Seattle Newspaper for the People by the People


Lilly Marek - page 7

Lilly Marek has 110 articles published.

Gap in Seattle Schools Test Scores of Blacks

Seattle Education Student Studying

The American born blacks are doing lots worse than the immigrant blacks in their test scores in math. They use words like this is an “alarming” or “comparison shocks some”. I am no expert at anything but feel the need to give my spin on what I would think makes this happen. Everything has a pay off, there must be an incentive to do something. From the time you are a toddler you must eat your “veggies” to get your piece of cake.

I have always been amazed at how the Asians come over here, not knowing our language or culture and get to be the top achievers. Maybe there is something in their genetic make up but mostly it’s the way they are brought up at home. They are taught to study. They are taught to better themselves. I don’t know a thing about American born Blacks and Somali born blacks but I would imagine their genetic make up is the same. That being the case it has to be attitude. There are some rich Somali blacks and there are some rich American born blacks, so lets stick with the run of the mill type.

My take on this is our welfare society has ripped all ambition form the little American born blacks. I am using a broad paint brush and there are exceptions but for some reason American born blacks are raised to believe that because their great, great, great, great Grandaddy MIGHT have been a slave they should be handed everything on a silver platter. There are 3rd and 4th generation blacks who have lived on welfare. They even whine about that. Lets just take one family for an example. A little American black is born to a Mommie that has no idea who his daddy is or if she does know she wont say because she would not qualify for welfare. He can still slip in the backdoor of her “free rent” apartment, and eat from her food stamp supply of food. They can go to emergency rooms free, get a welfare check that gets raised every time she has another baby. That baby grow up knowing he is way better off to JUST HAVE FUN and not study, his Mom does not try to get him to study or support himself. He has a better life(better apartment, and food) than the little white boy and girl that got married and both have to work at flipping burgers and have no insurance.

If the United States stopped giving free rent and food to the Mommies and Daddy’s whose kids are doing so poor in school it would stop. There should have to be a pay off. The Mommies are home all day and could be teaching their pre schoolers all sorts of things, instead they give them no reason to do well in school at all. No punishment, no rewards and probably the parents dropped out of school and on and on. Lots of Somali blacks came here from war torn countries and refuge camps but still do better than the blacks who had a much better life here. The American born blacks are actually being harmed by insisting on things instead of earning things. Even trying to force whites to integrate with blacks backfired. I have worked with blacks, I have rented to blacks, I have lived beside blacks. I do not hate blacks but its how they act that makes me like them, not because someone is trying to force me to live or work with one.

Cut of Mommies welfare check and food stamps if she cant help her child with his school work. If she knew unless he went to school and brought a passing grade home, “she would get fired from her job of collecting freebies”. It would change in a hurry. The American born blacks have a huge chip on their shoulders that the Somali blacks don’t and until that changes these little blacks would rather hang on corners in gangs or stay out all night because Mommie doesn’t care what they do. She doesn’t care if they bring home a good report card. Give them an incentive to study.

I was a really really poor little farm girl, baby of 12 that caught on early that if I was going to do anything different I had to study. I was the first in my family to graduate from high school. I was the valedictorian of my class. My parents made all of us little kids sit at the old kitchen table and study by a kerosene lamp. We had no running water, we had a three holer outhouse so if you think for one minute being poor automatically makes you do poor in school, YOU ARE DEAD WRONG. There was a willow switch waiting if we brought home a bad report card. There was no welfare or food stamps. We were taught, “work if you want to eat”. The little American born blacks don’t have a clue what its like to be poor. They have no incentive, they have been robbed of that. They have to want to better themselves but giving them more freebies is not the answer. Maybe school work camps for the children, and make Mommie get a job, even a low paid one.

Hope this generates some thoughts. Until you change the mind set of the American Born Blacks that they are so poor, so picked on etc etc nothing will change. LLL

Lawmakers Push to Overhaul Initiative System

A group of lawmakers are going to tackle the states popular initiative system. They never have liked the idea that we the people could gather signatures and actually make something happen. They have tried every road block they can come up with to make it hard for us to make our wishes known. They can’t stand Tim Eyman because he has helped make the initiative system so public. They find every thing wrong with an initative we the people get enough signatures for that they want to start a proposed constitutional amendment to require the voters to state where the money will come from to fund what the initiative requires the state to do.

I can’t believe that for once I have to agree with the lawmakers to that extent, but not have them tinker with the system with a constitutional amendment. The voters approved training for long-term-care workers and it will cost money. Everyone including the lawmakers are going to get old or ill eventually and might need someone to care for them and since it’s a life or death situation lots of times, some training certainly is needed and should be paid for by the state. If it were some unnecessary thing we got enough signatures for like a sports stadium, a tunnel, the schools glass palace, a monstrosity of a glass library or more fancy buildings then we should state how we intended to fund them, but its not we the people doing those things it’s our lawmakers. We the taxpayers did not want those things but the lawmakers can dream up expensive crap, and they have a way to fund it. Just add a fee, a tax or whatever they feel like. So far no initiative has done anything like that so leave our process alone., but if we ever did get enough signatures for something stupid like the lawmakers have done we should say how it will be funded.

Just as the other Washington and this Washington are saying they are dead broke. cutting, slashing, cutting school years, laying off Fireman and Police etc today’s Times NWSATURDAY Dec. 17,2011 has this article stating $60M State windfall to boost preschool education. They say it’s a Federal Grant. Without getting into the preschool education needs I am pointing out if the Federal Government is broke how at this point in time can they hand out a Federal Grant of sixty million. There is no Santa Clause working there. They had to take it away from workers in some way and skim off a lot to process the amount they took from us to come up with this huge grant. Makes no sense at all. They have so many pots of money to dip into but still say they are broke. Where is the pot of gold to pay for training long care heath workers? They could find it if they wanted to but will try to screw up signature gathering to challenge the lawmakers.

Seattle Times Fund For The Needy

The NWSUNDAY section of Dec 4, 2011 had a full page about how Senior Services will help disabled or elderly remain in their own homes by doing minor repair for them. The article was well written by Carol Ostrom. It all sounds wonderful and up until about two years ago what is written was basically true. I am elderly, live in an old house alone and I used that service. They did minor electrical work, minor plumbing and minor repair. I paid for all material but only had to pay $10.00 an hour for wages. We need help with repairs and can’t pay the price that plumbers and electricians charge.

For the past two years they do NOT return phone calls. The phone says leave a message. No one will ever call back. No one will answer an e mail. No one will answer snail mail. Letters do not come back saying no such address. E mails seem to go to someone because no message says they are undeliverable. I immediately e mailed Times reporter, Carol Ostrom and told her that she should check out whether this place even exists anymore and if it does and service for anyone. She thanked me and said she would check it out. This brings up the point of how much you can believe about where your money will go if you donate. The Times say all money goes to the charities so I am not faulting the Seattle Times, but if they are not checking out the places they are highlighting to tug at your heart strings and encourage you to give then it should not be collecting donations. A while back there was an article about Senior Services not being able to account for a large amount of money. Something is very wrong here. But no one wants to find out what is wrong.

I don’t think anyone should donate to the Seattle Times Fund for the Needy if they wont even check to see if a place they are collecting money for exists. How do we know if the other things they write glossy reports about exist? Don’t send money, find your own place to spend your money, a needy family or pay lay a ways, or pay someone’s rent for a month or whatever makes you feel good but don’t fall for what you read in the papers, it’s not always true.

On TV they are telling about how some people have been going in K Mart and paying off the lay-a-way accounts where people are struggling to make a Christmas for their children. That sounds like a much more sure way to help someone who really needs it. But so many places that sound good use up most of what you donate to rent a building, pay themselves and a bunch of relatives wages and sometimes almost nothing goes to where you thought your money was going. If Senior Services exist, how does a person reach them? Obviously the Seattle Times Reporter is not interested in finding out if what she wrote is true or not. Maybe someone who reads this can find out.

UPDATE (12/21/11):

This is to update the article about Senior Services and the Times fund for the needy. Since I contacted the Times the “communication dam” broke wide open. No one seems to know why they never answered my emails, phone calls and seemed to be out of business. I am really sorry I had to go that route to get their attention and actually thought they did not exist anymore.

Since then I received the following from the manager at Senior Services:

Again, I am so sorry for your troubles and would like to help rectify the situation in any way possible.  I want you to know we will come fix your immediate minor home repairs at no cost even if your certification has expired.  I can only imagine your frustration and I want to be sure your needs have been met.  Please let me know directly what minor repairs you need and I will do whatever I can to be sure they are fixed asap at no cost to you.  After these repairs are made, we will go through the regular certification process to determine your eligibility for the next three years.  If you have suggestions or would prefer to have one contact for your requests for the future, I am happy to make those accommodations. 

I then was contacted by two people who work at senior services to tell me I have a file there and am certified to use their service until October 2012. They contacted me to schedule a date to do my minor repairs. They would have came yesterday but I scheduled for January 12, 2010. I am sure they will do the job and always in the past the people and the workmanship were tops. I paid for material and only $10.00 and hour. It’s a great service for seniors but not if they don’t answer emails or phones. I think that has changed now. They say they changed their website but no one has a clue as to why the last year they were impossible to contact.

Polly The Georgetown Squirrel Discovers Illegal Immigrants

You have all read about Polly the Georgetown squirrel by now, if not this is the time to do it. This chapter is meant to be funny and entertaining. Polly is not a Democrat or Republican so just enjoy.

In the beginning: There was a huge hazel nut tree in a yard two houses from the old lady’s house where I moved to. My Great Grandparents, Grandparents and all the siblings lived in that tree. We had a big communal nest. We had all the nuts we could eat, and bury in people’s yard for winter. Life was good. One day a bulldozer came and knocked our tree down. Tore up the yard which was our food storage. Ruined our nest. In other words just ruined our lives as we knew it. Mom and Pop were crying and told us kids there was nothing they could do to help us. Each squirrel was on his own. I had seen this bird feeder in an old lady’s yard a couple houses over and thought that would be nice. There was a huge, beautiful noble fir tree full of cones with nuts in them. I don’t know what to call them because they cant be pine cones and I never heard of noble fir cones. That’s not important anyway. I adopted the old lady and it was not hard to train her to take care of me at all. Life was getting better.

The tree I found a few houses down
The tree I found a few houses down

The old lady bought a squirrel sign and would put food on it by her back door. One day she put a whole bag of peanuts on it and I thought it was just for me. She meant It to be for my mom and dad or any homeless squirrels. But only squirrels. I started eating and just passed out in the bag. She pulled me out and said, “what do you have to say for yourself?. I didn’t know I had done anything wrong and said,” I cant believe I ate the whole thing”. Life was good.

That is a nice bag of peanuts yummy
That is a nice bag of peanuts yummy
I'm goint in!!!  All up in it!!!
I'm goint in!!! All up in it!!!

I had been working full time planting sunflowers and had her yard all planted when she sent me to her rental property to work. It was a long walk, and I had to carry the seed in my mouth. I worked and worked and not a thing came up. The old lady said I was getting lazy and just eating the seed and she might just quit feeding me. I was so sad. She gave me one more chance and lo and behold I discovered the problem. That yard was full of the ugliest little white faced critters and they were digging up the seed I planted. They were tiny and I was not afraid so I said, “hi I am Polly the Squirrel, who are you?”  They said we are Anchor Babies. I had never heard of an animal by that name. I told them to quit digging up my seed but they said it was my job to take care of them and furnish them with food they needed. I said well “dream on” because I am not coming over here any more at all. I think they were illegal immigrants.  I told the old lady and she loved me up and said she was sorry and just eat on the back porch. She did not send back to the rental property. Life was good again.

It keeps following me...
It keeps following me...
I'm a Anchor Baby... Just trying to help
I'm a Anchor Baby... Just trying to help

When I adopted the old lady she had two resident cats which came with the adoption package so not only did I have to train her, I had to train the cats. I don’t hate other animals but we should not hurt each other and we should pull our own weight. One cat was named Frosty(white) the other was Talulu (Tortoise color). She told me they had to get along with me and I could not eat their food, yuck cat food. They hate seeds and nuts, so we got along fine. You can see in the pictures that I eat with each of the cats, and Talulu will guard me while I nap. I know some cats kill squirrels but not these two nice cats. Frosty would kill a bird and bring it as a gift to the old lady, and that was not nice at all, but cats do that. Life was good.

Eating with Talulu the cat
Eating with Talulu the cat
Talulu takes care of me. Mom says...NO eating me Talulu!
Talulu takes care of me. Mom says...NO eating me Talulu!
Lunch break with Frosty the cat
Lunch break with Frosty the cat
I can't believe Frosty did this...sad
I can't believe Frosty did this...sad

One day a black squirrel showed up. My gosh he was different. I thought he was really bossy but the girls loved him. We called him Blacky. He said he was a community organizer and that we should share our wealth. I was about ready to challenge him to a duel when he said, “I have brought a lot of acorns”. Man I like acorns. The old lady had some once and they were soooooo good. We welcomed Blacky with open arms and all of a sudden those anchor babies were in my seed pan and on the railing and had taken over my scratching post. Still not an acorn had been brought to us squirrels. One day the Mom of the anchor babies showed up at my special spot and said she had been appointed as peace keeper and that she had a lot of acorns, so we fell for that line from Blacky. All hell broke loose on the back porch. I discovered a huge illegal immigrant napping on the corner of my deck but am afraid to introduce myself to him. Look at MY beautiful noble fir there is an illegal immigrant in it too. Nice cones are all gone. Life stinks for sure.

I'm Blacky and I brought a lot of acorns.
Blacky the community organizer
Sneaking into my food and eating
Sneaking into my food and eating
...and eating more.
...and eating more.
Even when I'm not home!
Even when I'm not home!
We are taking over
We are taking over
This place is RADICAL!! Free food and housing... We're staying forever.
This place is RADICAL!! Free food and housing... We're staying forever.
Hey I am visiting also can I get some food? I will just be chilling here ok
Hey I am visiting also can I get some food? I will just be chilling here ok
While I'm here I am going to take these cones also
While I'm here I am going to take these cones also

Polly the Georgetown Squirrel

Well...Nice to meet you Polly.
Well...Nice to meet you Polly.

Hello, my name is Polly.  No I am not an alcoholic. I am addicted to people. I had been stealing sunflower seeds from a bird feeder in the front yard of a big white house in Georgetown. I had to walk along a cyclone fence rail, jump in a tree, then jump to the feeder. I had hurt my foot and was having trouble with all of that so I decided to go to the back door and see if perhaps she kept her seed where I could steal a few easier, without all the jumping and climbing. Well wouldn’t you just know my luck, there sitting on the back steps was this old lady. I had not planned on that and I was halfway up the steps. She just sat there looking at me. I thought at least she would scream and get up and go in her house but she didn’t seem afraid of me at all. Most people think of squirrels as ugly rats with bushy tails. I was pretty sure I could out run her if I had to so I just kept going up the back steps slowly waiting for her to go in her house, but she just sat there and said, “well along comes Polly”. She put her hand out palm up and kept talking to me. She told me what a nice squirrel I was and how pretty I was. I was in total shock. Nothing like that had ever happened to me. I got closer and closer and smelled her hand. She did not try to swat me or grab me. She got up slowly and kept looking back so I followed along. I was in a sort of trance. She went in her back door and came out with a handful of peanuts. She sat down again and kept talking and coaxing to walk up her stretched out leg and get a nut. I was so hungry and I just sat there and ate. She finally made me climb into her lap to get a nut. I got full and slowly went home.

The next day I still thought it had to have been a dream but decided to try it again. I went to her back door and when she saw me out she came with a dish of sunflower seeds and peanuts. This time she put her hand on my back. I was ready to protect myself but when she scratched between my shoulders it felt soooooooo good. Well after a week or so of this she got down on her hands and knees one day to get eye level with me and explained that if I was going to be a roommate I had to start to work for my food.

If you're going to stay around here Polly, you're going to have to work.
If you're going to stay around here Polly, you're going to have to work.

She had a dishpan of dirt and was potting little plants. I kept getting in the pan to try to help but she gave me a pan of dirt of my own and I began to raise my own sunflowers. I would eat some seed, and plant some seed.

I'm working planting seeds (and eating some).  It was a lot of work.
I'm working planting seeds (and eating some). It was a lot of work.
Gosh more work for this lady.  I better get some food soon.
Gosh more work for this lady. I better get some food soon.

Time went on and I was really happy. It was getting close to Christmas and I had worked so hard I thought I deserved a” Squirrels night out”. That’s the night I met Big Red. I told him where I got my food and took him home with me for the night and to the old lady’s house for breakfast. She gladly fed us both, but Big Red was not going for any petting and for sure not any work. I had to drive a sleigh in a Christmas scene but Big Red would not do it. He didn’t do things fun with me anymore but showed up for breakfast. He was just a gigolo. He even had the nerve to bring along a few friends but all got fed.

Riding the sled with Big Red.  He didn't really want to play or have fun.
Riding the sled with Big Red. He didn't really want to play or have fun.
Eating after a big night out.  This old lady takes care of me and Big Red she is so nice.
Eating after a big night out. This old lady takes care of me and Big Red she is so nice.

I was not feeling so chipper anymore but kept up with my job. I knew I was pregnant so I began to build a nest up above the old lady’s back porch. She had good stuff to make a nest with, like pretty plastic tale cloths with soft backing. I ripped those things to shreds.

Oh no!! I'm preggo and need to get my nest started.  This will work!
Oh no!! I'm preggo and need to get my nest started. This will work!

I had twins and kept it a secret but when they started to leave their nest I knew she would soon find out, so I waited til one day she was sitting on her stairs again and I told the twins it’s time to see the nice lady who feeds us. I had to help them up the stairs and she sat still and I picked them up and put them in her lap. Love at first sight for everyone. She talked to the babies just like she did me so my worries were over. I had taught my babies how to get their own food. I didn’t have to teach them to climb a tree or anything. But I did have to stand guard and teach the cat that we were the boss. I sat on the railing watching and would tell the babies what to do. I use the cats scratching post for my high rise and look out.

I have something to tell you lady. These are my babies.
I have something to tell you lady. These are my babies.
Here we come! Momma
Here we come! Momma
Yummy Mom taught us well....the food just comes to us.
Yummy Mom taught us well....the food just comes to us.
Look how little I am I can fit in this pot.
Look how little I am I can fit in this pot.
I'm watching over you cat.
I'm watching over you cat.

Six years have gone by and I have twins a couple times a year. I am the only one that has a full time job but the whole gang of us are waiting every morning for our big pan of goodies. the other squirrels climb her leg and help themselves to nuts and let her pet them, but I am her favorite. Life is good for this Georgetown Squirrel. She brushes me with the cats brush. She makes sure I get to observe every holiday and pose with the decorations. I am a really lucky squirrel but she is a mighty lucky lady to have such a nice pet. This is a win win deal. It shows that people, squirrels, and cats can live in harmony if they try.

I always feel loved here. Happy Valentines Day!
I always feel loved here. Happy Valentines Day!
Happy Paddy's Day
Happy Paddy's Day
It's Easter!
It's Easter!
It's scary out here.  Can I come in?  Please
It's scary out here. Can I come in? Please
I am so thankful. Hey where's the turkey lady.
I am so thankful. Hey where's the turkey lady.
On the lookout for Santa.  Merry Christmas
On the lookout for Santa. Merry Christmas

Read more about the adventures of Polly and his friends here 12/16/11 (Friday).

TeaParty Network Helps Get Us In Touch With Our Congressman

November 7, 2011

Dear Representative McDermott,
Dear Senator Cantwell,
Dear Senator Murray,

As a proud member of the Tea Party movement and and as one of your constituents I am writing you today to encourage that you support an exhaustive and complete investigation of the $535 million dollar boondoggle known as Solyndra. The American people deserve to know what happened. Why hasn’t Obama been impeached?  He spends 100% of his time on the campaign trail trying to get more money. Make him say why he fast tracked the loan to Solyndra. We the people pay the price for his stupidity and it’s time to stop this. Does anyone in Washington believe the constitution is the law of the land, not some exectutive order that a man signs when it’s very quetionable he is really eligilible to even be president?  Make him park Air Force One for awhile and give him an education that he is not a dictator.


Lilly in Seattle



Who Is Bill Bryant?

Bill Bryant is seeking to be re-elected to his job as Seattle’s Port Commission President. Forget any good things you might have heard that he has done. (I can’t recall any, but there might be something). It’s time to say NO to Port President Bill Bryant because he pushed for the largest raise possible for Port CEO Tay Yoshitani during this economic recession. Is he getting a whopping kick back or does he need a couple weeks at Western State for a mental evaluation? This gives the CEO a base salary of $366,825. God only knows how many thousands in perks he gets.

They call themselves public servants, I call them parasites. I have written other articles on this website about the obscene salaries and perks but this article is to alert you to NOT VOTE FOR BILL BRYANT.

The Governor says the state is broke, she may be right but his salary could be cut by $300,000 and it would still be $66,825. Lots of smart people would step right in for that salary. No wonder there are protests by people out of work or who are having their insurance cancelled when this stupid, stupid stuff is going on. Like they say Throw the Bums out. Let’s start with Bill Bryant.

When I voted this time, I voted against any incumbent that is holding office. You cannot reach them, they do not care what you have to say. A little legislative aide will answer for all of them. The King County Council is selling bonds based on tolls even though there is a vote coming up on that, but they will ram it through like they did the tunnel that no one can afford by saying contracts were signed so it has to go forward. If the city, state and fed government is broke none of these expensive things should be considered.

All monies for each branch of government is paid for by workers. None of these places including the port have a money tree but they will tell you it was allocated, or set aside, or approved by the voters ten years ago.

Can Governor Gregoire Create A Budget We Can Believe?

Remember last June when Governor was so upset working on the budget? She said she was cutting/slashing and she did not like what she was having to do at all. She said they worked with extremely low budgets and stream lined everything they did with no frills. Well you already know that is a crock of baloney, when you look at the salaries they pay the top managers, superintendents or whatever they are called. There are many stories in this Emerald City Journal about the superintendent of the school, the president of the University of Washington etc so wont list numbers here but since they are paid by “we the taxpayers” its should be a crime. The June budget she signed made massive cuts to education, including the reduction of teachers salaries of 1.9%. She said she did not like the budget but the state just has no money and there will be another larger cut across the board. BUT, the day after she gave that speech about the budget she left on a trade trip. She didn’t mention that in her speech. Why didn’t she say,” I am going on a very expensive trip, tomorrow with a huge delegation at taxpayer expense”? Before she headed out on her European trade trip with her delegation she said it would cost less than $40,000. But the actual cost(that we know about) is more than double that. Her hotel room in Paris was $500 a night. She had not included the cost of her security, which cost more than her estimate of $40,000. She had not included the wages of the people she took along on this vacation. They all got paid the same as if they were home working on whatever they are supposed to be doing plus per diem’s, $100 dinners , $56.00 lunches. They took in the Paris Air Show and as far as I know A GOOD TIME WAS HAD BY ALL. We paid for it. Things have gotten worse and she is going to call a special session to deal with the shortfall, and call for an additional 10% across the board cut. Why would anyone believe a thing she says about spending after that slap in the face with that expensive trip? What plans does she have now that she is a lame duck Governor? She better take all the taxpayer paid trips she can before she quits. For sure we the people should not get hit for a tax, fee, or anything else. Government(all of it) has to stop the spending. Look at Congress doing nothing but fighting with each other and cobbling agreements to keep the government from shutting down all the while spend, spend spend. President Obama has been doing nothing but campaigning since before he was elected. He travels all over in his little Air Force One and costs city’s fortunes by coming to visit, but when he arrived at Boeing field last month Governor Gregoire was right there giving him the thumbs up. She is not capable of creating a budget. She(and most of the politicians) do not have a clue what the word means. For sure it means you cant spend more than you have on hand. A fifth grader would know that. I hope someone really questions her budget numbers because she has proved she has no interest in keeping expenses down. She only wants them to figure out how to suck more money out of us people who are already hurting. I had to really talk to myself when I spent over ten bucks on fish and chips at Ivar.s the other day because it was from my social security check and believe me I know what cut and slash expenses mean. The governor obviously does not. It should be a crime to waste our money the way she did on her trip. She had to know she could not do it on $40,000 and even that was way to much in these hard times. Don’t believe the phony numbers she uses or the crap she says when she says how it hurts her to make these cuts.

Presidents Visit To Seattle, A/K/A Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town

President Obama will be in Seattle Sunday Sept 25th to attend fundraisers. No public events have been announced so why should this be funded by taxpayers? I think it should be paid for by the democratic party completely.

Former Microsoft Executive Jon Shirley is hosting a brunch at his Medina home. This event will cost $35,000 per couple. They are expecting 400 people. A larger fundraiser will be held at the Paramount Theatre in Seattle. Tickets range from $100 to $7500. The more expensive the ticket the closer you get to the president. The VIP seating gets you a photo with the President.

I had suggested to Mayor McGinn and each City Council Member to decline his visit. We simply cannot afford him. He is not coming for the good of Seattle in any way. At a meeting of ask the Mayor, McGinn said it would cost between $100,000 and $150,000 for police protection for the president. That is just a drop in the bucket as to the cost. Think of the skies having to be cleared, streets where he travels closed down, all sorts of disruption to the entire city who will gain absolutely NOTHING. The Mayor and Council members say we are completely broke. Why didn’t they tell him we cannot afford to have him come? He has no official business to attend to here at all.

Not only can cities not afford to have him visit but the Federal Government is about to shut down AGAIN because it is trillions in debt. The president is telling everyone we are in this together, we have to cut down the Federal debt but every time Air Force one takes off it costs $214,768, and the cargo plane that flies with it costs $32,140. Then you have the per hour cost to come clear across the United States to ATTEND A FUNDRAISER. How much sense does that make? Every time Air Force One takes off it costs what a family could buy a nice house for, to say nothing of all the fuel he uses. It should be used only as official duties and then very limited. On valentines day he made two trips to Chicago. He attended a train opening 150 miles away but flew there on Air Force one. He could have taken a helicopter or better still bought a train ticket for $90.00. It would have made a better photo shoot. He has blown thru millions on his little private trips and we pick up the tab to hear him tell us times are tough. Time for him to stay home. He said he had visited 57 states(yes fifty seven). Wish the seven states that I cant seem to think of would host and pay for his visits and he stay out of Seattle. This time he is not even going to have time to tell us to tighten our belt. He is too busy attending fundraisers.

For sure we don’t need him to tell us to build more roads and bridges. Have you tried driving around Seattle and not having to detour or seeing something torn up. They have had Corson Ave shut down for over two months “repairing” it. To the naked eye no one could see a thing wrong with it. The street is 4 blocks long and still shut down. Its just like digging a hole and filling it with tax dollars, then wanting another levy passed so they can screw away more money all the while nothing is getting done that is worthwhile at all.

Who Is Mayor Bud Norris?

Have you ever heard of Mayor Bud Norris? Didn’t think so. If you did it would be something to try to make you not like him. He makes the spotlight every once in awhile. Two years ago he declared a “Glen Beck” day and gave him a key to the city. Beck is a native son and famous now. Why shouldn’t the mayor invite a famous personality home whether you like Glen Beck or not? But the public had a hissy fit over it.

Now the Mayor is in trouble with the public and city council because he asked the state to deny a liquor permit for a proposed Mexican Restaurant. They want to serve 60 kinds of Tequila @ $8 to $10.00 a drink. There is an establishment directly across the street from this proposed restaurant that has had excessive 911 calls so the Mayor says its just too much booze served in that neighborhood. Public is having a hissy fit again.

The Library sign fell apart and they had to replace it but the Mayor left off one word. The word was “biblioteca”. This means Library in Spanish. He as asked that the phone system not include Spanish in their menu choices.  Another Hissy fit.

The public is calling him a racist. I call him the best prospect for President of the United States. What do you think? Please leave your comments. LLL

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