Seattle Newspaper for the People by the People

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Government - page 10

Who does City Attorney Pete Holmes Work For? Who is his Client?

The City Attorney just sued to block the Referendum against the Highway 99 Tunnel. Does he have the legal right to do that? He is an independently elected official. My view is he cannot strike out on his own and sue to stop a referendum to stop the tunnel that has enough signatures to be on the fall ballot. I think he has to be defending some branch of the city. The mayor didn’t ask him to sue. The Mayor is totally in favor of the referendum being on the ballot and the tunnel stopped. The city council is for the tunnel but had no meetings to take a vote about what to do with the referendum, so he isn’t working on their behalf. I would think it should be illegal for the city attorney to take it upon himself to sue for anything that he has not been instructed to do. He says he will save the city millions of dollars if he blocks the referendum. Well why doesn’t he block the school levy, it would save billions and billions? We the people have no choice about putting the school levy on the ballot, but we the people did have a choice about putting the tunnel referendum on. We have more than enough signatures showing we want to vote on it. The King County Council has not instructed him to stop it. He did it on his own almost the minute it was shown to have enough signatures.

For sure the city signed contracts before and during the time “we the people paying for it” were working to get a vote. It was a slimy, (not clever at all) way to muddle up the mess.

For City Attorney Peter Holmes to say he did it to save the taxpayers money and hold a straight face takes some fine acting. None of the politicians give one hoot in hell about saving taxpayers money. That is the one thing they do not even consider. They have proved that time and time again. The tunnel is the most expensive. How did that save me money?

Senator Ed Murray Tricking Seattle Residents

Senator Ed Murray pulled a quick one on the Seattle public today.  As you grind at work all day trying to feed your family and pay your mortgage, Senator Ed Murray, pushed through 22 “Title Only” bills.  If you’re unaware what “Title Only” bills are they are just that – New “Bills” with only a title.  A short sentence that says what the “Bill” is and that is all.  Lawmakers use them so they can slip them though hearings etc. without them being discussed (privately or with public) or having any feedback on them.  That was a slimy technique to trick the Seattle residents Mr. Senator Ed Murray.

There was one in particular that stood out called “The creation of revenue and taxation acts”.  He will complete the bill later and it will most likely be used to create more taxes.

Senator Ed Murray
Senator Ed Murray
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