were going to do, our national debt went up 54 billion dollars.  Lets get serious now and get this under control.  It’s beyond me how we even have a AAA rating by Moody’s Credit Ratings and perhaps they are just as wrong as everyone else laying in bed together.

Finally, one last food for thought, our “government stated” national debt is over 16 trillion dollars now and that means each citizens share of debt is over 51,000 dollars (313 million people).  OR IS IT…?  Now if you add in all the federal governments obligations (which we all know are nearly bankrupt) like Medicare, Social Security, Treasury Securitys, and Bonds the national debt is actually over 79 TRILLION DOLLARS.  That is a real number and a number you’ll never hear about from these crooks spenders in office.  With that in mind, every new baby born in this “rich” nation is given a burden of $253,000.

I know it’s hard to hear and the public would probably go crazy if that was broadcasted on TV – but the numbers are the numbers.

Seattle Deal Of The Week

To provide something unique and beneficial just to our newspaper visitors, we are implementing a new program called our “Seattle deal of the week”.  Every Monday we are going to promote an offer that is an extremely good deal.  The deals themselves will vary from no cost to you to highly discounted.

Our first deal is brought to you by  They are Seattle marketing company helping businesses (or website owners) who want more traffic exposure online.  The leads they generate are highly targeted due to people already knowing what they are looking for (as compared to a billboard or a magazine which is a broad audience) online.


RepuVision is offering a no cost targeted keyword report for your site or business. After a quick call to get a better understanding of your business, they will generate a keyword report of some of the areas you maybe missing in regards to potential customers and traffic available online.  The report also includes the amount of traffic (total volume) and they can also include a competition review if asked.  We received one for the Emerald City Journal and found it very informative and useful for the future.

It’s a $200 dollar value and no cost to you this week only (expires 9/14/12 at 5pm)

How To Claim:

Since this offer is only advertised on the Emerald City Journal, you need to give them a quick call directly at 425-322-3376 and request the “Keyword Report” (no cost deal) posted on the Emerald City Journal.


Do you want to be featured on the “Seattle Deal Of The Week”…. Then Contact Us.  There is no cost to be featured.  Each week we pick the best deal we feel benefits our readers the most and post it live.  Please be descriptive with your offer when submitting it – thank you.

Seattle Dry Streak Is Over

The rain hit Seattle on Sunday thus breaking our dry streak.  It was an impressive attempt, however, lasting 48 days in a row.  The dry streak was the 2nd longest record in Washington.  51 days is the longest if you’re wondering and that was in 1951.  At this point we will have to go after the record next year.  The National Weather Service says the rest of the week should bring back the sunshine.  After long dry streaks and a mild case of rain it does bring out the oil on the roads so be careful out there many drivers have reported issues on the roads this morning.

Social Security Administration Police Force – Why Do They Need Guns?

Social Security Administration Seattle

As budgets get tighter and more and more people are watching where the spending is coming from, The Social Security Administration disclosed that they recently purchased 174,000 hollow-point bullets for ammunition needs.  It turns out the Social Security Administration trains and has a force of 295 agents (armed) who investigate Social Security fraud and other crimes.  These agents execute warrants and make arrests across the country (who knew?).  These agents carry .357 caliber pistols! Internet bloggers are surely talking about this new revelation.  In particular, the type of ammo and how it causes much more damage as compared to other ammunition options available.

So… what’s the point of having the police for these issues then?  I guess this makes the Social Security Administration their own judge and jury of who should be arrested and have their house ripped apart at night.  While investigating this news, I ran across another agency, NOAA’s Fisheries Office of Law Enforcement who recently are taking bids to purchased 46,000 rounds of ammunition and shooting targets.

The Social Security Administration (SSA) office, a U.S. federal agency, oversees a social insurance program that provides numerous benefits to American citizens, primarily catering to the elderly and individuals with disabilities. Established in 1935 under the Social Security Act, the SSA administers benefits such as retirement income, disability income, and survivor benefits, offering a financial safety net for millions of Americans. It is especially renowned for its role in providing Social Security retirement benefits, which are often a crucial source of post-retirement income for many individuals. The SSA’s operations span across numerous local offices nationwide, providing direct services to citizens and helping them navigate through various life stages and changes. These offices assist individuals in applying for Social Security numbers, understanding their future benefits, managing claim issues, and facilitating other crucial interactions with the Social Security system. The SSA plays a pivotal role in supporting citizens’ financial stability, especially during retirement or in times of disability or familial loss.

I say let the police do their jobs and serve warrants properly.  We don’t need these “agencies” making decisions of who they believe is guilty and should be taken down.  This is another example of wasted spending and resources. It’s a sad country when all the government agencies are carrying weapons that could be used against the people.

Update 2019: The Social Security’s office of Inspector General employs approximately 295 agents, tasked with probing into Social Security fraud and various other crimes, according to Jonathan L. Lasher, the agency’s assistant Inspector General for external relations. These agents are not only equipped with firearms but also hold the authority to enact arrests, with a notable 589 incidents in the previous year, as per Lasher. Their responsibilities extend beyond mere investigations; they are imperative in executing search warrants and addressing threats directed towards Social Security offices, their employees, and clientele, ensuring the safe and lawful operation of Social Security Administration activities across the nation.

Seattle Superintendent Jose Banda Announcement (2012)

Jose Banda

A few months ago, a new Seattle Schools Superintendent was announced and Jose Banda is his name. He said in his own words that he, “plans on taking it slow” to look at all the data.  Supposedly, he likes reviewing the numbers/data before making the hard decisions.  We of course have reported the issues with the previous Seattle Superintendent Maria Goodloe Johnson.  I would like to give Jose Banda the benefit of a clean slate since he is just starting out but we unfortunately are already starting off on the wrong foot.  I blame the Seattle School board and the City Council for this mess and you should also.  I have said it time and time again on the Emerald City Journal and that changes in the School Districts must start at the top.  Upper management spends all the money on themselves, and the pennies left are trickled down to the Teachers who are usually forced to pay for their classroom supplies (and other student expenses). This doesn’t just happen in Seattle; however, you’ll see this bad practice all over the state and the teachers just accept it as their problem. Teachers shouldn’t have to be ok with paying for their own supplies. That is not ok.

Previously, Maria Goodloe Johnson was being paid a fortune and it turns out Jose Banda got an even better deal.  His annual salary (with 3-year contract) is $270,000.  Are you kidding me? He also will be making (it’s unsure if this is additional or included) an annual $22,000 and $700 per month car expenses to help him out.  Obviously, money is not an issue at the Schools here in Seattle!  Seriously, it’s just corruption to pay something this much when the school could have hired 3 superintendents for that kind of money.  3 Superintendents working together to clean up the schools would have produced better results in the end.

Take note, you heard the complaint here first and when the question comes asking for more money (I expect that anytime), you’ll know who to ask to borrow a few bucks from (Welcome Jose Banda).

The press release indicates that during Wednesday’s School Board meeting (May 2), the full board anticipates formally identifying Mr. Banda as their preferred candidate, with a subsequent vote on the contract slated for May 16. Subject to approval, the incoming Superintendent would assume the role post-July 1. Mr. Banda is set to succeed Maria Goodloe-Johnson, who was dismissed last year amid a financial scandal. Notably, two other candidates for the superintendent position—Steven Enoch from San Ramon Valley, near San Francisco, and Sandra Husk from Salem-Keizer, Oregon—withdrew after their interviews. Mr. Banda brings with him four years of experience as superintendent of the Anaheim district, serving 20,000 students, while the Seattle district, where he is poised to serve next, is the largest in Washington, catering to over 47,000 students.

Update about Jose Banda: June 20, 2014, Jose Banda announced he was a finalist for Superintendent of Sacramento City Unified School District and wouldn’t be renewing his contract in Seattle. Seattle Postive Review

I enjoy the Seattle nightlife scene.  Particularly I enjoy Belltown.  Some of my favorite hot spots are Ambers, Belltown Pub, Tia Lous, and some of the areas sport bars.  It’s a fun friendly vibe mostly.  Of course the Seattle liquor board failed us should have passed the curfew and expanding the nightlife hours, however, it is what is at this point.  I recently had a friend get a DUI and what a mess it was for him.  I rarely drink myself and never drive when I do, however, with the hours if you are going to drink it’s hard to make it work logistically.  The clubs/bars throw you out at about 1:50am with no where to go.  Thousands of drunks hit the streets and drive home. Even if the clubs would just stay open to serve just food (liquor board giving them that opportunity) with no alcohol – it would clean up the city and drunk driving.  It would have a bigger effect then any drunk driving ads they could produce or pay for.

After his DUI issue and random pullover & check by the office who pulled him over (with a .09). He challenged the ruling paying over 10k in fees and got it dropped to a reckless driving which I guess is the normal protocol for a first time offender.  So we have been just staying in Seattle using  You can get last minute rooms for a fairly good price.  There is uncertainty with the service by not knowing which hotel they are going to give you (your stuck with their choice) but overall the experience has been good and affordable for two people splitting the costs.

If you’re planning on going to Seattle and going to drink even a little I highly recommend that you try out Seattle  My experience and review has been postive using them. Best In Seattle

Nothing I hate more than moving especially living in Seattle.  From the amount of stuff I have collected over the years, to the traffic, or parking it is a complete mess.  I have found it much easier to just use a moving company like  For the weeks it would take me to get my stuff in order and hauled over to my new place, I could hire them for a couple hours and get it all done in a day.  They come with everything also.  They have a staff who can lift all my heavy things.  They also have boxes and shipping material ready to use if needed.  That alone is almost worth the hassle of moving.

So if you’re planning on moving around Seattle or anywhere in the Pacific Northwest I would highly recommend the staff at 

Weekend Fun In Seattle – Tourist Experience

My Nephew graduated from High School recently and I decided to book them a Hotel in Seattle and go to all the tourists type areas.  I figured it would be good to give the Journal a first person perspective what it was like as a Seattle tourist for a weekend.  Since my Nephew or his friends don’t live in Seattle and new to the scene, I decided to show him and two of his friends the ropes.  From the Hotel, EMP, Space Needle, Pike Place Market – it was quite the adventure.

Last week I started the hotel search.  My goal was to stay close to Pike Place as we had a few other things planned in the area that we could simply walked to them (instead of paying for a taxi).  That unfortunately did not happen.  Many of the hotels in Seattle were booked.  Seattle had a Rock N Roll Marathon and the Pride Festival scheduled for the weekend.  I ended up booking a room at the Courtyard Marriott on Lake Union.  The package was $239 and include two Queens, two passes to the EMP, and two free breakfasts.  They also had a pool and a view which was a nice add on.  So I called them up to order and obviously a sales lady who doesn’t work there arranged the reservation.  I told them 3 were staying and we would need one roll-away bed.  She added it to the reservation and it was included in my confirmation email sent to me after the call.  I call them up a day before check-in (now you call the hotel directly – guest services) and confirm the reservation (Yes) and verify the roll-away would be added.  The guest services lady mentions that they don’t have roll-away beds at this location.  Well… I must say that was a big disappointment and honestly felt tricked.  It’s a day before now and we’re locked in and they know it.  The Nephew and friends are 17 and 18 year olds.  Typically they are up all night playing video games, cards, or watching movies anyway.  I know I got screwed already but figured it wouldn’t be the first time these guys made it work.  I figured we would just grab a bunch of pillows and blankets and they’ll make it work – which we did.  That doesn’t make it right, however, the Courtyard Marriott on Lake Union still screwed it up.

We get to the Courtyard Marriott Hotel on Lake Union and check-in at 3pm (their earliest check-in time by the way). If you’ve never been here it’s kind of out of the way and there is some construction in the area.  You have Jillian’s across the street which seems dead every time I look in and Trago which replaced the dying Outback Restaurant on the corner.  Courtyard Marriott Hotel on Lake Union is very nice.  The Hotel is nice, the rooms are nice, great pool, hot tub etc.  The area doesn’t really have any good parking thus you can expect to drop $20 per day on that alone.

I purchased 4 tickets to the School Of Rock concert (Show Box) which starts at 7pm so with about 3 hrs to spare we headed down to the Pike Place Market.  Being on a Saturday, Pike Place Market was packed with people.  We made our way through it and downstairs they found their favorite store.  It was a comic and collectible store and the guys ended up buying several things.  As we head out of the Market, we all were getting hungry and wanted to eat before the big rock concert which would probably last until 11pm I guessed.  My Nephew is big into guitars and music so I figured they would love the Hard Rock Cafe – and they did.  Again, the place was backed and this was probably the highlight of the trip.  The food, music, and atmosphere was great.  The waiter was just average but overall a great experience for the young guys.

It’s 6:25pm now and about time to walk over to the big rock concert at the Show Box.  If you’ve never heard of School Of Rock it’s a movie featuring Jake Black and features lots of great songs.  I knew Jack Black wasn’t in this concert but figured a great show by some professional musicians ROCKING OUT!!  The show starts at 7pm and we’re there by 6:35 to grab out seats.  As we reach the door, we are informed the doors don’t open until 7pm.  OK… that is weird so they have this roped area going down the sidewalk and that is where the line starts.  We jump in line and few minutes later it’s wrapped around the block with people.  While I am standing in line I can’t help but think if the show starts at 7pm (per the ticket) and they open the doors at 7pm… they are losing so much money.  You can’t help but think of all these people wrapped around the block and all the revenue they are missing out on if they were inside waiting (buying drinks and merchandise etc).  I guess it was just poor management or something.  They open the doors about 7:10 and we walk into a venue which is standing room only.  Oh great we’re going to have to stand for 2 hours.  As we are standing and waiting for the show to start, the amount of really young kids is starting to increase.  We’re talking about about 10 year olds to 14 year olds running around doing their normal thing with their friends.  Unfortunately, this Rock Concert at the Show Box, a major venue, is looking more like a kids talent show.  As the show started, we learned more that it was actually a real music school with kids learning how to play music.  SERIOUSLY!  As I watch each act sorta like a 6th grade camp feel where each cabin team had a “performance” to put on.  I can’t help but think who is making all the money from the ticket sales and why are they playing at the Show Box (on a Friday night) which featured big groups like Nirvana used to play.  We didn’t even last the full ” Rock concert” unfortunately.  After two hours of standing watching kids, we all agreed to leave a little early.  The hotel pool closed at 11pm and that would be more entertaining than this elementary school talent show.  It was just the wrong place for this type of show and since it tricked me (who investigates things pretty thoroughly before buying) it must have let down a lot of others also who were there.

After an uncomfortable night sleeping for many, we started a new day.  Breakfast was free for two of us and that means we’ll be needing to order another two.  There is a breakfast cashier who gets us started.  I told her we have two free breakfasts from the hotel and we’ll need to order two more.  I ask her how much the buffet is and she says $11.99 – that sounds OK with me I guess.  Having stayed in several hotels in Seattle, I know the hotel breakfast buffets are nothing special and I have pretty low expectations.  This was pretty much the same experience.  They have scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon, bread, self serve waffle maker if you want one.  I saw some boxed yogurt and some self serve orange juice if wanted also.  The entire buffet was about a half a wall in size.  As I was grabbing my breakfast, there was a gentleman at the table maybe 3 feet to my right and his exact words were “I am not paying 12 bucks for eggs and bacon”.  I couldn’t help but laugh on the inside a little because he was actually right on with it.  He was just trying to get the best bang for his 12 bucks and honestly the buffet was below average when it came to the selection.  All filled up, our waiter brings the bill and it’s $30 bucks and some change.  I look at it and tell him the lady said it was 11.99? He said “No it’s 13.99”.  I said “well you screwed up because the lady at the front told me 11.99.”  I said, “I going to pay it because it’s only a few bucks but you’re completely wrong.”  I think I just felt another stab in the back.  You really have to watch these hotels.  This is actually the second time (last time Bellevue Red Lion) except the Red Lion had a big sign while walking in that read $9.95, however, the bill was $25 each!  Big Rip Off.

Time to checkout and see the final damage – the bill.  As we are checking out I was hoping they’d ask how my experience was…. but she didn’t even ask.  Just took the room keys and said you’re good.  I requested a final bill which came to $310.  Ouch!  Approx. $40 dollars in just taxes…. makes you wonder where these taxes go doesn’t it?

The final stop was the Experience Music Project (EMP).  We had two free tickets from the hotel so we purchase another two when we got there.  They are about $15 bucks each.  The EMP was very much worth it in my opinion.  They have some great items like the original Star Trek chair to the original Super Man outfit Christopher Reeve wore.  It’s not just about items, however, you can learn and listen about music.  For $15 bucks, you can easily spend 3 hours in this place – just go on a Sunday when nothing is happening downtown so you can park free on the streets.

There you have it folks.  The day in the life as a Seattle tourist.

Seattle Cops

The Emerald City Journal publishes thousands of articles per year.  From news about Seattle cops and the recent police brutality issues, we have covered all these issues in the news.  Read some of our most popular Seattle cops articles below:

Merrick Bobb Fixing Police Brutality In Seattle is a news article we published about Merrick Bobb who is currently monitoring the Seattle Police Department due to several issues of police brutality.  He worked on the Rodney King beating and is highly respected in the industry.  Mr. Merrick Bobb was elected by U.S. District Judge James Robart in 2012 and has the difficult task of repairing the Seattle Police force.

City of Fife Photo Cameras and Greedy Police is an article about the City Of Fife Council collecting massive amounts of money in the automated photo cameras system.  In fact, Fife, Washington is one of the most profitable in the state considering it’s population.  They gross over $2.9 million per year just on their automated photo ticketing system.

New Seattle Police Twitter System is an article explaining the new system provided by the City of Seattle to add more transparency to the police force. Each conflict and issue is displayed on the Seattle police twitter system and in our opinion a big improvement to the Seattle Police and it’s residents.

Bellevue Police Officers Drunk At Seahawks Game is a news story we discussed when it was discovered several Bellevue, Washington police officers were drunk and acting like idiots at a Seahawks game.  Nothing ever really happened with the incident and it was pushed under the rug by the Linda Pillo who is Bellevue’s Police Chief.

SPD Blotter reported an Arsonist was Arrested in Seattle. A fire was reported at 6710 Corson Ave. in Georgetown Seattle and now the Seattle police department has made an arrest.  It was a big fire reported by the SPD and they had to cut holes in the roof to let the fire out.

Ricks Strip Club in Lake City, Seattle Investigation and how the Seattle Police Department wasted a massive amount of tax money to “investigate” the strip club.  Nothing ever happened to the executives who ran the strip club (now name DreamsGirls At Ricks).  The officers were buying lap dances and had a great time investigating this establishment.

Non Emergency Police Phone Number article was a story published to help Seattle residents find the non emergency number so they can contact the Seattle Police Department without having to call 911 all the time.  It’s a simple article explaining the process and why you should call that number instead of the emergency number in most cases.

The famous and nation-wide video showing a Seattle Police office punch a women in the face is one of most popular news stories here on the Emerald City Journal.  The police cop video show police brutality is something you must see.  Watch the video here.

Seattle Cops Badge






An Experienced Real Estate Agent Can Save You Thousands Of Dollars

Front Door Home Photo

Most people want to buy the house they grew up in. That may include the Leave it to Beaver house or the Brady Bunch home. We all want a house that fits our image of the ideal lifestyle, and because of that, you can be blinded to huge defects.

Water in the basement is one of the big factors here in Seattle. Many properties sell in the Spring when it’s harder to tell if there are water issues. Another thing is system defects, with wiring or plumbing. Your home inspector puts into his report that there may be defects hidden in the walls, which is true in some cases.

When looking at homes, it’s better to have someone with experience helping you look for the home. A second pair of eyes and the experience of seeing hundreds or thousands of homes is invaluable.  Inspectors will know the ins and outs of the home you’re considering buying.  They have done this inspection 1000’s times and often are very intelligent about construction and things you should be aware of when buying that home.

Many people complain that a Real Estate agent only wants to make a sale, which may be true in some cases. Often real estate agents have other jobs as well. They say they represent you; however, at the end of the day the more you spend, the more they will make.

One significant advantage of having a real estate agent when buying or selling property is their expertise in navigating the real estate market. They generally are well aware of the area and the prices.

Real estate agents thoroughly understand local market trends and conditions, and they can provide invaluable advice regarding pricing, timing, and negotiation. Moreover, they can help manage the complex paperwork and legal aspects of property transactions, ensuring that the process proceeds smoothly and complies with all relevant regulations. An experienced agent is equipped to deal with potential hurdles and challenges during the transaction, providing clients with a layer of security and peace of mind throughout the process.

Another advantage of Seattle’s real estate market and having an agent is that they are aware of previous homes that have been subject to pronounced fluctuations. Buying during a peak without anticipating potential market downturns can be financially perilous.

Can An Experienced Real Estate Agent Save You Money? In short, Yes!

Navigating through the buying or selling of a seattle property can be a complex, multifaceted journey. The role of an experienced real estate agent becomes imperative to traverse through this intricate process seamlessly and to ensure financial sagacity. Let’s delve into how these seasoned professionals can save you money and shield you from potential monetary pitfalls.

Crafting the Art of Price Negotiation

For buyers, Seattle real estate agents masterfully negotiate ensuring you don’t pay an inflated price, and they meticulously analyze market conditions and comparable properties to safeguard your investment. Sellers aren’t left behind; agents harness their knowledge to set a competitive price that captivates buyers, ensuring no money is needlessly left on the table.

A Profound Understanding of the Market

With an encyclopedic knowledge of the Seattle local market, an experienced agent illuminates insights, saving you from potentially costly misjudgments. Their aptitude for discerning the intrinsic value of properties ensures you’re making a prudent and financially sound investment, steering you clear of the jeopardy of overpaying.

Navigating Through Inspection and Repairs

Navigating through inspections and subsequent repairs or negotiations can be daunting. Agents astutely guide you on discerning which inspection issues are quintessential and which might not warrant a negotiation, protecting your financial and property interests alike.

Harnessing a Professional Network

Seattle Agents often bring along a robust network of professionals, from inspectors and contractors to attorneys, ensuring you have access to quality services, often at competitive prices. They are pros and many have been doing this for a long time. Their connections can facilitate transactions and provide early access to potential buyers or properties even before they hit the public listings.

Safeguarding with Legal and Contractual Expertise

Your agent safeguards you from potential legal hurdles, ensuring adherence to all pertinent laws and regulations, mitigating post-sale legal challenges risks and safeguarding your financial interests.

Time, the Invisible Expenditure

Remember, your time is valuable. An agent manages the intricacies of the selling or buying process, thereby freeing up your time which can be invested in other lucrative or productive activities. They orchestrate showings, inspections, and various appointments, ensuring an efficient process that adheres to crucial timelines.

Marketing Mastery for Sellers

Sellers gain a strategic advantage through an agent’s adept marketing skills, which ensure properties attract potential buyers expeditiously. This reduces the time a property lingers on the market and minimizes the likelihood of detrimental price reductions.

Managing Transactions with Finesse

Real estate transactions, with their inherent complexity, demand astute management to avoid collapsing. An experienced agent skillfully navigates through challenges, ensuring the transaction remains on course and reaches a successful conclusion.

Steering Clear of Potential Pitfalls

By anticipating and adeptly navigating through common pitfalls, an experienced agent safeguards you from potential financial setbacks and ensures a smoother journey through the transaction.

It’s hard to know what is best, but it is certainly better to have someone with you, than going it alone, with your emotions in tow.

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