Seattle Newspaper for the People by the People


Jeff Jacobs - page 20

Jeff Jacobs has 240 articles published.

Ron Paul For President

I once wrote an article here about the trillion dollar deficit he have in America.  It was created for both humor and factual info about our Government spending habits.  It includes and outline of the worthless agencies we have created just to use up tax money and things we may want to cut.  I admit I was inspired by the “HOPE” brand Obama brought to the people.  It sold him and his campaign.  The campaign grew in power and eventually overshadowed everyone else running.  American was hooked.  I for one didn’t vote for Obama.  Looking back that was a good decision, however, I not sure the outcome would have been that different though.  I believe McCain would have handled the war spending better and in general made larger cuts on spending.  Hardcore fans still have “HOPE” for Obama’s “HOPE” campaign and many will leave Obama high and dry.  He just didn’t deliver, unfortunately. 

I talk about political brands and how money buys campaigns.  Because of this, I am predicting a win for Mitt Romney.   He has the best brand to date and with more money you can get the exposure needed to convince the public for their vote.  It’s easier for companies to invest in you (with contributions).  It’s also easier to get endorsements from the other runners.  If a runner up is failing in the polls/votes and realizes they don’t stand a chance, the guy with money will take care of his/her expenses for running (or debt) for their endorsement.  After a few endorsements, you grow even stronger in the public eye.  Sadly, this is how the game is played.

I also look at Newt Gingrich.  He has a fair amount of money from doing “historian work” for Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.  Both companies were federally backed when the housing bust came as you know.  He says he was just a “historian” but Newt collected 1.6 million that we know if publicly.  In reality, he was hired to calm down the republicans making them turn down the heat and back off of the companies.  It was a cleaver move by Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae and Newt was in on it.  Unfortunately, Newt is just another politician playing all the games that the others are playing.  Sad but true.

The more I read about Ron Paul in the news the more I like this guy.  He has no brand and lacks the money really needed to win, however.  He is not the best speaker or salesman (like Romney or Gingrich) but I truly believe this guy can get the job done.  He doesn’t really care for the Federal Reserve, wants to cut five departments (needs to be done drastically),  lower corporate taxes, and allow younger workers to opt out of the failing Social Security system.  He won’t kiss anyone’s ass rump and he’s not a political tool like the others.  He wants to cut  $1 trillion from the federal budget during his FIRST YEAR in office – which is great.  I am tired of hearing how we are going to cut a trillion dollars over 10 YEARS currently!  We are 15 trillion in debt right now and spending over 4 billion a day.  We don’t have 10 years for such a little cut.  He would like to cut is presidential pay to 40K compared to the 400K it is now.  There is a lot more but the point to all this is that this guy is a do’er.  I truly believe he will do what he says he’ll do and won’t be bought out like the others. 

My voting strategies have developed over time but now with every canidate locally or presidential, I look for a person who will put their neck on the line and make a solid decision (good or bad).  A decision to cut.  A decision to fire.  I just want a decision on something to solve the problems.  Most politicians today don’t do that and that’s part of the problem.  It’s just the same old some and dance.  They want to keep everyone happy by not cutting anything or firing anyone (less work means you need to let people go).  They sit around and think up new ways to build revenue on a failed system.  They build tolls on the roads or add traffic cams for the city.  Increase street parking to $8 and hour until 8pm in Seattle.  These additions continue to rise because of people wanting to keep their jobs (get re-elected) while back-dooring these little money makers.   Another is tax the rich.  That is a simple one because most of the voters are broke as a joke and it doesn’t relate to them “so who cares” lets just take it from them right?  

Whatever your decision is for the presidential campaign pick someone who will cut and isn’t easily influenced.  That is the only “HOPE” we have to turn this country around.


Seattle New Years Eve Parties

I must admit one of the my favorite nights in Seattle is New Years Eve.  My other favorites include Halloween and now Santanarcy ( you must go to this if you haven’t before).  There is something about these nights that people just love.  Everyone is friendly and in a talkative mood.  The environment is much different than your typical Friday or Saturday night.

New Years Eve falls on a Saturday this year so it should be a really exciting night.  I have done some research and came up with what I believe are your best options for ringing in 2012.

Seattle Indulgence Party

I have been to this party the last two years.  It was fun but expensive at $60 + $6.23 service fee per ticket.  The event is held at one of Paul Allen’s Palaces (Called the Seattle EMP).  It’s a big event with 3 levels and different music.  For the last 3 years its been the same format.  Usually 80’s (at the small side bar), some cover band (big stage), and hip hop (upstairs).  The last two times I was there the small 80’s band outshined the main band playing on the big stage.  The big stage dance floor is busy but never full.  I just checked and I looks like it’s the same this year.    There will be line outside to get in.  They are pretty slow checking in the tickets.  They do provide a lot of free hats and party favors.  The most disappointing thing about this location (beside the ticket price, drink prices, main band) is that you can’t step outside to see the space needle fireworks when the big moment arrives.  You are stuck inside the location and are not allowed to leave.  Well… you can leave but you just won’t be let back in.  There is no balcony or any big windows to watch it.  That is a big disappointment because you literally are right next door to the space needle.  Being so close to it (hearing the fireworks outside) and having to watch it on TV just sucks.  That is very disappointing.

Bonza Bash

This will be held at the Hyatt Olive 8 Hotel in Seattle.  I haven’t been to it personally.  Tickets cost even more than the Indulgence Party.  They are $70 +$7.23 service fee per ticket.  I would say this is one of more luxurious events of the night.  It’s black tie which means lots of tuxes and black dresses.  I like more casual locations when It comes to the dress code (Indulgence is casual) so I won’t be visiting this one.  If you have a date planned and you want to wine and dine – then this place maybe for you.

Euphoria Masquerade Party

This looked interesting.  It’s a masquerade party so people will be all dressed up (high fashion) with masks.  I think this would be another good location if you have a date or wife and will be partying with the special person.  As a single guy always ready to mingle, this one is off my list.  One, there will be lots of couples there. Two, if everyone is wearing masks how you going to talk with people and get that special kiss at night?  Sounds like a lot of work for the single people.  This event is held at Seattle’s Republiq and ticket prices are about $17 dollars.

Masquerade Party At Pink

Another Masquerade party.  This one is located at the Pink Ultra Lounge.  Cost is $15 for ladies and $25 for gents.  I have been the Pink Ultra Lounge before, however, not for any NYE parties.  The location is better than the Republiq event.  I won’t be visiting due to the masks and ultra classy dress code (like republiq) but if I had to choose I would pick Pink.

Roaring 20’s Party

Located on Pier 56 aboard the ship The Royal, this event will be a dress up event.  You can expect to see gangsters, molls, politicians, hit men, jazz singers and Hollywood starlets.  The ticket price is $245.  per ticket.  I won’t be going due to the ticket price and there are just so many cheaper options available.

Sparkle Party

This is held at the See Sound Lounge in Belltown.  That location is great.  Ticket prices at the door are $40 ($30 advance).  I have this on my favorites to check out and probably will show up.  The music is electronic which can get annoying after about the first hour.  One positive is that they say they are staying open until 3am.  Unlike all the others closing at 2am.  Noc Noc is the only other club that stays open late that I know of (5am).  Belltown is probably one of the best locations in Seattle for nightlife.  If you don’t like this location, you could easily walk around the block and find something else happening.


This looks pretty good.  Ticket prices are $40 per ticket.  I saw last years video of the event and looks good.  The only problem I see is if the party is lame I’M STUCK ON A FREAKING BOAT!  I am also nervous of the gender ratio like how many women to men.  Nothing worse then getting stuck on a boat with a bunch of dudes on New Years Eve (unless that is your thing).  Last year it was named the booze cruise and I once experienced a booze cruise in Hawaii – it was awesome!  I’m considering this one.


In Belltown this is one of my favorite locations.  If all else fails I will be visiting here because you just can’t go wrong with it.  Cover has always been free, however, it is NYE so I am unsure if they will charge.

Tia Lou’s

Located next to Ambers this is a good dance club.  Again you can’t fail going here if you need a solid location.  $20 at the door if you decide to visit.

So there you have it folks my top picks for Seattle New Year Eve parties.  If you’re going out or staying home just have fun and take a second to set some goals next year.  What can you do better or what do you want to accomplish in the new year?  It’s a new year and an opportunity to start something new in your life.

In fact, do yourself a favor.  When the clock strikes 12:05 am, take a few seconds to look at the bright moon above and think how blessed you are.  At the end of the day, we are all humans made of flesh and bones and really blessed to just be living life on this big green planet traveling 66,000 mph.  From the big blue sky, the fresh air we breath, to the shining seas full of life, we’re just small pieces in this big universe.  Our time on this planet is short and one day our flesh and bones will be returned to this big planet.  Breath in and breath out – before you know it…. that is life……you have to make the most of it.

This night is a fresh start and one of those rare opportunities every year you can experience that feeling.

OK now back to the party!!






Seattle’s Corson Avenue War Zone – PT. 2

This is a follow-up post we created when Georgetown’s Corson Ave was shut down for several months while they made it “more safe”.   The Georgetown Corson Ave post had some initial photos we took.  We have several more now available.  This has to be one of the worst road jobs I have ever seen.  They didn’t even pave the road!  Now it just has a bunch of patches all over the place. 

520 Bridge Toll Is Here

Hope you’re ready to pay the man more because the 520 bridge toll will be starting on the 29th of December. Just another example of “thinking stuff up” to generate more revenue for the state and it’s financial troubles instead of actually fixing the root of the problem – spending. It’s been discussed on this site over and over again from different angles but it’s the norm when it comes to financial troubles. It’s just an easy fix and sell to the public I guess. I honestly believe most people are sheep and follow the crowd anyway and that is how most of this stuff is passed. With some TV ads and the use of scarcity the crowd falls for it.

If you commute and use the 520 bridge regularly like going to work daily you can expect to pay around $1,600 per year. I wouldn’t call that pocket change. It’s about $160 a month.

I guess toll are one of the new avenues for generating more money. It’s not enough that we pay for the roads with our taxes and almost 50% of your car gas is taxed. Parking in Seattle will cost you $8 dollars an hour! I predict we’ll see a lot more down the road and maybe even the viaduct when that project is completed. That would be an easy approval for the Seattle council members. Add in the HOV lane fees they are collecting now. If you’re not connected with the Good To Go program (to debit your account automatically), even more fees are applied. It’s all just crazy.

The 520 bridge toll is a slap in the face to so many people. We’ve talked about the financial planning at the Washington Department of Transportation and have proven that they can’t manage a dollar. They are worse than the USPS. This will only put more money in their pockets and even less on the roads. 1,000,000 dollars a week in fact.

What I find even more sleazy about the 520 bridge toll is that the state received a federal grant. It was a $123,000,000 million dollar payday grant that pays for helping subsidizing buses, toll equipment and other expenses related to the new toll. Public transport, van pools, are already except vehicles etc they don’t have to pay the toll anyway (or tabs) so really it’s just a incentive to start a new toll! Gosh $123 million dollar paycheck is a sleazy incentive to start a toll don’t you think?

Here is a good question, living in Seattle, why would anyone want to go the east side to do any shopping anymore? The reality is businesses and local sales will only decrease hurting the situation even more. If you’re from Seattle or the east side and want to shop – it’s going to cost you an extra $7 dollars. It’s almost not even worth leaving the house anymore. You can get a better deal online, pay no sales tax on it, and get free shipping.

Not So Super Committee Obviously Fails

As predicted, the not so “Super Committee” has failed.  It’s no big surprise to me really.  It was doomed before it even started.  The 12 political members of this committee are mostly to blame for this whole money problem anyway.  They all have been part of the system and continue to play the game.  They will continue as normal after the Holidays with their careers with no real decisions.  By not making any real or hard stands (decisions) they will keep their heads off the chopping block, lay low, and continue on getting elected and playing he game every year.  Collecting their big fat checks every month, richy rich health care, and pension programs that the average Joe will never end come close to achieving.  It’s a shame really because they all should be fire.  Every single one of them.  Republicans want some cuts and the Democrats want to tax the rich.

The cuts Republican want are not enough and taxing the rich is not a viable solution.  Right now 3% has been cut.  That is extremely pathetic honestly.  The other side, taxing the rich is just a nice way of asking for more money from the public.  Burning more money in a failed system.  Doesn’t fix the problem and with the currently spend that will be used up really quick.  It doesn’t solve the problem at all.

So what is the solution.  Personally I like Warren Buffets suggestion – here is what he said, “I could end the deficit in five minutes.  You just pass a law that says that any time there’s a deficit of more than three percent of GDP, all sitting members of Congress are ineligible for re-election.”

Now that sounds like a good plan to me.  Unfortunately, we will never see any laws like this because the people who would pass the law are the same people who would lose their jobs.  That is not going to happen.

I like numbers so lets look at these simple U.S financial figures and recent spending cuts.  This is the actual 2011 federal budget and their “BIG” spending cuts.

U.S Income:  2,170,000,000,000
Federal Budget: 3,820,000,000,000
New Debt:  1,650,000,000,000
National Debt:  14,271,000,000,000
Recent Budget Cuts:  38,500,000,000 (about 1% of budget)

To help put these numbers into perspective, lets look at a simplified real World example using the same data.  I removed the zeros to make the finacial numbers and comparison easier.

Annual income for the Smith family:  $21,700
Amount of money the Smith family spent:  $38,200
Amount of new credit card debt: $16,500
Outstanding balance on the credit card:  $142,710
Amount cut from the budget:  $385

This is the lame cuts I am talking about.  We need serious cuts to fix the system.  It’s not about asking for more money which will only put a temporary bandaid on the bigger problem.  Cut the programs, Cut the spending, and Cut the politicians not fixing or making suggestions.  Put laws in place to control spending and a forcing a balance budget (with limits).  Hold politicians and slacker politicians accountable.

Time to clean house and remove anyone and everyone not correcting these issues.

Seattle Property Taxes Just Increased

Owning a home and living that “American Dream” is going to cost you double.  Voters just passed a $232 million dollar education levy last Tuesday.

This yes vote (59% yes) doubles what you’re paying now and will be taken from your property taxes each year. Congratulations Seattle.  I find it amazing considering all the corruption in our education system (superintendent Maria Goodloe-Johnson) or just reading all the wasted school revenue each year.  We have proven that plenty of revenue is generated for the school system already.  Next year (less than that I bet) we will be hearing how the school system is broke again.  Bus routes will be cut. The teachers will be on the front line walking out of the classrooms because you know all the money isn’t going to support them or increase their wages at all.  At least I will have something to write about and reference again here at the Emerald City Journal.  It would be the first time I told you so though.

The system is broke voters you can’t fix this with more money.  It’s a management problem.  The top managers make all the money “managing” while the little folk teaching the children get screwed over with less money and even less support.

The only good thing about this is hopefully voters will see the light at the end of the tunnel now.  They will stop funding this toilet bowl of a system where the procedures and management are so messed up.  I suspect, however, next year they will pull the strings to your heart again saying “it’s for the kids & teachers” and get another passed.


Why Customers Hate Bank Of America

Unfortunately, I am a Bank Of America customer.  In fact, they are my mortgage company.  The good news is that I am not a checking or savings account customer.  First I am not sure why anyone would want to bank here and pay a monthly fee (or have to keep a large minimum) when there are so many FREE options available.  I simply refuse to look at any option that isn’t free.  It’s a free system why pay for it?  That is just silly.

There are many reasons why customers hate Bank Of America but it’s mostly because the company is greedy.  Not only are they greedy they are extremely sneaky about it.  First Bank Of America is one of the largest banks in America.  They are one of the worst managed companies around and continue the “cry” when they are just barely making it.  Just a while ago Bank Of America changed their branch policies to not provide any support for their customers.  They said a fee would be imposed they you needed to actually speak to someone.  To help with this effort they updated their ATMS to make deposits etc easier.  In short, they are going to to charge you the same price but not provide any real person help if you need it (well… they will help but may charge you extra for the help lol).  I couldn’t believe it when they announced this new change.  I figured customers would get disturbed and make the change but many stayed with this messed up business.

Recently, Bank Of America announced that they were going to charge customers $5 just to use their ATM per month.  Wow I said, rolling in laughter on the floor.  That is a big move and a stupid one if you ask me.  This bank just continues to gouge it’s customers with sneaky and greedy fees.

I believe this really hit a nerve with a lot of customers and a Bank Transfer Day was created.  The day was last Saturday actually and I heard it was a tremendous success.  The credit unions who all pretty much offer free banking and higher checking interest rates were overwhelmed with new customers.  After the $5 ATM monthly fee was announced by Bank Of America, they started to feel the heat.  Customers were fed up and starting to move elsewhere.  Bank Of America now is saying that they are not going to charge customers the $5 ATM fee.  They say it was just a test program to see how customers would react and be ok with it.  UMMM… no!!

This morning a Seattle Bank Of America caught on file.  The fire is suspicious and we all wonder why? Really?  I say let it burn.

How About A Christmas Tree Tax

It’s about time for the holidays and you should know that you will be paying a little more this year.  I call it the Christmas Tree Tax.  Each farmer who sells their Christmas trees will be taxed (in addition to the regular taxes) a 15 cent tax.  Sure you probably are saying well that isn’t very much and I agree.  You probably won’t even notice the difference but you should know that is it there.  I would categorize this tax as a poke just to see what they can get away with.  It’s not that this tax increase is going to put a dent in your pocket or anything it’s just the principal really.  It’s the continued poking and poking with the fees, taxes, registration, tolls, regulation etc that just gets on your nerves.  It’s the stupid stuff like this that are introduced just to see what they can get away with by poking you a little more and increase it down the road if needed (Oh and it will be needed).

Now for all the people saying its just 15 cents let it go.  Here is a fun fact: 83%+-  of the population are Christians in America.  In 2010, there were 302 million households – you do the math.

It Will Cost More To Send Mail By USPS

It shouldn’t be a surprise really I predicted this many months ago here.  The USPS is one of most pathetic and mis-managed entity.  A company that has always been the same and never evolves.  You would think overtime as a business they would adapt to changes in the economy and introduce innovated technologies and ideas to mail easier and smoother…, however, its the same system only more expensive now.  Each year, as rates continue to increase, customers find cheaper and more affordable options.  It’s almost not even worth it anymore – 50 cents to send a small letter is about 50% overpriced.

As customers sending mail declines the USPS continues with operations and fail to adjust their staff and vehicles to manage less mail.  The infrastructure of delivering mail has been established for many years now…. so how in the hell are you losing money USPS?  It’s all overpriced profit with billions of pieces of mail sent every year! Not to mention all the other revenue streams you have like mail boxes and expedite services.

Honestly, we as customers need to look at this and say when do we just say no and let them fail.  I just tired of hearing all the complaining when I can easily calculate all the profit they are making.  They are just taking advantage of the the people and the system by continually asking for a stamp raise every year.  Perhaps the best option is just to let is burn to the ground and let innovation and entrepreneurs create a new more profitable system.

FACT:  The USPS posted a 9 BILLION dollar lost last year.  The USPS is requesting a 5%+ postage rate increase.

Washington State Liquor Control Board – Burning Money

With all the talk about making liquor sales private and them losing money, Washington State Liquor Control Board is now building more luxurious liquor stores.  45% larger than the normal liquor stores they also include in  televisions (broadcasting messages) and a very nice wine tasting bar.  The new liquor stores are very much luxurious.  The stores also feature twice as much liquor which is about 2000 options. 

Don’t believe us?  Got check it out today it is located at:
4100 S.W. Alaska Street

Here is the problem with the Washington State Liquor Control Board and the business they are in. First, they continue to lose money which makes sense because every business the Government tries to run – loses money. That is a given. Second problem with the Washington State Liquor Control Board is that they should only be in control of safety issues and regulations only. They shouldn’t be in the retail business. We need to liquidate the Government’s involvement in a lot of things and anything they do that loses money, over spends, and could be managed and ran better privately should be done as fast as possible. There is no reason to continue on this path. It’s a complete failure not to privatize the retail portion of liquor distribution.

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