Seattle Newspaper for the People by the People


Jeff Jacobs - page 21

Jeff Jacobs has 240 articles published.

Stick A Fork In The Super Committee – It’s Over

Like most things in Washington – they fail.  The 12 member group “Super Commitee” formed after the debt ceiling crisis to greatly reduce our debt by November has officially failed.  In fact, you can stick a fork in this “Super Committee” because it’s over.  The failure wasn’t due to it’s members (both Republicans & Democrats) but due to bribes kickbacks the members are now getting to only enhance their own political agendas.  The problem is a procedural issue where this type of behavior is still allowed in our system. 

If you don’t know the theory it’s simple actually.  The group members sit around a table to discuss debt reduction and cutting programs for spending.  Companies and special groups in the public gives these members cash/contributions to help them with their campaigns and by doing so the political member supports them (by not messing with them – or cutting them).  In short, they “buy influence” in the group.  I call this corruption while others argue it’s legal. 

These kickbacks must stop after people are elected.  I understand running for a position and getting elected is expensive.  You’ll need private funding for this and your political views to the public represent the groups that are investing in you getting elected.  The public votes and if they like what you’re saying and the groups you represent then you get elected (that is fair).  Once elected, however, you represent the people and shouldn’t be able to accept bribes kickbacks anymore.  How can we have elected officials in office who with just a little bit of money will change their mind about topics and/or vote accordingly by persuasion.  It’s not about the people’s wants or needs then. 

The “buy influence” corruption must end after someone is elected.  It’s unfair to the public and these officials belong in jail.


Georgetown Corson Ave Construction Update

Seattle Construction Area Photo

The road construction project continues in Georgetown on Corson Ave.  A project that could have been pushed a few years is now more tax money wasted.  With all the public transit in trouble, you would think we could have transitioned some of this money (perhaps a million) to help people get to work and continue to ride the bus.   I guess paving a road is more important then keeping people working and getting them to work on time (without cutting more routes).  Not only are we wasting money for this paving project that could have been used better elsewhere we are also wasting additional police resources who will be sitting around (playing on the Internet in their cars) at the construction project to help watch flaggers direct vehicles around the area. 

The Georgetown Corson Ave construction project is about to start.
There goes Corson Ave, Seattle
They paved it but still dirty
It’s time for more cleanup and starting on the other side of the street.

To continue on this topic, Georgetown’s Corson Ave was shut down for several months while they made it “more safe”.   Above and below, you’ll see some of the construction photos. We have several more now available.  This has to be one of the worst road jobs I have ever seen.  They didn’t even pave the road!  Now it is has a bunch of patches all over the place. 

Here are the final photos of the Corson Ave Street construction project. 2011

Queen Anne Farmers Market Today (Thursday)

It’s Thursday today, and honestly it’s pretty slow.  Well pack up the kids or take a late lunch break to visit the Queen Anne Farmers Market.  The Queen Anne Farmers Market opens at 3pm and goes until 7:30pm tonight.  The market offers a wide selection of food, plants, and entertainment to keep you busy.  More importantly you’ll experience a little sunshine, breath some fresh air, and get out of the house.  The Queen Anne Farmers Market features about 40 farmers/vendors selling their freshes supply available.  Make a trip to 1 Crockett St in Seattle and experience some of the freshes food in town.

Queen Anne Farmers Market
Queen Anne Farmers Market

Technology Destroyed The USPS

The United States Postal Service posted a loss of 3.1 billion dollars for the months of April – June 2011.  Total losses for the year are now at 5.7 billion dollars.  Postmaster General, Patrick Donahoe, keeps saying that aggressive actions are being taken to reduce their costs due to less customer demand but obviously his “aggressive actions” are not enough.  I do know, however, that every year the postal rates continue to increase more and more.  Did you really think that you could continue raising your stamp rates and expect the public and technology to just stand by the sidelines doing nothing?   

The reality is technology destroyed the United States Post Office and it maybe to late to save it.  Banks have setup free payment options that make it extremely easy for everyone to get their bills paid ontime. Many digital PO Boxes are now available where your physical mail is delivered to them and with just a click of a mouse you can shread, read online, and/or forward your mail back if wanted.  The monthly cost is very small for the service. The Internet has setup their own payment options (like Paypal) which allow people to send money to an email address instead of the post office.

Our mailing and payment technology only continues to get better while the USPS continues to operate with an older mindset.  In short, like any business you must grow and adapt to public wants and newer creative technology.  Newer and better services are created because the current one in place lacks features or has become outdated (and increasingly expensive).  That is how our capitalistic World works folks.  They have failed due to their lack of technology upgrades (and services they could have provided to the public).  Since they had a monopoly pretty much in the postal niche they could have really capitalized on it – but they didn’t.

I’m sure their solution to this problem will be to raise postal stamps again.  They will also try to limit the days mail is delivered which will cause more damage for them.  What they should be doing is investing and building out better technology.  They need to create services like the ones above that let businesses (local or international) open PO Boxes in any state for a monthly fee.  It should allow customers/companies access to their mail online without having to go to the mail box.  Do they realize how much money they would make with a service like that?  Less gas, employees, trucks, and billing (it’s automated!).  How about a monthly service that pushes all your physical mail to your email address?  Millions of people (maybe hundreds of millions) would order that service for $12 bucks a month.  It would save people time, gas, miles, money, envelopes, etc plus it would be more secure.  Hell think if you made that service a global service where international companies could order one (capturing global currency revenue).  That is some serious hands free and automated revenue.  Many parents have a hard time packing up the kids just to go the post office or store and the monthly fee is easily worth it for them.

There is still opportunities available to make it work for the USPS.  However, technology will destroy them if major innovated changes are not made quickly.  Out the old and in with the new!


FDA Agency Will Kill People In 2012

I understand the title of this article is hardcore but the reality is that a recent decision by the FDA Agency will kill people in 2012. It could be you, a loved one, or maybe a close friend.

Starting in 2012, Primatene Mist will be taken off the shelves by the FDA Agency due to “CFCs depleting the ozone”. If you don’t know what Primatene Mist is it’s the ONLY over the counter immediate relief for asthma. There is nothing that compares to Primatene Mist and with thousands of positive reviews online, it works perfectly. It costs about $15 dollars at Walmart (over the counter) and is very popular because it works – fast (unlike a tablet that takes time to dissolve). I’ve personally been on Primatene Mist my whole life like the thousands and thousands of people who use it everyday to “just get by” or for emergencies because with asthma a simple sneeze can trigger an asthmatic attacked. I have been rescued by Primatene Mist on several occasions and would even say that it may have saved my life on several occasions (plus many trips to the ER). The same is true for thousands of other customers who have asthma worse than I do. I have challenged myself on several occasions to just find one negative review (or customer/medical problems) with Primatene Mist online. Out of the thousands and thousands of customer who use it everyday there is nothing negative. In fact, you find why more medical issues with aspirin. Primatene Mist has been a safe and effective treatment for asthma symptoms for over 40 years now. After reading all the reviews and feedback regarding the FDA’s decision to ban Primatene Mist, their customers are extremely angry and death is discussed quite often (due to prescription costs, waiting times at doctors offices, and the low quality of medication not working for them). They are seriously concerned they will die due to the FDA Agency.

Is this FDA decision meant to push people to spend money on doctor visits, ER visits, insurance, and over priced asthma prescriptions forever? Does the FDA really care about CFC’s depleting the ozone? If that was the case, why not pull hairspray, fire extinguishers, paint booths, air conditioning, and perfumes.  It’s a reckless decision by the FDA Agency (leaving no other solution available) and unfortunately many more asthmatics will die in 2012 as compared to the previous years.

I’m starting to question the honesty of the FDA Agency (working in raise revenue and/or with other drug companies) after this outlaw decision scheduled to kill people in 2012.  It makes you question their expertise and “nanny” behaviors.   When do we as citizens draw the line and say that is enough?  This isn’t a life threatening decision but more of power play to keep control and ownership of the public.  We don’t want the FDA in our personal lives or making decisions to control our lives right?  When do we say no that is a personal heath choice and not a legal or World health decision?  The FDA Agencies job is national defense and science. Those are the only issues that should require FDA involvement.  If not, the FDA will be banning sugar next because it’s unhealthy (actually soda has been taken out of school already mostly).  If not several years from now it will only get worse.  You know cancer is less common in women who have had children and it’s more common in women who have had abortions.  Breast cancer is one of the most expensive diseases we have, however, should it be monitored and forced on you to make the world a more “healthy” place.  There is a line that shouldn’t be crossed in personal choice and healthy (or not) lifestyles and we need to make sure that line is not crossed with the FDA.

Primatene Mist
Primatene Mist

Seafair Seattle Last Day Today

One of Seattle’s biggest events each year is Seafair. Sunday (today) is the last day and with the weather being so good this weekend you can be sure it will be filled with familys and party animals having fun. If you hurry you can still make the Seattle Seafair this year. Take note the party will continue all day and the hydroplane racing is action packed with hardcore fans. The United States Navy’s Blue Angels take over the city at 1:35pm and their will be several road closures starting at about 12:30pm.

The Albert Lee Cup will be decided today (last day of the Seafair event) at there will be $25,000 up for grabs for the winner. Tickets to the final Seattle Seafair event are $30 at the gate. Children 5 and under are free.

Enjoy the sun at the Seafair.

The Future Of The NASA Space Program

As you know, the USA has stopped all flights into space.  Our space shuttles are officially retired and collecting dust.  The future of the NASA Space Program is unknown really.  The space program cost us $200 billion+ over the years (started in 1971) and since we won’t be using it anytime soon we may want to consider closing it all completely.  It’s sad we won’t be exploring the universe anymore but we are so in debt – this cut is a must. We are looking for ways to save money now and what is the point of holding on to all this equipment, technology, shuttles, launch pads etc if we are not going to use it ever again?  Space exploration should now be officially private.  There is no need for the government to be involved (except for security and the our satellites already in space).  Teams have already proven that better and cheaper shuttles are available and nearly ready to be used commercially.  Let the corporations pay for it. 

On a side note, our government is spending 4.1 billion dollars per day.  50 days from right now, the government will have spent more than the entire NASA Space Program.

The Bite Of Seattle Starts Today

Powered by Comcast, The Bite Of Seattle runs today (15th) to Sunday (17th). Each year approximately 450,000 people show up for the weekend event. The Bite of Seattle has free admission which is great for the family. Some food vendors have very small portions you can pay just a little to try out, however, the majority of it is full cost. Inside The Bite of Seattle there are about 60 or so restaurants. They also have live entertainment like music, cooking lessons/demos, and wine tasting. If you’re concerned about the alcohol, they do have a family friendly area. This is probably the largest food festival each year in Seattle. What is also great is that you’ll see many of the local food talents cooking. Chefs just getting starting in the culinary business.

If the weather holds up it could be a great time to experience The Bite Of Seattle 2011 at the Seattle Center this weekend only.

The Bite Of Seattle opens at 11AM everyday starting today (Friday).

Seattle Nightlife Hours Maybe Extended Past 2AM

Having been in both Pioneer Square and the heart of Belltown at 2AM, I have experienced the Seattle nightlife scene first hand. The alcohol flows almost to the point of club closure and then the security steps in and yells “Everyone get the hell out!”. Just like cattle the patrons are pushed out the door. In some clubs in Seattle, that is saying it nicely. As the Seattle nightlife drowns their sorrows (and the just acquired $8 drink or two) they stumble to the streets by the hundreds. The sidewalks are filled with the sober, drunks, wannabe gang bangers, and pan handlers dodging the next vomit location. Just outside of some clubs you can’t even walk on the sidewalk because of the crowds. Getting a taxi is almost impossible and lines are formed on every corner with the nightlife folk waiting to pay for their delicious $5 dollar hot dog (they really are good). A lot of the crowd just hangs around smoking and/or hoping to meet a new “friend” to go home with. Unfortunately, there is nowhere to go after hours so many just jump in their cars and drive home drunk.

I have personally talked about extended Seattle nightlife hours for a good year or more now. It’s an obvious fix that needs to happen. We simply can’t have hundreds of people forced out of the Seattle clubs with nowhere to go but home (driving drunk). The city probably does pretty well since the average DUI will cost you about $10,000. I must say the police presence is pretty good due to several incidents this year.

With the support of the Seattle Police Department and Mayor Mike McGinn, the proposal of extending the Seattle nightlife club hours is in the works. Right now Seattle clubs must close between the hours of 2AM and 6AM (that is not exactly true – I know one nightclub in Belltown that is open until 5AM). This proposal may allow bars to remain open longer or 24hrs. My understanding is that the proposal is also supported by Seattle City Attorney Pete Holmes and some of the Seattle City Council Members already. The State Liquor Control Board will most likely take their time with a decision and use their power of authority to hang it over the heads of many business owners. New rules will be created by the Liquor Board only to complicate the matter even more. It should be a no brainer decision, however.

Let me make it simple. The proposal should be that the alcohol stops at 2AM (as it does now) but the clubs may remain open for as long as they like. They may continue to play the music, serve non alcoholic drinks, and food. This will allow the patrons to stay in the club (spending money and generating more tax revenue) and give them a natural way to sober up. It also stops the flood of people getting pushed onto the streets all at once. There you have it, write it up, problem solved.  You’re welcome.

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