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Headline News - page 34

Washington State Marijuana Laws

Washington State Marijuana Laws

More and more details are being released regarding the new Washington State marijuana laws.  As you know the voters passed I-502 which makes marijuana legal in Washington State.  However, the details, regulations, and laws are being closely guarded.  The Washington State  Liquor Control Board will control the system and regulate it.  Personally, I think that is horrible idea but what do I know.  Some of the draft rules were recently released and some of the details include a $250 application fee.  The rules regarding a license to grow, process and sell will be $1,000 per year ( plus the application fees).  They have not stated yet how many licenses will actually be available and lottery (similar the liquor stores – no surprise there) may take place.  On a side note, the liquor store owners who participated in the lottery for liquor store ownership and hurting big time and many have closed.  The state got the better of these liquor owners who played the lottery for ownership.

It’s no surprise and I promise you that Washington State is going to stick it to the people who want to play the marijuana retail game.  It’s a foolish game honestly.  They are going to drain every last penny out of these players before the game even starts.  Once that is done, they are going to tax you to death and highly regulate it making it impossible for you to make any profit.   I laugh a little each time I hear about a friend or even close family thinking about getting into this “opportunity”.  They have no clue and just don’t get how the state is going to drop the hammer on them soon.  Don’t believe me – ask a liquor store owner sometime about how that is going for them and what they spent.  Big retailers are killing them right now and many are shutting down.  Why someone would spend $750,000 for a liquor store license (no liquor or rental fees) is beyond me.  The truth is no doubt many are going to fall for this marijuana scam and you can say it a thousand times over to them, however, there will be a line to sign-up.  This lottery they are talking about “just in-case not enough licenses are available” is surely going to happen.  Obviously there could be enough licenses but why would they want that to happen when they can really bring home the license fees with an uncapped lottery.   The state is going to be the big winner here.

The 46 page document distributed by the Washington State  Liquor Control Board also includes these new rules.  First, all marijuana businesses will need to have 24 hr security and insurance.  A new Washington State Marijuana Logo will need to be displayed at the establishment showing their status.  Marijuana extract or oil would be prohibited (except if its already infused in the product).  If you have a felony, you are not allowed to participate with marijuana and certainly can’t get a license.

Washington State  Liquor Control Board has a goal of releasing the licenses by the end of the year in 2013.



Senator Maria Cantwell

Senator Maria Cantwell

I recently wrote to our Senator Maria Cantwell regarding raising the debt ceiling and the nations over spending habits.  Here is the conversation.

Dear Lilly,

Thank you for contacting me about your views regarding the federal budget and raising the debt ceiling.  I appreciate hearing from you on this issue.

Our country faces serious challenges following the economic collapse brought on by Wall Street in 2008. As your Senator, I have remained focused on turning around our economy by investing in job creation, fighting for Main Street small businesses, and implementing strong financial reform.

I am also deeply concerned about getting our country’s fiscal house in order. It is time for both parties to work together for the good of the country and produce a responsible debt limit plan. I will continue to advocate for a plan that will stave off the economic catastrophe of default while creating jobs, putting Americans back to work, cutting wasteful government spending, and protecting Medicare and Social Security.

Government has a responsibility to spend taxpayers’ dollars wisely, but it also has a responsibility to provide certain services and guarantees to the American people. In this time of economic crisis, I believe it is especially important that Congress prioritize those measures that will foster long-term economic growth. We must reinvest in our education system, in our workers, in our nation’s infrastructure and in the development of clean energy technologies that will reduce our dependence on foreign oil. By making these important investments today and helping revitalize our economy, we can leave our children with prosperity not debt.

As a member of the U.S. Senate Finance Committee I will continue to work with President Obama and with my colleagues to draft legislation that strikes the right balance in how we collect and spend federal tax dollars so we can leave more than debt to the next generation.  This is why I’ve worked to cut taxes for Washington families, specifically by extending the sales tax deduction to ensure fairness for residents of our state.   I understand that this issue is especially important to you; be assured that I will keep your views in mind as we craft legislation.

Thank you again for contacting me to share your thoughts on this matter.  Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future if I can be of further assistance.
Maria Cantwell
United States Senator

I responded with the following email to Senator Maria Cantwell….

Dear Senator Cantwell:

Thank you for the response. I realize you have to send a boiler type answer but yours was informative. I don’t agree with a lot of what you say. I am not getting into dollar amounts here,  just using common sense that comes with growing old and being poor and working most of my life.
You do not help taxpayers, or the government by raising the debt ceiling. No one gets out of debt by getting more credit cards and it’s the same thing. The debt has tripled or more under Obama. He doesn’t have a clue about spending. He blows through money like a train wreck. He has never had to work for any money and does not know what a budget or anything else is. Most all of you have to keep promising the people in your State more and more goodies to get re elected. You have so many people voting for you that have never worked, never have any intention of working but know how to milk the system. There is absolutely no reason that generation after generation lives on welfare. It’s not fair to them. They will vote for every bus, or park or anything else that will raise our taxes because they don’t pay rent, they don’t pay for their food, they don’t’ pay for their medical. They are young, able bodied and somehow you have millions of people who think they are entitled to be taken care of. You have to cut that off. You are doing them no favors, but it does get you re elected.
The government is totally bloated. Lets just take the IRS now. Look at Lerner. She was making $200,000 a year as head of the department that supposedly grants special tax exempt status to organizations. Well I think before its over they will show that the election was controlled by the IRS in lots of ways. but back to her. She recently got a bonus of $100,000. Geez that’s 3 times more than I ever earned in a year. But it gets worse. First she tried lying, that didn’t work, so she lawyers up and takes the 5th. Someone wanted her to resign, but since she REFUSED to resign there was no choice(who the heck dreamed up that) but to put her on administrative leave. Now she can draw her pay and not even have to get up and go into the office. Don’t you see where you could save $300,000 right there. In our real world someone would have escorted her to her desk and said pack it up. Should have gone straight to jail, but if not that should have ended the job, pensions and perks. That’s just an example. We have a president that has no idea what the word truth means, from where he was born, whether he is a citizen, he was not told about the crooks in the IRS and acts like he is surprised. Lerner is saying it was not something she thought the president needed to know. Well no one knows where he was the night our 4 men were killed in Bengazi and they made a complete fool out of Susan Rice sending her to all talk shows to lie thru her teeth. They knew right on the start it was a terriorist attack. At the funeral of the dead Seal. Hillary leaned over to the Father of the dead Seal and said we will get the guys who made the video. She is as big a liar as Slick Willy but that was cruel. Obama thinks its terrible to treat the newsmen like criminals. but Holder signed the warrant that got Rosen in trouble and now Holder is going to get to the bottom of why a warrant was signed. One last thing, Obama wants to pretend. gee he didn’t know about any of these things and it was not important that he knew because he is so busy. Well it was important that he knew a millionaire black sports guy came out of the closet and even phoned him personally. Well for a president he really has his priorities screwed up. Cut government workers wages, cut out the pork, stop promising things you know there is no money for. DON’T RAISE THE DEBT LIMIT.
Thank you,

I encourage everyone to call, write, or even post on the Emerald City Journal you’re thoughts and opinions regarding issues. Make your voice heard.

How To Travel Like A Local In Seattle This Weekend

Lost In Seattle Washington Traveling

With the summer vacation season getting ready to begin over Memorial Day weekend, you might be interested in the American Public Transportation Association (APTA)’s survey about the projected number of travelers who will be visiting cities – like Seattle – and riding public transportation this year.

The official release is located below:

This Summer Vacation Season Brings Seven Percent More Tourists to Cities and Public Transportation than Last Year

70 million plan to “Travel Like a Local” and use public transit in U.S. cities this summer with Millenials leading the way

As the temperatures rise and schools close down, over 126 million Americans are planning to vacation in a city this year – a seven percent increase over 2012.  The American Public Transportation Association’s (APTA) annual “Travel Like a Local” Summer Travel Survey shows that around 56 percent (70 million) of those visiting cities plan on using public transportation for at least one activity during their stay. APTA notes that the improved economy is the reason for the increase in travel to cities.  The five most popular cities for travel this summer are New York, Miami, Chicago, Orlando and San Francisco.

The survey found that a majority in all age groups will take public transportation while on their city trip, but Millenials (18-24) are most likely to use public transportation while on vacation, with 73 percent reporting yes. Major motivators for using public transportation included not having to worry about finding a parking space (73 percent), saving money on parking fees (69 percent), and not having to navigate a car within a new city (64 percent).

“City visitors can experience more of the local culture and hustle-and-bustle of city life by taking public transportation alongside local residents,” said APTA Chair Flora Castillo.  “We are offering guidance to help tourists get around like the locals do.  We hope that this effort will be a fun way to remind residents and tourists that public transportation systems are not just a great way to get from point A to point B, but also unique, cultural institutions that shape our urban landscapes and reflect the nation’s diverse communities.”

“With the economy on the rebound, cities are becoming a more attractive destination for the summer because they are close by and have a wide array of amenities,” said APTA President and CEO Michael Melaniphy.  “A growing number of travelers are discovering that one of a city’s greatest assest is its local public transportation system.  These travelers are saving money while taking advantage of the local systems’ high-frequency routes which are designed to stop at the most popular spots and attractions a city has to offer.”

Forty-nine million city vacationers will use public transportation to sightsee and for restaurant dining and nightlife, 47 million to travel to and from their place of lodging, while 42 million will take public transportation to travel to and from the airport during their visit.

According to the survey, a growing number of individuals with incomes over $75,000 will rely on public transportation during their trip to a city and those traveling from all regions, including the South and Midwest will use public transportation during their city stay.  A majority of travelers with children (62 percent) will use public transportation during their city visit.

As the number of Americans headed to a city on vacation continues to increase, APTA is issuing a series of insider tip guides for vacationers traveling to some of the top city destinations.  These tips will provide insight into local public transit idiocyncracies, unspoken protocols, and tips to help vacationers to travel like a local and avoid public transit faux paux. For more details on how you can “Travel Like a Local” this summer, visit us at

Seattle-Travel-Photo Travel like a local in Seattle Washington

Seattle Powerball Growing

Seattle Powerball Tonight Get Your TicketIt’s here one of the biggest lottery drawings in history.  Tonight the Powerball drawing is at $600 million dollars and that number is expected to climb as the drawing time gets closer.  Even Though the odds are ONLY 1 in 175 million you can’t win if you don’t play.  The gas stations and convenience stores are reporting higher than usual numbers and in some states lines are gathering just to buy a ticket.  Starting January 15 2012, the Powerball ticket prices increased to $2 per ticket thus making the pool much higher.

The Powerball drawing tonight is the second highest in history just behind the previous Mega Millions in March 2012 which was $656 million.  With the amount of people playing there is a very high chance a winner will be decided.  In the event there is no winner, the jackpot could increase to over $1 billion dollars.  That would make it the biggest pay day in history.

Take a chance!

On a side note, the IRS really needs your money right now.  Considering the scandals and shady practices (no surprise) they will be waiting for their fair share.  The good news is that you won!  The bad news is that you’re going to pay A LOT more than you would have paid just 1 year ago.  The IRS is really sticking it to people whenever possible.

Here is some food for thought…. in the event you’re the big winner tonight and you take the lump sum of $376.9 million (spread out over 30 years), you’ll have to pay $149 million out of that to Uncle same.  Soo…. $600 million is more like $225 million net.  Congrats the IRS is the big winner here.  Not complaining or anything but just pointing out the obvious….we’re all getting ripped off.

Joe Biden $585K Spending Spree In Paris (1 Night)

Joe Biden Paris Visit

The spending continues with Joe Biden making a trip to Paris last February.  The one night stay for him (and his team) came to $585,000.  Joe Biden and his team rented out 100 rooms at the Hotel Intercontinental Paris Le Grand (a 5 star hotel).  The average cost for a hotel room there is $475 per night and the presidential suite is a cool $3,900 per night.  The government contract was recently released to the public discussing the trip.  Specifics about whether he stayed in the presidential suite is not known, however.  There is another case of him and his team staying at the Hyatt Regency London in early February which total $459,000.  At least we don’t have a spending problem in America – two solid cases of the administration blowing more tax money.  Both contracts are available for the public to read it on the website.

If spending your all your tax money like this doesn’t make you angry (and it should) then think about this… how about their honesty in reporting the facts about the visit?  Think about this… even if they purchased 100 presidential room suites for him and his team at the hotel for $3,900 each, they still wouldn’t have spent the full contracted amount of $585,000.

I have said it time and time again.  Before Obama and Biden are out of the office, our national debt will hit at least $20 trillion dollars.  It just continues to go up everyday and they simply don’t have courage to cut any real spending.  Just like the first 4 years in office, they are going to kick the spending can down the road for the next guy to handle.




Visit to Soweto – Vilakazi, Wandies, Hector Peterson Memorial and More

The word on the street is that Johannesburg, South Africa is a place of villains and cruelty. I had heard multiple warnings that you would be car-jacked in Johannesburg if you were foolish enough to stop your car at a red light. “Johannesburg has a higher crime rate than Iraq,” one Australian friend of mine warned me. My reading pointed me in another direction.

Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela’s autobiography, “A Long Walk to Freedom” affected me deeply. He spent much of his life in Johannesburg as a lawyer arguing anti-Apartheid cases. He painted a lovely picture of South Africa as a “Rainbow Nation” where forgiveness dominated over the violent history. Mandela gave me the impression that South Africa is synonymous with triumph over adversity. I’d have to see for myself.

All reading aside, I had an understandable level of trepidation as I packed for a day trip into Soweto. Soweto (or the South Western Township) is a vast neighborhood of people, many of whom live at a level of poverty I have never experienced or can really understand. This area was the epicenter of the anti-apartheid rebellion which swept across South Africa in the late 1970?s. AIDS mortality rates are the highest in the world in South Africa. The movie about segregated aliens called Sector 9, was filmed here and inspired by the social architecture of Soweto during Apartheid.

On the way from our rich, predominately white neighborhood, we made a detour to see the Soccer City Stadium. This mammoth building can manage 90,000 and was built exclusively for the FIFA World Cup. It is massive and mesmerizing. A swath of rich African sunset colors have been painted on the enormous panels that wrap around the building. The panels are like tiny pixels in an enormous digital collage which makes up the exterior of Soccer City. The building’s form is inspired by the African Calabash which is a natural gourd that is used to share food and the African fermented milk booze. Over the next 6 weeks this triumphant building will be the site of the most important sport competition in the world.

South Africa was under the gaze of the world. “Will they be ready?” was the common question. This was to be the first FIFA World Cup to be held on the continent of Africa. Will Africa be able to pull this immense undertaking off? One could entertain doubts while standing in front of Soccer City two weeks before the games begin and construction isn’t finished. Hundreds of workers were milling around the structure like ants. Those working the landscaping and side walks near the front smiled and worked calmly while those far off on the building were so minuscule in comparison to their structure that one couldn’t tell if they were working or chilling.

In South Africa there are neighborhoods called townships. Townships are predominately black neighborhoods that were either historically where the blacks chose to live, or were drawn up in the early 20th century by the Apartheid Regime. Drawn up like: “the blacks over there, the coloreds over there and us whites here.” Apartheid is an Afrikaans word meaning separate and apartheid wanted a separate society. Much like “separate but equal,” which we had in the USA-South, but Apartheid was even less focused on equality.

There are many parallels to the civil rights movement of the United States and that of Africa. In both the whites tried to choke economic growth and social development from the blacks. In both instances the whites would implement demeaning policies aimed at suppressing the self confidence in the black population. In my opinion, the large difference between ZA and USA is that in the USA the whites are the majority. In South Africa the whites are the minority. The potential for power struggle created an understandable level of fear in the dominate white group. Besides, in South Africa the whites aren’t even a unified group.

Afrikaans is a Dutch based language that has developed it’s own style and soul that is truly African. Afrikaans people are white, but they are entirely African. They have their own history and allegiances to Boer farming roots and Paul Kruger. The whites that have more British influence hold allegiances to the Queen and Cecil Rhodes. As a rule, they don’t speak Afrikaans and they have a more British view of human rights. Unification of the Cape of Good Hope, the Orange Free State (Boer), the Natal and the Transvaal was a dream of Rhodes.  Rhodes dreamed of seeing a unified country and this idea led to violent times.  None-the-less, South Africa was unified through the South Africa Act of 1909.  (there was a very long coming and complex agreement that was reached here.  Books can we written about the complexities of this act.)  40 years later, Apartheid governance took over.

The Apartheid governance developed a complex and perplexing system of laws to separate the different races based on color. There was no separation of races based on ethnic understanding. The Zulu and the Xhosa are both blacks but they are far from homogenous. Afrikaans and old British white folks have their own feelings of distrust towards each other. The coloreds (Indian, Malay, black and white mix) are also a interesting mix of people. None-the-less, Apartheid Government says: “blacks over here, whites here and coloreds here” and that’s how it went. Now, more than 100 years later we are touring around to see how it all has played out.

We left Soccer City for Soweto driving fast in our big white VW van.
Johannesburg has a highway system as imposing as that of Los Angeles, California. A significant difference in South Africa; the lines for traffic are more ideas than rules. When traffic gets bad the 4×4 trucks go off the road and up on the mud dividers to get ahead of the rest. Anywhere where your wheels can carry you is fair game on the South African roads. People swerve inside the orange construction cones to get ahead of those foolish enough to line up. The construction for the World Cup was causing bizarre traffic jams.

This was the sort of traffic jam where, in California one keeps their window up and their head down. As I sat in the back of the car, I couldn’t help but feel that these cars full of Africans were all smiling and giving us thumbs up. Most seemed positive about the traffic and happy to just be moving. Sure, we were stuck but I got more thumbs up in that gnarly traffic jam than I do in a year of California driving.

We came up over some hill top and we were informed that this expansive swath of dwellings was Soweto. Soweto sprawls out as far as the eye can see. Over the far hills you see hills of Soweto in the distance. It’s a strange blend of government brick buildings and shanty towns constructed of tin roof material and whatever else could be produced.

Though many of the homes look as if they are built by an assembly line, many of the dull old run down government buildings have been remodeled into beautiful homes. They have gardens, fancy gates and car ports. Outside on the street people sell food under the cover of a tarp supported by a few poles for shade. Open air barbers cut peoples men and women’s hair down to the super popular buzz cut. “Surgery” was offered on signs all around, but we learned that these were simply pharmacies, not places to have surgery performed. The government buildings that have been converted into drinking establishments are called “shebeens.”

Down towards what feels like the center of Soweto, there are two huge power plant towers (like the nuclear power plant where Homer Simpson works). These massive structures have been all painted up triumphantly with a beautiful African mural. This old power plant is now a tourist attraction boasting the worlds 2nd highest bungee jump. It’s a stunning sight. The structure itself is and example of triumph over adversity. The power-plants used to spit out toxins in the middle of Soweto to produce power for the white folks living outside of Soweto.

As we drove through the center of the township I couldn’t help but notice all the smiles. Earlier that morning I expected to have an abrasive day of avoiding gangsters and panhandlers deep in the slums of aggressive Africa, but all I saw around me were smiles and people giving me the “thumbs up.”

Our first stop was at the Roman Catholic Church which was a center for solidarity against apartheid. The church does not match the vastness of the neighborhood to which it serves. It is a humble building, yet its history is remarkable.

Our guide showed us the bullet holes in the ceiling from when the security forces raided the church in response to the uprisings in the 1970?s. A broken marble mantle on the pulpit is left broken from the butt of a security force officer’s gun. The bullet holes and broken pieces of the church are left to remind the people of those violent times.

It was an amazing struggle. A black man during Apartheid had no basic human rights. Every Black was required to carry a book describing his work, his family and his travel permission. At any time and without due process, a police officer could demand to see a mans paperwork and move him or her along. The blacks weren’t allowed to own their houses or visit white areas without permission. The whites used the blacks as servants but never wanted them around afterwards.

Above the church was an exhibit of photos by Jurgen Schadeberg. Schadeberg documented Soweto during the youth uprisings. His black and white images of comfortable rich white folks juxtaposed with images of poverty stricken hungry black folks leave a lasting impression. He has images of dangerous looking Apartheid anti riot tanks, security forces beating protesters, protesters hiding from police and families crying.

Photo of Apartheid Poverty

We left the church. Despite all the friendly smiles, I must admit that I was nervous about being in the poorest place in one of the most dangerous countries in Africa. I’m about as white as Goldilocks. All of these images were of white people beating, enslaving and scaring the black people. Someone must hold a grudge? It was lunch time so our guide took us to a place down the road called Wandie’s for a traditional African meal. It was here that all my fear went away and I fell in love with Africa.

A pair of musicians surprised our group with finger snapping and singing as we walked through the door. One played guitar while the other drummed on whatever was near him all the while singing beautifully. The atmosphere was incredibly welcoming and warm. The food was rich, flavorful and exotic (though I’m no an of the tripe).

The musicians sang, played and spoke throughout our entire meal. They played the Lion King Song, Bob Marley Songs, and a host of African songs. We sang along, some danced and everyone was caught up in the comfort of the atmosphere. The musicians would speak briefly between songs about their culture. They described the South Africa that I read about in Mandela’s writing; a “Rainbow Nation” where everyone respects each others differences. Everything about lunch screamed rainbow nation, this was one of the greatest lunches of my life.

Our guide’s friend, Botha, a beautiful young Zulu girl danced along with the musicians and kept us entertained with her sassy humor. I asked her if she had to speak to Xhosa people in English due to the language barrier. She seemed surprised with my question and explained that she could speak all the languages of all the different tribes. “We grow up immersed in it,” she explained.

After lunch we drove to Nelson Mandela’s old home. As we drove down this street we learned that this was the only street in the world where two Nobel Peace Prize winners had both lived. Vilakazi Street. We passed Desmond Tutu’s house on the way to Mandela’s; both Nobel Peace Prize winners.

Nelson Mandela spoke fondly of his home at 8115 Vilakazi St, Orlando West Soweto. “It was the opposite of grand, but it was my firs true home of my own and I was mightily proud. A man is not a man until he has a house of his own.”

The history of the house is provided in the flyer. I’ve included the main history page of the flyer:

“The Mandela House at 8115 Orlando West, on the corner of Vilakazi and Ngakane Streets, Soweto, was built in 1945, as part of a Johannesburg City tender for new houses in Orlando. Nelson Mandela moved here in 1946 with his first wife, Evelyn Ntoko Mase and his first son. They divorced in 1957, and from 1958 he was joined in the house by his second wife, Nomzamo Winifred Madikizela (Winnie).

Nelson Mandela was to spend little time here in the ensuing years, as his role in struggle activities became all-consuming and he was forced underground (1961), living a life on the run until his arrest and imprisonment in 1962, and sentence to life imprisonment in 1964.

Outside the home of Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela returned to 8115 for a brief 11 days after his release from Robben Island in 1990, before finally moving to his present home in Houghton. Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, herself harassed by the security forces and imprisoned numerous times, lived in the house with her daughters until her own exile to Brandfort in 1977, where she remained under house arrest until 1986. The family continued to occupy the house until after Mandela was released from prison. The house was subsequently turned into a museum, with Nelson Mandela as a Founder Trustee of the controlling body, the Soweto Heritage Trust.”

This is the literature the pamphlet provides the visitor when entering the museum. Our guide informed us of a few details left out of the pamphlet: Nelson Mandela gave his home up to the Soweto Heritage Fund despite the fact that it cut his ex-wife’s source of income. His ex-wife, Winnie Mandela, had been using their old house as a shebeen. This upset Mandela because alcohol had played an important role in keeping the blacks under control during Apartheid. It took the power of a team of lawyers to have the house returned to Mandela. Mandela then gave the house to the Heritage Trust.

His home is just another old house built by the Apartheid government but this one is surrounded with modern walls to give it a modern museum feel. The exterior bricks are charred from firebombings while Winnie lived there. The interior of the building is packed full with fantastic trophies and letters of support from people and countries around the world. The house in very small and you can see it all in about 2 minutes, if you rush. If you take your time you could spend hours examining all the interesting gifts and print given to Mandela. I left with a profound sense of admiration.

Just down the road, we got to speak with the project manager for the Hector Peterson Museum. We learned that the place was built under contract for 40 million Rand. For 6 months management organized the Vilakazi area communities into rotating labor force that could build the museum. The production spent this time because they wanted to weave community involvement and the museum.

Hector Peterson was murdered at the age of 13 for rioting against Apartheid government in the youth revolutions of the late 1970?s. Peterson was unarmed and killed by fully armed and armored security forces under Apartheid directions to suppress black “upiddyness.”

The project manager was working to build this museum to recognize the sacrifice of the young man. He decided to award the building contact to a white building contractor. He told us the story of awarding the contract and it went something like this (I paraphrase):

“I sat the contractor down in my office and told him I chose his bid from all the others. I told him “I choose you” and the contractor remained silent for a moment, the he stood up and walked out the door. Two days later he called me for a meeting. He walked into my office, sat down and cried openly. The contractor explained that he had been a member of the Apartheid led security forces which were in Soweto on the day of Hector’s murder.”

This is stunning. One of the important officers in the Apartheid security force was used by the people of Soweto, as an integral tool in building the museum to honor a fallen revolutionary. It’s difficult to imagine a more triumphant perseverance of the South African people.

Hector Peterson Memorial Plaque

The project manager reported that the white contractor and the black community worked together smoothly throughout the whole building process. The project found a successful finish. He explained that the contractor was on side 7 days a week from beginning to end of the day. “His professionalism and dedication was moving,” he told us.

“No building tools or materials were lost to thieves throughout the whole process” he explained. The community had guarded the construction site without the need to hire a security company or erect a physical barrier around the site. This museum is a remarkable testament to the feeling of reconciliation that makes South Africa such a rich place to be.

Behind the museum is a memorial square dedicated to the youth sacrifice in Soweto and the youth league of the African National Congress (ANC). This square looks down a long street lined with trees, each tree planted by a different world leader or celebrity. The trees planted by memorable names such as Bill Clinton, Nelson Mandela, Alicia Keys, Don Hahn (producer of the Lion King), Desmond Tutu and a host of others.

The project manager wants this whole area to be developed into a big triangle “long walk to freedom.” One day a guest could walk all around the area to get a feel of the land and the people that make up the remarkable Soweto area.

Night had fallen by the time we left the Hector Peterson memorial. We got stuck in traffic for hours before we finally got back to our place. I sat up for hours despite the exhaustion from a long un-expected day. I couldn’t stop thinking of how foolishly afraid I was at the beginning of the day. Most of all, I was deeply inspired by the people of South Africa.


Hillary Clinton Comes Clean About Gay Marriage (Support)

Hillary Clinton Gay Marriage Support

Hillary Clinton came out of the closet this weekend with a video of her (more like a campaign pitch) view of supporting gay marriage.  The video included below is very much like a TV political campaign ad.  Watch it for yourself.  Many are saying this is her buildup for the 2016 presidential election.  Considering her Benghazi attack failure, I’m not sure that is possible.  That is whole another topic, however.

What I find most interesting about Hillary Clinton and her video release of supporting gay marriage is how long it took her.  My gosh Hillary Clinton was the first lady back in 1994.  So what the hell took so long to make the statement?  The reality is Hillary Clinton is just another Keep Reading

Davy Crockett Ship Owner Going To Prision

Going To Jail Bret Simpson, the owner of The Davy Crockett, will be sent to federal prison for 4 months (plus home detention time).  He was sentenced and charged due to him abandoning an old beat up barge in the Columbia River.  When Mr. Simpson got the 400 ft former Navy ship he figured he would just scrap it and walk off with a tidy sum of money.  It is believed his company, Principle Metals LLC, made $88,000 just for the first haul of metal.  Of course, it’s hard to provide an accurate number of metal as it would be easy to hide in my opinion.  With that being said, it probably was much more.  One thing we know for sure about the Federal Government is that if you’re hiding money, accept cash, or making it in a way that cannot be traced back then they get very angry.  They don’t support issues in which they are not getting their cut such as marijuana or prostitution for example.

This is the first case in Washington State that a boat owner was sent to Keep Reading

Kittens Strip Club In Georgetown (Old Kettel’s Restaurant)

Georgetown Seattle Hats and Boots

Georgetown is getting a new business. We have no big store (Safeway, Albertson, Walmart etc). No direct bus to get to Burien to even get to a store. We lost our Laundromat, Treasure House etc. We did gain Harbor Freights. Now it seems we are getting a STRIP CLUB named Kittens. Shows a kitten climbing a pole like a dancer would.

This would be located in the old home of Kettel’s on 4th Ave.

DPD issued a permit for substantial alterations to the old Kettel building. DPd reviewed the zoning before issuing the permit. It is 800 ft from spaces where children congregate, day care centers, schools, community centers etc. PUBLIC NOTICE WAS NOT REQUIRED FOR THIS ISSUANCE. geez, they post public notice when a condo is being built but not a strip club. Keep Reading

Kevyn Orr, Emergency Manager of Detroit

Kevyn Orr Detroit Emergency Manager

Some things we read are so over the top that they have to be true. No one is smart enough to make them up. I won’t go into detail about the financial mess Detroit is in. It is a city of 706,600 people on the brink of bankruptcy. It ran up a deficit of 327 million last year and has $14 billion long term obligations. Seattle Sunday’s Times says Kevyn Orr will draw a salary of $275,000 as Detroit’s emergency manager. Wow that is a whopping salary for a broke city for sure. OK what I have said so far is probably true, and the Detroit Mayor needed help. How many people applied for that job and what sort of background did they have? We will never know.

Now, what I call over the top was when I was reading more personal things about Kevyn Orr. I don’t mean gossip, like Keep Reading

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