Seattle Newspaper for the People by the People


Lilly Marek - page 6

Lilly Marek has 110 articles published.

Seattle Trash Collection Strike

The drivers sure knew when to strike and causing the most problems for “us people who are working, paying taxes to pay their wages” didn’t they? We are told to put table scraps in our yard waste bin and it would be picked up weekly. It already stinks pretty bad by then. Containers are full so now the raccoons and possums can really have a field day with the bags. If it were in the winter it wouldn’t be quite so bad and there would not be much yard waste but right now with weather in the 70’s and 80’s its actually cruel. We are told to put it out on our regular day and if it’s not picked up bring it back in and put it out the next week on our pick up day. Well I don’t think so. What if you are elderly or handicapped in some way. All the above is bad enough but it gets worse.

No one is ever going to say a garbage man’s job is easy or clean. But no one makes him stay on the job. If he does not like the conditions or pay, I am sure there are at least 10 men who can do the job as good as him and would do it at half the price. Greed of the public workers is bound to backfire one of these days. If we had anyone representing “we the people” none of these obscene contracts would be signed. They would not let the union run the city. Of course the unions take a big chunk of the workers pay check to elect Mayors, executives, City council members etc to see to it the City hires Union help. Union help is no better than non union help, they just are able to demand more. The Union top dogs make a lot of money and take union funds to buy the elections to get leaders who demand Union help. It makes no sense and soon will be so top heavy it will not work anymore. This strike might wake up a few. We are not allowed NOT TO SUBSCRIBE to your service and haul our own.

These numbers are from the Seattle Times story, so I feel safe in repeating them. It said drivers were offered $98,000 wage and benefit package which included a 4% raise in the second year til the contract expired in 6 years. We are talking big money here. That’s way more than school teachers make and twice as much as “we the people” make working in private jobs. The city cannot keep raising taxes to meet the unions demands. The tail is wagging the dog it seems. It appears the big dispute is that the recycle drivers make $9.00 an hour less than the garbage drivers. Drive the same sized truck, same route, same hours but stuff they pick up is not as heavy. Geez you don’t need a rocket scientist to know that really isn’t fair but you don’t have to give everyone a fat raise with taxpayers money. My first thought would be to tell the Union that we can’t afford their workers. Hire non union, for about half price and rotate the drivers. One week you drive a recycle truck, the next week a garbage truck. That’s the only fair and sensible thing to do but the Mayor, City, and County will have to have meeting after meeting, probably appoint a fact finding group and on and on. Our so called leaders are too busy trying to build an arena most of us don’t want, and a tunnel that most don’t want but they can’t seem to keep our garbage picked up on time. Think we better clean out City Hall and start over with a different crew and hire all new waste management drivers. Remember when President Regan fired all the controllers and never let them back? The sun still came up and the World is still turning. Put the word out you need truck drivers and there would be a traffic jam to sign up. This is just my opinion and as far as I know we are still entitled to that. LLL

UPDATE 7/29/12 – I emailed the Mayor waiting for a reply:

Now is your chance to show the people of Seattle you are “their mayor” not in the pocket of the union. Time to tell the Waste Management to “take their job and shove it”. President Regan did that when the controllers got out of hand when he was president. Don’t let the city bargain for a contract that pays garbage men $98,000 a year. Are you completely nuts? With all the pensions and perks and crap, what are you leaders thinking. I know this single handedly is not your problem but even you have to know thats way out of line. Sure its hard dirty work, and if they wont work for about half that tell them to go home. Don’t hire them back. College degree people don’t make half that. You are being bossed by the unions that demand obscene wages.

Think of the sea wall you could build with the money saved, but guess you are too busy trying to get a tunnel (you promised you would not allow) and now an arena that we need like a hole in the head. I am really dissapointed in you. I voted for you but would not again. And no I can’t ride a bike to shop. I am almost 89, and a gallon of milk in one hand, a jug of kitty litter in the other would be just a bit much. Plus the South Park bridge is closed, the Airport way bridge is closed and the city could even think of a contract like Waste Management wants. Put out a call for truck drivers and you would have a line a mile long for half the price.

Thank you for listening.

Georgetown Garden Walk (July 8th)

Well folks you all know about the Jingle Bell Run, then last week they had the Rock and Roll run where people paid between $40 and $150 dollars to participate. It was not to “cure” anything but was put on by a for profit outfit. I have never been able to understand why hundreds or thousands of people buy a new shirt with a logo, pay a big amount to go run when they most likely don’t even like to run. Well that being said, lets forget the “runs” that cost a lot.

How about taking in the Georgetown Garden Walk for free? You can get a lot of nice exercise by walking and have fun seeing what people raise in their yards. This is the 17th year of this experience and it gets bigger every year. One of the very best features – it’s absolutely free. You don’t have to worry about being on time. It is open to the public from 10:00 a.m. until 5 p.m. You can pick up maps of the tour at the Bank of America parking lot in Georgetown. It is located at 1112 S Bailey st.  You can check out more on the website.

There will be lots of artist’s and restaurants included on the map for you to visit besides wandering through yards. There will be sandwich boards on the sidewalks in front of houses that you may visit. I am sure there will be lots of really interesting things to see and learn from.

I raise succulents commonly called Hen and Chicks for rockeries or dish gardens or whatever you want to do with them. I will be having a sale that day on my parking strip and front yard. If you are into creating walls or outdoor living wreaths etc this is the place to come. I cut off little water bottles (think green here), and will have hundreds of little starts in those for only 50 cents each. I have many many colors but this time of the year they look a lot alike. I have whole trays of sedum . Stop by and take a look while you are out walking. Looky lous are welcome for sure. Hope to see you Sunday July 8th.  Look on the map for Lilly and it will give my address.

See pictures for a sample of what you can see at my house. If you want groovy things I have planters made from old phonograph records. Some planted – some empty.

Companion Story to Home Ownership – Take the Test

Subject: Companion Story to Home Ownership-Take the Test

The article Home Ownership is Dead – Take the test, written by my colleague, was really interesting and informative and should be required reading in schools. It is apparent that it is almost impossible to ever own a home free and clear these days. You would have to be able to keep your job, never have children and pay on it until you were a senior citizen. I am talking about the ordinary working person. Do you want to live in the same house all your life? Do you want to have to continually be making the repairs? Yes, we are taught the American Dream is to own your own home. You don’t think about the fact that property taxes could go sky high or there would come a time when you still owed more on your home than it was worth after paying on it for years? Your interest payment could be as much as rent would be. You never get either one back. So that’s a trade off.

I was raised with the mind set, get a home, get it paid for. Never go in debt. Work or you don’t eat. I followed what my parents taught me and I cant say it was the best advice. I stayed the same but the world around me changed. I definitely had the American Dream. I met a man who had the same dream. Yes we had the perfect wedding that we could afford, with only 6 wedding guests. But we did not go in debt. We both had jobs at Boeing. Got married and saved every penny and within a year were able to pay cash for a run down tiny house. We paid $2500 for it. Every night after work we remodeled. Within two years we were able to sell it for $4500. With a thousand dollars added to that we paid cash for the house I still live in. We paid $5,500 for this house that I have lived in for 66 years. Repairs just keep showing up. We built the white picket fence. We had 3 children. I had to quit work but we were never in debt. My husband died of cancer, I went back to work, finished raising the children alone, and am still in my old house. The property has been re-zoned. The assessor has assessed the land at its “best and highest use” which is two 8 unit condos. The property tax now is almost as much each year as I paid for the house. I get a senior citizen discount but cant sell my house as a single family dwelling and no condo’s are being build around me so I have never had a new house and never will.

Looking back at my experience of home ownership I would not change a thing. There was never a time in my life that I had to worry about foreclosure. The best great feature my home had was a Title that said it was mine, free and clear. BUT, I was also chained to it more or less. I could not sell it for enough to upgrade into a newer nicer house without having a house payment to make. Now with my land assessed at an inflated, stupid, arbitrary figure and my home assessed at $1,00(they call it a tear down) I still am sort of stuck here. If I were able to sell for $300,000, I would have to live someplace and houses are that price and more for most places. I am near 90 and I don’t want to move into a nice new place. Young people these days are more interested in big brand new homes, and if they can find a way to squeak into one they don’t think about what a small portion of their house payment actually goes on the principle. They have to have big screen TV’s and new furniture and they are sitting pretty FOR AWHILE. What will happen when you are laid off from your job? What happens when the perfect marriage goes south? You lose everything. In my case I have never had new furniture, never used a credit card, always lived in and old house needing repairs, but knew I would never be homeless. You have to judge which is the best for you. I can’t see how my great grandchildren can ever dream of buying a home. Hope this gives you a comparison with the previous article.

Regional Animal Services of King County

Yee haw, git along little doggie, we’re headin’ for a Guinea Pig roundup. This is not going to be cheap either. It seems cities have contracted Animal Services of King County to save money. Instead of each city doing their own its all done from one central service. Sounds like a good idea but evidently the fees were not negotiated when the contracts were signed or there were some really STUPID  people doing the negotiating. The bills are coming to the cities now and with the bills are some details of the dangerous animals they have had to contend with. (tongue in cheek) here. The city of Kirkland found out that it cost them $2,496 to have two guinea pigs captured and put in the Kent Shelter. They also, found that it cost them $1,248 to have a bunny captured and housed.  Not sure what the daily board bill will be if any. But the numbers stated above do not include the $379 fee each time an animal control officer had to respond to each of those calls. When you talk about tightening the belt and saving money then you read this kind of stuff.

I didn’t know Animal Control would even “capture” a guinea pig. My goodness they are the size of your hand. Even if one bit you it would not amount to much (I have had several for pets through the years). If I remember right they can’t even hop and their little legs are about an inch long. A gold fish net would do it. Even holding out a carrot would probably entice it to you. Now for the rouge bunny. He could be a little more elusive but with all the pit bulls loose, raccoons all over the place(animal control won’t touch) surely Peter Cottontail would not be that hard of a job to round up.

Anytime you have a service that has a monopoly you will not get a good deal. They make it sound good but with no competition they can charge anything they happen to feel like it. Cities say they are broke but I bet for $100 they could have a bunch of little boy scouts rounding up lost guinea pigs or bunnies. You call the animal control people officers and all sorts of titles that sound like they are experts in their field but if this doesn’t shoot that down nothing will. How they have the guts to even admit to charging such a thing is almost unbelievable. I think people with pet guinea pigs or bunnies should be sure to keep them in. Animal control officers could make a fortune plucking them out of your yard and charging this kings ransom to get them back. A real money maker.

Sandra Fluke vs. Insurance Companies Not Covering Birth Control

Sandra Fluke is getting her 15 minutes of fame for sure. Of all the important things in this world, poverty, hunger, crime, war our president has found lots of time to talk about Sandra Fluke. She has become a real distraction for him. He hopes people think about her and not the things he should be talking about. As far as I know Sandra Fluke is a single girl who is complaining about insurance not paying for her $9.00 a month birth control pills. Rush Limbaugh did not have to call her terrible names, and I feel that was wrong but it did give Gloria Allard a chance to get her name and face out once more. I think if Sandra wants to take birth control pills,she should go buy them, or ask her lover to split the price which would only be $4.50 each a month. If she has more than one lover then the price would even be less. I have no idea and don’t care who she sleeps with or how often. But her $9.00 should not be on the presidents worry list. Really seems stupid. Why not send boat loads of birth control pills to the nations that cant feed their babies and want us to furnish food while they all starve?

I do care about the President trying to force insurance companies to pay for birth control, abortions or even maternity cases. Back when I was having my three babies insurance did not pay a thing for maternity cases. We were still paying for our first baby when I had the third. To have children is your own choice. No one forces you to start a family or tells you how big a family. That is between husband/wife and your choice of religion. Some religions do not believe in birth control and that where the President got his nose stuck where it did not belong. If you don’t want to practice birth control and you want to belong to the Catholic Church you should not have to pay for it on your insurance. ie. Car insurance, we have to carry liability but do not have to carry collision etc. On home insurance I had to pay extra for earthquake and flood. Health insurance should not make you pay for something you will never ever use. They are dealing with gay marriages at the moment but this article is not about that except for the fact why should this group of people pay a dime for birth control or abortions. There is not as much chance as a snowball in hell of them ever having to use it. Us really old people can barely pay for our puffers to help us breath. Some of these are over $100.00. They have clauses tucked into the Obamacare that makes us pay sales tax when we sell our home etc. Nothing to do with health insurance. Government should not try to take control of our health, our sex life and our birth control pills. Let insurance company’s compete with each other. We will buy where they offer what we need not what the President tells us to pay for when we don’t want it and cant afford it. They say they don’t punish people for not buying it but give us encouragement to buy it by leveling fines. Let us walk into a clinic, pay the door fee, buy our medicine where we get the best deal and they could fire hundreds of people who are doing nothing but making our lives miserable trying to force insurance down our throats that we don’t want and cant afford. But he still has time to worry about Sandra Fluke.

$50 Light Bulb Won The U.S. Governments Contest

Lets not create a stampede at the doors of Home Depot or where ever this winner is sold. The U.S. Government offered a prize of $10 million dollars to the manufacturer that could create a “green” but affordable light bulb. Speaking only for myself here even if that winning light bulb was green it sure does not sound affordable. Of course the government that offered the 10 million dollar prize took that from taxpayers who they expect to buy the $50.00 bulb. It had one string attached in that it had to be manufactured in America. Home Depot is the largest seller of light bulbs and they didn’t want to call the bulb too expensive but said their customers might jump to that conclusion. By next year we are not supposed to be using incandescent bulbs so unless you hoard up a bunch of 60’s and 75’s you are going to be paying more for your light bulb than you did for the beautiful lamp you bought to use it in. Home Depot offers LED bulbs under the EcoSmart label which is assembled in Mexico for $23.97. Another Phillips LED bulb on sale costs $24.97. It was made in China. Or you can buy the ten million dollar prize winner for $50.00. Am I the only one who thinks that 10 million was totally wasted? Comments please.

Arsonist Arrested For Fire At 6710 Corson Ave. Georgetown

The SPD Blotter has reported that the Arsonist for the fire at 6710 Corson Ave. in Georgetown has been arrested. I thought the report should be copied and pasted verbatim, but now want to add my spin to the on going saga with some pictures.  The previous article about the Arson fire was posted the morning after the fire and at that time all the officials that were talking to us all gave me the impression that the building would be torn down. I was standing talking to the owner Allen Hua at the time and I think he thought it was going to have to be bulldozed. They had not let him in to look at it yet. That was then and this is now. I am posting 3 pictures taken 2/16/12. If you look at all three you can see the entire top floor was on fire. The flames were shooting out of the windows until the fireman could get the people off the roof and cut holes in the roof so the fire could go straight up. If you look at the white light in the first picture you can see daylight through a hole in the roof.  The night of the fire I could stand on my balcony (I was very close to the fire and could see the fireman going to the roof from inside). That being the case it had to burn the ceilings all out and I am sure it could not have missed doing damage to the studs or beams or whatever holds a roof up. Partitions are all burned. One fireman told me the entire top floor would have to be torn off at the very least but said he was not a building inspector. That is not happening now it seems.

The place has been nothing but a hot bed of trouble for years. Drug sales, prostitution, fights, and all of us neighbors get to listen to the most filthy talk. It appears the owner is going to just be able to cobble it together, cover the burned stuff with plywood. His last fight with the city at another slumlord complex (he owns 6) he fought on the fact that they were discriminating against a poor Chinese farmer. He lives in a million dollar home in Issaquah and keeps these dumps open because he will rent to people who do not dare fill out a credit check or prove anything. I read where he makes approx $195,000 a year on these so called “low rent” places. We neighbors have no recourse, police, fire department, everyone is aware of the problems at 6710 Corson but do absolutely nothing to correct the situation. I would think after a certain amount of drug over doses, people sitting on the curb hand cuffed, the place would be boarded up. I have had to have bars put on my windows and have always been expecting the place to burn up. You can’t have 11 (single occupancy rooms) with several buddies (visiting) 24/7 doing drugs, fighting, drinking and not expect something bad to happen. One time I thought one guy was going to kill another one (yelling that he was). I called 911 and they arrested the fellow. I ended up with a subpoena to come to court. Wasted a whole day. I got paid $10.00 before taxes and neither guy even showed up.

I do not know how to end the cycle there but felt I should put it in the paper for Independent Thinkers and hope some of  you will get to thinking and leave comments below. LLL

Arson Fire in Georgetown

During the night of Jan. 22 and morning of Jan 23 there was a huge apartment house fire at 6710 Corson Ave. This fire was ARSON. It is a three story building and the entire top floor was engulfed in flames. This happened right between wind storms or the house right beside it would be gone too. At least 8 people lost their homes and everything they owned. No one got killed. The tenants were lined up across the street for a few hours with nothing but what they had on their backs when they escaped. Approx 3 hours later a red cross car arrived and handed out blankets. Another couple hours later a red cross van came and took them all away.  A photographer took pictures of that so it was basically a Red Cross photo op.

This apartment house has been a hot bed of trouble. It might be what you call low low income people but I want to expand on that a little. These were housekeeping rooms and I believe there were 2 apartments that had their own bath, so there was a lot of people that had to go down the hall and share a bathtub on the main floor or go to the basement or upstairs to share a shower. Lots of street people or people who would park an old motor home on a side street would come and use the facilities. It was impossible to know how many or who really lived there. The police and fireman came at least once a month for drug busts, or over doses or fights, you name it and it happened over there. This was an accident waiting to happen. Why I wanted to expand on low income it appeared to be non working people who paid HIGH RENT because this was a place where the landlord did not do a background check. He got paid double what the room was worth and if you didn’t like it you couldn’t just move because half didn’t even use their right name. One would rent a room and a few buddies moved in. The place should have been closed down years ago but somehow managed to exist. Fights where yelling was I am going to kill you etc. over and over and over. Until the 23rd.

Fireman, detectives, a tenant that lived there, and the owner of the building all have told me it was ARSON. Right on the start they said it was. I am not sure how they could tell immediately but that seemed to be obvious to them all. There have been several versions which is common to any story. But when I asked one fireman if he thought a firebug was loose and we neighbors were in danger he said he didn’t think so. He said this fire was set to hurt or kill someone on the top floor. It was set in the doorway at the top of the back stairs. A fire bug that wants to watch a fire would usually just torch something at the ground level and make a fast get away. Also, a tenant said just before the fire there was a loud explosion which woke them and they all escaped because of that. Of course the detectives, fireman or police are not going to tell any of us neighbors the details and we know that but none the less this was a BIG BIG STORY. That being the case why was it not on the front page of the Times? Why was it not on every TV channel as a leading Seattle news story? KIRO and KOMO had about a 2 second spot of the red cross handing out blankets. No story about how big the fire was, no story about ARSON.  How can that be. It is scary to think you are actually getting the news when you read the only paper in town or watch the local news. If a story this big and important wasn’t mentioned how many other really important things are they NOT telling us. My point completely is we are only told what officials want us to be told.  That is very scary. I am going to try to find out from the times why they did not even mention it at all. Hope all of you readers do too. I am sure you can check with the fire department to know my story is true. At least 3 blocks of Corson Ave was full of fire trucks, medics, etc. LLL


Mayor Mike McGinn’s Secret NBA Arena Contract

Taxpayer’s get ready to be jumping though the hoops again paying fees, taxes, fines, levy’s or whatever else the city might decide they want to take away from you to build a new Basketball Arena. We lost the Sonics because we the people would not pay for another stadium for them. Of course we the people voted against the other two stadiums but they got built anyway. I thought we had made it clear that we were not interested in building a bunch of millionaires a sports facility so a bunch of millionaire players could earn them some more money. Tickets are out of reach of the ordinary person.

When Mayor McGinn talks about the city slashing, cutting, laying off police and fireman and no money to fix streets. No money for the homeless. Man he says the city is broke. What most of us don’t know about is the fund he has that allows him to spend up to $250,000 without even telling the city council what he is spending it on. To the city that is just pennies, but it had to be taken away from workers to create that fund. In secret he has had a contract with Carl Hersh, a sports- facility consultant. He has been paying him $19,500 a month since July. The Mayor says he is examining the “opportunity” to bring an NBA Team to Seattle. He didn’t even bother to tell the city Council about this. Something is really wrong here.

There was an opportunity to keep the Sonics here but we could not afford to build a playpen for Bennett so he took the team to Oklahoma. The economy has not improved. We can’t afford a stadium anymore now than when Bennett said Key Arena was not good enough but the Mayor is blowing almost $20,000 on this consultant. This is the same consultant that worked for Howard Schultz on how to make the Key Arena profitable. Maybe we need Dr Phil to ask the Mayor, “hows that workin’ for ya”. We were still paying on the mortgage on of king dome when they blew it up to build a bigger, better more expensive arena THAT THE VOTERS VOTED DOWN.

Let the investors hire their consultant, let the investors buy up property, then let the investors apply for permits, pay for everything including the building. Then let them pay their taxes and the city might make some money but not if we are in the business of buildings stadiums and then being made hostage by the millionaires that bought the team wanting more remodeling, more luxury seats. Let all of that be THEIR problem. Not the taxpayers problem. How many more secret things are we paying for that never see the light of day. Why is this such a secret. Is the Mayor wheeling and dealing and by the time we hear about it and say we don’t want it he can say the contracts are signed, we cant back out now like the stupid tunnel that we cant afford. I say whoa nellie. Stop spending money on consultants and lawyers looking at the initiative that taxpayers signed that says the city has to make money from the stadiums. Let the millionaire players build their stadium like the millionaires have to build their own swimming pools etc. No taxpayer money should be used, especially while the Mayor is talking about how broke the city is. Shame on him. If he thought the people would be excited over it why keep it a secret?

Polly Immigrant Story – Conclusion

Polly says hello again. Hope you have enjoyed my two previous stories (Start Here) (Part 2 Here) as much as I have enjoyed digging out the old pictures and writing about them. I ended my last story by saying life stinks. This would be the place to explain there is a couple meanings to the word stink. I meant it to say I was not living the good life anymore. But there is another stink I feel I should mention here. The kind that I discovered with my nose.

There is a huge kiwi vine beside the railing that I sit on. One of my jobs has been to be the KIWI tester. I tell the old lady when they are just right to pick. I was sitting there “nibbling and testing” a kiwi when here came a bunch of illegal immigrants. I had to protect the old Lady’s kiwi’s. My adrenalin kicked in and I landed right in the middle of one illegal. Surprise, surprise he didn’t fight at all. He made himself into a ball. No head, feet or a thing, and man did he stink. Their defense is to play dead and smell like the worst spoiled, decayed meat that even a vulture would not touch. I backed off and headed for a bath. I had a date with Big Red but he dumped me. Now my life stinks and so do I.

I do like these Kiwi
I do like these Kiwi
Old Lady showing off her Kiwi
Old Lady showing off her Kiwi

Blacky still has not brought any acorns. He eats from my seed dish and even has started to dig up the food I buried. I had such faith in him. What was I thinking? My life was already about as good as it gets with the old lady feeding me. Sure I had to work some but not half as hard as spending all day trying to find enough food to get by on. I lay on the sill at the kitchen door and only let the cats in and out. I am worried about Frosty because I heard them saying Old Whity didn’t sign up for Blacycare and she cant get hospice coverage because of her age. That’s not nice to talk that way about little frosty who was born right in this house. She deserves hospice care if anyone does.

Blacky...Get out of my seed dish!
Blacky...Get out of my seed dish!
Blacky digging up the yard
Blacky digging up the yard. I just planted that there.
Hi Frosty it's ok you can come in
Hi Frosty it's ok you can come in

I don’t see any little sparrows flying around at all anymore. The tree in front yard by the feeder used to be full of them. I decided to make a quick trip to the old bird feeder where it all started and a bird about twice as big as a sparrow was there. It was black with a pretty red wing. I thought it must be a red winged blackbird. I said “Hi I am Polly the resident squirrel, who are you?” Well you better be sitting down when you read this because I fell off the feeder at that point. She said “Oh I am an Acorn”. Can you imagine a pretty bird calling herself a NUT? I knew I was dealing with a Crazy Lady but I climbed back up to eat with her. I said no you are not an Acorn, you’re a bird. That’s when she told me that the Possums and Raccoons were Acorns too. My life had really got crazy. I admit they were all acting like NUTS, coming in here eating my food, taking over my possessions and I didn’t understand the situation we squirrels had gotten into when we fell for Blacky’s line that he had brought a lot of acorns and our lives would be better. The Acorn raccoons were the worst as far as danger went because they were all over the plant racks where we squirrels always played, and now was even stealing the cats food, one handful at a time. They will eat birds, squirrels, even cats and steal our food too. They have to go.
I tried to talk to Blacky but he would not listen to what we fellow squirrels had to say. I let him know what I thought about Illegal Immigrants who were also called Acorns, who were also his helpers. I told him we squirrels were going to get a bunch of Pit Bulls to clear out the illegals but he said he would take care of it. He said he would station an Official Immigration Agent on the bird feeder and on the roof of the rental house.

Talking with the blackbird
Talking with the blackbird
Hey get out the cat food!
Hey get out of the cat food!
These Racoons are scary
These Racoons are scary
Well.. I admit this Racoon is kida cute
How's the hope and change workin for ya?

How stupid can a community organizer get? His Immigration agent was a Hawk or Falcon or some darn thing that we were all afraid of, even his red winged Acorns could not eat there. This agent will eat squirrels and all birds so what on earth was he thinking? Even Blacky is about to be ran out of here. That agent will turn on him if it gets hungry and for sure the Old Lady is not putting anymore food out for anyone. Haven’t seen the blonde peace keeper acorn(possum) for days. She must be on a fact finding mission in another yard.

Official Immigration Agent
Official Immigration Agent

Just when you think it cant get worse, it does. Talulu, Frosty and I were in the old lady’s house (I pass out in the food storage section) when we heard shouts, we are the 99%. We are the occupiers and right across the street from the old lady’s house comes this huge flock of geese(don’t think they are acorns). Once they cross the street it will be the beginning of the end I am afraid. We were huddled with the old lady and a knock came at the kitchen door. An illegal immigrant who said his name was Phil, said “how is the hope and change, workin’ for ya?” The old lady fainted. I decided to go sit out on the garbage can and check out the alley because our escape would have to be that way if we decide to run for the hills. Life is different.

Flock of Geese I hope they don't come over here.
Flock of Geese I hope they don't come over here.
I'm going to check out the alley
I'm going to check out the alley

Seriously it has been a good life for all of us, I am 6 years old, Frosty is 22, Talulu 16 and the old lady is 88. When you look at it like that, we are all on borrowed time. We are just going to live the good life in the kitchen because the old lady says that as long as her social security check keeps coming none of us will starve. Thank God for the Old Lady in the big house, she has made my life soooooooo good, and I think I have made her life soooooooo good too. Polly.

Don’t worry Polly, it will be OK
Don’t worry Polly, it will be OK

No words can describe what it is like to be loved by a squirrel. Lots of them will grab a nut from your hand but Polly was a one of a kind experience. She would run to greet me at the alley gate. She would come scratch on the kitchen door. On a sad note, she has not came to my kitchen door for several weeks. She may be on an extended maternity leave but she may be waiting for me on the rainbow bridge with my kitties. I miss her a lot. The old lady.

This is the end of the Polly stories.

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