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Wikipedia – You’re Fired!!

Wikipedia is a rip off

After several attempts to be included into the Seattle media section on Wikipedia, it’s time to throw in that towel. Wikipedia a “non profit” website which is visitor edited and claims to be the source for much of the World’s information, has failed us here at the Emerald City Journal. No only have they failed us but they have failed you our readers. It is true we are smaller publication. True we are the one and only Seattle newspaper which is open to all opinions and topics. Whether you agree with the topics or not on our paper, you surely understand that this paper is by and for he people. There is no other news source like ours and that should honestly be respected. Sure, we are no Seattle Times or Tacoma New Tribune. Our content, reader, and news is very different. With that being said, we certainly deserve to be recognized in the community and in the Seattle media group acknowledged by We are unique and can’t be compared to the others “media” news sites listed. Lets go over a few of those “media companies” listed on Wikipedia and really not going to spend to much of my time on this.

Here is the page in question if you would like to take a look:

First lets take a look at the community websites listed. They are all the same company and look the same! Unlike the Emerald City Journal, all most all their content/news is syndicated. Copy and pasted from other sources. They display content from the Times and many other newspapers. These group of newspapers are all the same.. nothing original and the same old garage. To lazy to create their own news and topics. To scared to share the truth and the reality of World. It’s all about scraping news from other sources and capitalizing the ad revenue they generate by the volume of pages they display. Honestly, this deserves to be listed and we don’t Wikipedia?

Let’s look at another – how about “Seattle Gay News”. This media company doesn’t even have news, stories, topics on their website. Their website is 3 pages and looks like it was put together by a 3 year old. Seriously, what is this garbage. Take it off Wikipedia and put up quality news websites who produce real content that is unique. We have 100’s of topics on the Emerald City Journal! Yes, every article and post is original also.

Here is another one called the “Seattle Press” another horrible looking website. It provides no value to anyone in Seattle or the rest of the country. The news content and stories are not unique at all. If you actually try to read one of their news or topics I think their biggest article is 3 or 4 sentences in total. Does this deserve to be called “media”? Is that what people want to read and think about? Seriously, this is a joke.

After discussing with Wikipedia and their gatekeeper (who is ego driven to say the least). We are done with them. We don’t need them and we’ll be just fine without them. Share you thoughts and tell the World.

Peace and Love.

Trayvon Martin and Australian Christopher Lane Comparison

Obama and Holder Racism

The only thing Trayvon Martin and Christopher Lane have in common is “they are both dead”. Trayvon Martin is black, Christopher Lane is White. This is the point where I need to say that the word racist means, a person who believes a particular race is superior to another. If that is true and I believe it is then that would make Barack Obama, Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Eric Holder all racists. I did not want to ever write about Trayvon Martin but President Obama says if he had a son he would want him to be just like Trayvon. He has alluded to civil rights, hate crime and everything under the sun.  Zimmerman was acquitted they are still talking that. What they are saying is this little young black boy was trying to get home (no one knows where he really lived) with his bag of skittles. He was not plucked off by a gang of whites because they were bored, he was not singled out because he was black, he was on top of a Hispanic pounding his head into the concrete saying “tonight you will die” when he got shot. It appears we cannot defend ourselves against a black.  The four so called leaders  mentioned above have done more to divide whites and blacks than anyone else while preaching we have to get along. We can’t get along when the blacks can do anything and we don’t dare confront them. Now look at Christopher Lane, a white boy from Melbourne, Australia out for a jog. He was just 22 and attending Oklahoma’s East Central University on a baseball scholarship. Three BLACKS  Christopher Luna 16, James Edwards Jr, 15 while 17 year old Michael Jones drove the getaway car. OBAMA, HOLDER, SHARPTON OR JACKSON has not said one word about it. the deputy White House Secretary said a couple days later he was not aware of it. How were they made aware of the fact the “poor little black boy with a bag of candy” got shot and was on every channel on TV, every newspaper and at the Dream march they are having today they are still carrying signs and wanting justice for Trayvon. The BLACK THUG was not going to school, he was on dope and police found a bag of stolen jewelry and things wherever he lived, but you don’t hear a word. Apparently the media is afraid to mention anything bad a black does. Glen Beck and a few others are the only place to get the news. The three BLACK THUGS  that did the thrill kill on Christopher Lane said they were bored. But the man who called the police on the shooters said it was a gang initiation. One of the suspects said ” 90% of the white people are nasty, #HATE THEM’. Also, said he knocked out 5 woods since Zimmerman court. Wood is a derogatory slang for white people. But Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest sad he was not familiar with the story at all. The administration simply don’t care what happens to whites and when it does they don’t even want the story to mention the killer or killers are black. But if any other race kills a black to save their own life, all of a sudden the White House hears and twists the story completely. That looks like racists to me.

Which brings up an even more shocking story of two BLACK THUGS beating an 88 year old WHITE WWII Veteran to death. There was a little blurb in the Seattle Times but it did not say the guys that beat him were BLACK. Obama should be shouting from his little pedestal to the black parents to stand up and take care of their children or they will be held accountable and put in jail too. The WWII Vet Delbert Benton made it through the war including one of the fiercest battles at Okinawa. Then two creeps (BLACK creeps) beat him to death. But for our president to not get up on his soap box and rave about how terrible to shoot a hero is almost unbelievable. Instead he is at a march honoring a little black boy that he would have like to have had for a son. He is a racist. He hates us whites, he wants the other blacks to hate us. Homeland Security who are supposed to be protecting us by spying on our e mails had a man employed by them by the name of Ayo Kimathi (BLACK), who was running a hate website. He was encouraging blacks to kill whites, predicting and advocating a race war. He does not want blacks, whites, mixed race or gays to integrate with each other. Well Obama hasn’t said a word, Holder, Jackson or Sharpton hasn’t said a word, but what do you suppose the punishment was? He was put on Paid Administrative Leave. Now that is really harsh punishment for trying to start a race war, and create hate and encourage blacks to kill whites and says he will see them on the Battlefield. Isn’t that a form of terrorism or something.? Obama is out honoring Trayvon. Two teens (didn’t say color but I assume white, did a couple prank calls about Obama and the FBI tracked them down and read them the riot act. But Ayo Kimathi is just on paid vacation. He should (or a white would) be in jail. That is a form of terrorism or close to it. Sounds like a reverse white supremacist . But if you hate a black you are in trouble, if a black hates a white he gets put on paid leave.

Obama did not get to be president because of anything good he has ever done. He has lied about his birth and when forced to come up with a birth certificate it named a hospital that was not named that when he was bon. He went to college as a foreign exchange student, but never had to explain that. His social security number is from a state he has never lived in. He did not get into college because of his grades. He has got pushed up the ladder to do exactly what he is doing. He is dividing America more than it has been since Martin Luther King did his March. He was brought up in a church with a radical preacher guiding him. He has surrounded himself with radical left wing anarchists. He has hidden his medical, educational and travel records. But no one dares question him about anything because he is black. Could any guys be worse examples to little black boys than Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson, but they are Obama’s back drops. He has got America in debt and all of it was squandered on shovel ready green jobs, bail out’s and foreign aide and worst of all his lavish vacation and apology tours. In my opinion he is absolutely ruining America and for sure not making whites and blacks like each other. I don’t wish him any harm but think he should be impeached and made to answer all the questions he should have been asked before he was even nominated. The rich blacks like Oprah got him where he is. Mostly working whites paying for his entitlements to the blacks. It just wont work forever.

Another story and I can’t find the boys name but he was white, walking to his car on a street in Memphis TN. A car pulls up, a black gets out and shoots him from 10 feet away. (yep never got close to him, just pulled the trigger) they have the video. But they are calling it a failed robbery not a hate crime. WHY? If the colors were reversed it would be a hate crime. It was not even a botched robbery. The shooter never robbed him. The white guy still had his money, his cell phone, the keys to his car. Obama, Holder don’t know a thing about all the blacks shooting each other and shooting whites for thrill kill but sure are praising and defending a black that was trying to kill a guy but got killed himself.

Mark Hurd: The Importance of Growth

Mark Hurd has been the head of several successful technology corporations. Each of these corporations has increased in size and profits during Mark Hurd’s tenure, all while increasing efficiency. In fact, increasing efficiency has become one of Mark Hurd’s trademarks: During his 25 year tenure at NCR, he was noted for increasing operational efficiency in the Teradata Division, of which he was first vice president and then COO. As President, COO, and CEO of the entire corporation for 4 years, Mark Hurd was once again noted for increasing the company’s operational efficiency.

When he was hired as President and CEO of Hewlett-Packard in 2005, he was immediately recognized for his improvement of the company’s operational efficiency. By the time he left HP, they were number one in laptop and desktop computer sales for most of his tenure, and the price of stocks had doubled.

Now, as President of Oracle Corporation, Mark Hurd is standing by his mantra of increasing efficiency and continual growth. In all business, growth is important for a company’s survival. In the field of technology, where rapid industry-wide developments can take place in single 24 hour period, standing still can be fatal. Mark Hurd is well aware that a company must always be moving forward, always innovating, and always striving to produce better products.

For Mark Hurd, one of the best ways to grow is to focus on customers. In his keynote speech at Oracle OpenWorld 2013, Mark Hurd stressed two issues. Firstly the importance of recognizing value in big data, and secondly the importance of customer service. Big data is something that all companies have to deal with as levels of technology users grow exponentially larger. Customer service is an issue that companies have had to deal with since the beginning of business.

Mark Hurd at Oracle's OpenWorld giving a speech
Mark Hurd at Oracle’s OpenWorld giving a speech

For Mark Hurd, customer service is about relationships. He makes it a priority to visit with and answer the questions of his customers. He wants potential clients to understand that he cares about them and their business, and that by working with him and Oracle, a mutually beneficial partnership will emerge.

In every transaction, there must be a level of trust. In technology, that trust is based upon the assumption that the product or service will work as advertised, and that if there are glitches they will be fixed. Mark Hurd goes out of his way to show customers why doing business with the Oracle Corporation is the best choice for them.

For the Oracle Corporation to grow, Mark Hurd needs to find new customers, and to find ways to network with existing customers to generate profit for both parties. That is why Oracles’ goal is to spend 5 weeks of every quarter, 3 days a week, talking with and building relationships with customers. The goal is to talk to 50 customers a day. While this may sound ambitious, Mark Hurd recognizes that it is necessary for a company to grow.

Mr. Hurd understand the importance of a customer relationship and always building upon that. Every customer should be talked to in the loop about new services or even helping them with training.

The Bellevue office just east of Seattle was created just for that. They call it the Oracle Training University and it helps educate and train their employees for current and future Oracle products. Oracle not only builds and invests into their employees, they want to have the sharpest and most educated team in the Seattle area.

If you like to get a feel for Mr. Hurd, his experience, and leadership, be sure to watch his speech below at Oracle’s OpenWorld event.

Mark Hurd Discusses The Cloud

Oracle, with offices in Seattle (Bellevue Washington area), recently announced with the help of Mark Hurd the potential of the cloud service. Mr Hurd is a passionate President of Oracle and being second in the space just isn’t good enough. During is talks about the service, he laid out a plan to be the number one company and the overall potential for Oracle and the industry in general.

Watching many of the speeches by Mark Hurd, you truly can feel his leadership and potential for the company. His years of experience are really impressive.

As Mr. Hurd, discussed the potential of the cloud service, he stated that he could easily see Oracle doing $10 billion dollars which just their customer base right now. He mentioned as of right now Oracle has only used about 5% of that customer base. He also believes the market for the cloud to be around $74 billon dollars.

There other opportunities coming down the road, he explained, such as marketing and services related to the cloud service as well.

Oracles cloud staff is about 19,000 strong. These individuals are certified for Oracle’s cloud products.

In short, Oracle is working hard in this area and see’s big opportunities in the cloud future. Recently, they increased their language support for the service. 13 new languages were added bringing the total to 33 now. All the language support covers about 98% of Oracles revenue base.

Oracle Seattle office:
Address: 411 108th Avenue NE Suite 900. Bellevue, WA 98004
Phone: (425) 945-8200
Bellevue Washington is located approx. 16 minutes east of Seattle Washington. The office is mostly for training and developer/programmer type work.

Mark Vincent Hurd summary:
Mr. Hurd is the co-president of the Oracle Corporation. He is also a board member and director of the company. His previous experience and leadership was for HP (Hewlett-Packard). He left that position in Aug. 2010. He was born Jan. 1st 1957. He actively supports his graduating college Baylor University. Mr. Hurd currently lives with this wife, Paula Kalupa, in Palo Alto, California.

Mark Hurd Seattle

Obamacare Running Wild On You! (Opinion)

Obamacare Celebration

Better start saving those penny rolls because the required Affordable Health Care Act is coming your way.  I’ve been reading more and more about the rules but mostly the fees involved.  At this point, It’s going to happen it’s just a matter of how much it’s going to set me back each month. Monday, Vermont released their health insurance exchange program rates for individuals. It reads:

Rates being offered for the benchmark so-called “silver plan” for individuals will be a bit less than $395 per month for individuals buying a Blue Cross Blue Shield product, and $410 a month for those buying a similar policy form MVP Health Care. Those prices are similar to what an individual pays now for a similar suite of coverage options, Goddard said.

Lower-income Vermonters will get federal tax credits and state premium subsidies to cover some of the costs. For someone making the median individual income of about $34,000 a year, that will reduce the cost of the Blue Cross plan to about $230 a month, and the MVP plan to $252.

The Blue Cross family plan will cost $1,111 a month through Vermont Health Connect. For MVP it will be $1,151.

Well.. that sure sounds cheap only $395 per month in Vermont.  What is affordable about that?  This of course shouldn’t come to a surprise to most of you since I have been preaching about this for a longtime now.  What truly is amazing is the amount of people supporting this corruption and they simply are sheep in the wind.  The only one who will benefit from this is the government who just got 300 million people to buy a monthly health insurance plan (or have a business pay it for them).  It’s going to be a big shock for many Americans when they start shopping for health care at one of these state “affordable” health care exchanges.

If you don’t know by now the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has the rates, however, they are keeping their mouths shut until September to break all these “affordable” monthly rates to the people.  Yes, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services knows the rates because they got the filings from all the insurance companies already.  In September, you can start buying – that’s only a month away!!

One slick strategy the administration is going to take with Obamacare is with regard to it’s low-income credits program.  As you know if you’re broke, you can signup similar to welfare and get credits to lower your health care costs.  You still need to have health care and purchase it, however, it’s much cheaper.  The move they are making, however, is really slick like I said and let me explain that now.  In the first year, if you apply for low income credits, they will just take your word for it that you’re broke/low income.  In short, they are going to let you get in cheap (turn their heads and not look the first year) then in the second year, it will be fully audited.  Wow!! isn’t that slick.  It’s slick because when the rates are finally released they are going to be HIGH.  It’s going to scare people and they are going to say “forget this I’m not participating”.  However, with an option to get in easily the first year (with no problems no reviews of financials) and just taking your word or testimony for it that you’re low income – you just signed up and are part of the system.  In the end, that is all that matters.  They just want you to be part of the health care system, signed up, and willing to participate even if the first year is a freebie.  I applaud them on this slick move – most Americans will never get that concept.  It’s the same concept as paying taxes.  It’s not about the amount of taxes you owe that gets you in trouble, it’s when you don’t participate or say “forget this program”.  That is when Uncle Sam lays the smackdown on you.

If you work for a company who is going to (you think) have to pay for health care coverage, you may have another thing coming.  For businesses, the choice is clear.  Limit the hours their employees work and you’re fine.  That essentially means you’re going to have cover that health care expense each month on your own…. or get another job.

Honestly, folks I really would like an Affordable Health Care Program and I think everyone would agree with that.  The truth is that it’s not going to happen and we’re fools to believe it was/is going to happen.  I knew it and you’re going to soon find out it’s not what is cracked up to be.  If the program was $100 bucks per month, I would be on-board.  I would support it completely.  That is what my prescriptions cost each month so it is a good deal for me personally; however, that numbers won’t work like that.  We are a country of greed and insurance companies and governments need their cuts.  If Obama really wanted to fix the health care system for the people, he would fix our broken system by simply saying that the government isn’t going to pay $500 for one night in the hospital.  The government isn’t going to pay $300 for a shot that costs the hospital $6 bucks.  Seniors are getting screwed and I’m getting screwed.  The fees are way overvalued and even with Obamacare in place – they will continue to be because the system doesn’t get fixed.

Obamacare is a system to increase revenue without actually saying it.  It adds lots of money in the system (businesses & individuals all paying), producing massive tax revenue.  Obamacare is about adding more money in the system that is and continues to be broken.  It also creates penalties which are administered through the IRS if you decide not to participate.  We’re not saving money with this in place – the citizens are losing more money.  You really think they care if you go the hospital with a broken leg and can’t pay the bill?  How much do you think the government is losing by you not paying the hospital their enormous fees to look at your broken leg?  Think about it.  Sorry folks, it’s not the rainbow you were looking for when you elected President Obama.  This pot of gold is empty.

Update: Unfortunately, Obamacare continues to be unaffordable to most people who actually pay for it.  The people who can barely afford it are paying the full price while everyone who doesn’t work or want to get a job gets healthcare for free (or very low rates). The program is an example of how socialism works and obviously the way the Democrats are moving this country.  Many are without insurance and are risking their lives without it while others stay home and abuse the system. Prescriptions continue to be unmanageable.

Obamacare continues to be a topic of substantial debate since its implementation in 2010.

Recognized Successes:

  1. Increased Coverage:
    • Millions of previously uninsured Americans gained access to healthcare coverage.
    • The act allowed young adults to remain on their parents’ insurance plans up to age 26.
  2. Pre-existing Conditions:
    • Insurers can no longer deny coverage or charge more due to pre-existing conditions.
  3. Medicaid Expansion:
    • Many states expanded Medicaid, providing healthcare access to more low-income individuals and families.
  4. Healthcare Marketplaces:
    • The creation of healthcare marketplaces provided a platform for Americans to shop for and purchase insurance.
  5. Premium Subsidies:
    • Federal subsidies made insurance premiums more affordable for many households.
  6. Improvement in Healthcare Quality:
    • Focus on quality over quantity in healthcare provision aimed to improve outcomes and patient experiences.

Recognized Challenges:

  1. Premium Increases:
    • Many Americans experienced significant increases in health insurance premiums.
  2. Limited Options in Some Areas:
    • In some geographic locations, options for insurance carriers became limited.
  3. Mandate Controversy:
    • The individual mandate, which penalized people for not having health insurance, was a point of contention (note: the penalty was effectively eliminated in 2019).
  4. Complexity and Bureaucracy:
    • Some critics argue that the ACA introduced additional complexity and bureaucracy into the healthcare system.
  5. Employer Mandate Issues:
    • Some small businesses reported challenges in navigating and affording the employer mandate to provide healthcare.
  6. Access to Care:
    • Despite having insurance, some individuals found accessing care challenging due to factors like narrow networks and high deductibles.

Perspective Matters:

  • For proponents, the ACA is often seen as a landmark act that expanded and improved healthcare access and enacted crucial protections for consumers.
  • For critics, it represents governmental overreach and is seen as responsible for various issues in the healthcare system, such as rising costs and limited options in certain areas.

Michelle Obama’s Trip To Ireland

Michelle Obama Vacations Wasting Tax Money

If you are a regular reader of this Website you read what I wrote about Joe Biden’s expensive hotel stay. I do not want to be accused of picking on MEN so I want to follow up with Michelle Obama’s trip to Ireland. For sure she did not have to check her bank balance or look in her pockets for some change or do any price shopping for a place to stay. Nope since it was on the taxpayers dime she went for the best. According to reports she stayed in the Princess Grace Suite which charges $3,300 a night. Her entourage booked 30 rooms.  The cost of the two day trip has been reported to be around $5 Million dollars. Taxpayers pay for first family’s travel. But shouldn’t there be a limit? The Obama’s have thumbed their noses at us lowly working Americans time after time. Even if it is legal to do it, how can the Obama family blow through millions while at the same time preaching about the cuts the sequester is causing. Obviously it does not affect them.

His trip was a real money waster too. He can,t seem to stay home. It cost Ireland a lot for his security. They take Air Force One and Air Force Two. His speeches were terrible but there was a good reason. It was the SUN. They say the sun was in his eyes and he could not see his teleprompters. Guess he has never given a speech in the sun before. When he spoke in Germany it was before 5,000 invited guests (and it has been said that a lot of those did a no show). When Kennedy spoke there it was to a crowd of 450,000. Even Republican Ronald Regan spoke to 45,000.

If anyone is against anything the Obama’s are for they can be audited by the IRS. Obama will act like he is shocked that the IRS would single out Patriots, or Tea Party groups and he will pretend to do something about it but he needs the IRS. They are the source of the money for the government to waste. Once the IRS starts on you even if you did not do a thing wrong, you’re done. They can trump up something in an audit and you can fight them for years and never win. They can take your home, you can lose your job and never really be sure what the heck happened. All you end up with is a huge attorney bill.

This got a little off track from Michelle’s trip but the Presidents lies are slowly catching up. He says this is a transparent government but it’s anything but. With all the surveillance of private citizens he is trying to say he did not have any warning about Benghazi. Help was an hour away. He hasn’t even said where he was that night, but he has lied about everything else what could he say that anyone would believe. Until the IRS is dismantled not much will change. They are not making up the rules, they are coming from the White House. The only thing positive the IRS workers have done this year is “learn to boogie”. They should boogie right off the stage and lose their jobs. If they do something really bad they get put on paid leave. I read that the IRS got a bonus of $70 million. Not sure for what. Was it for throwing the election? But hey Obama is cutting expenses by closing the White House to the public at a savings of $17,000 a week. Maybe it was that savings that made it possible for Michelle to take a hairdresser to put glitter in her bangs.  Need to go throw up yet?

First Time Home Ownership Seattle

First Time Homeowner Seattle

I recently read an article by the Seattle Times about first time home ownership. It was written by Katherine Reynolds Lewis (Washington Post).  In short, it’s an article about the things you should have in order before buying your first home. If you’ve been on the Emerald City Journal awhile you know my view on the subject and that’s it’s a horrible liability.  You can read the article here.  The article by the Times covered the basics like looking at your credit report, consider talking to a tax advisor, stick to your budget, finding a good real estate agent, and research a good lender.  It’s pretty obvious stuff when considering buying a home.

The things it doesn’t cover is that homes are a liability – not an investment.  They are also rarely opportunities (unless you’re paying it all off completely without a lender).  You need to remember that when you purchase your first home that you’re not going to get your money back.  Here is the simple most basic formula.  Take your purchase price and multiply it by (2.5 – your interest fees) + yearly property tax X 30 years.   This number is what you’ll need to sell it at to get your money back.  Honestly,  do you really think you’re home is going to appreciate that much?  The truth is…. never.  This doesn’t even include the repairs down the road, updating the property, and the higher costs of just living in a larger space (heating, water, sewer) compared to renting.

Of course not everyone will agree with that statement above.  Most critiques say “well at least you’ll have something at the end” compared to renting which is just “burning money”.  My argument is that you’d be more wealthy renting.  You’re paying about 33% less renting so if you put the rest into a savings account (compared to giving the bank interest payments) at the end of 30 years you’ll have way more money saved.  You could actually pay cash for a home at that time if wanted.


Funny Stories In The News

Funny Stories In The News

Everyday great news is released to the World.  We all need some funny news once in a while right?  These are some of the best funny stories in the news and other items discovered today. You have to see this stuff it’s so funny and entertaining stuff!

Funny Beer Can Numbers – Some of the employees at this beer bottling company have a funny sense of humor.

Smart Student Being Funny – A teacher who recently started her Geography class (8th graders) starts her lesson with having the students try to draw the U.S. She didn’t expect this to happen.

Dog on duty guarding the house – Dog on duty guarding the house

USPS going the extra mile with this piece of mail. – USPS going the extra mile with this piece of mail. This was one of the postal centers in Seattle delivering a long lost valentine card.

Funny Dog Pic

Tim Burgess Responds To NBA Decision

Seattle Supersonics NBA Team

If you don’t know by now, Seattle won’t be getting an NBA team anytime soon.  The deal is dead and many fans are disappointed.  Seattle was scouting the Sacramento Kings and had a big offer on the table.  Unfortunately, the NBA Board of Governors voted and said the deal is not going to happen.  They wanted the Sacramento Kings to stay in Sacramento, California.  The NBA Board of Governors has the final say and the verdict was a big fat “not going to happen”.  On paper, the deal looked like a success for Seattle.  When is comes to the Neilson ratings, Seattle is the 14th largest compared to Sacramento who is the 20th largest.  In the last hours, Hansen and Steve Ballmer (from Microsoft) even increased their bid but at the end of day it wasn’t about the money, is was about ego and control.  The NBA Board of Governors controls these decisions and how they play out.  The big issue was that in Sacramento they have no other teams or entertainment dollars coming in.  They only have the Kings.  Compared to Seattle having the Mariners, Sounders, UW, and the Seahawks (plus more) which is a massive amount of entertainment.

When the final decision of “no go” came from the NBA Board, City of Seattle Council Member Tim Burgess responded with saying:

“The NBA’s decision is very disappointing to me and the thousands of Sonics fans in our city. I remain hopeful that Seattle can once again be home to NBA basketball in the coming years. Chris Hansen and his partners have displayed amazing commitment in their efforts to secure a team for Seattle’s fans. The City’s role has always been to prepare for a team should one be available. We will be prepared.”

Unfortunately, that is not going to happen anytime soon for Seattle.

Washington State Marijuana Laws

Washington State Marijuana Laws

More and more details are being released regarding the new Washington State marijuana laws.  As you know the voters passed I-502 which makes marijuana legal in Washington State.  However, the details, regulations, and laws are being closely guarded.  The Washington State  Liquor Control Board will control the system and regulate it.  Personally, I think that is horrible idea but what do I know.  Some of the draft rules were recently released and some of the details include a $250 application fee.  The rules regarding a license to grow, process and sell will be $1,000 per year ( plus the application fees).  They have not stated yet how many licenses will actually be available and lottery (similar the liquor stores – no surprise there) may take place.  On a side note, the liquor store owners who participated in the lottery for liquor store ownership and hurting big time and many have closed.  The state got the better of these liquor owners who played the lottery for ownership.

It’s no surprise and I promise you that Washington State is going to stick it to the people who want to play the marijuana retail game.  It’s a foolish game honestly.  They are going to drain every last penny out of these players before the game even starts.  Once that is done, they are going to tax you to death and highly regulate it making it impossible for you to make any profit.   I laugh a little each time I hear about a friend or even close family thinking about getting into this “opportunity”.  They have no clue and just don’t get how the state is going to drop the hammer on them soon.  Don’t believe me – ask a liquor store owner sometime about how that is going for them and what they spent.  Big retailers are killing them right now and many are shutting down.  Why someone would spend $750,000 for a liquor store license (no liquor or rental fees) is beyond me.  The truth is no doubt many are going to fall for this marijuana scam and you can say it a thousand times over to them, however, there will be a line to sign-up.  This lottery they are talking about “just in-case not enough licenses are available” is surely going to happen.  Obviously there could be enough licenses but why would they want that to happen when they can really bring home the license fees with an uncapped lottery.   The state is going to be the big winner here.

The 46 page document distributed by the Washington State  Liquor Control Board also includes these new rules.  First, all marijuana businesses will need to have 24 hr security and insurance.  A new Washington State Marijuana Logo will need to be displayed at the establishment showing their status.  Marijuana extract or oil would be prohibited (except if its already infused in the product).  If you have a felony, you are not allowed to participate with marijuana and certainly can’t get a license.

Washington State  Liquor Control Board has a goal of releasing the licenses by the end of the year in 2013.



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