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Government - page 8

$50 Light Bulb Won The U.S. Governments Contest

Lets not create a stampede at the doors of Home Depot or where ever this winner is sold. The U.S. Government offered a prize of $10 million dollars to the manufacturer that could create a “green” but affordable light bulb. Speaking only for myself here even if that winning light bulb was green it sure does not sound affordable. Of course the government that offered the 10 million dollar prize took that from taxpayers who they expect to buy the $50.00 bulb. It had one string attached in that it had to be manufactured in America. Home Depot is the largest seller of light bulbs and they didn’t want to call the bulb too expensive but said their customers might jump to that conclusion. By next year we are not supposed to be using incandescent bulbs so unless you hoard up a bunch of 60’s and 75’s you are going to be paying more for your light bulb than you did for the beautiful lamp you bought to use it in. Home Depot offers LED bulbs under the EcoSmart label which is assembled in Mexico for $23.97. Another Phillips LED bulb on sale costs $24.97. It was made in China. Or you can buy the ten million dollar prize winner for $50.00. Am I the only one who thinks that 10 million was totally wasted? Comments please.

Mitt Romney’s Election Attempt 2012

As Mitt Romney continues to rise over the competition with his recent win of both Arizona and Michigan, one has to think will it be enough?  In this election, I personally want to see more of a dramatic change to just the basic principles and way less government in my life.  The only candidate who will provide that is Mr. Ron Paul.  Unfortunately, the public isn’t ready for that yet, I guess.  Perhaps another 4 or 8 years and they’ll be ready to see the light.  As I said in previous posts, the force is strong with Mitt Romney.  His branding is strong enough to convince people to throw votes his way.  He gets the most spotlight out of all the candidates and that combined with Super Pacs/cash I truly believe he’ll get the nomination and eventually take the White House.  Right or wrong, we will see shortly.

Newt Gingrich is about done at this point, finishing 4th overall yesterday.  He should be stepping down soon.  I wouldn’t be surprised if it happens shortly after March 6th after Super Tuesday (10 states voting).  However, he may do it sooner to save himself from the embarrassment and keep his followers.  Newt Gingrich may take 1 out of the 10 states, his home state of Georgia.  Once there is a clearer picture of who is leading the pack, Newt will quickly endorse them and get reimbursed for his failed campaign.  Ron Paul will hang on longer only to get his message out more.  I believe the public realizes (including myself) he doesn’t have much of a shot but his message is what’s important at this point.

I have been seeing more and more Obama ads on the Internet (YouTube for example).  Like his last election, he will make a strong push for the younger crowd and continue to use the Internet better than anyone else.  He has done well at capturing that audience with him being a social media fan using Twitter.  I’m not confident he’ll have the same younger support this time around though.  I believe the hope and change promised (and over-delivered in his speeches) wasn’t delivered as promised during his presidency.  I’m sure many would disagree with that, though.

Looking forward to Super Tuesday’s 10 states results soon.

Candidates on the debate stage

Update: In the 2012 U.S. presidential election, Mitt Romney was the Republican Party’s nominee running against the incumbent President, Democrat Barack Obama. While Romney won a number of states and received substantial support, he ultimately lost the election to Obama.

In the Electoral College, which is the system used to determine the winner of U.S. presidential elections, Barack Obama secured 332 electoral votes to Romney’s 206. In terms of the popular vote, Obama received around 51% (about 65.9 million votes), while Romney garnered approximately 47% (about 60.9 million votes).

After the election, Mitt Romney congratulated President Obama on his victory and called for political unity to address the challenges facing the nation.

Ron Paul For President

I once wrote an article here about the trillion dollar deficit he have in America.  It was created for both humor and factual info about our Government spending habits.  It includes and outline of the worthless agencies we have created just to use up tax money and things we may want to cut.  I admit I was inspired by the “HOPE” brand Obama brought to the people.  It sold him and his campaign.  The campaign grew in power and eventually overshadowed everyone else running.  American was hooked.  I for one didn’t vote for Obama.  Looking back that was a good decision, however, I not sure the outcome would have been that different though.  I believe McCain would have handled the war spending better and in general made larger cuts on spending.  Hardcore fans still have “HOPE” for Obama’s “HOPE” campaign and many will leave Obama high and dry.  He just didn’t deliver, unfortunately. 

I talk about political brands and how money buys campaigns.  Because of this, I am predicting a win for Mitt Romney.   He has the best brand to date and with more money you can get the exposure needed to convince the public for their vote.  It’s easier for companies to invest in you (with contributions).  It’s also easier to get endorsements from the other runners.  If a runner up is failing in the polls/votes and realizes they don’t stand a chance, the guy with money will take care of his/her expenses for running (or debt) for their endorsement.  After a few endorsements, you grow even stronger in the public eye.  Sadly, this is how the game is played.

I also look at Newt Gingrich.  He has a fair amount of money from doing “historian work” for Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.  Both companies were federally backed when the housing bust came as you know.  He says he was just a “historian” but Newt collected 1.6 million that we know if publicly.  In reality, he was hired to calm down the republicans making them turn down the heat and back off of the companies.  It was a cleaver move by Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae and Newt was in on it.  Unfortunately, Newt is just another politician playing all the games that the others are playing.  Sad but true.

The more I read about Ron Paul in the news the more I like this guy.  He has no brand and lacks the money really needed to win, however.  He is not the best speaker or salesman (like Romney or Gingrich) but I truly believe this guy can get the job done.  He doesn’t really care for the Federal Reserve, wants to cut five departments (needs to be done drastically),  lower corporate taxes, and allow younger workers to opt out of the failing Social Security system.  He won’t kiss anyone’s ass rump and he’s not a political tool like the others.  He wants to cut  $1 trillion from the federal budget during his FIRST YEAR in office – which is great.  I am tired of hearing how we are going to cut a trillion dollars over 10 YEARS currently!  We are 15 trillion in debt right now and spending over 4 billion a day.  We don’t have 10 years for such a little cut.  He would like to cut is presidential pay to 40K compared to the 400K it is now.  There is a lot more but the point to all this is that this guy is a do’er.  I truly believe he will do what he says he’ll do and won’t be bought out like the others. 

My voting strategies have developed over time but now with every canidate locally or presidential, I look for a person who will put their neck on the line and make a solid decision (good or bad).  A decision to cut.  A decision to fire.  I just want a decision on something to solve the problems.  Most politicians today don’t do that and that’s part of the problem.  It’s just the same old some and dance.  They want to keep everyone happy by not cutting anything or firing anyone (less work means you need to let people go).  They sit around and think up new ways to build revenue on a failed system.  They build tolls on the roads or add traffic cams for the city.  Increase street parking to $8 and hour until 8pm in Seattle.  These additions continue to rise because of people wanting to keep their jobs (get re-elected) while back-dooring these little money makers.   Another is tax the rich.  That is a simple one because most of the voters are broke as a joke and it doesn’t relate to them “so who cares” lets just take it from them right?  

Whatever your decision is for the presidential campaign pick someone who will cut and isn’t easily influenced.  That is the only “HOPE” we have to turn this country around.


Lawmakers Push to Overhaul Initiative System

A group of lawmakers are going to tackle the states popular initiative system. They never have liked the idea that we the people could gather signatures and actually make something happen. They have tried every road block they can come up with to make it hard for us to make our wishes known. They can’t stand Tim Eyman because he has helped make the initiative system so public. They find every thing wrong with an initative we the people get enough signatures for that they want to start a proposed constitutional amendment to require the voters to state where the money will come from to fund what the initiative requires the state to do.

I can’t believe that for once I have to agree with the lawmakers to that extent, but not have them tinker with the system with a constitutional amendment. The voters approved training for long-term-care workers and it will cost money. Everyone including the lawmakers are going to get old or ill eventually and might need someone to care for them and since it’s a life or death situation lots of times, some training certainly is needed and should be paid for by the state. If it were some unnecessary thing we got enough signatures for like a sports stadium, a tunnel, the schools glass palace, a monstrosity of a glass library or more fancy buildings then we should state how we intended to fund them, but its not we the people doing those things it’s our lawmakers. We the taxpayers did not want those things but the lawmakers can dream up expensive crap, and they have a way to fund it. Just add a fee, a tax or whatever they feel like. So far no initiative has done anything like that so leave our process alone., but if we ever did get enough signatures for something stupid like the lawmakers have done we should say how it will be funded.

Just as the other Washington and this Washington are saying they are dead broke. cutting, slashing, cutting school years, laying off Fireman and Police etc today’s Times NWSATURDAY Dec. 17,2011 has this article stating $60M State windfall to boost preschool education. They say it’s a Federal Grant. Without getting into the preschool education needs I am pointing out if the Federal Government is broke how at this point in time can they hand out a Federal Grant of sixty million. There is no Santa Clause working there. They had to take it away from workers in some way and skim off a lot to process the amount they took from us to come up with this huge grant. Makes no sense at all. They have so many pots of money to dip into but still say they are broke. Where is the pot of gold to pay for training long care heath workers? They could find it if they wanted to but will try to screw up signature gathering to challenge the lawmakers.

Not So Super Committee Obviously Fails

As predicted, the not so “Super Committee” has failed.  It’s no big surprise to me really.  It was doomed before it even started.  The 12 political members of this committee are mostly to blame for this whole money problem anyway.  They all have been part of the system and continue to play the game.  They will continue as normal after the Holidays with their careers with no real decisions.  By not making any real or hard stands (decisions) they will keep their heads off the chopping block, lay low, and continue on getting elected and playing he game every year.  Collecting their big fat checks every month, richy rich health care, and pension programs that the average Joe will never end come close to achieving.  It’s a shame really because they all should be fire.  Every single one of them.  Republicans want some cuts and the Democrats want to tax the rich.

The cuts Republican want are not enough and taxing the rich is not a viable solution.  Right now 3% has been cut.  That is extremely pathetic honestly.  The other side, taxing the rich is just a nice way of asking for more money from the public.  Burning more money in a failed system.  Doesn’t fix the problem and with the currently spend that will be used up really quick.  It doesn’t solve the problem at all.

So what is the solution.  Personally I like Warren Buffets suggestion – here is what he said, “I could end the deficit in five minutes.  You just pass a law that says that any time there’s a deficit of more than three percent of GDP, all sitting members of Congress are ineligible for re-election.”

Now that sounds like a good plan to me.  Unfortunately, we will never see any laws like this because the people who would pass the law are the same people who would lose their jobs.  That is not going to happen.

I like numbers so lets look at these simple U.S financial figures and recent spending cuts.  This is the actual 2011 federal budget and their “BIG” spending cuts.

U.S Income:  2,170,000,000,000
Federal Budget: 3,820,000,000,000
New Debt:  1,650,000,000,000
National Debt:  14,271,000,000,000
Recent Budget Cuts:  38,500,000,000 (about 1% of budget)

To help put these numbers into perspective, lets look at a simplified real World example using the same data.  I removed the zeros to make the finacial numbers and comparison easier.

Annual income for the Smith family:  $21,700
Amount of money the Smith family spent:  $38,200
Amount of new credit card debt: $16,500
Outstanding balance on the credit card:  $142,710
Amount cut from the budget:  $385

This is the lame cuts I am talking about.  We need serious cuts to fix the system.  It’s not about asking for more money which will only put a temporary bandaid on the bigger problem.  Cut the programs, Cut the spending, and Cut the politicians not fixing or making suggestions.  Put laws in place to control spending and a forcing a balance budget (with limits).  Hold politicians and slacker politicians accountable.

Time to clean house and remove anyone and everyone not correcting these issues.

TeaParty Network Helps Get Us In Touch With Our Congressman

November 7, 2011

Dear Representative McDermott,
Dear Senator Cantwell,
Dear Senator Murray,

As a proud member of the Tea Party movement and and as one of your constituents I am writing you today to encourage that you support an exhaustive and complete investigation of the $535 million dollar boondoggle known as Solyndra. The American people deserve to know what happened. Why hasn’t Obama been impeached?  He spends 100% of his time on the campaign trail trying to get more money. Make him say why he fast tracked the loan to Solyndra. We the people pay the price for his stupidity and it’s time to stop this. Does anyone in Washington believe the constitution is the law of the land, not some exectutive order that a man signs when it’s very quetionable he is really eligilible to even be president?  Make him park Air Force One for awhile and give him an education that he is not a dictator.


Lilly in Seattle



Can Governor Gregoire Create A Budget We Can Believe?

Remember last June when Governor was so upset working on the budget? She said she was cutting/slashing and she did not like what she was having to do at all. She said they worked with extremely low budgets and stream lined everything they did with no frills. Well you already know that is a crock of baloney, when you look at the salaries they pay the top managers, superintendents or whatever they are called. There are many stories in this Emerald City Journal about the superintendent of the school, the president of the University of Washington etc so wont list numbers here but since they are paid by “we the taxpayers” its should be a crime. The June budget she signed made massive cuts to education, including the reduction of teachers salaries of 1.9%. She said she did not like the budget but the state just has no money and there will be another larger cut across the board. BUT, the day after she gave that speech about the budget she left on a trade trip. She didn’t mention that in her speech. Why didn’t she say,” I am going on a very expensive trip, tomorrow with a huge delegation at taxpayer expense”? Before she headed out on her European trade trip with her delegation she said it would cost less than $40,000. But the actual cost(that we know about) is more than double that. Her hotel room in Paris was $500 a night. She had not included the cost of her security, which cost more than her estimate of $40,000. She had not included the wages of the people she took along on this vacation. They all got paid the same as if they were home working on whatever they are supposed to be doing plus per diem’s, $100 dinners , $56.00 lunches. They took in the Paris Air Show and as far as I know A GOOD TIME WAS HAD BY ALL. We paid for it. Things have gotten worse and she is going to call a special session to deal with the shortfall, and call for an additional 10% across the board cut. Why would anyone believe a thing she says about spending after that slap in the face with that expensive trip? What plans does she have now that she is a lame duck Governor? She better take all the taxpayer paid trips she can before she quits. For sure we the people should not get hit for a tax, fee, or anything else. Government(all of it) has to stop the spending. Look at Congress doing nothing but fighting with each other and cobbling agreements to keep the government from shutting down all the while spend, spend spend. President Obama has been doing nothing but campaigning since before he was elected. He travels all over in his little Air Force One and costs city’s fortunes by coming to visit, but when he arrived at Boeing field last month Governor Gregoire was right there giving him the thumbs up. She is not capable of creating a budget. She(and most of the politicians) do not have a clue what the word means. For sure it means you cant spend more than you have on hand. A fifth grader would know that. I hope someone really questions her budget numbers because she has proved she has no interest in keeping expenses down. She only wants them to figure out how to suck more money out of us people who are already hurting. I had to really talk to myself when I spent over ten bucks on fish and chips at Ivar.s the other day because it was from my social security check and believe me I know what cut and slash expenses mean. The governor obviously does not. It should be a crime to waste our money the way she did on her trip. She had to know she could not do it on $40,000 and even that was way to much in these hard times. Don’t believe the phony numbers she uses or the crap she says when she says how it hurts her to make these cuts.

Presidents Visit To Seattle, A/K/A Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town

President Obama will be in Seattle Sunday Sept 25th to attend fundraisers. No public events have been announced so why should this be funded by taxpayers? I think it should be paid for by the democratic party completely.

Former Microsoft Executive Jon Shirley is hosting a brunch at his Medina home. This event will cost $35,000 per couple. They are expecting 400 people. A larger fundraiser will be held at the Paramount Theatre in Seattle. Tickets range from $100 to $7500. The more expensive the ticket the closer you get to the president. The VIP seating gets you a photo with the President.

I had suggested to Mayor McGinn and each City Council Member to decline his visit. We simply cannot afford him. He is not coming for the good of Seattle in any way. At a meeting of ask the Mayor, McGinn said it would cost between $100,000 and $150,000 for police protection for the president. That is just a drop in the bucket as to the cost. Think of the skies having to be cleared, streets where he travels closed down, all sorts of disruption to the entire city who will gain absolutely NOTHING. The Mayor and Council members say we are completely broke. Why didn’t they tell him we cannot afford to have him come? He has no official business to attend to here at all.

Not only can cities not afford to have him visit but the Federal Government is about to shut down AGAIN because it is trillions in debt. The president is telling everyone we are in this together, we have to cut down the Federal debt but every time Air Force one takes off it costs $214,768, and the cargo plane that flies with it costs $32,140. Then you have the per hour cost to come clear across the United States to ATTEND A FUNDRAISER. How much sense does that make? Every time Air Force One takes off it costs what a family could buy a nice house for, to say nothing of all the fuel he uses. It should be used only as official duties and then very limited. On valentines day he made two trips to Chicago. He attended a train opening 150 miles away but flew there on Air Force one. He could have taken a helicopter or better still bought a train ticket for $90.00. It would have made a better photo shoot. He has blown thru millions on his little private trips and we pick up the tab to hear him tell us times are tough. Time for him to stay home. He said he had visited 57 states(yes fifty seven). Wish the seven states that I cant seem to think of would host and pay for his visits and he stay out of Seattle. This time he is not even going to have time to tell us to tighten our belt. He is too busy attending fundraisers.

For sure we don’t need him to tell us to build more roads and bridges. Have you tried driving around Seattle and not having to detour or seeing something torn up. They have had Corson Ave shut down for over two months “repairing” it. To the naked eye no one could see a thing wrong with it. The street is 4 blocks long and still shut down. Its just like digging a hole and filling it with tax dollars, then wanting another levy passed so they can screw away more money all the while nothing is getting done that is worthwhile at all.

Stick A Fork In The Super Committee – It’s Over

Like most things in Washington – they fail.  The 12 member group “Super Commitee” formed after the debt ceiling crisis to greatly reduce our debt by November has officially failed.  In fact, you can stick a fork in this “Super Committee” because it’s over.  The failure wasn’t due to it’s members (both Republicans & Democrats) but due to bribes kickbacks the members are now getting to only enhance their own political agendas.  The problem is a procedural issue where this type of behavior is still allowed in our system. 

If you don’t know the theory it’s simple actually.  The group members sit around a table to discuss debt reduction and cutting programs for spending.  Companies and special groups in the public gives these members cash/contributions to help them with their campaigns and by doing so the political member supports them (by not messing with them – or cutting them).  In short, they “buy influence” in the group.  I call this corruption while others argue it’s legal. 

These kickbacks must stop after people are elected.  I understand running for a position and getting elected is expensive.  You’ll need private funding for this and your political views to the public represent the groups that are investing in you getting elected.  The public votes and if they like what you’re saying and the groups you represent then you get elected (that is fair).  Once elected, however, you represent the people and shouldn’t be able to accept bribes kickbacks anymore.  How can we have elected officials in office who with just a little bit of money will change their mind about topics and/or vote accordingly by persuasion.  It’s not about the people’s wants or needs then. 

The “buy influence” corruption must end after someone is elected.  It’s unfair to the public and these officials belong in jail.


Opinion: FDA Agency Will Kill People In 2012

I understand the title of this article is hardcore but the reality is that a recent decision by the FDA Agency will kill people in 2012 in my opinion. It could be you, a loved one, or maybe a close friend.

Starting in 2012, Primatene Mist will be taken off the shelves by the FDA Agency due to “CFCs depleting the ozone”. If you don’t know what Primatene Mist is, it’s the ONLY over-the-counter immediate relief for asthma. There is nothing that compares to Primatene Mist and with thousands of positive reviews online, it works perfectly. It costs about $15 dollars at Walmart (over the counter) and is very popular because it works – fast (unlike a tablet that takes time to dissolve). I’ve personally been on Primatene Mist my whole life, like the thousands and thousands of people who use it every day to “just get by” or for emergencies because with asthma, a simple sneeze can trigger an asthmatic attack. Primatene Mist has rescued me on several occasions and would even say that it may have saved my life on several occasions (plus many trips to the ER). The same is true for thousands of other customers who have asthma worse than I do. I have challenged myself on several occasions to just find one negative review (or customer/medical problems) with Primatene Mist online. Out of the thousands and thousands of customer who use it everyday there is nothing negative. In fact, you find why more medical issues with aspirin. Primatene Mist has been a safe and effective treatment for asthma symptoms for over 40 years now. After reading all the reviews and feedback regarding the FDA’s decision to ban Primatene Mist, their customers are extremely angry, and death is discussed quite often (due to prescription costs, waiting times at doctors’ offices, and the low quality of medication not working for them). They are seriously concerned they will die due to the FDA Agency.

Is this FDA decision meant to push people to spend money on doctor visits, ER visits, insurance, and over priced asthma prescriptions forever? Does the FDA really care about CFC’s depleting the ozone? If that was the case, why not pull hairspray, fire extinguishers, paint booths, air conditioning, and perfumes.  It’s a reckless decision by the FDA Agency (leaving no other solution available) and unfortunately many more asthmatics will die in 2012 as compared to the previous years.

I’m starting to question the honesty of the FDA Agency (working in raise revenue and/or with other drug companies) after this outlaw decision scheduled to kill people in 2012.  It makes you question their expertise and “nanny” behaviors.   When do we, as citizens, draw the line and say that is enough?  This isn’t a life threatening decision but more of power play to keep control and ownership of the public.  We don’t want the FDA in our personal lives or making decisions to control our lives right?  When do we say no that is a personal heath choice and not a legal or World health decision?  The FDA Agencies job is national defense and science. Those are the only issues that should require FDA involvement.  If not, the FDA will be banning sugar next because it’s unhealthy (actually soda has been taken out of school already mostly).  If not several years from now it will only get worse.  You know cancer is less common in women who have had children and it’s more common in women who have had abortions.  Breast cancer is one of the most expensive diseases we have, however, should it be monitored and forced on you to make the world a more “healthy” place.  There is a line that shouldn’t be crossed in personal choice and healthy (or not) lifestyles and we need to make sure that line is not crossed with the FDA.

Primatene Mist
Primatene Mist

Update: It’s back on the market. FDA shouldn’t have touched it in the first place. As an asthmatic, I still stand by this article. You don’t play with life-or-death medicine. Looking back at the situation, I believe (my opinion) the government was making some secret deals behind closed doors to force asthmatics into a monthly healthcare program and $300+ inhalers. The motive is simple, increase tax revenue and increase the profit for big pharma. With this said, Primatene Mist shouldn’t be your only inhaler, and you should consult a physician about a maintenance inhaler so you don’t find yourself in a serious medical situation. Flare-ups happen so be safe and take precautions to protect your airways.

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