Seattle Newspaper for the People by the People


Jeff Jacobs - page 9

Jeff Jacobs has 240 articles published.

Obamacare Information

Starting in 2014, Obamacare is a requirement of every American citizen.  Some individuals will get Obamacare through their jobs and others will need to research and find the best health care program for them.  Below you’ll find all the Emerald City Journal news topics related to Obamacare and we hope the information we provided is useful.  If you’d like to post your own news, articles, or information related to the Affordable Health Care Act (also known as Obamacare) right here on our Seattle news website, please let us know.

President Obama Agenda & Laws article covers the lead up to Obamacare.  Not much is known except the American people are standing by President Obama and his Affordable Health Care Act which starts in 2014.  Many have argued whether he should have even been elected over the Benghazi attack but the voters do continue to support the President and his agenda & laws.  You would think these issues would ruin his reputation but he was re-elected.

Obama Taking More Of Your Rights!  New Gun Laws news article was written to inform you about your rights about gun ownership and does cover some information about Obamacare.  It goes into a conversation about all your rights and how they are slowly being stripped away from you.  Whether it’s Obamacare or other laws, Obama has a way of saying one thing then doing another behind closed doors.

How will Obamacare impact your job? A great article showing the connection between your job and the new Obamacare health program connection.  Business owners are now being forced into providing health care to their employees, however, business owners are simply going to limit the employees hours (under 40hrs per week) to bypass that requirement.  Since Obamacare is also a requirement of new hires working 40+ hrs per week, we are going to find that business owners are going to adjust that in their employment job offer (secretly lowing he offer) when starting a job to cover those extra health care expenses.  Read how the Obamcare program may impact your employment with this news article on the Emerald City Journal.

How you could lose our job over the new Obamacare healthcare program and other information about the Affordable Health Care Act.  This article is for those who voted for Obamacare and are currently employed and working full-time.  With the passing of the Obama’s Health Care program you could be getting yourself fired from your job.  Not a smart move voting for this in my opinion.  Not to mention that if you’re every let go from you job, that would mean you’d need by by and keep medical and you’ll need to pay for it out of your pocket.

What does Dr. Kevorkian and Obamacare have in common?  An interesting article about how Obamacare could be similar to the activities of Dr. Kevorkian.  More of fun article regarding the topics but an interesting read for sure.  Recently Dr. Kevorkian died so who will replace his efforts maybe it’s Obamacare.

Photo Of The Obamacare Law.  That is a lot of pages!
Photo Of The Obamacare Law


New Paintings By Marcio Díaz

Opening First Thursday June 6, Marcio Díaz presents new work in Sensing Color, an exhibit at ArtXchange Gallery in Seattle, Washington. These paintings reveal the different qualities of light and weather that captivated Diaz after his move to the Pacific Northwest.

There is more light in Nicaragua, but it makes everything flat,” he reflects. “In Nicaragua we react to the sun, not the rain. In the Pacific Northwest, I can see color deeply in the shadows. The distortion of the light by the rain and dew inspires me.

Díaz soaked up the influences around him in the Pacific Northwest, both in the landscape and from the local art community. “I never knew the depth of color until I moved to Seattle,” says Díaz. He began to experiment with abstraction and new painting techniques emerged. He moved towards a pointillist technique involving layering dripped bubbles and circles of paint, which became his popular Bubblism style.

His painting method is a bright-hued variation on the pointillism of Seurat, building an image from vibrant circles of color,” wrote Michael Upchurch in the Seattle Times. “The tensions between shimmer and almost-solid objects are exquisite.”

From the sunny, arid landscapes of Estelí to the lush tulip fields of SkagitValley, Díaz builds images through dappled brushstrokes and layers of shape. Sensing Color presents works in his signature Bubblism style, as well as new techniques that Díaz has been developing.

Sensing Color opens First Thursday June 6, 5-8pm, with the artist in attendance. In July, Díaz will offer a painting demonstration in the gallery on Thursday, July 11, 5-8pm (the official Pioneer   Square replacement date for 2013 First Thursday in July which falls on the 4th).

Exhibition Dates: June 6 – July 27, 2013

Opening/Artist Reception: First Thursday, June 6 5-8pm (During the First Thursday Artwalk)

Artist Demo and reception: Thursday, July 11, 5-8pm

Location: ArtXchange Gallery, 512   First Ave South, Seattle, WA 98104

Hours: Tuesday – Saturday, 11 AM – 5:30 PM

Phone: 206-839-0377



Who is Marcio Díaz

From the landscapes of Estelí, Nicaragua, to the rain-drenched terrains of the Pacific Northwest, artist Marcio Díaz has journeyed both geographically and artistically. The profound shift in his surroundings awakened a newfound appreciation for the rich hues and tones found in Washington State. Díaz’s initial works showcased rural scenarios, radiating warmth intertwined with a touch of surreal allure. However, it was the rain-soaked panorama of his new home that prompted him to venture into abstract art, attempting to encapsulate the intense colors he witnessed.

Díaz’s prowess with the brush goes beyond just capturing scenes; he deftly conveys light, emotion, and the very essence of his subject. His technique, marked by intricate brushstrokes and layered nuances, offers viewers an immersive experience.

Over two decades, Díaz’s talent has not only matured but has also garnered significant accolades. Back in Nicaragua, he clinched numerous national art distinctions, earned accolades from the Ministry for the Cultural Advancement, and even hosted an art-centric television show. The U.S. saw him showcasing his masterpieces across the west coast and as far afield as Scottsdale and New York City. Despite his international acclaim, Díaz remains deeply rooted in his homeland. He revisits Nicaragua annually to display his creations, conduct art sessions, and nurtures a dream to establish an art institution for budding talents.

Marcio Diaz Paintings Seattle
Marcio Diaz new painting – Sensing Color

First Time Home Ownership Seattle

First Time Homeowner Seattle

I recently read an article by the Seattle Times about first time home ownership. It was written by Katherine Reynolds Lewis (Washington Post).  In short, it’s an article about the things you should have in order before buying your first home. If you’ve been on the Emerald City Journal awhile you know my view on the subject and that’s it’s a horrible liability.  You can read the article here.  The article by the Times covered the basics like looking at your credit report, consider talking to a tax advisor, stick to your budget, finding a good real estate agent, and research a good lender.  It’s pretty obvious stuff when considering buying a home.

The things it doesn’t cover is that homes are a liability – not an investment.  They are also rarely opportunities (unless you’re paying it all off completely without a lender).  You need to remember that when you purchase your first home that you’re not going to get your money back.  Here is the simple most basic formula.  Take your purchase price and multiply it by (2.5 – your interest fees) + yearly property tax X 30 years.   This number is what you’ll need to sell it at to get your money back.  Honestly,  do you really think you’re home is going to appreciate that much?  The truth is…. never.  This doesn’t even include the repairs down the road, updating the property, and the higher costs of just living in a larger space (heating, water, sewer) compared to renting.

Of course not everyone will agree with that statement above.  Most critiques say “well at least you’ll have something at the end” compared to renting which is just “burning money”.  My argument is that you’d be more wealthy renting.  You’re paying about 33% less renting so if you put the rest into a savings account (compared to giving the bank interest payments) at the end of 30 years you’ll have way more money saved.  You could actually pay cash for a home at that time if wanted.


Funny Stories In The News

Funny Stories In The News

Everyday great news is released to the World.  We all need some funny news once in a while right?  These are some of the best funny stories in the news and other items discovered today. You have to see this stuff it’s so funny and entertaining stuff!

Funny Beer Can Numbers – Some of the employees at this beer bottling company have a funny sense of humor.

Smart Student Being Funny – A teacher who recently started her Geography class (8th graders) starts her lesson with having the students try to draw the U.S. She didn’t expect this to happen.

Dog on duty guarding the house – Dog on duty guarding the house

USPS going the extra mile with this piece of mail. – USPS going the extra mile with this piece of mail. This was one of the postal centers in Seattle delivering a long lost valentine card.

Funny Dog Pic

Tim Burgess Responds To NBA Decision

Seattle Supersonics NBA Team

If you don’t know by now, Seattle won’t be getting an NBA team anytime soon.  The deal is dead and many fans are disappointed.  Seattle was scouting the Sacramento Kings and had a big offer on the table.  Unfortunately, the NBA Board of Governors voted and said the deal is not going to happen.  They wanted the Sacramento Kings to stay in Sacramento, California.  The NBA Board of Governors has the final say and the verdict was a big fat “not going to happen”.  On paper, the deal looked like a success for Seattle.  When is comes to the Neilson ratings, Seattle is the 14th largest compared to Sacramento who is the 20th largest.  In the last hours, Hansen and Steve Ballmer (from Microsoft) even increased their bid but at the end of day it wasn’t about the money, is was about ego and control.  The NBA Board of Governors controls these decisions and how they play out.  The big issue was that in Sacramento they have no other teams or entertainment dollars coming in.  They only have the Kings.  Compared to Seattle having the Mariners, Sounders, UW, and the Seahawks (plus more) which is a massive amount of entertainment.

When the final decision of “no go” came from the NBA Board, City of Seattle Council Member Tim Burgess responded with saying:

“The NBA’s decision is very disappointing to me and the thousands of Sonics fans in our city. I remain hopeful that Seattle can once again be home to NBA basketball in the coming years. Chris Hansen and his partners have displayed amazing commitment in their efforts to secure a team for Seattle’s fans. The City’s role has always been to prepare for a team should one be available. We will be prepared.”

Unfortunately, that is not going to happen anytime soon for Seattle.

Washington State Marijuana Laws

Washington State Marijuana Laws

More and more details are being released regarding the new Washington State marijuana laws.  As you know the voters passed I-502 which makes marijuana legal in Washington State.  However, the details, regulations, and laws are being closely guarded.  The Washington State  Liquor Control Board will control the system and regulate it.  Personally, I think that is horrible idea but what do I know.  Some of the draft rules were recently released and some of the details include a $250 application fee.  The rules regarding a license to grow, process and sell will be $1,000 per year ( plus the application fees).  They have not stated yet how many licenses will actually be available and lottery (similar the liquor stores – no surprise there) may take place.  On a side note, the liquor store owners who participated in the lottery for liquor store ownership and hurting big time and many have closed.  The state got the better of these liquor owners who played the lottery for ownership.

It’s no surprise and I promise you that Washington State is going to stick it to the people who want to play the marijuana retail game.  It’s a foolish game honestly.  They are going to drain every last penny out of these players before the game even starts.  Once that is done, they are going to tax you to death and highly regulate it making it impossible for you to make any profit.   I laugh a little each time I hear about a friend or even close family thinking about getting into this “opportunity”.  They have no clue and just don’t get how the state is going to drop the hammer on them soon.  Don’t believe me – ask a liquor store owner sometime about how that is going for them and what they spent.  Big retailers are killing them right now and many are shutting down.  Why someone would spend $750,000 for a liquor store license (no liquor or rental fees) is beyond me.  The truth is no doubt many are going to fall for this marijuana scam and you can say it a thousand times over to them, however, there will be a line to sign-up.  This lottery they are talking about “just in-case not enough licenses are available” is surely going to happen.  Obviously there could be enough licenses but why would they want that to happen when they can really bring home the license fees with an uncapped lottery.   The state is going to be the big winner here.

The 46 page document distributed by the Washington State  Liquor Control Board also includes these new rules.  First, all marijuana businesses will need to have 24 hr security and insurance.  A new Washington State Marijuana Logo will need to be displayed at the establishment showing their status.  Marijuana extract or oil would be prohibited (except if its already infused in the product).  If you have a felony, you are not allowed to participate with marijuana and certainly can’t get a license.

Washington State  Liquor Control Board has a goal of releasing the licenses by the end of the year in 2013.



Washington State Liquor Control Board

The Washington State Liquor Control Board is an agency that to control and regulate alcohol and tobacco. They believe is fair administration of the laws of Washington State. It’s main purpose is to provide public safety in regards to alcohol and tobacco both the responsibility of selling it and enforcing it’s misuse.

Board Members
As of 2013, the board members of the Washington State Liquor Control Board are Sharon Foster (Board Chair). Sharon Foster was a registered self employed lobbyist with many clients under her belt. She was appointed to the board back in Aug. 2009. Ruthann Kurose (Board Member) lives in Mercer Island and was appointed to the Liquor Control Board in Jan. 2007.  She has a history of working with Washington DC when it comes congressional legislative policies. Chris Marr (Board Member) lives in Spokane and was appointed to the board back in Feb. 2011. Previously, he was a Senator for the 6th District in Spokane Washington. He was a Senator from 2006-2010. He also served on the Transportation Committee and Majority Whip. Chris Marr has over 20 years of management experience with the Foothills Auto Group (Spokane), Ford, and McDonald’s.

Washington State also has a Board for Tribal Members. Some of these members include Jeanne Jerred, Jerry Allen, Jim Becker, Michael Wernz, Chris Masse, Henry Cagey, Toni McCullough, Ravnell Zuni, plus many more (27 in total).

Why the Washington State Liquor Control Board was created?
The WA State Liquor Board was created to enhance public safety in regards to the sale and misuse of alcohol and tobacco.

How to get a liquor license in Washington State?
In short, a liquor license is an added endorsement to your business license. Washington State business licenses are issued by the Department of Revenue Business License Service. After you have the business license you can apply for a liquor license. Ultimately, the Washington State Liquor Board will decide to approve or deny your license.

Types of liquor licenses available?
There are 2 types of liquor licenses these include Retail and Non-retail Licenses.

Washington State Liquor Control Board yearly revenue
In 2012, the gross revenue generated was $1,062,000,000 dollars. The net revenue returned the City, State, and Local Government was $448.70 million dollars. Out of that revenue $74.5 million dollars actually went to the cities & counties. Education & Prevention received $8 million. The bulk of the revenue was placed into a general fund which was $364.7 million dollars.

Marijuana regulations in Washington State
With the passing of initiative I-502 (2012), Marijuana is now legal in Washington State. Regulation of marijuana will be enforced by the Washington State Liquor Control Board. The law follows some the alcohol laws in that you must be 21 years of age to have marijuana on your person. You are allowed to have one once legally. You are allowed to have it on you but you’re not allowed to open it, show it, or use it in public. In the event, you are caught using marijuana in public it will be civil meaning you’ll be ticketed (not arrested).

Top news about the Washington State Liquor Control Board from the Emerald City Journal

How the Washington State Liquor Control Board is wasting money.  They are basically just burning it and they continue to lose money.

The Liquor Control Board shows its power.  The nightlife initiative approved by voters and the Seattle Council but denied by liquor control board.

It’s a good thing they are out of business.  Now liquor in Washington state goes private and there is going to be an auction.

May 16, 2012, new details were released from the Washington State Liquor Board regarding the legalization of marijuana.


How To Travel Like A Local In Seattle This Weekend

Lost In Seattle Washington Traveling

With the summer vacation season getting ready to begin over Memorial Day weekend, you might be interested in the American Public Transportation Association (APTA)’s survey about the projected number of travelers who will be visiting cities – like Seattle – and riding public transportation this year.

The official release is located below:

This Summer Vacation Season Brings Seven Percent More Tourists to Cities and Public Transportation than Last Year

70 million plan to “Travel Like a Local” and use public transit in U.S. cities this summer with Millenials leading the way

As the temperatures rise and schools close down, over 126 million Americans are planning to vacation in a city this year – a seven percent increase over 2012.  The American Public Transportation Association’s (APTA) annual “Travel Like a Local” Summer Travel Survey shows that around 56 percent (70 million) of those visiting cities plan on using public transportation for at least one activity during their stay. APTA notes that the improved economy is the reason for the increase in travel to cities.  The five most popular cities for travel this summer are New York, Miami, Chicago, Orlando and San Francisco.

The survey found that a majority in all age groups will take public transportation while on their city trip, but Millenials (18-24) are most likely to use public transportation while on vacation, with 73 percent reporting yes. Major motivators for using public transportation included not having to worry about finding a parking space (73 percent), saving money on parking fees (69 percent), and not having to navigate a car within a new city (64 percent).

“City visitors can experience more of the local culture and hustle-and-bustle of city life by taking public transportation alongside local residents,” said APTA Chair Flora Castillo.  “We are offering guidance to help tourists get around like the locals do.  We hope that this effort will be a fun way to remind residents and tourists that public transportation systems are not just a great way to get from point A to point B, but also unique, cultural institutions that shape our urban landscapes and reflect the nation’s diverse communities.”

“With the economy on the rebound, cities are becoming a more attractive destination for the summer because they are close by and have a wide array of amenities,” said APTA President and CEO Michael Melaniphy.  “A growing number of travelers are discovering that one of a city’s greatest assest is its local public transportation system.  These travelers are saving money while taking advantage of the local systems’ high-frequency routes which are designed to stop at the most popular spots and attractions a city has to offer.”

Forty-nine million city vacationers will use public transportation to sightsee and for restaurant dining and nightlife, 47 million to travel to and from their place of lodging, while 42 million will take public transportation to travel to and from the airport during their visit.

According to the survey, a growing number of individuals with incomes over $75,000 will rely on public transportation during their trip to a city and those traveling from all regions, including the South and Midwest will use public transportation during their city stay.  A majority of travelers with children (62 percent) will use public transportation during their city visit.

As the number of Americans headed to a city on vacation continues to increase, APTA is issuing a series of insider tip guides for vacationers traveling to some of the top city destinations.  These tips will provide insight into local public transit idiocyncracies, unspoken protocols, and tips to help vacationers to travel like a local and avoid public transit faux paux. For more details on how you can “Travel Like a Local” this summer, visit us at

Seattle-Travel-Photo Travel like a local in Seattle Washington

Seattle Powerball Growing

Seattle Powerball Tonight Get Your TicketIt’s here one of the biggest lottery drawings in history.  Tonight the Powerball drawing is at $600 million dollars and that number is expected to climb as the drawing time gets closer.  Even Though the odds are ONLY 1 in 175 million you can’t win if you don’t play.  The gas stations and convenience stores are reporting higher than usual numbers and in some states lines are gathering just to buy a ticket.  Starting January 15 2012, the Powerball ticket prices increased to $2 per ticket thus making the pool much higher.

The Powerball drawing tonight is the second highest in history just behind the previous Mega Millions in March 2012 which was $656 million.  With the amount of people playing there is a very high chance a winner will be decided.  In the event there is no winner, the jackpot could increase to over $1 billion dollars.  That would make it the biggest pay day in history.

Take a chance!

On a side note, the IRS really needs your money right now.  Considering the scandals and shady practices (no surprise) they will be waiting for their fair share.  The good news is that you won!  The bad news is that you’re going to pay A LOT more than you would have paid just 1 year ago.  The IRS is really sticking it to people whenever possible.

Here is some food for thought…. in the event you’re the big winner tonight and you take the lump sum of $376.9 million (spread out over 30 years), you’ll have to pay $149 million out of that to Uncle same.  Soo…. $600 million is more like $225 million net.  Congrats the IRS is the big winner here.  Not complaining or anything but just pointing out the obvious….we’re all getting ripped off.

Restoration of Golden Gardens Seattle

Seattle – To coincide with National Volunteer Week and activities around Earth Day, Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) and its members lines Holland America Line, Seabourn, Windstar Cruises and Paul Gauguin Cruises, will host a volunteer event in partnership with volunteer organizers from Seattle Works, representatives from the Port of Seattle and staff from Seattle Parks and Recreations. Employees and other volunteers will help restore the Golden Gardens Park shoreline, dunes, and wetland area to ensure that hundreds of visitors can continue to enjoy this popular park with extraordinary views of Puget Sound and the Olympic Mountains.

The Volunteer Day promotes and supports employees of cruise lines that are based, or with operations in, the greater Seattle area. The restoration efforts are part of CLIA’s “Cruise Forward” initiative that highlights the economic benefits, community partnerships and environmental stewardship of cruising.

The restoration of Golden Gardens is just one of many ways in which the cruise industry gives back to its port communities.

WHEN: Tuesday, April 23, 2013
10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

WHERE: Golden Gardens Park
8498 Seaview Pl NW, Seattle, WA 98117

Seattle Works, Seattle Parks and Recreation, the Port of Seattle and employees from Seattle based CLIA member cruise lines – Holland America Line, Seabourn, Windstar Cruises and Paul Gauguin Cruises – will attend.

Cruise line spokespersons from Holland America, Searbourn, Windstar Cruises and Paul Gauguin Cruises will be available for interviews

Cruise Forward:
Seattle Works:
Seattle Parks and Recreation:
Port of Seattle:

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