Seattle Newspaper for the People by the People

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Headline News - page 41

Unemployment Rate A Broken System

The numbers for unemployment came out today for September and it just so happened to decrease to 7.8%.  I’m not here today to call the calculations a little suspect due to the timing of Obama’s re-election and the next debate, however, you can find a lot of people online pointing fingers and calling it bull.

I just wanted to write this up to give you a better insight into these unemployment numbers and tell you why the system is broken.  First the system is used to give you encouragement.  It’s development in nature and technical aspects are pieced together to make America look really good.  Well lets just give the system the benefit of doubt and say these numbers provided (7.8%) of Americans are unemployed.  So if these numbers are right they are saying less than 1 in 10 are unemployed.  Seriously – u believe that?  That just sounds ridiculously low.  I am confident I could claim 20% (2 out of 10) in my group of friends for sure right now.  Think about 10 people you know and see if that makes sense to you.

Second and most importantly, the system doesn’t count “discouraged workers” which they say is 802,000 people.  “Discourage workers” are defined as people not currently looking for work because they believe no jobs are available for them.  First problem here is for a big system like ours in America there is no way to track who is “Discouraged” or not discouraged.  No one calls you after you’re fired or let go to know your personal situation.  They don’t know if you’re looking handing our resumes or not.  There is no way to track (unless they are getting unemployment checks – A LOT don’t bother with that hassle) who is sending resumes or who have given up 100%.  It’s all just based on make believe info when it comes to “discouraged workers”.  If I’m out of work how do they know that I’m trying hard to find a new job or not – They can’t and I shouldn’t be labeled a “discouraged worker” (not in the unemployment calculations) because I can’t find work.

The 7.8% does not include the “discouraged workers”.  So if I’m working at McDonald’s and I’m let go, don’t file for unemployment, I’m now discouraged.  Geez that is just about everyone who loses a job whether they are filed or let go. These people are not calculated into the 7.8% figure.  If they say we only have have 802,000 “discourage workers” who just gave up that they know of – then realistically there must be millions and millions.

To fix this the system needs to add everyone into one pool except underage, state disabled, never had a job, and retirees.  That, however, will never happen.  If it did Americas unemployment rate would be around 20% or more!

That my friends is why the unemployment rates are completely false, not accurate, and completely broken.


City Council OKs Inspection of Rentals

We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office.
~Aesop, Greek slave & fable author

Did anyone in their right mind think the City Council would not pass it? It appears they copied the one that pumped in 1.6 million to Los Angeles coffers. I really cant come up with a perfect word to describe what the Seattle Council is doing to property owners. A few descriptions, are legalized shakedowns, threats or fines if we don’t do exactly what they say. They will list all sorts of RCW’s and obscure laws and reasons for doing this and they know from the Housing Code mess in the 80’s that the judges will rubber stamp anything anyone tries to get clarified in court. Its actually taking over private property when they can tell a person who worked and bought a rental how we need to fix it. The law of supply and demand takes care of that. If a tenant is dumb enough to rent a place full of mold, a sink propped up with a 2 x 4, electrical sockets hanging out of a wall like one described then that’s between them and the landlord. We do not need government to tell us what/how to remodel a house we own, and bought with our own money.

Anyone who follows politics can see spending is totally out of control. They have to find somebody new to screw over. What better way than pass a law that requires every person who owns a rental (even to your Mother in law in your own home) must pay a fee and register your property with the city. Now if that is not hi-way robbery, blackmail or something I cant imagine what is. First of all the city already knows exactly who owns what. The tax rolls tells them that. If I pay property taxes and utility bills the odds are  I live in my house, but if I pay property taxes and someone else is paying the utility bills the odds are that it is a rental. But greed, corruption. what the heck ever kicks in and what a wonderful way to get $150.00  or whatever they decide on, from each everyone who owns property without actually having to put a gun in their back. Works for them. They say this is just to cover their expense of running the program. WOW they will have no budget, no limit to how many inspectors or how big of a boondoggle they can create, because they can set the fee at whatever they want to. They can raise it, they can add penalties and fines anytime you resist. Legalized plunder might describe it. They can spend whatever they want to run the program.

But that is not even the worst part. Their reason for passing this is to quote Sally Bagshaw: “This is watershed legislation, everyone has a RIGHT to good housing”. Their were no NO votes so we have to assume that every council member believes this. I think you have it completely bass ackwards. People who own property that they worked and paid for should be able remodel/upgrade or leave it as is without any interference for the government. We have a RIGHT  to be left alone. We have a RIGHT to whatever we worked for and paid for if its legal. I know we cant start up a drug lab etc, or create an eye sore, but to say everyone has a RIGHT to good housing is like telling the Little Red Hen to keep working her little tail off and do all the work but then share her baked bread with the others who did nothing have a right to her bread. Well the little Hen quit planting her wheat. I will just close up my little house when the time comes to register because for sure I wont be re plumbing, re wiring, putting in new windows or whatever you dream up. You are giving rights to tenants that they have no right to have. If they don’t like a place they can move. If it is crappy don’t move in. If it is trashed when they leave and take pictures of it, then they did the trashing. This is spreading the wealth in a sense. You want to force single family dwellings completely out and you may very well succeed. I have a little house that supplements my social security check. The house was built in the 1900’s. Of course its not up to code. No old house is. The house I live in is the same age and I have lived in it for 66 years. It is not insulated, not sure the locks would meet your approval, doubt your inspector would let me rent it to anyone without a lot of upgrades which I have no money or desire to do at this point in my life. I am 89 and don’t think it would be easy to make payments if I even could get a long term loan.  My tenants have all been working people but I have taken many applications that just blew my mind. One young black girl with 3 little kids filled out an application. I showed her the little rental(really clean and cute, bath fitter had just did the bathroom). It was not nice enough(thank heavens) but she showed me she was entitled to spend $1400 a month on rent. My house rented for $850. Another young heavy set white lady came and had section 8 and had $1100 a month to spend on rent and mine was only $850. So I want to talk about people who you would call poor and you say thy have a RIGHT TO A HOUSE. They don’t have a right to anything. The government has created a whole new class of people with a sense of entitlement. They are not poor at all. They don’t work, never have had a job but  government has convinced them they are victims of some  this sort. They get a stay at home check, food stamps, and money for rent and free medical. Just because they prefer to have a bunch of babies by a lot of different men and not get married is not MY problem. If someone wants to spend their life drugged up or drunk, its not MY problem. Its their excuse for not going to work. They say they have issues. They blame the government or the old landlord or anyone but themselves. If they didn’t work for it, they don’t have a right to it. At least that is the way it used to work in America.When you take from me to give to someone else its robbery.  From the time I can remember on the old farm we were taught, “work or we wont eat”. If you had a good crop you might be able to get a new piece of linoleum  for the kitchen floor. We did not have to worry about faulty plumbing or wiring because we did not have any of that. We had a three hole out house. We had whatever Mom and Dad could afford not on the government furnishing everything we thought we needed.

The countries that turned to Socialism are facing terrible times. The people they have taught that Government will take care of them are rioting because their governments have ran out of money. Its getting closer in America. You cannot keep hammering away at people who have worked all their life to take care of themselves and give it to people with no work ethic, no ambition, alcoholics, dopers, and single mothers. The bubble will burst. My little rental is the supplement to my social security check. My social security check(not SSI) that I worked from age 13 to 69 for,  is less than the government gives these so called poor people to use for rent. Now you want to make sure we fix our little rental for people who do nothing because they have a right to good housing. Of course the Seattle City Council knows all of this. They had the meeting all geared with the Tenants Union. They want to suck more money away from property owners to upgrade their property in the guise of helping tenants. You are hurting them. When you teach someone they deserve something they did not work for and take it away from the guy who worked for it is corruption and buying votes. Does not help anyone. If everyone is entitled to good housing how come there are so many homeless people wandering the streets downtown?

It’s hard to believe the load of crap the council members are shoveling out. They know better. They are not dumb. They know how to start up another layer of rules and regulations to buy more votes. Sure the tenants will vote for you, but remember they are not the ones you are able to “suck” the money from. It’s the property owners and people who work. When it get too top heavy it will fail.  Its mighty close right now. You are promising the tenants you are helping them. The tenants union has convinced them it is helping them. Neither is true. You are hurting them almost as much or more than us property owners. It will hurt them when people just tear down their rentals rather than jump when you say jump. The government will run out of money eventually and the people will riot because they have not been taught how to do a thing for themselves. It pays off to be told you are poor in Seattle. You are entitled to a good house. You do not have to ever work a day in your life, if your child gets a free lunch he is entitled to go to college even with a C grade. That’s like telling you that a D and F means you are doing fine.

Fair is fair. I have lived in an old house all my life and worked all my life. If someone who has never earned a dime has the right to good housing then I figure I am entitled to live in a mansion. With your reasoning I will state my case. Bill Gates lived in a mansion. Sure he accumulated his wealth all on his own. But according to your logic “I am entitled to live in a mansion”. Shouldn’t he have to furnish me with a mansion? The City Council can give me a check each month in the amount he wants for rent. How come it doesn’t work that way? I don’t begrudge the rich people one thing, they worked for it. I do begrudge rewarding drunks, dopers, lazy people and single mothers who think their lifes work is “breeding”. Welfare will even pay for delivering the babies then up the monthly check. No one holds the Dad’s accountable. If I am still alive when the day comes to register my rental house. All rent applications will have an added cost.  $150.00 for registering, the inspection cost, the upgrade cost, all non refundable to the tenant. Right now I am happy, my tenant is happy, the little house is not dangerous in anyway but the city need the money to screw away for IMPORTANT THNGS. Thought Robin Hood days were over, but I was wrong again.


Romney Lays The Smackdown On Obama

Last night was the first round of the debates for the presidential campaign.  I certainly was expecting a debate, however, it feel short.  It was 90 minutes of Romney laying the smack down on Obama.  It appeared at times Obama was being scolded by Romney like a child who did something wrong.  The only real debate and I use “debate” lightly was in regards to the topic of ObamaCare.  The President stood proud to have created such a program and seemed confident to talk about it. During the debate Romney mentioned laying off Sesame Street and big bird.  The producers of Sesame Street were not happy about losing that funding provided by the Government should Romney be elected.  The statement released by Sesame Street sounded like Romney was firing them.  In realty, Sesame Street has had a free ride for 43 years now and they just need to add commercials to the program.  Currently the show doesn’t have any sponsors or commercials.  I know the show is valuable but does it deserve to be founded by the Government.  Paying all their staff and CEO’s?  Non profits do make money and a lot of it… look at the Salvation Army or the Goodwill.

For this article I was curious just how much Sesame Street makes per year so I looked it up.  On their 2011 IRS form they pulled in 8 million dollars from Government grants.  I would say that is fair amount to work it out on there own right?  Well here is the kicker… they made an additional $45 million on product royalties!  Things like toys and Tickle Me Elmo’s for example.  Oh it doesn’t end there.  They have content and syndication deals also.  When it’s all said and done in 2011 Sesame Street pulled in $112 million dollars in revenue (not including the 8 million in Government support).  Big Bird is part of the 1%!  Why is Big Bird on Welfare then? This show can support itself. There has to be a better way to make that “poor” program work and I’m sure they will figure it out.  It’s just a good example of things that are not going to make everyone happy.  It was sad to hear that news from Romney he may cut them, however, looking at the money now and what the show is bringing in – they don’t need us paying for their show.  If you cut things some people will get mad and that is why most politicians don’t cut at all.  They want to save their office and don’t want the negative response by the few mad people.  Unlike Obama who is “helping” everyone with the handouts and not putting his neck on the line with any program cuts or decisions.  His goal has been fluffing up the job numbers (which he still failed at) and made 47% of the public loving the free handouts of the Government.  It’s pathetic.

None the less, it was a good showing for Romney.  I expect Obama to come with more heat next round, however, he better be ready with the answers to his failed numbers the last 4 years.  It’s going to be a tough road debating the negative numbers during his presidential history.  He can’t really say what he would do better this time because on every topic he has failed at it… plus why didn’t he implement this new approach the last 4 years.  The numbers of the last 4 years don’t lie.  The spending has never been worse.  Jobs are in the gutter and worse than when he started.  ObamaCare isn’t free like most of the public thinks and Mitt has already done it …. better.  We have a cyberwar with Iran and soon a real one.  Syria is falling apart.  North Korea hates us and we are running private operations there the administration doesn’t want to call a war yet.  China and Russia sure don’t support us.  National deficit is maxed more than Bush spent for the wars.  Can’t blame it on Bush because Obama raised it more in 4 years than Bush did in 8 years.  Obama on energy was a disaster and total loss of billions.  We are sending billions to countries who don’t appreciate it.  Our embassies are under terrorist attacks all over including Libya.  Could it get any worse with Romney even with little to no experience on foreign policy – it would appear he has a better shot at it from this point.  There really isn’t a topic that Obama hasn’t failed at.  You simply can’t debate with a failed record.  He can say what he want to do and what people want to hear but in reality he’s had 4 years and hasn’t implemented those things.  You just have to sit there and take it like a man just like Obama did last night.

The only thing Obama has working for him is his history of supporting and financially helping everyone for free.  The handouts to the public who will continue to support him until the end.  Can’t blame them really that would be a nice life and I wouldn’t want it to end.  It’s not their money so who cares right.  Obama has the African and Latino votes which is huge.  However, history has proven Republicans have done more for blacks than the democrats have ever done.  The civil rights movement was started by Republicans and wasn’t even backed by democrats!  Look that up if you don’t believe me.  Obama has supported the illegals so of course they will continue with the support for him.  Obama’s brand is strong.  He is a family man which I believe is true and that really hasn’t been displayed to the public for Romney.  American’s eat that up and feel better about someone who has that brand in place.

Next debate is Paul Ryan vs Joe Biden for Vice President.  I predict Ryan will mop the floor with him.  Ryan is an AMAZING talker and knows his numbers and facts well.  His banter and wittiness will be sharper than Biden. I suspect Joe Biden will do better than Obama because they will be more prepared due to how the Romney/Obama debate concluded.

Seattle Police Twitter Transparency

It’s official the Seattle Police Department will become more transparent.  They introduced “Tweet By Beat” and I must say it’s an amazing step in the right direction.  The program was started last week and gives the the ability to interact with the community better.  It allows the public to get a better idea of what is happening day by day.  Say there is a shooter or robber in your block – now you have a way of knowing and can lock the place up.  Right now they have 51 neighborhood twitter accounts being updated and running wild.  They even automated the process so it’s hands free for staff.

It’s to bad it took so much pressure from the public and the DOJ to make the Seattle this happen but none the less it’s an amazing step forward by the City, the Dept, and Seattle Police Chief John Diaz.

Here is a screen shot to give you an example of what it looks like: 
(or sign-up if wanted)

Now if we can only get more agencies across the nation to be more transparent like this. It would be a great way to keep everyone informed about tasks and program spending by line item.  Proceedural items could be discussed faster and loser programs would be notice faster so they could be eliminated before going broke.

I’m so proud of the Seattle Police Department for taking this step they did a fantastic job.

Romney vs Obama Debate Tonight

The time has finally come where we get to see the Romney vs Obama debate. It will be interesting for sure to see who will be the leader.  We all know Obama is a good talker and this debate may just win him the election if done right.  There are many problems he is going to have to have a response to such as both the low jobs and economy numbers.  I suspect his answer will be the typical point the finger to Bush and blaming the Republicans for holding up his proposals on the table.  As of right now, I don’t believe Romney is a very good talker so we’ll have to see how that works for him.

History has told us many elections are won or lost during the debates.  This election comes down to giving Obama another chance or letting someone new in there to see what he can do.  It’s a matter of how many people believe the excuses President Obama gives regarding his past and like I said he is a great talker.  You see Obama on talk shows like the view for example because they know talking good is one of his greatest assets.  Then as Romney mentioned in secret, that 47% of Americans are being supported by the Government so they are of course going to support Obama until the end.  Why would they change anything and vote for Romney? No way they would. Many people were easily convinced with the hopes and changes he was preaching 4 years ago and many are still on-board with the President.  It’s sort of like it doesn’t matter what he says – just how he says it (which is amazing).  I expect to see Romney start to say and support the things Obama supports to try to pull some additional votes.  We’ve seen this already with him supporting President Obama’s immigration policy.  More than 60% of voters supported Obama last time in 2008.  He will be making more and more promising trying to convince the Obama supporters to change their minds and try a new path.

If you’re watching the Romney vs Obama debate tonight you can find it on pretty much every tv channel at 6pm PST.

Over 50 million are expected to be watching the debate tonight.

Lets get it on!

Madonna Concert In Seattle

The icon Madonna will be in Seattle tonight (Oct 3rd) at Key Arena.  It’s a sold out concert but tickets are available if you look around on the Internet.  You better bring the cash though as ticket prices are very high.  I saw a few suite tickets for $300 each minimum.

Born Aug. 16, 1958 as Madonna Louise Ciccone she has sold more than 300 million records across the World.  She is the top selling female artist of all time.  That record even stands with the Guinness World Records. Madonna was born in Bay City, Michigan and moved to NYC for actually modern dance, however, the music thing worked out better.  Her first album was released in 1983.

Key Arena is a great venue for music.  I love the personal feel of it because it’s much smaller than Century Link for example.


Seattle Landlords Got A New Boss

If you’re a homeowner and decide to rent your home down the road, you just got a new boss.  That new boss is the City Of Seattle.  City Council is expect to pass legislation that would require landlords to get their rentals inspected.  They will need to register with the city (pay their fees) and hire a private home inspector to go through their rentals for repairs.  The scarcity of the bill that pushing it through is the inspection of mold and safety issues.  However, we all know it’s a way for the city to build up more revenue.  Lots of money is changing hands with this bill.  You have the city fees (old and all future rentals all pay registration fees).  You have the repair fees and I assure you that private home inspectors will happen to find every little change that needs to happen (it’s in their best interest financially).  Then you have the sales tax revenue generated on those “must have” rental repairs they fill are necessary.  The City Council says it’s not about the money… it’s about the safety.  Sounds like legal corruption to me personally.

The bill is backed by the Tenants Union of Washington.  We all know anything to do with Unions is about the money so we know their agenda. On their website they claim this bill is “the closest we have ever come in over twenty years in the fight for healthy homes for all in Seattle.” I guess they think money grows on trees.  They say they fight for “healthy and safe homes”.  They forgot to add at the dime of everyone else or by any way possible.

As a rental owner, the way the program works is pretty shady. First you must register with the city.  If you don’t register you’ll pay a fine.  It’s going to be monitored through your utility bills.  You then need to pay an inspector to come out from a private company whose sole purpose is to find problems with your rental.  Maybe it’s code violations, maybe its water damage, maybe you didn’t mow the lawn, maybe your roof could leak over the winter. Who knows really.  It could be nothing but most likely thousands of dollars depending on how much the private inspector needs the money or if his car payment is late that month.  After that is done, you need to get the repairs fixed and if you’re late doing that it’s going to cost you a $150 PER DAY fine.

I have seen this game played in several businesses now and it always leads to the same conclusion.  The owner is at the mercy of the City.  They’re always holding a carrot in front of your nose just to make sure you are aware of who is the real boss here.  It’s a power trip when it comes to licenses and they are always looking over your shoulder.  Typically the people telling you how to do things are people who have no experience, never been in your field, and think they know better then you how to run your business (or rental).  That is the reality and how this game is played.  It will also be how this new program is going to work.

The sad thing about this bill, the Seattle City Council, and the government is that they think they need and must “help” everyone.  Business owners, landlords, drivers, etc just want to be left alone.  Nobody (read all the comments on the Seattle times or news tribune about this bill) likes being told what to do or how to do it better by someone who has never done it themselves.  I know the only thing I want from the Government is to be left alone.  Just quite trying to “help” me.  It’s easy to pass bills like this because most people will never be financially sound enough to have a rental, probably are broke or near it most months, feel bad, or just don’t care about about others because it doesn’t and never will effect them.  I compare it to the 1% paying for everyone else.  It’s great for elections also….Why would the majority 99% care about the rich paying a little extra to help everyone else.  Sad but true.

Regarding this new legislation. I understand there are many slumlords out there.  Compared to the masses of landlords that number is low, however (like %10).  I guess we need the 90% to be burdened and pay the city extra and support the inspectors businesses just to fix the bad 10%?  Do you think renters are stupid and won’t leave if they don’t have heat or see mold where their kids play?  Seriously! We have laws about rental and tenants already in place to handle bad landlords and these situations.  You got mold in your rental and you didn’t see it when you did the initial walk through the rental, MOVE OUT, it’s unsafe and you have that right by law already.  The heating doesn’t work? MOVE OUT you’re all ready protected by law.  Good landlords don’t need to pay all the fees and have all the worries by these new bosses who know it all.  Yet they should pay the price also?  Registration fees each year and private inspectors looking to make money for their own business are not going to come out and work for free you know.

Another item to consider is that many rentals are supported income for the elderly.  They paid off and worked hard for an extra home/rental many years ago and the failed programs like social security don’t provide enough to live on. They are no bad landlords they are just getting by with the property taxes, insurance, and higher costs of home ownership. Again, if their rentals are not safe to live in, then by law the tenant can move out.  These laws are already in place to protect people. We don’t need to be hurting the elderly financially – they’re struggling enough and worked damn hard to have an extra rental.  In addition, these homes or rentals are 50 years old – you know how much it’s going to cost them to get repairs by their new inspector bosses. Some new doors with locks will cost more than what they’ll make the whole month in rent.  This program just causes more harm than good.  It’s way worse than anything a robber could do to them an alley somewhere.

It appears many of the Seattle news agencies have reported on this.  The comments from people are ALL negative and don’t support it.  Most describe it as I do above with Government getting bigger and continuing “helping” everyone to fill their pockets because they can’t manage a city financially.  Do they really have to try to “help” with everything and everyone all the time.  It’ seems like everything is “helped” someway by the Government now.  Everyone is expecting a helping hand, living rent free in luxury apartments, health care, cell phones etc the list goes on and on.

You have to understand there are many angles not discussed here such as pushing out the old who purchased 50 years ago for the new apartment luxury condos.  They bill causes more damage to the 90% of people who worked hard and paid the price to have that rental/s only to get a new boss to come in and bankrupt them (or force them to sell) because they simply don’t have the money for all the “must repair or fined” repairs that the inspector thinks the elderly in retirement really has.

This is a horrible bill and I don’t believe it’s really been examined fully to move forward into law. We already have laws in place we don’t need to have more bosses in our lives who think they know it all and dangling the carrot over our heads.  Just back off and let people live how they want too.  Perhaps they can experience the little bit of freedom that is left in this country.

Seattle Weekly Deal

We are bringing the deal to you this week and Wow this is a pretty amazing deal.  Brought to you by

The Deal:

You get 9 Pairs of Women’s branded sunglasses.  Individually they sell between $10 – $29 each but you’re getting 9 pairs of them.  Just in time to enjoy the last few weeks of the sunshine in Seattle.  All are UVA and UVB protected.

$149.00 $13.99 + $1.99 s/h

You can read and order the Seattle deal RIGHT HERE.

**This Seattle deal won’t last long maybe only today or just a few days.


**Do you want to be featured on the “Seattle Deal Of The Week”…. Then Contact Us. There is no cost to be featured.


Seattle 5 Day Weather Forecast

Summer has passed us by and we are heading fast into colder mornings.  Today looks like it will be the best day of the week.  Later in the day we could hit 75!  We already have the blue skies and the sun is shinning here in Seattle.

Enjoy the week.

Top Chef Seattle Season 10

The Bravo series Top Chef Season 10 is in Seattle.  It’s scheduled to be premiered on Bravo November 7th at 7pm (10pm Eastern).  The headliner judge of the show will be Wolfgang Puck.  I must say Seattle seems like a great location for food.  We have so much available in the Pacific Northwest.  From schools, talent, creativity, seafood, etc Seattle’s food scene is truly amazing.  Very limited information has been released about the premiere so we will all have to wait and experience it together.  It would be nice to know who if any armature Seattle chefs will be on the show.

Here is a Wolfgang Puck on the Ellen Show cooking a pizza.

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