Seattle Newspaper for the People by the People


Jeff Jacobs - page 6

Jeff Jacobs has 240 articles published.

Seattle’s $15 Minimum Wages – Passes

Seattle Minimum Wages Increase to 15 per hour

On Monday, with a 9-0 vote, the Seattle Council voted to pass and increase the minimum wage to $15 per hour. This makes the minimum wage in Seattle the highest in the nation. The wage increase will be slowly phased into Seattle over the next several years. Smaller businesses will have even more time to phase in the increase. The mandate mentions that large enterprises, those with over 500 employees, implement a $15 minimum wage by either 2017 or 2018. Conversely, smaller businesses, those with fewer than 500 employees, are required to meet the $15 minimum wage standard by either 2019 or 2021.

The City of Seattle obviously supports the new law because the tax revenue is massive. They essentially double what they bring in now per individual minimum wage paycheck. It is an easy way to steal more taxes from the people.

So where do we go with this news? I guess businesses no longer need to hire high school kids or dropouts…. when they can get college grads for $15 per hour. Hell, educated kids from Tacoma would probably even commute to Seattle for this kind of money. It’s a smart move by the Seattle Government to grab additional taxes. As a new hire, you don’t really need to go to college anymore or need a skillset. With that in mind, the government doesn’t really care just as long as they are automatically taking from your paycheck. No need to go to college anymore and you can be lazy. You’ll get paid the same so who cares? You might as well get a $15 – $20 per hour job and figure out the college thing later.

Why stop at $15 lets make it $20 per hour which is 40K per year. If we are going to go big – why not go really big? Seattle leadership knows to slowly rob people of their paychecks so the pain is less noticeable. Since people are making more now, let’s continue to raise the already high rents in the neighborhoods. Landlords are going to love this! People are making more now, so it only makes sense to me. Since people are making more, the City can charge a little extra on parking tickets or add a few more traffic light cameras. As a blue state, the democrats are pros at robbing people of their money and taxes.

All of this is an excuse to take more money from your paycheck and at the same time create an excuse to raise the prices of other things around the city. It’s all about getting money back into the system and nothing to do with you. It appears to me that Seattle leadership continues to run the city into the ground.

If we want to make a change, there should be a $15 MAXIMUM wage for Congress and the Seattle Council members. One step forward and two steps back with this requirement.

Seattle 15 per hour wages

What are the disadvantages of increasing the minimum wage?

Raising the minimum wage is a topic of heavily debated between the lawmakers and businesses. While increasing the minimum wage aims to provide workers with a livable income, it also poses several potential disadvantages and unintended consequences. Here are some commonly cited drawbacks of a higher minimum wage:

1. Increased Costs for Businesses:

  • Higher Operating Costs: Small businesses, in particular, may struggle with the increased costs associated with higher wages.
  • Inflation: Some businesses might raise their prices to compensate for increased labor costs, contributing to inflationary pressures.

2. Unemployment and Reduced Hiring:

  • Job Loss: Some employers might reduce staff numbers to maintain profitability, leading to unemployment.
  • Hiring Freeze: Businesses might decide to pause hiring, affecting job market fluidity.
  • Automation and Outsourcing: Employers may opt for automation or move jobs overseas where labor is cheaper, reducing local employment opportunities.

3. Reduced Hours and Benefits:

  • Employers might cut workers’ hours or reduce non-wage benefits such as healthcare and paid time off to offset increased wage costs.

4. Impact on Less-Skilled Workers:

  • Employers may become more selective, preferring employees with more skills and experience, leaving less-skilled or inexperienced workers struggling to find employment.
  • This could particularly affect young people and those with lower educational attainment, potentially exacerbating inequality.

5. Potential Decline in Business Formation and Survival:

  • Increased costs might deter entrepreneurs from starting new businesses, impacting innovation and economic diversity.
  • Existing businesses, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), might face sustainability challenges, leading to business closures.

6. Distortion of Labor Market:

  • It could distort wage structures, causing dissatisfaction among more skilled or experienced workers earning similar wages to less-skilled workers.
  • Some argue that a higher minimum wage might discourage workers from acquiring additional skills or education, impacting productivity in the long run.

7. Impact on Competitive Advantage:

  • Countries with lower minimum wages might have a competitive advantage in labor-intensive industries, potentially leading to a decline in such industries in countries with higher minimum wages.

8. Mismatch between Local Economies:

  • A uniform minimum wage might not consider the varying living costs between regions, leading to imbalances and inefficiencies.

Balancing Perspectives:

While the aforementioned points illustrate the potential disadvantages of a higher minimum wage, balancing them against the advantages, such as poverty reduction, increased worker productivity, and stimulation of economic growth through increased consumer spending is essential. The overall impact of raising the minimum wage often depends on how well the policy is designed and implemented, considering the specific economic context and conditions of each locality or country.

You can make your own decision on this topic. One thing we do know living in Seattle, is that leadership will continue to raise taxes and request more money from you.

Has America Changed?

This is an interesting read. Written by Ken Huber – he does make some interesting points about American and what it has become. Our apologies for the small print in the article.

He makes several comparisons which will open your mind and perhaps cause debate.

Has America Changed It's Standards

Smith Tower

Seattle Smith Tower

It’s one of tallest and most respected icons in Seattle – The Smith Tower. In fact it has stood in Pioneer Square for over 100 years now. The building itself is 38 stories high and was completed in 1914. The Smith Tower is the oldest in the city and until 1931 it was the tallest office building west of the Mississippi River. Many building are taller than it now. The Seattle Space Needle towered over it in 1962.

The Smith Tower is considered a Seattle landmark and was named after its creator Lyman Cornelius Smith. Initially Lyman Smith only planned on building a 14 story building but later was convinced to make a larger to beat a larger skyscraper in Tacoma known as the National Realty Building. At the time it was considered the tallest west of the Mississippi. The doors opened with a ribbon cutting on July 3rd 1914. As of today, it’s been acquired by several owners and renovated twice (1986 & 1999).

In the recent years the Smith Tower has been the focus areas for many new start-ups. The building is setup with fiber-optics and that was attracted many occupants. The building is also located very close to transportation options including the Sounder Train.

Security at the building is very tight and pass is needed to visit the varies stories in the building. In 2012, the build was struggling with covering it’s operating expenses and was old via public foreclosure to CBRE.

At the very top of building there is one residence. This is the only residence in the building and it’s occupied by Petra Franklin, husband David Lahaie, and their two daughters.

On the 38th floor there is an observation deck available to the public with a pass. For adults the price is $7.50 and children $5.00 (2014 rates).

The city surrounding the building is Pioneer Square. It features lots of visitors, coffee shops, and parking lots.

Address visitor information:
The Smith Tower
506 2nd Ave, Seattle, WA 98104
(206) 622-4004

Seattle Micro-Housing

Seattle Micro Housing

The Seattle Council is considering allowing micro-housing in the city. If you’re not in the loop of what micro-housing is exactly it’s a much smaller option of living. Typically they are the size of a bedroom and they have common areas like kitchens and bathrooms that everyone shares. Yesterday the Seattle Council held a public discussion for comments and feedback. As you know with the Seattle Council, it’s ultimately their decision if it goes through or not. Over the years I have learned one thing and that is the Seattle Council will do what they want. It’s about the money and less about the people. This solution will certainly move forward but will be regulated so they can track the money easier.

Supporters suggest it’s an affordable solution to housing. While I like their ambitiousness, I assure you it won’t be cheap or even affordable. It will be expensive and Seattle residents will continue to pay their crazy rent. The demand is high for this so why would they make it cheap? Think about it.

Even though I understand the strain of more people in the city and even more parking issues, I do support micro-housing. Not because “it’s going to be affordable” (because it won’t) – I support it on the principle that land owners should be able to do what they want with their property. It’s also very common in other countries and we’re just behind the times on many issues including micro-housing.

Seattle Ranked 4th For Best Readership

Seattle 4th Most Read City Education

According to, Seattle is ranked 4th for the best read city. Alexandria, Virginia topped the list. Now don’t let this confuse you and think Seattle is the smartest city… it just means we read a lot. It does make sense because we are coffee town USA with Starbucks and all. Miami came in 2nd place where their top orders were books, magazines, and health and mind. What else you going to do when you’re at the beach all day. If we actually had a good beach (and hotter weather) I’m positive we would be #1 on this list because everyone would buy more. On a side note, did you know Washington State sells more sunglasses than any other state? Yes, it’s true.

Obama Keeps Blowing Money

Obama OSO Mudslide Visit

As reported previously by Lilly, it is now official President Obama will be making a visit to the devastated OSO mudslide site. It’s obviously a way for him to build his popularity, show remorse, and shake a few hands. If he really cared, he would stay home and send/write a check for 2 million plus dollars as that’s about what it takes in fuel/staff just to get here. The money would be 100x more beneficial to the people then him standing around taking photographs and getting publicity out of it. For Obama, however, it’s all about him and making the people love him. He continues to say one thing and then goes and does another. This is just another example of wasted time and money provided by President Obama. The reality is we all feel bad about the situation (it’s horrible) but these people need money to buy food and get back on there feet. A hand shake, photographs, and positive news coverage doesn’t solve a thing. Plus, the time and resources to get the President here is a huge waste of taxpayers money. It costs millions to fly him around.

It’s never been about the wasted money for Obama, however. Just look at Obamacare this guy will spend billions maybe even trillions of dollars just to make the program work. I hear about it on the TV and radio every day! Even if it’s failing horribly, he will dump every last penny to make the program work so he doesn’t look bad over it. There is a point and we probably have already past it where just giving all the uninsured people a check for 100K would have been a better option and it would cost much less.

The OSO mugslide is horrible but let’s be honest here how is Obama going to help with the efforts except making himself look good by being there. This publicity is going to be on every news channel across the country and it’s just one be positive PR stunt.

To date, 41 lives have been lost due to the disaster. A few individuals in the area still remain missing and have not been accounted. Each day approx. 625 workers continue the search and clean up efforts.

Mighty-O Donuts Going Landfill-Free

Mighty-o-donuts Seattle
Mighty-O Donuts, Seattle’s über-conscientious donut company, has pledged to make its Wallingford neighborhood location a garbage-free facility effective Earth Day 2014.

Generating waste is unavoidable in any city. Seattle sends more than 300,000 tons of waste to the landfills each year ( Visualize 100 train cars heading to a landfill every day. Seeking better solutions, Mighty-O Donuts follows a zero-waste strategy.

To accomplish a landfill-free facility, Mighty-O is working with vendors to minimize unnecessary waste and to use only recyclable or compostable packaging. The company is also kindly asking that customers do not bring trash into the Wallingford donut shop. Currently 90 percent of the waste from this facility is composted or recycled. Additionally, all leftover food is donated to the city’s homeless and hungry.
Along with helping to save the environment it is predicted that Mighty-O will save thousands of dollars each year. More importantly, it’s an opportunity to set an example and lead other businesses to do the same.
In 2013 Mighty-O was a finalist in the “Setting an Example” category at the Sustainable Seattle Awards, and is devoted to ensuring all of its ingredients come from companies with sustainable practices, organic production standards and the fair treatment of farmers and employees. In addition to being a certified organic bakery, Mighty-O is verified by the Non-GMO Project, and refrains from using animal products in its donuts or using ingredients that have been genetically engineered. In 2011 it won the televised Donut Champion Challenge on the Food Network, and was named by Bon Appétit Magazine as one of the “Top 10 Best Places for Donuts” in the country.

For more information about Mighty-O Donuts please visit or call 206-547-0335. Visit them on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Top Seattle Stories April 2014

Once in a while we share our top stories for the month. Below you’ll find our top stories for April 2014 determined by our visitors at the Emerald City Journal.

Mike Asimos favorite Seattle hiking locations was one of our popular pages during the month. We discuss some of hot spots and also some of the hiking locations most people don’t visit or don’t know about. Powered by Mike Asimos.

History of the Space Needle in Seattle, Washington was recently featured from Wikipedia. This popular page is getting more attention due to the research, history, and information presented.

Mike McGinn analysis which is old news now but we ran an informational article about Mike McGinn and his history as the Mayor of Seattle.

Washington State Liquor Control Board informational page and analysis of how our Liquor Board manages the program.

Mike Asimos Grateful Dead collection interview. We caught up with Mike Asimos to discuss his large collection and his travel experiences in Seattle, Washington.

OSO STRONG Mudslide Benefit Fundraiser

OSO Fundraiser

OSO, WA – The Rhodes River Ranch is hosting a community-organized fundraising event benefiting the Oso Firemen’s Association ( ), a local, non-profit and registered charitable organization in support of the mudslide rescue efforts.

This is an opportunity to support the Oso community and celebrate the many who have gathered to help the rescue efforts.

Located on the south side of the Stillaguamish River and a mere 4-miles from the slide location, the Rhodes River Ranch ( is a 150-acre,award-winning breeding and horse-training facility. Many working here have friends and families affected by this tragedy and are thankful to have the ability and facilities to help the community.

During initial and continuing rescue efforts, the Rhodes River Ranch is one of the staging grounds for relief efforts. The fundraiser will be held in their large indoor arena (one of the largest professional ranch arenas west of the Mississippi).

Favorite local bands and musicians will be performing at the event and the Rhodes River Ranch Restaurant will be serving specialty beer, cocktails, beverages and a special buffet dinner.

The silent auction begins at 1:00pm and the live auction at 5:00pm and there is a silent auction featuring works by such artists as Art Wolfe.

Mudslide Benefit Fundraiser
Rhodes River Ranch
Oso/Arlington, WA
Saturday, April 5, 1-7pm

For information or interviews, contact
Bonnie Rose, (360) 474-8313x 230




NSA Watching Your Computer

NSA Spying Program Is Watching Us Through Our Computers

A story came out of the New York Times a few months ago and basically went into a concept that the National Security Agency (NSA) is using to get access to computers if they ever felt the need. I must admit I was pretty impressed after hearing it because it’s pure genius. In short, they have the capabilities to access and alter your computer without it even being connected to the Internet. The program was created to solve one the biggest challenges the agency faced of getting into computers that the “bad guys” are using. There is very limited information about the “how it’s done” but the NSA document mentioned radio frequencies and secret software that is installed when accessing a network. It also mentions the use of other methods but they are not described.

It’s a pretty amazing and just confirms how deep the government can get into our lives if needed. With cell phones, computers, cars, ect there is no privacy anymore. Think about this for a minute. We know the government is in bed with the phone and cable companies. They are required to keep records, logs, phone call recordings and all that info should it ever be request it’s pretty common knowledge but what if the government was able to get in bed with the hardware creators. What if they were able to install a piece of hardware or software at the source where these are created. They could essentially access any computer, anywhere, offline or online at anytime. They could add a chip in the refrigerator or your TV. It’s not a far reach considering the topic of this article. Think about it with other countries as well like spying on North Korea or Iran. It’s the perfect setup to monitor everything and everyone without even being there.

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