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Headline News - page 36

Legislators Charging Us For Cellphones, Dry Cleaning And Art

The Foxes are really guarding the chickens in Olympia. Maybe what I will be writing is not something the “crooks”, can be put in jail for, but they sure should be kicked out of the front door in Olympia. The things we read in the paper are just the crap that we know about. If they could get by with what we did find out, what else are we paying for?

Each lawmaker knows when he runs for office what the salary is. He knows he will be paid a salary between about $42,000 and $50,000. He knows he has to wear clean clothes on the job. He has an office in Olympia to work from and should stay right there for the short while the legislature is in session. They get Keep Reading

Obama Gun Ownership Laws

There is an old saying that goes something like this. “If you always do the same thing over and over you will always get the same results.” That’s exactly what the politicians are doing about gun violence. What I am going to write will be a little bit extreme but the point I want to get across is that not one thing they have suggested doing is going to make us safer or cut down crime. In my opinion it will make crime more rampant.

NOW, for my simple observations. For a fact we have GOOD GUYS with guns. We have BAD GUYS with guns. Which guys kill more people, and do more robberies? I think we will all agree here that Keep Reading

Dreams of Success: Mark Hurd

Many teenagers and young adults watch successful businessmen and businesswomen wear fancy clothes, drive in expensive cars, and go to upscale parties. They imagine what the high life would be like as a successful executive. They dream of money and all of that money can buy, and wish for the success that has been bestowed upon others. What many of them never recognize is that those successful people once had the same dreams before turning them into realities.

Mark Hurd was one of those dreamers. So were many of the famous figures of business technology. They worked hard, had an idea, and then discovered how to turn that idea into a profit. They saw needs in society that others missed, and they found themselves able to fill those niches. Mark Hurd and others like him followed the examples and advice of those that came before them, the men and woman whose faces could be found on the covers of Fortune and Forbes Magazines.

For Mark Hurd, the journey to success was not short, and it was not easy. He put in a lot of long hours and had some unsatisfying days before making his dreams come through. But Mark Hurd and others like him have long known that in order to make your dreams come true, you have to work as hard as you can and never give up. That is why Mark did not quit his job as junior salesman at NCR when he likely deserved a much higher position.

Instead, Mark Hurd worked to become the best at the job he was given, and once he had done that he was promoted, and given a new challenge. With every new position and new responsibility, Mark could feel himself getting closer and closer to his dreams. Those dreams were still a long way off, it was true, but Mark Hurd was not going to give up.

In 1994, after 14 years of performing in various sales, marketing, and management positions, Mark Hurd was promoted to Vice President of one of NCR Corp’s larger divisions. He performed well, as he had always done, and was named COO of the division and President of NCR Corp as a whole. His dreams were finally coming to fruition.

Mark Hurd was named the COO of NCR Corp in 2002, and after only a year was named CEO, making him the President and CEO of the company where he had worked for 23 years. In 2005, Mark Hurd had led NCR Corp to incredible success and growth. The company grew nearly $300 million dollars (up 6%). A few years later he was offered a position at Hewlett-Packard as President and CEO. He took the position. Even at HP Mr. Hurd was able to increase their revenue nearly 63%!

When the name Mark Hurd began to show up in the lists of Fortune, Business 2.0, and Forbes, it was evident that his dream had been realized. Mark Hurd at last attained success. He worked hard, he worked long, he devoted his life to the business of technological advances, and he became successful.

Many people would consider this to be the culmination of his dreams. But the thing about dreams is that they must always evolve. Success is a great dream to have, but far better than success and wealth is excellence. Mark Hurd led HP with an attitude of excellence, and continues to do so as the President of Oracle Corporation today. It can only be assumed that Mark Hurd will continue to pursue excellence for a long time to come.

Overall, one the best businessman working today. We are including his revenue performance chart below. As you can see it’s impressive work.

Mark Hurd Revenue Chart
Mark Hurd Revenue Chart

**Inspiration piece submitted to inspire Seattle residents to make big moves in their careers. Dream big and be your best at everything you do.

No (Hell No) On Both School Levies

I am certainly not against schools or a good education or a good school for the children  BUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

until someone does some accounting of how the money is being spent/squandered/embezzled no money should be given to them. The two levies coming up in February are huge. How did they come up with numbers like that? An ordinary person does not think in terms like that so its time to give us (people who will have to pay the property tax that people who does not own property can vote on). What does it really cost to run ONE CLASSROOM? I think the school classroom is allotted a Keep Reading

Letter To Tim Burgess Council Member

In response to a survey conducted the first week of January by Alison Peters Consulting, a firm that serves both Republican and Democratic clients, the poll of 600 registered voters revealed wide and strong support for a variety of gun safety measures ———-

I sent this letter to Mr. Tim Burgess… but got no response to date.

Mr. Tim Burgess Councilmen: Received your email of City Views and copied/pasted the above two lines. The politicians jumping on gun control shows you must need something to do to keep you from doing something worthwhile. Not one thing you listed would make me or a school any safer. You and even President Obama know that criminals/thugs and nut cases do not follow any laws, rules about anything. They will never buy a gun. They will just break into a car or home and steal one. Lets for now just stick to the kindergarten slaughter. Would any law you can think of Keep Reading

Hillary Got a Free Ride At The Benghazi Hearing

I seems impossible that the long awaited hearing before the House Foreign Affairs Committee turned into another free ride for Hillary and the Obama administration. They have a way or twisting and turning in the wind to try to make it look like we are picking on a black president or a white woman in power. Her emotions should not have had a thing to do with what the hearing was about. Congress should not have used this hearing to give speeches and have a photo op when they knew there would be a large TV audience. I believe Hillary was under oath, and if she wanted to take the 5th she could have. My view is she should be sitting in jail until she decides when and if to tell what happened. She had 4 months of stonewalling to prepare for this. Look at all the trips she HAD to take to Asia, then she got the flu, then she fell and got a concussion. Why didn’t she play that up a little more and say she cannot remember anything that has happened the last year (short term memory loss). She got all flustered and angry and shouted out What difference does it make? It makes a lot of difference. Lack of funds is no excuse to lie about what happened. The hearings were not just to hear how these four brave men died or to make sure it never happened again. The hearings were why did the Obama Administration say the attack was because of a video which Keep Reading

2nd Amendment Rights, Debt Ceilings, And Other Stuff

Since the election, for the first time in my life I have been at loss for words. I could not believe it when Obama won the first time, but to be re-elected was a shock. He won, he got the most votes but this does not mean that all of us people who did not, and do not agree with where he is taking the country should roll over and play dead. This article will be just a hodge podge of my observations using famous quotes to make my point.

The first point is, if you take away our guns, only criminals will have guns. Obama can stand for a photo shoot with little kids behind him wanting him(and being brainwashed into thinking) to keep them safe. He doesn’t have a clue about worrying about his daughters. The go to Sidwell Friends school, it has armed guards, and secret service agents to accompany them to and from school. How do you spell hypocrite? He wants everyone to think he is a King, not a president. He is abusing executive orders and for some reason no one will stand up to him. All want to keep their jobs. If by the sweep of his mighty sword a/k/a pen, no citizen is allowed a gun in their house the thugs and crooks will have theirs. They do not follow rules or register guns and they don’t own a house or pay rent so no one can find them like they can a law abiding citizen. The world would be safer if every homeowner bought a gun, took a course in how to shoot it, and if someone started to break the door down, just shoot right thru the door. Why does the guy breaking in to rob or rape or murder you have more rights than you do? It is a real tragedy when a child gets their hands on a gun that is kept in the house but legislation wont stop that. Look at the children that have shot each other with their Daddy’s gun(and he is a police officer). Lets say I go out, buy a gun, get a permit or whatever I need if I have to keep the bullets out of the gun, and I have to have the gun locked up in a safe, its not going to help me when I wake up and see a stranger standing in my bedroom. There has to be some common sense to go with controls, laws and rules. Criminals will never follow rules. Teach the teachers to shoot, and to shoot anyone who barges into her classroom, no questions asked. Better to shoot first and ask questions later, than have your whole class slaughtered. No law abiding citizen is going to do something like that and banning guns and passing laws wont change a thing. When I was a little girl on a big Montana ranch we had a gun rack that the guns were hung on. They were loaded in case you heard a mountain lion trying to get your sheep or cattle. When I rode a horse I took a gun(I was 7 or 8) so I could at least protect myself a little. Not once did one of us shoot each other or ourselves or take our gun to murder the neighbor or shoot up the school.

Now to out of control spending. The balance has been shifted. There are more people being led to believe they “deserve” a nice place to live, good food on the table, all taken care of by the government. This quote by George Bernard Shaw is why I think Obama won twice. “A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul”. There are more Paul’s than Peter’s but this will not work very long because Peter will just quit his job when he sees he has to hand over what he earns to let the government give it to Paul.

You cannot buy friendship for foreign countries either. Most of the countries that we we are pouring millions of foreign aide to hate our guts. They would blow us off the map if they could. If we were really helping some POOR people I would see it totally different, but the people in the little shacks, with the little kids playing in the streets with pigs(four legged kind)never see a bit of the aide we send. Their leaders whether they are called Kings, Presidents, or Sheiks whatever just travel more, ask for more aide, have photo shoots (like Obama with little kids or at flooded places) but the money gets squandered. Look at the Mayor of New Orleans when it was flooded.He made off with millions. A school mate of Bill Clinton’s at Georgetown University, named Douglas Casey said, “Foreign aide might be defined as a transfer of money from the poor people in rich countries to the rich people in poor countries.” If our country is broke, STOP SENDING MONEY WE DON’T HAVE. If Obama really wanted to make a statement that he really cares for people or our debt, yesterday would have been the time. He already had one inauguration so why couldn’t he stand up and say, its time to get our debt under control and I want to start off by being an example. I am going to just be sworn in as president, no parties, no parades, no 120 million spent for my security so all of that money can go to pay off part of the national debt. He has blown thru billions traveling in his little air force one. Michelle has more servants than Queen Elizabeth. They spend more on the White House upkeep than England does on its Castle, etc. One last quote by Thomas Jefferson, “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take away everything you have.”

I will close by copying what has become known as the FIVE BEST SENTENCES. Read these and think about them when you are thinking about what the politicians are telling you to get you to vote for them.


  1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
  2. What one person receives without working for…another person must work for without receiving
  3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
  4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
  5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work, because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation!

Obama Gun Laws

Obama Taking More Of Your Rights! New Gun Laws

With almost two months in office now, President Obama continues the path to abolish anything left in this country.  His shady ways of Obama care will be here shortly and I can’t wait for Americans to start complaining.  They have no idea how much this is going to cost them.  My response will continue to be “told you so”.  The ads from H & R block are starting to run on TV how they are going to help us all out with the details and how much it is going to cost us if we decide to opt out.  Doesn’t this sound fun?  If you’re not in the loop a health plan is required by everyone when the time comes.  What I find even more amazing is that the people I continue to talk to think this is free health care.  They are wrong!  It’s the “Affordable Health Care Act”.  “Affordable” unfortunately isn’t defined Keep Reading

EMP New Years Parties – My Experience

Each year it seems there is a party at the EMP. I have been to it 2 times now for news years. My second visit was regrettable unfortunately but that is a lesson learned. The new years event is something I would do once, however, if you have never done it before. Another visit would be pointless since it’s the same each and every year. Which is to bad because I really enjoyed it the first time.

The EMP New Years Party is exciting. From what I saw they have two main live bands (big stage & side bar). The big stage band was
disappointing at both of my visits and the real fun came from the small band which played 80s music at the side bar. After a while there
was more people at the small side bar then at the big main stage which pretty much proves my point. The upstairs (3rd level) was DJ R&B music which seemed to be a younger crowd.

The alcohol obviously was expensive and so were the tickets. Just like every event these days there is another company which plays the middle man and attaches on these heft ticket processing fees.  I can’t remember there name but they do New Years Parties all over so the event isn’t that unique to Seattle or anything like that.

The prices go up as the new year gets closer. Ours were last minute and it was $69 per ticket. You should also know that you can’t leave the venue which nobody will tell you. So that means when all the fire works are exploding under the space needle you’re stuck inside. You can’t go out on the balcony or leave for a smoke break or anything. That is a big disappointment and something they should find a solution to really quick considering the EMP is in the shadow of the Space Needle.

My only regret is that they don’t mix up the event each year. It’s the same old thing every where which is unfortunate because if I new it was different each year I probably would go. Like I said, if you haven’t gone then you should at least do it once. I should also mention that there was a pretty large line to get into the party the second time.  It was outside in the cold and rain and wasn’t very organized so go a little early and be prepared for any weather conditions.

Hope this helps when considering the EMP for your next New Year Party.

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