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FAQ’s about Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

Girl Stressed On Therapy Photo

With continuing uncertainty over the safety of long term use of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), many women are seriously considering either coming off it or avoiding taking it altogether. However, finding a safe and effective replacement can be very confusing. So what can you do to escape the Menopausal Maze?

Q. I’m on HRT. What do I do to come off?

A. If you wish to come off HRT it is advisable to discuss this with your GP first and to plan the best way to stop. Recent indications suggest coming off gradually over three to four months is best. If you stop instantly you run the risk of developing severe symptoms. Wait until you completely stop the HRT before taking any of the hormonal remedies.

Q. I had menopausal symptoms before I went on to HRT. What do I do if they returning when I come off?

A. There are many natural remedies for menopausal symptoms. Match your symptoms with the remedies outlined below:
Hot flushes/night sweats
Sage tincture*
Hot flushes/night sweats, mood swing,
depression, aches and pains, vaginal dryness tincture of Black Cohosh*
Lethargy, stress, loss of libido, vaginal dryness
Siberian Ginseng* & Avena sativa
Stress, anxiety, mood swings
Avena sativa, Passiflora, Female Essence
Prevention of osteoporosis

* These remedies are not recommended if you have had or are having treatment for any hormonally induced cancer. Also check with your doctor or healthcare professional for any contraindications.

Q. I don’t have any menopausal symptoms despite my periods gradually disappearing. What should I take?

A. Lucky you! This is the way it is supposed to be! Maintain your diet and lifestyle and add in a vitamin E supplement and Urticalcin to help prevent osteoporosis. If you do start to experience any symptoms, consider the remedies listed above.

Q. I am 65 (live in Seattle) and I am still experiencing flushes and irritation. What can I take?

A. If you are over 65 or your menopause started more than 10 years ago it is more than likely that your own hormone levels have tailed off and that, if you are experiencing what looks like menopausal symptoms it may, in fact, indicate adrenal stress. A hormonal remedy such as Menosan or Black Cohosh is unlikely to work. Try Urtica (nettle), a vitamin B complex and a magnesium supplement. If you feel stressed or anxious take Avena sativa or Passiflora Complex too.

Here is some general advice on a pain free menopause –
There are many simple things you can do for yourself regardless of the symptoms you may be experiencing.

Eat a well balanced, wholesome diet and don’t miss meals low blood sugar levels can trigger hot flushes!
Ensure that you have regular bowel movements (at least one a day) constipation can be a major factor in causing hot flushes!
Drink plenty of plain water at least a liter and a half.
Take regular exercise a brisk half hour walk a day can work wonders!
Deal with stress. Stress causes the release of chemicals that promote hot flushes!
Take a mineral supplement. Your local health food shop will be able to advise you on a good quality one.

Drink coffee or other caffeinated drinks. These are a real no-no for the menopause. Take herb teas instead nettle is wonderful for hot flushes; drink a couple of cups a day.
Smoke. No need to say more!
Drink alcohol. If you must have the occasional drink, go for organic wine.

*Always consult your physician before implementing any advice you read online. We’re a newspaper not a doctor.

Beat Your Cold and Flu Symptoms Twice As Fast

Beating A Cold or Flu Twice As Fast

I hate being sick with anything. Living in Seattle in the tech field I work a lot so I really need to be healthy in my job. This is a highly technical report but you might find it useful when it comes to using Echinacea and beating the cold or flu twice as fast.

Years ago, a study commissioned by Bioforce AG showed that Echinaforce was well tolerated and was significantly more effective than placebo in the treatment of influenza infection (Brinkeborn R. M. et al., Phytomedicine 1999). Those using Echinacea experienced a resolution of their cold and flu symptoms twice as fast as those in the placebo group.

Between 2003 and 2006 further clinical studies were published in medical journals of high repute. In some the effect of different Echinacea products is a contentious issue, but the safety is universally described as good.

The quality of Echinacea products being tested is definitely of paramount importance, as is made abundantly clear by an American investigation into Echinacea preparations, which found that 10% of those taken from health stores contained no measurable Echinacea. Of those that actually contained Echinacea, 48% didn’t contain the amount they said they did on the label (Gilroy CM et al. Echinacea and truth in labeling. Arch Intern Med 2003; 163:699-704).

In both the Barrett (2002) and Taylor (2003) trials, which failed to demonstrate efficiency, the authors refer to the possibility that uncertainty as to the quality of the material used could have caused the negative outcome.

In 2004, Goel et al published a trial that demonstrated the efficiency of Echinacea in the treatment of colds and flu, when it is used as soon as a cold starts. At 7 days, 95% of the subjects using Echinacea were free of symptoms compared with only 63% in the placebo group. In their paper, Goel and colleagues note: the wide disparity in different preparations, lack of standardization of products on the basis of active components and undefined dosing procedures are some of the factors that seem to have led to inconsistent and non-reproducible results.

(Goel et al. J Clin Pharm Ther. 2004, 29 (1): 75 83.)

In 2005, Goel published another trial showing that volunteers taking Echinacea purpurea at the onset of a cold had a greater decrease in their daily symptom score than a placebo group. He found a significant and sustained increase in the number of circulating total white blood cells, monocytes, neutrophils and NK cells, as well as an improved mopping up of free radicals, and deduced that this may have led to a faster resolution of the cold

symptoms. (Goel et al. Phytother Res. 2005 Aug; 19 (8): 689-94.)

Much negative or inconclusive work has been done on Echinacea angustifolia, and nothing can be deduced about the effect of Echinacea purpurea from this. The positive results achieved by Brinkeborn and Goel both involved ethanolic extracts (tinctures) of Echinacea purpurea produced from freshly harvested plant material.

In 2004 we were also delighted by the work published by Gertsch, in collaboration with the Clinical Trials Dept. staff at Bioforce AG, which discovered a definitive mechanism of action for Echinaforce. This work pinpointed the action of alkylamides in modulating production of TNF-a (Gertsch J et al. FEBS Letters 2004; 577: 563 569), and confirmed our opinion that Echinaforce is an immunomodulator rather than an immunostimulant.

In 2006 more good news has arrived in the shape of the Cochrane Report, which reviewed 16 controlled clinical trials investigating the effectiveness of several different Echinacea preparations for preventing and treating common colds. They concluded that some preparations based on Echinacea purpurea (including the aerial parts) might be effective for shortening the duration or decreasing the severity of cold symptoms in adults if taken after the onset of those symptoms. (The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2006, Issue 1. Art. No.: CD000530.pub2.)

Then a paper co-authored by two Bioforce AG staff and Professor Johnston from the National Heart and Lung Institute at the Imperial College London examined the data from three Echinacea prevention trials and concluded that there is evidence that use of Echinacea was effective in the prevention of the symptoms of the common cold.

Those using Echinacea were less likely to develop colds when compared to placebo, reducing the incidence by about half. (Schoop R et al. Clinical Therapeutics. 2006: 1: 10.)

As you can see, there is plenty of research showing the efficacy of high quality Echinacea purpurea products, containing the aerial parts, and made from freshly harvested herb.

Other Echinacea products may not be as effective, which brings us back to the need for consumers to be aware that-

All Echinaceas are not the same!

And they need to be very discriminating about which Echinacea they use.

*Always consult with a physician before taking our advice. We are a Seattle newspaper and are not doctors.

Taking a Zinc Supplement

Zinc Supplements For Healthy Living

Recently, when advising a young male patient in Seattle, I recommended he take a zinc supplement. I don’t like taking pills can’t I get it in food? What foods is it in: I’ll eat more of those, he said.

This is a sensible reaction and I welcome it in many cases. Nutrient questions are pretty popular in my physician office in Seattle Washington. In this example – there are situations, however, where it doesn’t necessarily turn out to be the best option for rectifying imbalances in the body.

1. If the patient has poor digestive function and is therefore not absorbing nutrients efficiently from food, even if their diet is good.

2. If the nutritional deficiency is large and it would take a long time on a rather artificially constructed diet to make up the deficit.

3. If the nutrient in question is difficult to find in sufficient quantities in food sources. This is often the case where people are not eating organic food but food grown on nutrient-deprived soil, such as where intensive farming methods are practiced.

There are also certain situations in which people need to increase the supply of nutrients going into their bodies in order to meet increased demand.

1. When undertaking demanding sporting activities or doing a physically demanding job

2. When under pressure at work or at home, with harassing deadlines and insufficient sleep

3. When recovering from illness or coping with a long drawn out problem such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

In these situations, a supplement that provides extra quantities of vital nutrients such as the B vitamins or iron can be extremely helpful.

What is the best option for supplementing the diet?

Our bodies were designed to get their nutrients from food. Taking isolated nutrients that were synthesized in a laboratory isn’t very natural. The most logical option is to take extra nutrients in the form of foods, handily concentrated into a manageable form so that you don’t have to eat several extra meals a day. The reality is that we have so many poor food choices available to us. It’s not just a Seattle thing it is all over this country.

The body will recognize foods as its nutrient source and will be able to unwrap the package to utilize the contents efficiently its the natural way. Everything the nutrient needs to get into the system and work effectively there is present in the whole food form. Many extremely nutritious foodstuffs that you would find difficult to access on a regular basis are provided in botanical supplements sourced from foods, with nothing added or taken away.

So if you need a little extra to keep you going or bring you back to your best, look for botanical supplements, to make it easy for your body to take extra nutrients on board.

There you have it Seattle viewers – Zinc is important but make sure it is taken from a quality source. Some good sources include: Spinach, Shrimp, Pumpkin seeds, Garlic, and Watermelon Seeds to name a few.


*Before taking our advice in this article always consult with a local Seattle physician who is educated to give quality advice. We are a newspaper – not doctors.

Enhancing Your Circulatory System For Better Running

Enhancing Your Circulatory System With Running

I love running in and around Seattle. From Green Lake to Pioneer Square, I am always on the go. I’m a member of several running groups in Seattle and a Running Meetup as well. It is actually one of the my favorite things to do besides eating or sleeping honestly. I have several grandchildren and want to make sure I’m around for a long time and this means to respiratory and circulatory system need to be in tip top shape. I wasn’t always in this great shape though.

Pins and needles are one of the first signs by which we know that our circulatory system is perhaps not reaching the parts that it should. If your circulation is sluggish like mine was, the outlying regions such as fingers and toes will suffer they may be tingly, they may be cold, but they wont be happy. Here is why. The circulatory system is meant to transport blood around the body to take oxygen and nutrients to the cells and take waste matter away. This is vital: no oxygen means tissues die and no waste disposal means toxic build-up in the tissues.

Before anything quite so drastic happens, though, we get advance warning in the form of chilly hands and feet and the pins and needles that mean that blood flow is restricted. It’s not a good sign. The heart needs to be pumping strongly enough to get blood through the whole arterial system, right to those far-flung areas such as the toes. If you have low blood pressure, this is unlikely to be happening. Try Crataegus for 6 to 12 months to bring your blood pressure up to a healthier level. Running and getting in shape helps with this and that is why I’m constantly running around the City of Seattle.

Many people don’t realize that low blood pressure, whilst being useful for reducing heart attacks, causes other symptoms such as dizziness, light-headedness, fatigue and sensitivity to cold, due to the lack of oxygen getting
to the head and the other extremities.

The other factor that contributes to poor circulation is spasm in the arteries, especially the smaller ones that

lead further into the tissues and organs. Here, Ginkgo biloba will help you. It relaxes spasm in the small arteries and allows blood to flow more smoothly out to those areas that might not have had good deliveries for a while. I will take it daily and I believe it helps overall with these issues.

If you’re not sure what is causing your poor circulation, do consult your doctor to check for contributing factors such as low blood pressure. It is safe to take Crataegus and Ginkgo together for a 6 to 12 month period if you want to give your whole circulatory system a good overhaul. If you are concerned about fatty deposits in the arteries, taking Crataegus in the form of Hawthorn-Garlic Capsules will be appropriate, as it contains further ingredients to address this issue.

Remember that you can’t take Ginkgo if you are on Aspirin or Warfarin. The recent research on Ginkgo biloba tincture revealed that it increased blood flow through the capillaries (the tiny blood vessels that lead off from small arteries, deep into the tissues and organs), and even opened up capillaries that were previously unused. Wonderful results from a simple herbal remedy!

Hope this article helps our Seattle residents with better health and happy living. Now go for a run!

*Be sure to always consult a physician before starting any fitness program or taking our advice. The Emerald City Journal Newspaper recommends doing your own research about this topic and verify with a Seattle physician to implement the procedures expressed in this article.

Woody Allen and the Depiction of Strong Women in Film

Woody Allen Photo

Women in film have come a long way. There was a certain way that women were depicted in film that painted them as demure and always a second fiddle to a male character. Even distinct female characters in films still relied on a man to either save the day or protect them from either an emotional or physical calamity. Typically the female character would follow same trope. They mostly had the same characteristics and never quite had the depth that the males character did in film. It was hard to come by a distinct female lead that had in depth character development.

Woody Allen is one of the most recognizable filmmakers of the current and last century. He is known for some of the most prominent films in the last 60 years. Since 1965 Allen has been making films but some of his most loved and cherished films involved some interesting and thought provoking portrayals of women. Movies like Annie Hall, Hannah and her Sisters, Vicky Cristina Barcelona, and Manhattan were all well received by critics and audiences. Some of these films won awards and most of them top multiple lists as some of the most humorous or influential films of the last 100 years. As such a prolific director, Allen covered a variety of topics in his movies mostly relating to relationships and gender issues. But out of all his movies, the ones that had a strong, well-developed female character have been his most loved films.

The women characters in Allen’s movies experience a wide variety of emotions and experience complex situations that help them grow as characters. The movies that have these strong female characters show women that did not conform to the gender stereotypes that were prevalent during that time. It was a departure from the standard female characters in most movies. Leading up to the 1960’s there are a very formulaic portrayal of women in film. The gender stereotypes were rooted in the belief that women in movies were meant to be seen and not heard. Men dominated the complex character narrative and women were relegated to background noise. Woody Allen changed that and created substantial roles for women.

There was a change in how women were viewed in the 1940’s because of the war. When all the men left to fight in the war, women took over in the workplace. They had to take over in different work fields that normally didn’t hire women. They experienced their first sense of freedom outside the home. Women felt like they were accomplishing big things for the first time in their lives. It was a huge step forward for women’s rights. They got the taste of freedom for the first time.

Things changed though when the men came back from war. The women were then sent back to their homes and expected continue on like they did before. It was a struggle because some of these women wanted to once again go out into the workforce and contribute to their household in a different way. But they found it difficult to find jobs. When all the men were off fighting, jobs were in abundance. However, once the men came home, the opportunity dried up but women in general didn’t want to go back to the way things were. Although the pressure to remain at home was strong, women wanted to start pursuing careers and to gain independence.

In the 1950’s this attitude that women should only contribute to the domestic part of household was still very prevalent but women wanted more. Even though they didn’t quite make any headway until later, women started wanting a new representation of what a woman should embody. The Hays Code, otherwise know as the Motion Picture Production Code, was a censorship code in Hollywood that dictated how women were supposed to be represented in films. The code dictated that women had to be married in the film and had to live a domestic life. The women characters had to also had to been shown enjoying this domestic lifestyle. This general representation of women in film started to become less and less appealing to a lot of women who made up a majority of moviegoers in the 1950’s and leading up into the 1960’s.

The 1950’s was considered the Golden Age for Hollywood. The same seven studios churned out movies at a phenomenal pace. These movies followed the same plot, contained the same character development and had the same themes. Women soon grew tired of these trite plots that no longer fit the new narrative. Women were looking for a new type of character and a new type of plot. They wanted the focus to be more about the women characters than the male and they wanted new plot lines and more character development.

Starting in the 1960’s there was a change in attitude when it came to the movie going experience and filmmakers like Woody Allen answered that call. At a time when women were still fighting to gain equal ground, Allen was creating complex female characters that were memorable. Audiences found his plots and characters to be thoughtful, unique and rare. Allen had already made a name for himself as a stand up comedian and a writer and as he delved into directing and writing screenplays, he garnered even more praise and accolades for his genius. His movies that featured strong female characters however are considered some of the most funny and endearing movies of the 100 years.

Woody Allen got his start writing jokes for pay starting at the age of 17. He even had an agent who would sell them to different newspaper publications. He tried attending college but the traditional education route was not for him. He attended New York University and the later attended City College of New York but both times, he ended up dropping out. Soon it wouldn’t matter because at the very young age of 19, he was able to join the NBC Writer’s Development Program in 1955. This was his true start in Hollywood that would soon lead to a very successful career.

The writers program soon led to a full time job working for The NBC Comedy Hour in Los Angeles. He started writing full scripts for shows like The Ed Sullivan Shows, Candid Camera and The Tonight Show. Allen began to gain the reputation as a diligent writer who would spend hours and hours writing a script. Even though he was able to quickly turn around a script, they were still quality scripts. His humor was unparalleled at that time and people started to refer to Allen as a genius.

His writing career soon led to a career in stand up comedy. At first, his humor and stand up routine was not appreciated. Allen focused more on the stand up monologue routine versus telling one joke after another. People did not appreciate the monologue style at first and Allen himself was not like typical stand up comedians during the 1960’s. He had a nervous, intellectual affectation that people didn’t quite understand. However, as attitudes about entertainment began to change so did Allen’s popularity.

The 1960’s saw a radical change in how women viewed their world. Even though the Women’s Rights movement had its roots in the late 19th century and the early 20th century, there was a huge resurgence in the 1960’s. Women were pursuing their intellectual interests along with their careers interests. Women were out protesting for their rights and the 1960’s kick started deep cultural changes in society. Along with this change in attitude came the change in attitudes towards entertainment. This change in the 1960’s led to more women being portrayed in movies as independent people. Female characters started to take center stage in films and Woody Allen was the perfect writer to help bring intricate female characters to life.

Woody Allen’s greatest work involves female characters that are funny, multifaceted and complicated. One of his most famous movies, Annie Hall, received widespread critical acclaim and won the Academy Award for Best Picture in 1978. The movie also won Best Director, Best Original Screen play, and Best Actress. The lead female character, played by Diane Keaton, became one of the most well-loved and well-known female characters of the 20th century. It is hailed as the most loved Woody Allen movie of all time. The plot of the movie follows the comedian Alvy Singer as he tries to find out the reason behind the demise of his relationship with his ex Annie Hall. There are many themes that follow throughout the film, but the character of Annie Hall was the true standout.

The character of Annie Hall is so vivid and down to earth. Women admired the character’s distinct fashion style that was more masculine than feminine. The audience watches as she transforms into an ambitious artist who starts to experiment with life. Annie Hall experiences complex character growth that shows a sense of independence and exploration. She grows to be a very multifaceted character that had mass appeal. The character of Annie Hall is still one of the most loved movie characters of all times. Thanks to the success of this movie Allen then felt the confidence to write more scripts that involved substantial roles for women. He was giving some amazing female actresses the chance to take on the challenge of a complex character.

Women for decades were cast in a certain light in Hollywood. They were given the same typical roles with the same plots in movie after movie. This monotony soon gave way thanks to the need and want for movies with substantial female leads. The entrainment industry in the 1950’s and 1960’s began to experience a decline in profits thanks to a lack of interest. The reason for the lack of interest is that the wants and needs of the typical moviegoer changed. People wanted films that were more intellectual and thoughtful. The Women’s Rights movement helped to aid the change in Hollywood. More and more roles were being written for women. Doors slowly starting opening for women in the entertainment industry and Woody Allen led the way by writing substantial female leads in his movies.

In the NY Times article titled “Annie and Her Sisters”, the author delves into the complexities of Allen and his female leads. There have been a lot of criticism aimed at Allen over the years, but the one thing he says that he has never been accused of is writing poor female leads. Woody Allen himself said in the article, “People have criticized me for being narcissistic. People criticized me for being a self-hating Jew, that’s come up. But not being able to create good women was not aimed at me very often.”

Woody Allen is considered a genius. His movies are considered some of the best movies in the history of films but his most beloved films involved female leads. He writes beautiful, well-rounded female characters that experience life in a unique way and experience growth and independence from those experiences. He writes a female lead that audiences relate to and love. He has the unique ability to write a female character that comes from his ability to observe women and then translate those observations into a beautifully written script. He was one of the directors that really helped to usher in an era in Hollywood that includes some very memorable roles for women.

[Woody Allen Biography]

Sharon Bush’s Work With Protein Matrix

Sharon Bush with Protein Matrix works to reduce grease buildup.

Protein Matrix is a product meant to break down and remove substances from pipelines. The solution is meant to break down substances including fats, oils, and grease (FOG). Protein Matrix is environmentally friendly, cost-efficient, and doesn’t use harsh chemicals like many of the other products out on the market. What happens to things poured down residential drains? Unfortunately, substances build up over time and stick to sewage pipes. Fats, oils, and grease can disintegrate and damage pipelines. Many of these buildups will come from everyday household items, especially residue and bits from food leftovers that make their way down the drain. Many people don’t realize what they put down their drains can have a negative environmental impact. Sharon Bush is the driving force behind Protein Matrix.

Protein Matrix works in a two-step process. The components of the protein matrix are specially made to break down and prevent the buildup of excess materials within a pipeline. In the second step, the breakdown of buildup materials are converted into a flowable non harmful product. The broken-down product can be more easily digested by water waste treatment and allows the pipelines not to be full of excess build up.

Protein Matrix is essential in preventing sewer spills. All the buildup that occurs in pipelines will eventually lead to unfortunate and unwanted sewer problems. If there is sewage backup, it can lead to overflow, and that is often an undesirable situation. Flooding is inconvenient, expensive, and preventable. If you could prevent contact with sewage overflow that is filled with potentially harmful bacteria, you would want to. Overflow sewage can find its way into all kinds of different unwanted places including parks, lakes, and yards. Protein Matrix is a proactive solution to sewage buildup that could lead to unwanted spills. Instead of having to repair damaged sewer pipelines that have had build-up, you could use Protein Matrix to break down materials that have built up over time and maintain pipeline structural integrity in an environmentally friendly way. While sewage spills are unsightly, there are also health consequences of being exposed to material that is meant to be contained.

Protein Matrix is an excellent alternative to environmentally harmful products that are currently used to break down sewage build up. When a newer and more productive product comes to the market, it takes time to overtake older and outdated methods. Lye (sodium hydroxide) was commonly used to maintain FOG complications. While this was the standard for many years, there are now more environmentally friendly and useful methods. Protein Matrix doesn’t hurt the pipes while it is breaking down the material buildup. It works hard to break down the built-up FOG without harming the pipes.  Protein Matrix is water-based, biodegradable, non-toxic, nonvolatile, and nonflammable. Protein Matrix can be used on more than just sewage systems. As just one example, it can also be used on commercial kitchen baking racks as a degreaser. There is peace of mind knowing that a product that is tough enough to break down FOG in industrious sewer pipes are also just as safe to be used in a kitchen setting.

Sharon Bush has done work with numerous philanthropic organizations, promoting the ideals of love and family. Across her various efforts, she’s worked to help numerous causes, including education, pollution remediation, and other nonprofit organizations. Her contributions have helped further advance these causes, helping people around the world. Read more about Sharon Bush:

You can follow Sharon Bush on her website:

The Story of Tesla & Elon Musk


Tesla was founded in 2003 by a group of engineers in Silicon Valley. This group wanted to make an electric car with instant torque, power, and zero emission—something better than the existing gasoline-powered car. The mission was to move the world towards sustainable energy. Building, financing, and creating Tesla did not come without it’s challenges—both early and late in the game.

Tesla was and is unlike any car built before. The steep learning curve of creating a consumer friendly electronic car was a bold move for a group of Silicon Valley engineers, and success did not come overnight. The story of Tesla is touch and go. Trying to innovate new work while fixing arising problems. Tesla’s engineers first designed a power-train for a sports car built around an AC induction motor, patented in 1888 by Nikola Tesla, the inventor who inspired the company’s name.

The face of Tesla today is Elon Musk although he was not the founder of the company. Tesla was founded by Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning in July 2003. Their mission was to make an electric sports car. This was not the first time an electric car had been attempted, but Tarpenning and Eberhard wanted to take a different spin on how other manufacturers envisioned the car. Eberhard and Tarpenning connected with Elon Musk when while attending a conference at Stanford University where Musk was speaking. Eberhard approached Musk about the idea of an electric sports car. Eberhard realized that Musk was the first guy he had met who shared his vision for electric cars, ‘Make a vastly superior car, not just a car that sucks less’.

According to Tesla News, Musk led the company’s $7.5 million Series A financing round in February 2004. This is when Musk became Chairman of the Board for Tesla. In February 2005, Elon Musk again led another round of financing to get $13 million more into the company during the development of the yet-announced Tesla Roadster. Then, in 2007, the company raised a $40 million Series C co-led by Musk and Technology Partners. Musk was invested financially and motivated to see Tesla succeed.

On July 19th, 2006 Tesla’s first production vehicle was shown by CEO Martin Eberhard and the company’s chairman Elon Musk at an invite-only event at the Santa Monica airport. The high of this event was short lived because by the end of 2007 because Tesla was burning through company money at an unsustainable rate and needed different leadership. In December 2007, Ze’ev Drori, a successful high-tech entrepreneur and proven chief executive, became CEO and President. In October 2008, Musk succeeded Drori as CEO. Drori became Vice Chairman, but then left the company in December. By this time, Musk had put $70 million of his own money into Tesla.

In 2008 Tesla Motors released its first car, the completely electric Roadster. In company tests, it achieved 245 miles on a single charge, a range unparalleled for a manufacture electric car. Additional tests showed that its performance was comparable to that of many gasoline-powered sports cars. The Roadster could accelerate from 0 to 60 miles per hour in less than 4 seconds and could reach a top speed of 125 miles per hour. The lightweight car body was made of carbon fiber. The Roadster produced no tailpipe emissions, as it did not use an internal-combustion engine. The vehicle’s electric motor was powered by lithium-ion cells. Despite a federal tax credit of $7,500 for purchasing an electric vehicle, the Roadster’s cost of $109,000 made it a luxury item. Not yet a car accessible economically to the general public. If the end goal was making sustainable energy accessible, the cost of the car had to come down. In 2010 Tesla raised $226 million. It became the first America car company to go public since Ford in 1956.

In 2012, Tesla launched Model S, the world’s first premium electric sedan. Built from the ground up to be 100 percent electric, Model S has redefined the very concept of a four-door car. With room for seven passengers and more than 64 cubic feet of storage, Model S provides the comfort and utility of a family sedan while achieving the acceleration of a sports car: 0 to 60 mph in about five seconds. Its flat battery pack is integrated into the chassis and sits below the occupant cabin, lending the car a low center of gravity that enables outstanding road holding and handling while driving 265 miles per charge. Model S was named Motor Trend’s 2013 Car of the Year and achieved a 5-star safety rating from the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

In 2012 Tesla stopped production of the Roadster to concentrate on its new Model S sedan, which was acclaimed by automotive critics for its performance and design. It came with three different battery options, which gave estimated ranges of 235 or 300 miles. The battery option with the highest performance gave an acceleration of 0 to 60 miles per hour in slightly over 4 seconds and a top speed of 130 miles per hour. Unlike the Roadster, which carried its batteries at the front of the car, the Model S had its underneath the floor, which gave extra storage space in front and improved handling because of its low center of gravity.

In late 2014, Tesla CEO Elon Musk unveiled two dual motor all-wheel drive configurations of Model S that further improve the vehicle’s handling and performance. The 85D features a high efficiency motor at the front and rear, giving the car unparalleled control of traction in all conditions. The P85D pairs a high efficiency front motor with a performance rear motor for super car acceleration, achieving a 0 to 60 mph time of 3.2 seconds – the fastest four-door production car ever made. Tesla managed to make the P85D even faster in July of 2015. The car’s “Insane” mode becomes “Ludicrous” mode, shaving the 0-60 speed from 3.1 seconds to 2.8 seconds. Unlike the first improvement, the upgrade isn’t free this time. Requiring new hardware that can handle higher voltages without melting, the upgrade costs $5,000 for existing P85D owners. With this upgrade, the P85D becomes one of the Top 20 fastest accelerating production cars in the world.

In March of 2016, Tesla revealed a more affordable Model 3. The base model will start at $35,000 and is scheduled to start shipping at the end of 2017. Pre-orders opened the night of the announcement. By the end of the evening 150,000 orders had been recorded. That is three times more Tesla shipped in all of 2015.
Tesla’s vehicles are produced at its factory in Fremont, California, previously home to New United Motor Manufacturing Inc., a joint venture between Toyota and General Motors. The Tesla Factory has returned thousands of jobs to the area and is capable of producing 2,000 cars a week.

The company is expanding its manufacturing footprint into other areas, including in Tilburg, the Netherlands, where it has an assembly facility, and Lathrop, California, where it has a specialized production plant. To reduce the costs of lithium ion battery packs, Tesla and key strategic partners including Panasonic have begun construction of a gigafactory in Nevada that will facilitate the production of a mass-market affordable vehicle, Model 3. By 2018, the gigafactory will produce more lithium ion cells than all of the world’s combined output in 2013. The gigafactory will also produce battery packs intended for use in stationary storage, helping to improve robustness of the electrical grid, reduce energy costs for businesses and residences, and provide a backup supply of power.

Today, Elon Musk is considered to be one of the most influential inventors of the 21st century.

How does the Bair Hugger Work?

Surgery with Bair Hugger by 3M

Surgery can be pretty intimidating and is very serious business. Most people heading into a surgery are worried about potential complications and a long, painful recovery. Although complications are rare, they can happen. For example, sometimes there can be excessive bleeding during surgery, delayed healing after the surgery, and patients can get infections during surgery. There are certain factors that can exacerbate or lead to these complications. But thankfully, modern science has helped to create a device that helps reduce the risk of complications during surgery. The Bair Hugger is a forced-air warming system owned by 3M to prevent and treat hypothermia and to help prevent other complications in patients during surgery. The Bair Hugger has become an integral addition to thousands of operating rooms in hospitals all over the United States.

No matter how safe or commonplace a surgery might be an individual undergoing any surgical procedure is bound to face complications. There is a reason why patients must sign release forms previous to a surgery. In the late 80’s, a certain device was introduced in surgical rooms that helped to greatly reduce the potential side effects and complications from surgery. The Bair Hugger system includes blankets, warming units and accessories and has been used on more than 180 million patients in more than 80 percent of the hospitals in the United States. The inventor of the Bair Hugger was focused on trying to solve the common issue of hypothermia during surgery. The body while under anesthesia has a difficult time maintaining its temperature. Almost all patients become hypothermic during surgery. When a person becomes hypothermic, their body expels heat faster than it can produce it.

Hypothermia is very common during the first hour of surgery and the longer the patient’s body remains hypothermic, the more likely they would be that they would have to receive a transfusion. Dr. Daniel Sessler, of the Department of Outcomes Research at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, told Reuters Health that, “Most patients become hypothermic during the first hour of anesthesia and then temperature slowly returns toward normal, so that by the end of the surgery most patients are normothermic,” Dr. Sessler told Reuters Health in a telephone interview. “But the amount of hypothermia that we saw and the number of hypothermic patients was fairly high, and the amount of hypothermia was significantly associated with the need for blood transfusion.”

Bair Hugger Warmer Unit 505
Bair Hugger Warmer Unit 505
Dr. Sessler also has spoken out about the benefits of forced air warming during surgery. He said that, “One approach you could use is to pre-warm patients, say, for a half hour before surgery. That effectively loads the body with heat, and then their core temperature decreases less.” The pre-warming will help to reduce the risk of the body temperature dropping during surgery hence helping to greatly reduce complications from hypothermia. This is why the Bair Hugger is so important. This forced-air, warming system is the best way to help maintain the temperature of an individual during a surgery.

The Bair Hugger warming unit is a very straightforward system. It consists of a warming unit and a disposable blanket. The disposable blanket is connected to the warming unit via a tube. The blanket is placed on top of the patient and warm air is gently forced into the blanket and then it circulates through the blanket. The blankets are designed to use the pressure points on the body to prevent heat from reaching areas that are at risk for pressure sores or burns. The blankets also include drainage holes where the fluid can drain from the surface of the blanket to a piece of linen underneath. The drainage system is to help reduce the risk of skin softening and also reduce the risk of heat loss from evaporation. The blankets are disposable in order to help prevent the chance of infection transmission from patient to patient.

Currently 3M is the owner of the Bair Hugger. A company named Arizant originally owned the Bair Hugger until Arizant was bought by 3M. The company that is best known for the post-it note, also has products for sale in a variety of fields including healthcare. They also offer a variety of infection prevention products that include casts and splints, fluid warmers, hygiene monitors, drapes, masks and respirators, sterilization monitors and temperature monitors.

The popularity of the Bair Hugger is undeniable. Doctors and hospitals all over the United States use the Bair Hugger every day to help prevent hypothermia. However, there is an outspoken critic to the Bair Hugger and it happens to be the individual who invented it. The doctor that invented the Bair Hugger has publically stated that he believes that the Bair Hugger can cause surgical site infections. However, numerous studies were conducted that have proved those claims to be incorrect. Both internal and external studies were conducted and over 60 clinical trials proved that the Bair Hugger is safe and effective. Dr. Javad Parvizi, Professor of Orthopedic Surgery, Rothman Institute at Thomas Jefferson University, analyzed the evidence presented that FAW increased infections. He said, “There is no scientific proof that the use of forced-air warming blankets lead to an increase in surgical site infection regardless of the type of surgical procedure and the type of operating room.”

The Bair Hugger system is the preferred patient warming device in 8 out of the top 10 orthopedic hospitals in the United States. Regardless of 3M backing the product, hospitals have been using the system for decades now and have the scientific backing to prove that it is the best system on the market. Numerous studies have been conducted and numerous clinical trials have taken place that help bolster the claims that the Bair Hugger is the best product on the market.


The History of SpaceX & Elon Musk


SpaceX was founded in 2002 by Entrepreneur Elon Musk. The company headquarters are located in Hawthorne, California. SpaceX designs, manufactures and launches advanced rockets and spacecraft. The company vision is to revolutionize space technology, with the goal of enabling people to live on other planets. Musk wants humans on Mars–to flourish, live, and create an ‘Earth-like’ planet over time. But why Mars? The reason to go is that we have two paths as humans, Musk said: One path is we stay on Earth forever and eventually face an extinction event. The alternative is to become a space-faring and multi-planetary species, “which I hope you would agree that is the right way to go.” The goal then is to create a self-sustaining city that isn’t just an outpost, he explained, but that “can become a planet in its own right.” Mars makes sense for this because of several reasons, including its size similarity to Earth. If you want to read more about Elon Musk, check out the exclusive article on the Emerald City Journal about how he is the 21st century Father of invention.

The journey to Mars began in 2006 when Musk invested 100 million dollars into his start-up with the goal of building rockets. SpaceX has focused on three rockets, the Dragon, Falcon 9, and Falcon Heavy. SpaceX has gained worldwide attention for a series of historic milestones. It is the only private company ever to return a spacecraft from low-Earth orbit, which it first accomplished in December 2010. The company made history again in May 2012, when its Dragon spacecraft attached to the International Space Station, exchanged cargo payloads, and returned safely to Earth—a technically challenging feat previously accomplished only by governments. Since then Drago has delivered cargo to and from the space station multiple times, providing regular cargo resupply missions for NASA.
SpaceX has a busy future ahead, as a contract with NASA will fund its work. Under a $1.6 billion contract with NASA, SpaceX is flying numerous cargo resupply missions to the International Space Station, for a total of at least 20 flights under the Commercial Resupply Services contract. In 2016, NASA awarded SpaceX a second version of that contract that will cover a minimum of 6 additional flights from 2019 onward. Soon, SpaceX will carry crew as part of NASA’s Commercial Crew Program as well. Dragon was designed from the outset to carry astronauts and SpaceX is in the process of upgrading Dragon to make it crew-ready. SpaceX is the world’s fastest-growing provider of launch services and has over 70 future missions on its manifest, representing over $10 billion in contracts. These include commercial satellite launches as well as NASA and other US Government missions. Currently under development is the Falcon Heavy, which will be the world’s most powerful rocket. SpaceX continues to work toward one of its key goals—developing reusable rockets, a feat that will transform space exploration by delivering highly reliable vehicles at radically reduced costs.

Elon Musk official SpaceX biography below:

Musk believes that there are certain roadblocks to the colonization of Mars- the big issue being who wants to go and who can afford to go. Currently, the cost numbers about $10 billion per person. Musk is working to achieve overlap between people who want to go and people who can afford to go. His goal is to get the cost of moving to Mars around $200,000. The idea being that is people saved up and this was their primary goal, they could make it work. So how does Musk plan to make the cost reduction? Musk noted that this is where it gets tricky. How does one improve the cost of trips to Mars by 5 million percent? The key ingredients are full re-usability of ships and vehicles, and the rest is made up by refiling in orbit, producing more propellant on Mars for return trips, and choosing the right propellant to make that possible and efficient.

Musk said the more frequent the flights, the more the trip on a terrestrial aircraft goes down. He used an example to illustrate saying, “It cost $43 for LAX-to-San Diego flights, for instance, versus $1 million for single use trip if the aircraft were turned every time it made a run.” The number of times it’s feasible to re-use craft for Mars verses flying commercial on Earth, is less, since you can use the spaceship part only every two years. But the booster and tanked can be “used as much as you like,” letting you refill the spaceship in orbit and giving you a large payload capability for that spaceship’s trip to Mars.” The re-usability of ships back and forth between Mars is another key cost reduction ingredient, and that requires building a propellant plant on Mars, Musk said. Mars happens to work out well for that because of CO2 atmosphere and water ice in the soil. Managing fuel type also influences the cost and there are three main choices. These include kerosene, hydrogen/oxygen, and deep-cryo methalox. Musk’s target sustainable population is 1 million people for a Mars colony, and that means 100 people per trip is 10,000 trips. At that rate, it will take 40 to 100 years to colonize Mars. Musk notes how he wants the journey to Mars to be experienced. According to TechCrunch, “It has to be really fun and exciting, and can’t feel cramped or boring.” This means ships would include movies, cabins, restaurants, zero-gravity games, and whatever else is thought up.

Between the testing funded by NASA and the cost-reduction problem, getting to Mars will take time? But the question is, how much time? Musk said that SpaceX is looking to compete the first development spaceship in about four years, and to starting doing server like flights within that time. Musk said he would probably name the first ship that goes to Mars Heart of Gold, referencing the ship from Hitchhiker’s Guide to The Galaxy. “I like that it’s driven by infinite improbability because our ships is also infinitely improbably.”

SpaceX Secures Mars Rocket Factory in Los Angeles

A true entrepreneur, Musk founded his third company, in 2002 called Space Exploration Technologies Corporation, or SpaceX with the intention of building spacecraft for commercial space travel. The company has excelled in the past two years, and just hit another important milestone. The factory for the Big Falcon Rocket, produced by SpaceX, will be built in the Port of Los Angeles, according to media reports. SpaceX has secured the necessary approval from the LA Board of Harbor Commissioners to proceed with the factory.

CEO Elon Musk expects the new rocket to be around 350 feet high and around 30 feet in diameter. This size will require the space vehicle to be transported on an ocean-going barge to Cape Canaveral, Florida, via the Panama Canal. The location of the factory near a waterfront will make it easy to transport the rocket for testing and its consequent launch. The launch vehicle’s design makes it reusable, and it will be built in two different parts, the booster stage, and the upper stage. The booster will handle the operations related to the landing capacities of the Falcon rockets, while the upper stage will be built to transport satellites, supplies, as well as people. According to a Port executive, Florida, Texas and Louisiana were considered as alternatives for building the BFR, whose 30-foot diameter is too large to transport by a truck like Falcon rockets and requires that it be barged. The Port of Los Angeles will charge SpaceX $1.38 million per annum. “This is the perfect spot to build our big rocket,” said Bruce McHugh, SpaceX’s director of construction and real estate, during a public meeting of the Los Angeles Board of Harbor Commissioners. Based on the necessary land surveys, the waterfront of the Los Angeles port appeared as the most suitable site. The new rocket manufacturing facility is expected to be built on a 19-acre plot on the mostly artificial island that’s part of the port.

SpaceX has made its mark in the space industry and has emerged as a competitor among other successful companies. One of their major milestones can be marked on Feb. 6, 2018 when SpaceX successfully launched the Falcon Heavy which is the most powerful operational rocket in the world. While the launch is a technical and style feat in itself, SpaceX has also achieved a business feat. The company has radically reduced the costs of launching a rocket. Musk has talked about the reusability of technology being a contributing factor to colonizing Mars. The first trip in 2022 would drop off equipment made to harvest water and carbon dioxide from the air and convert it into methane using solar energy. That fuel would be stored in depots to refill Earth-bound BFRs. The second trip in 2024 which would be crewed by astronauts. The company is building this craft to take people to the Red Planet and other destinations throughout the solar system. The spaceship will likely accommodate 100 or more passengers at a time. SpaceX has said it plans to use the BFR to help establish a million-person city on Mars, ideally in the next half-century or so.

The first crewed Red Planet mission could come in the 2020s, according to Musk. Musk has said, “People have told me that my timelines, historically, have been optimistic,” Musk said at SXSW. Between Tesla release dates and SpaceX launch delays, Musk has a sense of humor about the process of being an innovator and entrepreneur. Key to his thinking is the concept of reusability, part of the reason the Falcon 9 mission was such a milestone for SpaceX. The same vehicle could fly again and again. Musk knows that future technology must also be sustainable. This is his whole outlook, not to just advance society, but to sustain one. In 2012, SpaceX advertised a launch price of $57 million for Falcon 9, a two-stage rocket designed and manufactured by the company to transport satellites. At that point of time, the market for rocket launches was dominated by Arianespace, a French company that had a head start of more than three decades over SpaceX. The ultimate goal of SpaceX is to colonize Mars. Human civilization faces many grave threats over the long haul, from asteroid strikes and climate change to artificial intelligence run amok, Musk has said over the years. Musk has warned for some time about the dangers to AI and the threat that it poses the survival of humanity. In a span of five years, Musk has led SpaceX to close the gap between cost and competition. SpaceX has been working to make its rockets partially reusable since as early as 2011. Up until this year, pretty much all orbital rockets have been expendable, so they’re disposed of once they launch into space. That means an entirely new rocket, which can cost tens to hundreds of millions of dollars to make, must be built for each mission to orbit. SpaceX’s strategy has been to land its rockets after launch to fly them again and again. SpaceX has become more cost-efficient with this success. The company can now save hundreds of millions when launching rockets. Regardless of its inspirations, the company was forced to adopt a goal, make it cheaper. With rocket technology, Musk has said, “you’re really left with one key parameter against which technology improvements must be judged, and that’s cost.”

As previously mentioned Musk believes that humans have the best chance of survival if they are a multi-planetary species. Musk said he would probably name the first ship that goes to Mars Heart of Gold, referencing the ship from Hitchhiker’s Guild to The Galaxy. “I like that it’s driven by infinite improbability because our ships are also infinitely improbably,” Musk said. Musk doesn’t sugarcoat his feeling about humans and their ability to repeat mistakes without realizing how large the implications could be. “Last century, we had two massive world wars — three if you count the Cold War,” Musk said earlier this month at the SXSW festival in Austin, Texas. “I think it’s unlikely that we’ll never have another world war again,” Musk said. As bleak as these statements might seem for the future of humanity, it isn’t as far-fetched to see that we could ultimately destroy our species with how we treat our world and rising international tension. Rather than a pessimist, Musk is a realist, with a plan. Obtaining the proper space to build this history-changing rockets puts Musk and his team on their way to colonizing Mars. The mayor of LA is excited about this opportunity to help the company. Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said, “This is a vehicle that holds the promise of taking humanity deeper into the cosmos than ever before,” further adding about the benefits of employment creation in the region, “And this isn’t just about reaching into the heavens. It’s about creating jobs right here on Earth.” And Musk has been rather blunt in saying that to keep jobs on earth, we need to extend our presence outside of the planet we currently inhabit. The new factory expected to employ around 700 people.

What does it take to build a successful business or empire? Entrepreneurs look at the Elon Musk’s of the world and ask themselves the same thing. How has he been as successful as has? Entrepreneurs can often rub people the wrong way because they’re passionate about what they’re working towards and show it. They typically have strong opinions and personalities and aren’t afraid to tell you what they think. This is what makes them so successful. Most entrepreneurs fail a business or start-up at some point. They are risk-takers and dreamers at heart. The difference between your average Joe and an entrepreneur, is that failure is not a roadblock to an entrepreneur but will fuel them into another venture. An entrepreneur puts in more hours and can see beyond the everyday operations of a business and does more dirty grit work than anyone will ever know about. They do not listen to those who say ‘it can’t be done,’ they are too busy working to make it happen. If you get caught up in the “buts” or little details of things, it will be difficult to get out of your own way. Entrepreneurs chose to look past what others see as obstacles and think of what ‘could be.’ They think bigger than most people. This vision is fueled by the right people, a healthy dose of confidence, and a work ethic that doesn’t quit. Between SpaceX and Tesla, there were plenty of times other people would have thrown the towel in. Musk wants humans on Mars–to flourish, live, and create an ‘Earth-like’ planet over time. But why Mars? The reason to go is that we have two paths as humans, Musk said: One path is we stay on Earth forever and eventually face an extinction event. The alternative is to become a spacefaring and multi-planetary species, “which I hope you would agree that is the right way to go.” The goal then is to create a self-sustaining city that isn’t just an outpost, he explained, but that “can become a planet in its own right.”

Musk knew that it was a long shot to get SpaceX to where it stands today, but it’s a pretty big milestone have locked down a location where his company will be producing the BFR. Elon Musk poses a special kind of tenacity and perseverance that a leader of innovative companies should poses. Musk is a professional at maximizing time and energy. A recent email he sent to his company was praised for its professional, productive, and powerful message. Don’t waste time doing things that aren’t moving things forward. Musk is a professional at time management and getting things done. Sure, there might be setbacks and systems to improve with the BFR and getting to Mars, but that won’t stop him from moving forward. And when trying to do something that no one has done before, this is just the kind of thinking that is needed. The SpaceX website features a quote by Musk that nicely summarizes his motivation behind his efforts to colonize Mars. Musk says, “You want to wake up in the morning and think the future is going to be great – and that’s what being a spacefaring civilization is all about. It’s about believing in the future and thinking that the future will be better than the past. And I can’t think of anything more exciting than going out there and being among the stars.” SpaceX is often keeping people on their toes with a heavy lineup of rocket launches. This year projects the most robust rocket launching schedule we have seen. SpaceX technicians at Cape Canaveral are readying for the first launch of an upgraded Falcon 9 rocket configuration next week, a mission that will debut changes to make the launcher safer for astronauts and make it easier and less expensive for the company to reuse first stage boosters. The launch is set for the first week of May.

Elon Musk Shows Off ‘Tool’ on Instagram for Mars-Colonizing Spaceship

Colonizing Mars has always been Elon Musk’s vision for humanity. Creating sustainable technology, cost of experimentation and travel, and safely establishing life on a new planet have been viewed as ambitious undertakings. Musk is an active social media user and showed off his new “tool” for colonizing Mars in an Instagram post. The Instagram photo was of “the main body tool” for the BFR (Big Falcon Rocket, or Big F—ing Rocket). This post was shared shortly after Musk’s full paper, titled “Making Life Multi-Planetary,” published by the journal New Space. The paper published in the journal New Space is based on Elon Musk’s October 2017 talk that he gave in Australia. The action plan is starting to take shape, as shown in the Instagram post.

Elon Musk recently outlined in an academic paper on what life on the red planet could look like. The BFG is the key to these mars missions going efficiently. With the BFG the spaceflight system will be extremely flexible, and SpaceX has said it plans to use the rocket for a variety of purposes, from planetary settlement to satellite launches to point-to-point transportation of people here on Earth. Musk has said that the company aims to eventually phase out its other rockets and spacecraft and let BFR carry the load. SpaceX founder and CEO Elon Musk posted a photo on Instagram on April 8, 2018. It shows “the main body tool” for the company’s Mars-colonizing BFR spaceship, along with a Tesla car for scale. And the Tesla car looks like unimpressive next to the sizeable piece of machinery.

The company is building this craft to take people to the Red Planet and other destinations throughout the solar system. The spaceship will likely accommodate 100 or more passengers at a time. The BFR will also incorporate a rocket, which will feature 31 Raptor engines and be capable of lofting 150 tons to low Earth orbit. The BFR rocket-spaceship combo will stand 348 feet tall when stacked together, Musk has said, and both components will be fully reusable. SpaceX has said it plans to use the BFR to help establish a million-person city on Mars, ideally in the next half-century or so. The first crewed Red Planet mission could come in the 2020s, according to Musk.
The new photo isn’t the first clue of BFR progress that Musk has put out there. The entrepreneur said at the South by Southwest (SXSW) Conference in Austin, Texas, that construction of the first prototype BFR spaceship is underway. That vehicle could be ready for its first short test flights by the first half of 2019, he said. The Instagram post was a reminder the public know that they are working hard on the development of the rocket. Plus, it looks awesome next to the Tesla.

The ultimate goal of SpaceX is to colonize Mars. Human civilization faces many grave threats over the long haul, from asteroid strikes and climate change to artificial intelligence run amok, Musk has said over the years. Musk has warned for some time about the dangers to AI ad the threat that it poses the survival of humanity. Musk has recently commented on how we regulate AI and technology Amid the firestorm surrounding Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s Senate hearing, Tesla CEO Elon Musk, about the Facebook controversy during an interview Tuesday in California. “Do you think now is the time for regulations in Silicon Valley?” “I think whenever something is – whenever there’s something that affects the public good then there does need to be some form of public oversight. … I do think there should be some regulations on AI. I think there should be regulations on social media to the degree that it negatively affects the public good,” Musk said. Musk has a habit of bringing up his concern for AI in a fairly regular way. In a recent interview at SXSW talk, he said, “I’m very close to the cutting edge in AI,” Musk said, and that seems to both excite and scare him. “It’s capable of vastly more than almost anyone knows, and the rate of improvement is exponential,” he explained, using AlphaGo’s history of learning as an example. “Mark my words: AI is much more dangerous than nukes,” Musk warned, adding that there should be a “regulatory oversight” for the technology. “We have to ensure that the advent of digital super-intelligence is one which is symbiotic with humanity,” Musk said. “I think that’s the single, biggest existential crisis that we face — and the most pressing one.”

As previously mentioned Musk believes that humans have the best chance of survival if they are a multi-planetary species. Musk said he would probably name the first ship that goes to Mars Heart of Gold, referencing the ship from Hitchhiker’s Guild to The Galaxy. “I like that it’s driven by infinite improbability because our ships are also infinitely improbably,” Musk said. Musk doesn’t sugarcoat his feeling about humans and their ability to repeat mistakes without realizing how large the implications could be. “Last century, we had two massive world wars — three if you count the Cold War,” Musk said earlier this month at the SXSW festival in Austin, Texas. “I think it’s unlikely that we’ll never have another world war again, ” Musk has said. A true entrepreneur, Musk founded his third company, in 2002 called Space Exploration Technologies Corporation, or SpaceX with the intention of building spacecraft for commercial space travel. As bleak as these statements might seem for the future of humanity, it isn’t as far-fetched to see that we could ultimately destroy our species with how we treat our world and rising international tension. Rather than a pessimist, Musk is a realist, with a plan.

In his most recent academic paper, Musk focuses on what technology would be used, the importance of reusability, cost, and timelines. Musk elaborated on SpaceX’s plans to build a fully reusable system. Explained in his new study and presentation, the spaceship can be refilled with fuel while in orbit, then fired off to the moon, Mars, or somewhere else in the solar system. SpaceX’s first missions to Mars would come in 2022 and 2024, according to Musk’s plan — though he has emphasized that the timeline is “aspirational.” “People have told me that my timelines, historically, have been optimistic,” Musk said at SXSW. Between Tesla release dates and SpaceX launch delays, Musk has a sense of humor about the process of being an innovator and entrepreneur. The first trip in 2022 would drop off equipment made to harvest water and carbon dioxide from the air and convert it into methane using solar energy. That fuel would be stored in depots to refill Earth-bound BFRs. The second trip in 2024 which would be crewed by astronauts.

In Musk’s paper, earth to earth transportation is addressed in the context of using the same technology as the BFR. Musk said, “most of what people consider to be long distance trips would be completed in less than half an hour. The great thing about going to space is there is no friction, so once you are out of the atmosphere, it will be smooth as silk. No turbulence. If we are building this thing to go to the Moon and Mars, then why not go to other places on Earth as well”?

Musk also addressed what life will look like on the red planet in his paper. “It will start off building just the most elementary infrastructure, just a base to create some propellant, a power station, blast domes in which to grow crops — all of the sorts of fundamentals without which you cannot survive,” Musk said. Using his own entrepreneurial wired brain, Musk also made a comment about the immense ventures and new ideas that mars could actualize. “And then really there’s gonna be an explosion of entrepreneurial opportunity because Mars will need everything from iron foundries to pizza joints. I think Mars should have great bars: The Mars Bar.” Musk has said SpaceX plans to test-launch the first spaceship on short “up-and-down flights” before the summer of 2019. This will likely occur at SpaceX’s remote facility in McGregor, Texas.

SpaceX recently applied to take over an 18-acre site in the Port of Los Angeles, which is 14 miles south of its Hawthorne, California headquarters. The goal appears to be the construction of a factory that will build the first BFR spaceships. Musk has said SpaceX plans to test-launch the first spaceship on short “up-and-down flights” before the summer of 2019.

Musk says, “Becoming a multi-planet species beats the hell out of being a single planet species. We would start off by sending a mission to Mars where it would be obviously just landing on the rocky ground or dusty ground.” Put simply; the stars are beginning to align for the very first testing campaign of full-scale prototypes of the rocket SpaceX intends to colonize Mars with. The company’s aspirational timelines can, of course, be expected to slip, but SpaceX is undeniably acquiring the hardware it will need to build those prototypes, near its prospective Port of San Pedro BFR factory, and essentially paving the way to initial hot-fire testing of a partially integrated spaceship sometime next year. A Tesla fan created a fun, Pixar-esque Elon Musk tribute video. Featuring scenes from Musk’s early days a student getting bullied, having a curiosity of life beyond earth, becoming a Silicon Valley entrepreneur to the Tesla and SpaceX CEO eventually making it to Mars, the short clip is an enjoyable watch from beginning to end. There are those out there who are cheerleading and campaigning for the dream to be a reality. SpaceX has been working to make its rockets partially reusable since as early as 2011. Up until this year, pretty much all orbital rockets have been expendable, so they’re disposed of once they launch into space. That means an entirely new rocket, which can cost tens to hundreds of millions of dollars to make, must be built for each mission to orbit. SpaceX’s strategy has been to land its rockets after launch to fly them again and again. SpaceX has become more cost-efficient with this success. The company can now save hundreds of millions when launching rockets. Musk is realistic in saying “For the people who go to Mars, it’ll be far more dangerous. It kind of reads like Shackleton’s ad for Antarctic explorers. ‘Difficult, dangerous, good chance you’ll die. Excitement for those who survive.’ That kind of thing,” the entrepreneur warned.

The Need for Forced Air Warming During Surgery

Hospital Professionals

There has been a lot of controversy lately about forced air warming blankets and their use during surgery. 3M’s popular product, the Bair Hugger has been one of the most popular forced-air warming systems (FAW) on the market. The Bair Hugger has been used thousands of times in thousands of hospitals across the United States. Currently, there are pending lawsuits against 3M claiming that the Bair Hugger causes infections post surgery. Attorneys are heavily advertising in multiple areas trying to convince previous patients that any complications they experienced post surgery were due to the Bair Hugger. If this were a valid issue then the lawsuits would be warranted. However, the lawsuits are baseless and have only caused unnecessary confusion and pain amongst people who truly have suffered. Frivolous lawsuits cause pointless panic and are a great way to generate cash flow for these law firms. It is important to break down exactly what the Bair Hugger does and how the system is used during surgery to help maintain normothermia. You can read more about the facts on the product based on science here on

Many people have questions about why a forced air warming system would even be used in the first place during their surgery. FAW systems and blankets have been used for decades in operating rooms everywhere. The rational behind using a warming blanket is to help maintain body temperature during the surgery. The reason why it is important to maintain body temperature is because it helps to reduce the risk of infection and it helps to reduce the chances of getting hypothermia. Patients under going general anesthesia are at risk of developing hypothermia during surgery because anesthesia causes an inhibition of thermoregulatory control in the body. Also because of the cooler temperatures required for a sterile surgical environment, the body can lose heat very quickly. These incidents can cause grave issues post surgery. A forced-air warming blanket can help resolve these issues and keep the body at a normal temperature during surgery.

Dr Michelle Stevens Photo
Dr Michelle Stevens – Chief Medical Officer at 3M
Not only is the Bair Hugger an important part of the surgery procedure, it safe as well. Did you know the Navy uses them and have an operational manual published. There have been numerous studies done on the Bair Hugger to prove that it is safe and doesn’t cause surgical site infections. In fact, Dr. Michelle Stevens, a Chief Medical Officer, was quoted as saying, ““There is not a single, credible scientific study that associates the Bair Hugger system with a surgical site infection. On the contrary, there is ample evidence that it actually helps patients.” There are particular claims that have been made about the Bair Hugger in these lawsuits that have been proven to be groundless. Every time a claim was made, a study would be conducted to disprove that claim. One claim is that the air-flow paths of the Bair Hugger units are contaminated with bacteria. Studies conducted on patients in real surgical settings found that the forced-air warming does not contaminate the sterile field or increase bacterial counts. Another claim that was made is that waste hot air convection currents transport contaminated air into the surgical site. These claims were tested in actual surgical conditions as well and it was discovered that the FAW does not increase bacterial count and may actually decrease it. They also discovered that the Bair Hugger does not created any waste hot air convection currents. The warm air released through the blanket quickly dissipates and mixes into the cooler operating room air. These and numerous other studies have proven time and time again that forced air warming is safe and effective.

So if studies have shown the Bair Hugger to be safe, why are they so many lawsuits? The answer is simple. Unfortunately, the original inventor of the Bair Hugger, Scott Augustine is the driving force behind the claims. Originally, he made a lot of money when he sold the device to Arizant. He had a very public falling out with Arizant and the feud is well known in the medical community. He then created a new product that is in direct competition with the Bair Hugger that he claims is safer but has no evidence to prove those claims. Arizant is now a 3M company. A majority of the medical industry agrees that his attack on the Bair Hugger is the result of a personal vendetta and not based on sound medical advice. This isn’t the first time Augustine has had issues. In 2009, he plead guilty to a single misdemeanor charge from a Medicare fraud investigation and had to pay a $2 million fine and was barred for 5 years from participating in federal health care programs.

The claims have now made there way to the legal community. Attorneys have picked up on the misdirected claims and have started to heavily advertise for patients who have experienced post surgical issues. It was later discovered that a law firm that also represents Scott Augustine filed the first of the pending lawsuits. After the claims started to get publicity, lawyers saw a moneymaking opportunity. These types of lawsuits only serve to cause unnecessary panic amongst people who have already had to face a stressful surgery. The pending lawsuits are baseless and have only created unwarranted fear.

When examining the issues, it is clearly proven that the Bair Hugger is safe and effective. It should be noted that the only claims of ineffectiveness come from an individual who currently is selling a product that is a direct competitor to the Bair Hugger. The Bair Hugger is a safe and efficient forced air warming system that will help to prevent surgical site infections. Doctors in hospitals throughout the United States highly recommend the Bair Hugger and have started speaking out against Augustine for causing panic for the sake of a personal vendetta. For people who are facing an upcoming surgery, they should rest assure knowing that there are no substantial studies to prove that the Bair Hugger is not safe for use.

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