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Headline News - page 30

Has America Changed?

This is an interesting read. Written by Ken Huber – he does make some interesting points about American and what it has become. Our apologies for the small print in the article.

He makes several comparisons which will open your mind and perhaps cause debate.

Has America Changed It's Standards

Smith Tower

Seattle Smith Tower

It’s one of tallest and most respected icons in Seattle – The Smith Tower. In fact it has stood in Pioneer Square for over 100 years now. The building itself is 38 stories high and was completed in 1914. The Smith Tower is the oldest in the city and until 1931 it was the tallest office building west of the Mississippi River. Many building are taller than it now. The Seattle Space Needle towered over it in 1962.

The Smith Tower is considered a Seattle landmark and was named after its creator Lyman Cornelius Smith. Initially Lyman Smith only planned on building a 14 story building but later was convinced to make a larger to beat a larger skyscraper in Tacoma known as the National Realty Building. At the time it was considered the tallest west of the Mississippi. The doors opened with a ribbon cutting on July 3rd 1914. As of today, it’s been acquired by several owners and renovated twice (1986 & 1999).

In the recent years the Smith Tower has been the focus areas for many new start-ups. The building is setup with fiber-optics and that was attracted many occupants. The building is also located very close to transportation options including the Sounder Train.

Security at the building is very tight and pass is needed to visit the varies stories in the building. In 2012, the build was struggling with covering it’s operating expenses and was old via public foreclosure to CBRE.

At the very top of building there is one residence. This is the only residence in the building and it’s occupied by Petra Franklin, husband David Lahaie, and their two daughters.

On the 38th floor there is an observation deck available to the public with a pass. For adults the price is $7.50 and children $5.00 (2014 rates).

The city surrounding the building is Pioneer Square. It features lots of visitors, coffee shops, and parking lots.

Address visitor information:
The Smith Tower
506 2nd Ave, Seattle, WA 98104
(206) 622-4004

Seattle Micro-Housing

Seattle Micro Housing

The Seattle Council is considering allowing micro-housing in the city. If you’re not in the loop of what micro-housing is exactly it’s a much smaller option of living. Typically they are the size of a bedroom and they have common areas like kitchens and bathrooms that everyone shares. Yesterday the Seattle Council held a public discussion for comments and feedback. As you know with the Seattle Council, it’s ultimately their decision if it goes through or not. Over the years I have learned one thing and that is the Seattle Council will do what they want. It’s about the money and less about the people. This solution will certainly move forward but will be regulated so they can track the money easier.

Supporters suggest it’s an affordable solution to housing. While I like their ambitiousness, I assure you it won’t be cheap or even affordable. It will be expensive and Seattle residents will continue to pay their crazy rent. The demand is high for this so why would they make it cheap? Think about it.

Even though I understand the strain of more people in the city and even more parking issues, I do support micro-housing. Not because “it’s going to be affordable” (because it won’t) – I support it on the principle that land owners should be able to do what they want with their property. It’s also very common in other countries and we’re just behind the times on many issues including micro-housing.

Seattle Ranked 4th For Best Readership

Seattle 4th Most Read City Education

According to, Seattle is ranked 4th for the best read city. Alexandria, Virginia topped the list. Now don’t let this confuse you and think Seattle is the smartest city… it just means we read a lot. It does make sense because we are coffee town USA with Starbucks and all. Miami came in 2nd place where their top orders were books, magazines, and health and mind. What else you going to do when you’re at the beach all day. If we actually had a good beach (and hotter weather) I’m positive we would be #1 on this list because everyone would buy more. On a side note, did you know Washington State sells more sunglasses than any other state? Yes, it’s true.

Questions About President Obama’s Visit To OSO

Obama OSO Landslide Visit

I felt the need to do a follow up about the multi million dollar waste of money for President Obama to come visit the people of OSO. It was just photo shoot with Susan, Patty and Maria. But now that all that money has been squandered I want to ask if he noticed any thing different here than at the New Orleans flood. I know he was not president then, but should certainly know what I am talking about. Here are some questions he should be asking himself, and thinking very hard about answers he comes up with. He could learn quite a lesson here if he wanted to.

Where are the rows of brand new mobile homes that were furnished almost immediately for the flood victims in New Orleans?? These were totally trashed within a matter of months. Did OSO get any?

Where were the mobs demanding fast food instead of the free food that the people in OSO were cooking for the victims and workers. In New Orleans food that was good enough for the soldiers was not good enough for the victims.

Why isn’t the military in OSO to prevent looting, violence and raping that occurred in New Orleans?

Why aren’t the victims in OSO gathering in places like stadiums demanding more free stuff instead of helping one another? Old white woman in their 80’s are busy cooking funeral meals for the victims.

We will never get to compare answers if you even give this a second thought but I think it’s the mindset of the people. The people of OSO are working people. They were there to get away from the crime in the big cities. They wanted a home, that they paid for themselves. They wanted to earn their own way, and most of all did not want the government’s handouts that would keep them from doing what they wanted to do. In New Orleans most of the houses were free to the tenants to begin with. If something falls apart(tenants trash it) it just gets replaced. They have no respect for each others property and steal from each other, so it only makes sense if their house gets flooded, no problem, Uncle Sam will give them a new better house. Give them all the food they need. Meet all their demands to keep them from killing each other.(and of course voting you back in office) In OSO the people bought their homes, and were making payments. They bought their food. They always helped each other and probably did not even lock their doors. Perfect example how you can drag down whole cities by making them dependent on the government handouts. You are not helping them plan for a good future. It is more or less, one meal at a time. If that quit they don’t have a clue how to help each other. Nothing is of any value to them they way it is for people who have had to go to work each day to put food on the table and buy a house.

Did you notice any of that President Obama? If you did I am sure you would never admit it, and call me a racist on top of it.

Steve Utash, White Detroit Tree Trimmer

Steve Utash Detroit

What makes a crime a hate crime? According to the news reports (or lack of reports) President Obama, Atty. Gen. Eric Holder, Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton, anything said or done toward a black person is a hate crime, all hell breaks loose. Every major network and newspapers will say a WHITE man did something to a BLACK man. Color is really stressed. If a bunch of BLACKS beat a WHITE man it is color blind. Major networks do not mention color unless its something against a black by a different race.. The media and the president do not mention BLACK against BLACK . Honduras has the highest murder rate of any country but Detroit has more. Obama if trying so hard to funnel billions to rebuild Detroit but until he stops the BLACK crime its useless. But the Monday morning news never bothers to tell how many murders the blacks do over the week end. The following are two glaring examples of how unimportant WHITE people have become.

This story pretty much says we are in a race war. Steve Utash, a tree trimmer in the Detroit area is an employed hard working WHITE man. He stopped at a gas station to buy gas on his way to work. As he was pulling out a little BLACK boy threw himself against the side of the van. The WHITE guy did NOT hit the BLACK boy like the news reported. (Watch the video on Google).The WHITE guy(Steve Utash) got out immediately and went to aide the little BLACK boy that was hurt. A mob of more than a dozen BLACKS came from every direction and beat the WHITE guy almost to death. They stole all his tools, his wallet and didn’t care a thing about the little BLACK boy that got hurt. Rumor has it they used the little boy as a decoy to make the truck stop so they could beat and loot. Steve Utash did everything a decent person would do and nearly got himself killed by a bunch of young BLACK THUGS. I am not sure at this point if Steve Utash ever got out of the hospital because my Seattle Times paper and none of the 3 major networks have mentioned the story at all. But there is a big difference in reporting crimes. If its against a WHITE, its not important, if its against a BLACK it gets the attention of even the President of the United States, but on this story he has not uttered a word. Can you imagine the uproar if a little White boy ran into the side of a Black mans van and when/if the black man tried to come to his assistance he was beat senseless by a dozen WHITE teenagers or young men. Every news cast, every paper would have been right on it. Not a peep when it’s the reverse. The president would have jumped in his toy called Air Force One and visited the boy in the hospital. What a photo op that would make.

OK you might say the President and Attorney General are too busy covering up their own crimes (Fast and Furious) (Bengasi),( NSA), (IRS),(VA), to bother with the tree trimmer . Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton must be busy too. BUT now look at this story of George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin and compare the coverage and attention it got. George Zimmerman was Hispanic(light colored), Trayvon Martin a BLACK teenager. You have all read/heard the details of that story so this is just about reporting. The BLACK teenager had Zimmerman on the sidewalk, beating his head into the cement saying he was going to kill him. Zimmerman shot him. Pure self defense. You cant very easily walk away is you are flat on your back. Not to much choice here but to shoot. The President of the United States dropped all the worldly problems and the story was on every channel. The newspapers carried it as headline news. The President praised Trayvon and said if he had a son he would want him to be just like Trayvon. Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton raved and ranted about this poor little BLACK boy in a hoodie (as if he was five or 6 years old) just trying to get home with his bag of skittles. Well this oversized BLACK teenager had been expelled from school, he was homeless, didn’t belong in this housing complex at all that Zimmerman was acting as a guard for. He was on drugs, and was carrying things that had just been stolen from someplace else. But Obama, Holder, Jackson, and Sharpton praised him and vilified Zimmerman. Zimmerman was acquitted in a court of law, but the president and his cheerleaders did not even respect the jury’s findings and to this day praise Trayvon. No one wants anyone shot, no one wants anyone beat up.

Which crime was a hate crime? It’s the crime of a group of BLACK THUGS beating/robbing a WHITE man but the President, attorney General, Jessie Jackson Al Sharpton are not the least interested.

This is about REPORTING unequally WHITE/BLACK crimes. The latest without going into detail is Cliven Bundy the Rancher in Nevada. The Federal Government is totally out of control and surrounded Bundy’s ranch. They came in with a regular armed army. Snipers on the hills, armored tanks, and helicopters rounding up his cattle because they say he owed grazing fees. Not one of the major networks mentioned it. My Seattle Times did not mention it. It was a huge story about the Government of the United States using the Bureau of Land Management to seize a WHITE mans property. It came close to being another Waco or Ruby Ridge but thank goodness the Fed’s backed off. Of course Harry Reid says its not over and I am sure anything he asks Obama to do it will be granted. But the networks are afraid to report a thing against the government or Blacks. BUT Bundy made the grave error of making a Racist remark. It was poor judgment on his part but yesterday every EVERY network told about what a Racist Bundy is. My Seattle Times even had his picture telling about his racist remark. They completely ignored the story of how the government came in like a military to seize a WHITE mans property over a debt. This is not even remotely saying who owes what it is to simply point out the favoritism BLACKS are getting from the President on down. Bundy just said what most people think but are afraid to say. It came out sounding terrible. But look for a minute at what he was trying to point out. Most older people have had to work hard at some point in their life. When doing that you are always trying to better yourself. With the Obama mentality it takes away all ambition or desire to better yourself. If you are raised to believe that somehow the Federal Government will furnish you with a nicer house, better food, and 24 hours to use as you see fit why does any of what you call poor people want to do anything? This includes poor whites too. They are all just as much SLAVES to the Federal Government as they were to the plantation owners. I don’t know anyone who thought slavery was good, or fair or right but there is not a whole lot of difference. If the poor black boy does the right thing and marries the little black pregnant girl, she gets her welfare cut off, they would have to pay for the babys delivery etc. The government encourages them to be “slaves to their rules” not to help the poor person but to simply get more votes. The politicians don’t mind raising working peoples taxes to give to someone who does nothing for their government hand out. If a politician campaigned that he would find a job for everyone on welfare, he would not get a vote from a welfare recipient. But The Bundy story got totally lost. The Federal Government is totally out of control. Bonuses to anyone of their workers who break the law. The story of the BLM never saw the light of day on any of the 3 major networks or my Seattle Times but the minute Bundy said what he thought, then the HUGE RACIST STORY hit the press. Think this might backfire because he still has people that think like him(I don’t think he is a racist) are sticking with him. Any thing that makes it look like a WHITE is against A BLACK makes all the news channels and the papers. The white poor are slaves to the Government rules just like the blacks The don’t bother to work because they don’t have to. Every free thing handed out without the person having to do something for it drags that person down. If you have savings you cant get welfare, so heck just spend it on drugs and booze or travel, then you qualify. If you buy a house you get taxed out of it, so better to stay poor and get a free house. on and on. But this was to show hour WHEN THE GOVERNMENT WENT IN AGAINST A WHITE ARMED TO THE TEETH, NO NEWS WAS REPORTED AT ALL. Can you imagine the government doing this to a black rancher or isn’t there any?

Another example of what the President thinks is important. I think (could be wrong) he is overseas on a visit but he took the time from the WORLDLY problems to take the microphone and talk about the Clippers owner, Donald Sterling berating his mistress for “associating with black people” Didn’t want Magic Johnson to come to his games or some other stupid thing. The president was able to take time out to do a photo op on that. I am not saying Sterling is not a racist but until and unless the president gets his priorities on blacks straight it will get worse and worse. To break into an overseas jaunt and all the TV stations and the papers carried the story but will not mention A DOZEN BLACKS IN DETROIT BEATING A WHITE MAN SENSELESS. Not one word. Sterling has black players and obviously has no morals but surely it is not the President of the United States problem. Watch for Jessie and Al to be on this case too.

I have found the only place to really find out what’s going on is to watch Hannity or Judge Jeanne on Fox news. or read the Emerald City Journal for a different slant on things.

Obama Keeps Blowing Money

Obama OSO Mudslide Visit

As reported previously by Lilly, it is now official President Obama will be making a visit to the devastated OSO mudslide site. It’s obviously a way for him to build his popularity, show remorse, and shake a few hands. If he really cared, he would stay home and send/write a check for 2 million plus dollars as that’s about what it takes in fuel/staff just to get here. The money would be 100x more beneficial to the people then him standing around taking photographs and getting publicity out of it. For Obama, however, it’s all about him and making the people love him. He continues to say one thing and then goes and does another. This is just another example of wasted time and money provided by President Obama. The reality is we all feel bad about the situation (it’s horrible) but these people need money to buy food and get back on there feet. A hand shake, photographs, and positive news coverage doesn’t solve a thing. Plus, the time and resources to get the President here is a huge waste of taxpayers money. It costs millions to fly him around.

It’s never been about the wasted money for Obama, however. Just look at Obamacare this guy will spend billions maybe even trillions of dollars just to make the program work. I hear about it on the TV and radio every day! Even if it’s failing horribly, he will dump every last penny to make the program work so he doesn’t look bad over it. There is a point and we probably have already past it where just giving all the uninsured people a check for 100K would have been a better option and it would cost much less.

The OSO mugslide is horrible but let’s be honest here how is Obama going to help with the efforts except making himself look good by being there. This publicity is going to be on every news channel across the country and it’s just one be positive PR stunt.

To date, 41 lives have been lost due to the disaster. A few individuals in the area still remain missing and have not been accounted. Each day approx. 625 workers continue the search and clean up efforts.

Mighty-O Donuts Going Landfill-Free

Mighty-o-donuts Seattle
Mighty-O Donuts, Seattle’s über-conscientious donut company, has pledged to make its Wallingford neighborhood location a garbage-free facility effective Earth Day 2014.

Generating waste is unavoidable in any city. Seattle sends more than 300,000 tons of waste to the landfills each year ( Visualize 100 train cars heading to a landfill every day. Seeking better solutions, Mighty-O Donuts follows a zero-waste strategy.

To accomplish a landfill-free facility, Mighty-O is working with vendors to minimize unnecessary waste and to use only recyclable or compostable packaging. The company is also kindly asking that customers do not bring trash into the Wallingford donut shop. Currently 90 percent of the waste from this facility is composted or recycled. Additionally, all leftover food is donated to the city’s homeless and hungry.
Along with helping to save the environment it is predicted that Mighty-O will save thousands of dollars each year. More importantly, it’s an opportunity to set an example and lead other businesses to do the same.
In 2013 Mighty-O was a finalist in the “Setting an Example” category at the Sustainable Seattle Awards, and is devoted to ensuring all of its ingredients come from companies with sustainable practices, organic production standards and the fair treatment of farmers and employees. In addition to being a certified organic bakery, Mighty-O is verified by the Non-GMO Project, and refrains from using animal products in its donuts or using ingredients that have been genetically engineered. In 2011 it won the televised Donut Champion Challenge on the Food Network, and was named by Bon Appétit Magazine as one of the “Top 10 Best Places for Donuts” in the country.

For more information about Mighty-O Donuts please visit or call 206-547-0335. Visit them on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Top Seattle Stories April 2014

Once in a while we share our top stories for the month. Below you’ll find our top stories for April 2014 determined by our visitors at the Emerald City Journal.

Mike Asimos favorite Seattle hiking locations was one of our popular pages during the month. We discuss some of hot spots and also some of the hiking locations most people don’t visit or don’t know about. Powered by Mike Asimos.

History of the Space Needle in Seattle, Washington was recently featured from Wikipedia. This popular page is getting more attention due to the research, history, and information presented.

Mike McGinn analysis which is old news now but we ran an informational article about Mike McGinn and his history as the Mayor of Seattle.

Washington State Liquor Control Board informational page and analysis of how our Liquor Board manages the program.

Mike Asimos Grateful Dead collection interview. We caught up with Mike Asimos to discuss his large collection and his travel experiences in Seattle, Washington.

Statewide Fundraiser For OSO Mudslide Victims

President Obama Air Force One OSO Fundraiser

To my followers on the Emerald City Journal. I am asking a small favor. We could raise a huge amount of money for the victims of OSO by requesting that President Obama JUST STAY HOME.

Whether you like him or not it costs the taxpayers millions for him to make a trip to our state. It costs between $179,500 or $288.00 per hour to fly Air Force One. That is our millions each time he gets on that plane. Remember they fly an extra decoy and there are loads of expenses that we can’t possibly know about. My idea is to ask all of you who read this to phone or email your Senator and request they tell Obama to stay home. Do not come to Washington State for nothing more than a photo shoot. Our Governor and my two senators have already had their photo op and can inform the president on what they saw. They saw the devastation when it was at its worst and promised to help anyway they can. THE WAY ANY OF YOUR SENATORS AND REPRESENTATIVES can help is to have them tell The President not to squander a minimum of 8 million to come to Washington State.

Safeways, Home Depot, all the cash jars for donations and any others that have sent checks, or food or whatever are wonderful but one trip cancelled by the president would dwarf them all. I have emailed Senator Murray and Senator Cantwell and told them my feelings. I do not expect them to even see the email and some intern will punch in a form type email to me eventually.

When the President comes for his fundraisers, he will spend millions to have lunch with a rich crony on Mercer Island and raise $100,000. His idea of spending money is not like a common man’s idea of spending money. Just remember YOU are paying for it whether you admit it or not. So, if we could go viral and have everyone in the state request the president not visit our state. Just SENT A CHECK FOR THAT AMOUNT it would be so much better. Those people don’t need a cheesy cat smile and a hug, they need money. We cant afford to shut down our freeways, and downtown to protect him. So whether you like him or not, or agree with him or not I think you will all agree that 8 million in cash would do a lot more good in OSO that a smile and a handshake by him would do. If you don’t agree, nothing I can say will change your mind, if you do agree get the ball rolling. They need money for funerals, they have lost everything besides, wives, husbands, babies, neighbors and friends right now.

Our representatives were elected to represent WE THE PEOPLE not cozy up to the President to get votes. Remember when you write your check to the IRS on the 15th 90% of it will be totally squandered. Lets let the President play golf 7 days a week close to his home, just don’t spent 8 to 10 MILLION to fly here.

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