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Government - page 4

Obama Keeps Blowing Money

Obama OSO Mudslide Visit

As reported previously by Lilly, it is now official President Obama will be making a visit to the devastated OSO mudslide site. It’s obviously a way for him to build his popularity, show remorse, and shake a few hands. If he really cared, he would stay home and send/write a check for 2 million plus dollars as that’s about what it takes in fuel/staff just to get here. The money would be 100x more beneficial to the people then him standing around taking photographs and getting publicity out of it. For Obama, however, it’s all about him and making the people love him. He continues to say one thing and then goes and does another. This is just another example of wasted time and money provided by President Obama. The reality is we all feel bad about the situation (it’s horrible) but these people need money to buy food and get back on there feet. A hand shake, photographs, and positive news coverage doesn’t solve a thing. Plus, the time and resources to get the President here is a huge waste of taxpayers money. It costs millions to fly him around.

It’s never been about the wasted money for Obama, however. Just look at Obamacare this guy will spend billions maybe even trillions of dollars just to make the program work. I hear about it on the TV and radio every day! Even if it’s failing horribly, he will dump every last penny to make the program work so he doesn’t look bad over it. There is a point and we probably have already past it where just giving all the uninsured people a check for 100K would have been a better option and it would cost much less.

The OSO mugslide is horrible but let’s be honest here how is Obama going to help with the efforts except making himself look good by being there. This publicity is going to be on every news channel across the country and it’s just one be positive PR stunt.

To date, 41 lives have been lost due to the disaster. A few individuals in the area still remain missing and have not been accounted. Each day approx. 625 workers continue the search and clean up efforts.

NSA Watching Your Computer

NSA Spying Program Is Watching Us Through Our Computers

A story came out of the New York Times a few months ago and basically went into a concept that the National Security Agency (NSA) is using to get access to computers if they ever felt the need. I must admit I was pretty impressed after hearing it because it’s pure genius. In short, they have the capabilities to access and alter your computer without it even being connected to the Internet. The program was created to solve one the biggest challenges the agency faced of getting into computers that the “bad guys” are using. There is very limited information about the “how it’s done” but the NSA document mentioned radio frequencies and secret software that is installed when accessing a network. It also mentions the use of other methods but they are not described.

It’s a pretty amazing and just confirms how deep the government can get into our lives if needed. With cell phones, computers, cars, ect there is no privacy anymore. Think about this for a minute. We know the government is in bed with the phone and cable companies. They are required to keep records, logs, phone call recordings and all that info should it ever be request it’s pretty common knowledge but what if the government was able to get in bed with the hardware creators. What if they were able to install a piece of hardware or software at the source where these are created. They could essentially access any computer, anywhere, offline or online at anytime. They could add a chip in the refrigerator or your TV. It’s not a far reach considering the topic of this article. Think about it with other countries as well like spying on North Korea or Iran. It’s the perfect setup to monitor everything and everyone without even being there.

Trayvon Martin and Australian Christopher Lane Comparison

Obama and Holder Racism

The only thing Trayvon Martin and Christopher Lane have in common is “they are both dead”. Trayvon Martin is black, Christopher Lane is White. This is the point where I need to say that the word racist means, a person who believes a particular race is superior to another. If that is true and I believe it is then that would make Barack Obama, Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Eric Holder all racists. I did not want to ever write about Trayvon Martin but President Obama says if he had a son he would want him to be just like Trayvon. He has alluded to civil rights, hate crime and everything under the sun.  Zimmerman was acquitted they are still talking that. What they are saying is this little young black boy was trying to get home (no one knows where he really lived) with his bag of skittles. He was not plucked off by a gang of whites because they were bored, he was not singled out because he was black, he was on top of a Hispanic pounding his head into the concrete saying “tonight you will die” when he got shot. It appears we cannot defend ourselves against a black.  The four so called leaders  mentioned above have done more to divide whites and blacks than anyone else while preaching we have to get along. We can’t get along when the blacks can do anything and we don’t dare confront them. Now look at Christopher Lane, a white boy from Melbourne, Australia out for a jog. He was just 22 and attending Oklahoma’s East Central University on a baseball scholarship. Three BLACKS  Christopher Luna 16, James Edwards Jr, 15 while 17 year old Michael Jones drove the getaway car. OBAMA, HOLDER, SHARPTON OR JACKSON has not said one word about it. the deputy White House Secretary said a couple days later he was not aware of it. How were they made aware of the fact the “poor little black boy with a bag of candy” got shot and was on every channel on TV, every newspaper and at the Dream march they are having today they are still carrying signs and wanting justice for Trayvon. The BLACK THUG was not going to school, he was on dope and police found a bag of stolen jewelry and things wherever he lived, but you don’t hear a word. Apparently the media is afraid to mention anything bad a black does. Glen Beck and a few others are the only place to get the news. The three BLACK THUGS  that did the thrill kill on Christopher Lane said they were bored. But the man who called the police on the shooters said it was a gang initiation. One of the suspects said ” 90% of the white people are nasty, #HATE THEM’. Also, said he knocked out 5 woods since Zimmerman court. Wood is a derogatory slang for white people. But Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest sad he was not familiar with the story at all. The administration simply don’t care what happens to whites and when it does they don’t even want the story to mention the killer or killers are black. But if any other race kills a black to save their own life, all of a sudden the White House hears and twists the story completely. That looks like racists to me.

Which brings up an even more shocking story of two BLACK THUGS beating an 88 year old WHITE WWII Veteran to death. There was a little blurb in the Seattle Times but it did not say the guys that beat him were BLACK. Obama should be shouting from his little pedestal to the black parents to stand up and take care of their children or they will be held accountable and put in jail too. The WWII Vet Delbert Benton made it through the war including one of the fiercest battles at Okinawa. Then two creeps (BLACK creeps) beat him to death. But for our president to not get up on his soap box and rave about how terrible to shoot a hero is almost unbelievable. Instead he is at a march honoring a little black boy that he would have like to have had for a son. He is a racist. He hates us whites, he wants the other blacks to hate us. Homeland Security who are supposed to be protecting us by spying on our e mails had a man employed by them by the name of Ayo Kimathi (BLACK), who was running a hate website. He was encouraging blacks to kill whites, predicting and advocating a race war. He does not want blacks, whites, mixed race or gays to integrate with each other. Well Obama hasn’t said a word, Holder, Jackson or Sharpton hasn’t said a word, but what do you suppose the punishment was? He was put on Paid Administrative Leave. Now that is really harsh punishment for trying to start a race war, and create hate and encourage blacks to kill whites and says he will see them on the Battlefield. Isn’t that a form of terrorism or something.? Obama is out honoring Trayvon. Two teens (didn’t say color but I assume white, did a couple prank calls about Obama and the FBI tracked them down and read them the riot act. But Ayo Kimathi is just on paid vacation. He should (or a white would) be in jail. That is a form of terrorism or close to it. Sounds like a reverse white supremacist . But if you hate a black you are in trouble, if a black hates a white he gets put on paid leave.

Obama did not get to be president because of anything good he has ever done. He has lied about his birth and when forced to come up with a birth certificate it named a hospital that was not named that when he was bon. He went to college as a foreign exchange student, but never had to explain that. His social security number is from a state he has never lived in. He did not get into college because of his grades. He has got pushed up the ladder to do exactly what he is doing. He is dividing America more than it has been since Martin Luther King did his March. He was brought up in a church with a radical preacher guiding him. He has surrounded himself with radical left wing anarchists. He has hidden his medical, educational and travel records. But no one dares question him about anything because he is black. Could any guys be worse examples to little black boys than Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson, but they are Obama’s back drops. He has got America in debt and all of it was squandered on shovel ready green jobs, bail out’s and foreign aide and worst of all his lavish vacation and apology tours. In my opinion he is absolutely ruining America and for sure not making whites and blacks like each other. I don’t wish him any harm but think he should be impeached and made to answer all the questions he should have been asked before he was even nominated. The rich blacks like Oprah got him where he is. Mostly working whites paying for his entitlements to the blacks. It just wont work forever.

Another story and I can’t find the boys name but he was white, walking to his car on a street in Memphis TN. A car pulls up, a black gets out and shoots him from 10 feet away. (yep never got close to him, just pulled the trigger) they have the video. But they are calling it a failed robbery not a hate crime. WHY? If the colors were reversed it would be a hate crime. It was not even a botched robbery. The shooter never robbed him. The white guy still had his money, his cell phone, the keys to his car. Obama, Holder don’t know a thing about all the blacks shooting each other and shooting whites for thrill kill but sure are praising and defending a black that was trying to kill a guy but got killed himself.

Senator Maria Cantwell

Senator Maria Cantwell

I recently wrote to our Senator Maria Cantwell regarding raising the debt ceiling and the nations over spending habits.  Here is the conversation.

Dear Lilly,

Thank you for contacting me about your views regarding the federal budget and raising the debt ceiling.  I appreciate hearing from you on this issue.

Our country faces serious challenges following the economic collapse brought on by Wall Street in 2008. As your Senator, I have remained focused on turning around our economy by investing in job creation, fighting for Main Street small businesses, and implementing strong financial reform.

I am also deeply concerned about getting our country’s fiscal house in order. It is time for both parties to work together for the good of the country and produce a responsible debt limit plan. I will continue to advocate for a plan that will stave off the economic catastrophe of default while creating jobs, putting Americans back to work, cutting wasteful government spending, and protecting Medicare and Social Security.

Government has a responsibility to spend taxpayers’ dollars wisely, but it also has a responsibility to provide certain services and guarantees to the American people. In this time of economic crisis, I believe it is especially important that Congress prioritize those measures that will foster long-term economic growth. We must reinvest in our education system, in our workers, in our nation’s infrastructure and in the development of clean energy technologies that will reduce our dependence on foreign oil. By making these important investments today and helping revitalize our economy, we can leave our children with prosperity not debt.

As a member of the U.S. Senate Finance Committee I will continue to work with President Obama and with my colleagues to draft legislation that strikes the right balance in how we collect and spend federal tax dollars so we can leave more than debt to the next generation.  This is why I’ve worked to cut taxes for Washington families, specifically by extending the sales tax deduction to ensure fairness for residents of our state.   I understand that this issue is especially important to you; be assured that I will keep your views in mind as we craft legislation.

Thank you again for contacting me to share your thoughts on this matter.  Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future if I can be of further assistance.
Maria Cantwell
United States Senator

I responded with the following email to Senator Maria Cantwell….

Dear Senator Cantwell:

Thank you for the response. I realize you have to send a boiler type answer but yours was informative. I don’t agree with a lot of what you say. I am not getting into dollar amounts here,  just using common sense that comes with growing old and being poor and working most of my life.
You do not help taxpayers, or the government by raising the debt ceiling. No one gets out of debt by getting more credit cards and it’s the same thing. The debt has tripled or more under Obama. He doesn’t have a clue about spending. He blows through money like a train wreck. He has never had to work for any money and does not know what a budget or anything else is. Most all of you have to keep promising the people in your State more and more goodies to get re elected. You have so many people voting for you that have never worked, never have any intention of working but know how to milk the system. There is absolutely no reason that generation after generation lives on welfare. It’s not fair to them. They will vote for every bus, or park or anything else that will raise our taxes because they don’t pay rent, they don’t pay for their food, they don’t’ pay for their medical. They are young, able bodied and somehow you have millions of people who think they are entitled to be taken care of. You have to cut that off. You are doing them no favors, but it does get you re elected.
The government is totally bloated. Lets just take the IRS now. Look at Lerner. She was making $200,000 a year as head of the department that supposedly grants special tax exempt status to organizations. Well I think before its over they will show that the election was controlled by the IRS in lots of ways. but back to her. She recently got a bonus of $100,000. Geez that’s 3 times more than I ever earned in a year. But it gets worse. First she tried lying, that didn’t work, so she lawyers up and takes the 5th. Someone wanted her to resign, but since she REFUSED to resign there was no choice(who the heck dreamed up that) but to put her on administrative leave. Now she can draw her pay and not even have to get up and go into the office. Don’t you see where you could save $300,000 right there. In our real world someone would have escorted her to her desk and said pack it up. Should have gone straight to jail, but if not that should have ended the job, pensions and perks. That’s just an example. We have a president that has no idea what the word truth means, from where he was born, whether he is a citizen, he was not told about the crooks in the IRS and acts like he is surprised. Lerner is saying it was not something she thought the president needed to know. Well no one knows where he was the night our 4 men were killed in Bengazi and they made a complete fool out of Susan Rice sending her to all talk shows to lie thru her teeth. They knew right on the start it was a terriorist attack. At the funeral of the dead Seal. Hillary leaned over to the Father of the dead Seal and said we will get the guys who made the video. She is as big a liar as Slick Willy but that was cruel. Obama thinks its terrible to treat the newsmen like criminals. but Holder signed the warrant that got Rosen in trouble and now Holder is going to get to the bottom of why a warrant was signed. One last thing, Obama wants to pretend. gee he didn’t know about any of these things and it was not important that he knew because he is so busy. Well it was important that he knew a millionaire black sports guy came out of the closet and even phoned him personally. Well for a president he really has his priorities screwed up. Cut government workers wages, cut out the pork, stop promising things you know there is no money for. DON’T RAISE THE DEBT LIMIT.
Thank you,

I encourage everyone to call, write, or even post on the Emerald City Journal you’re thoughts and opinions regarding issues. Make your voice heard.

Joe Biden $585K Spending Spree In Paris (1 Night)

Joe Biden Paris Visit

The spending continues with Joe Biden making a trip to Paris last February.  The one night stay for him (and his team) came to $585,000.  Joe Biden and his team rented out 100 rooms at the Hotel Intercontinental Paris Le Grand (a 5 star hotel).  The average cost for a hotel room there is $475 per night and the presidential suite is a cool $3,900 per night.  The government contract was recently released to the public discussing the trip.  Specifics about whether he stayed in the presidential suite is not known, however.  There is another case of him and his team staying at the Hyatt Regency London in early February which total $459,000.  At least we don’t have a spending problem in America – two solid cases of the administration blowing more tax money.  Both contracts are available for the public to read it on the website.

If spending your all your tax money like this doesn’t make you angry (and it should) then think about this… how about their honesty in reporting the facts about the visit?  Think about this… even if they purchased 100 presidential room suites for him and his team at the hotel for $3,900 each, they still wouldn’t have spent the full contracted amount of $585,000.

I have said it time and time again.  Before Obama and Biden are out of the office, our national debt will hit at least $20 trillion dollars.  It just continues to go up everyday and they simply don’t have courage to cut any real spending.  Just like the first 4 years in office, they are going to kick the spending can down the road for the next guy to handle.




Hillary Clinton Comes Clean About Gay Marriage (Support)

Hillary Clinton Gay Marriage Support

Hillary Clinton came out of the closet this weekend with a video of her (more like a campaign pitch) view of supporting gay marriage.  The video included below is very much like a TV political campaign ad.  Watch it for yourself.  Many are saying this is her buildup for the 2016 presidential election.  Considering her Benghazi attack failure, I’m not sure that is possible.  That is whole another topic, however.

What I find most interesting about Hillary Clinton and her video release of supporting gay marriage is how long it took her.  My gosh Hillary Clinton was the first lady back in 1994.  So what the hell took so long to make the statement?  The reality is Hillary Clinton is just another Keep Reading

Davy Crockett Ship Owner Going To Prision

Going To Jail Bret Simpson, the owner of The Davy Crockett, will be sent to federal prison for 4 months (plus home detention time).  He was sentenced and charged due to him abandoning an old beat up barge in the Columbia River.  When Mr. Simpson got the 400 ft former Navy ship he figured he would just scrap it and walk off with a tidy sum of money.  It is believed his company, Principle Metals LLC, made $88,000 just for the first haul of metal.  Of course, it’s hard to provide an accurate number of metal as it would be easy to hide in my opinion.  With that being said, it probably was much more.  One thing we know for sure about the Federal Government is that if you’re hiding money, accept cash, or making it in a way that cannot be traced back then they get very angry.  They don’t support issues in which they are not getting their cut such as marijuana or prostitution for example.

This is the first case in Washington State that a boat owner was sent to Keep Reading

Raising The Social Security Age

Social Security Age Increasing

Every year we hear the same news… people are living longer. These “studies” say the average expectancy now is 72 years old. Me, personally, know a lot more people who have died at a younger age than actually living until 72+. In fact, a just heard a friend of mine say her Mom died in her sleep just a few days ago. She was 54. Yesterday (3/5/13) we got the news one of the biggest managers in wrestling’s history (WWE) died and he was 58. His WIKI page is here. I honestly don’t believe the hype coming out of these “studies”. The realty is that everything you hear on the news/media, government, or these “age studies” needs to really be analyzed. All these organizations have a motive and propaganda to change your mind on issues. The scarcity or news (for or against) helps to convince the public to vote Keep Reading

Police Armed With Military Gear

Well nightmares really do come true. Have you ever dreamed about tanks rolling down the streets and your peaceful life being turned into a war zone? It may become a reality if homeland security has its way. I have not seen this on any of the nightly news programs I have watched or read about it until this week. I thought we had Police, Sheriffs, Marshalls to uphold the laws in America, and act as peace keepers. If a real calamity happened they call out the National Guard. Then and only then would we see military gear being manned by trained soldiers. The Defense Department started a 1033 program in the late 1990’s. This provides state and local law enforcement agencies with free surplus weapons, body armor, armored vehicles and night vision equipment. Have you ever heard about that 1033 program? I sure hadn’t. I have never seen our Keep Reading

President Obama Agenda & Laws

As the time continues to pass with the Obama Administration, the picture is becoming even more clear.  He is not interested in touching anything that would potentially make him look bad.  He wouldn’t cut spending as they will cut jobs and ruin is record.  He won’t be touching the medicare issues or social security.  In short, anything that could potentially hurt his brand/image will not happen.  The can will be kicked down the road for the next guy (or girl).  Any issues that could hurt him will be passed on to someone else.  For example, he was quick to play dumb with the Benghazi attack.  Hilary took the fall but played the obvious dumb card when asked questions, which was a big surprise.  The guns sold to Mexico, which ended up killing our Agents, were sealed.  My point is this trend will continue for years to come. Keep Reading

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