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Headline News - page 35

Raising The Social Security Age

Social Security Age Increasing

Every year we hear the same news… people are living longer. These “studies” say the average expectancy now is 72 years old. Me, personally, know a lot more people who have died at a younger age than actually living until 72+. In fact, a just heard a friend of mine say her Mom died in her sleep just a few days ago. She was 54. Yesterday (3/5/13) we got the news one of the biggest managers in wrestling’s history (WWE) died and he was 58. His WIKI page is here. I honestly don’t believe the hype coming out of these “studies”. The realty is that everything you hear on the news/media, government, or these “age studies” needs to really be analyzed. All these organizations have a motive and propaganda to change your mind on issues. The scarcity or news (for or against) helps to convince the public to vote Keep Reading

McGinn On Supreme Court Ruling (2/3 Voting)

Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn

Mayor McGinn’s statement on state Supreme Court ruling
Yesterday, the state Supreme Court issued a ruling stating that a state law requiring a two-thirds vote in the Legislature to increase revenue is unconstitutional.

“I applaud the state Supreme Court’s decision. This opens the door to common sense returning to Olympia’s process to fully fund education and invest in our transportation system,” said Mayor McGinn.


This really surprised me (and not much the politicians do surprise me anymore). I can’t believe he would actually put in writing that the will of the voters mean absolutely nothing to him. We all know that includes almost every elected official but to admit it in writing and be proud of it. His e mail called the reader is sent to us voters who have signed up for it. lol  I hope when he runs for re-election this gets really circulated and can be filed under, “Put a fork in it, his goose is cooked”. But then if you look at what happened in November he could get voted in again. He won last time by running on the fact that he was Keep Reading

Two-Thirds Tax Law Dumped

Capitol Building In Olympia Washington

Yesterday 2-28-13 the will of the people of the state of Washington was wiped out. Hard to believe that for 20 years the people of the state of Washington has voted over and over for a two thirds tax law. It would only be good for a couple years and we would have to go all thru the signature gathering, and have it put to a vote and it passed every time. Last November Initiative 1185 passed by a 64 percent majority in all 39 counties. I can completely understand going to court and having a ruling when an initiative is worded screwy, like “yes we don’t want that”, or something. But the 2/3 tax law has been passed every time, time after time and to have the court strike it down is a real shock.  I believe Keep Reading

Michael Bloomberg Banning Soda Pop

A perfect example of someone wasting our tax money as a politician.  Out of everything that needs to be fixed in this country (and NYC), Michael Bloomberg figured he would start banning large soda pops.  I guess it must be nice to sit around all day and not fix a damn thing that is really important.  A law that he figured wouldn’t put his head on the chopping block may have backfired.  As you know most politicians these days focus on the things (or create new things) that don’t put them in the line of fire.  They like to sit back and think of things that generate revenue but are not currently in place.  A few good examples would be photo lights, speeding lights, hotel room taxes, seat belt laws, plastic bag tax etc.  So the “genius” Michael Bloomberg creates a ban on large soda pop.  Well done! Like I said, another example of a “play it safe” politician. Keep Reading

Police Armed With Military Gear

Well nightmares really do come true. Have you ever dreamed about tanks rolling down the streets and your peaceful life being turned into a war zone? It may become a reality if homeland security has its way. I have not seen this on any of the nightly news programs I have watched or read about it until this week. I thought we had Police, Sheriffs, Marshalls to uphold the laws in America, and act as peace keepers. If a real calamity happened they call out the National Guard. Then and only then would we see military gear being manned by trained soldiers. The Defense Department started a 1033 program in the late 1990’s. This provides state and local law enforcement agencies with free surplus weapons, body armor, armored vehicles and night vision equipment. Have you ever heard about that 1033 program? I sure hadn’t. I have never seen our Keep Reading

Michelle Obama Working Hard At Oscars

As I was flipping channels last night between CBS (Osama Bin Ladin raid recap) and the Oscars, I couldn’t help but watch Michelle Obama kiss more ass to the public. I have said it a hundreds times on the Emerald City Journal. Michelle and Barack Obama are all about making the American people love them, building their popularity, and brand. They want popularity so they can get the continued support to pitch their crap in the White House.  A President (or anyone) will always be voted for or supported due to popularity.  A sense of connection with us, always seeing them, being inspired by them – this person will always take the Keep Reading

President Obama Agenda & Laws

As the time continues to pass with the Obama Administration, the picture is becoming even more clear.  He is not interested in touching anything that would potentially make him look bad.  He wouldn’t cut spending as they will cut jobs and ruin is record.  He won’t be touching the medicare issues or social security.  In short, anything that could potentially hurt his brand/image will not happen.  The can will be kicked down the road for the next guy (or girl).  Any issues that could hurt him will be passed on to someone else.  For example, he was quick to play dumb with the Benghazi attack.  Hilary took the fall but played the obvious dumb card when asked questions, which was a big surprise.  The guns sold to Mexico, which ended up killing our Agents, were sealed.  My point is this trend will continue for years to come. Keep Reading

Personal Story: Navy Spending Tax Money At Key Arena

The Old Key Arena Building in Seattle

A friend and I went to a concert a few weeks ago at Key Arena (she was persuasive).  The last time I visited was in High School for a hockey game; it was a good experience.  Going to the Key Arena isn’t something I would normally do these days.  The ticket prices, parking, and traffic make it mostly miserable for me.  The City Of Seattle strategically limits the hours of street parking so you can pay the $25+ parking at the event.  The concert was mostly sold out by the time we decided to go.  The remaining tickets were in the nosebleed section and after the Ticketmaster fees they were $98 dollars each.  With that being said, this plan was starting to fall apart quickly.  I decided to check out Craigslist to see if any opportunities were available.  After a few days, I decided to pull the trigger on some Key Arena luxury suite tickets via Craigslist posting for

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Norm Dicks Retiring

Government spending is on the tight rope AGAIN. Deadline after deadline, kick the can down the road, scare tactics, posed photo ops, propaganda is about all the news is these days. Then comes along a real lulu. It’s easier to write using one person for an example to show how our government is completely out of whack. I am not anti government, I am for any control or rule or law that makes any sense at all to the ordinary citizen if we can afford it. In this article I will be picking on Norm Dicks. The politicians are not representing “we the people” when they are able to make up special rules and regulations for themselves that put them way way above the people they are supposed to represent. The have elevated themselves to a class of people who do not have the capacity to even understand what the word WORK means. Sure they put in a lot of time hob knobbing with each other and trading votes to get a lot of money for their home state. They come back home and tell the Keep Reading

Map Testing Washington State

This article is written to show you that the schools have lost control of not only the students but the superintendent has lost control of the teachers etc. At the moment the tail is wagging the dog. The biggest thing that is going on right now is the school kids via the teachers are being taught that if they don’t want to do something, JUST DON’T DO IT. There will be no punishments or making up time they are wasting standing on the steps saying the test is a waste of time. Lets just stick with Garfield school to show the point. The schools are like a business. There is a chain of command. I believe the Superintendent of Public Education is Keep Reading

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