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Seattle News Stations (Most Popular)

Some of the most popular Seattle news stations include the Emerald City Journal (of course)!

Others include the Seattle Times, Tacoma News Tribune, Komo News, Kiro 7, and Q13 Fox News.  Most Seattle news stations have both TV time and online websites with offer recent news stories to the public.  The difference between these Seattle news stations and us is that we offer news that is opinionated.  All opinions are independent so you may read one story liking a polical view and another story which doesn’t like the view for example.  Either way, we share everyones opinon and let the public decide on their own how they feel about the specifics of the news story.

We have found most news stations across the nation just doesn’t tell you how it is.  They are great at giving you the overview of a story but lack when it comes to the public opinion or what the negatives could be for a topic.  We fill that niche and that is why we are on the top Seattle news stations.

Obama Cyber Warfare With Iran

What do you do with a country you want to bomb but really can’t because of the the political ramifications?  You call your Internet Army and start a cyber war.  You then make it classified so the public doesn’t know what is happening and how much you’re spending.  While I can’t blame it all on Obama (eventhough it was greatly increased under his management and still is today) the Bush Administration started it.  The operations were code-named “Olympic Games”.

A portion of the cyber warfare activities was accidently released to the public via the Internet and a bunch of nerds figured it out.  After studying this Internet worm, they figured out it was developed by the US and Isreal.  CIA director, Leon Panetta, and Obama discussed shutting it down or continuing its progress, however, after reviewing how effective it has been causing havoc they decided to keep it going.  They released a newer version and another after that on Iran.  The cyber warefare with Iran continues today.

Due to this attack, Iran started their own cyber warfare unit and has been quoted as saying that the “Iranian military was prepared to fight our enemies” in “cyberspace and Internet warfare”.  Very little evidence has been reported about Iran striking back though.

Independent Internet security professionals are looking into another cyber warfare worm/virus called “Flame”.  It attacked the computers of Iranian Officials sweeping up information on them.  US Officials say it wasn’t part of “Olympic Games” and have declined to say whether they were involved with it or not.

No wonder our foreign policy with Iran is no good and diplomacy isn’t working.  From all this, it appears America threw the first punch with Iran.

Charlotte And Jonathan Antoine

Today has been a day of Entertainment on the Emerald City Journal. If you’re a regular here you probably know that we don’t discuss much in regards to entertainment and celebrities. Honestly, there is just so much of it (and drama involved) and we want to make a bigger difference when it comes to the way people think about politics and news.

I did, however, see this sometime ago and wanted to share how amazing it is. The video is inspirational and a must see. Below you’ll see the video but its about two kids named Charlotte and Jonathan Antoine. They go to school together and we’re formed together by their music teacher. They are trying out on Britain’s Got Talent TV show. As Jonathan Antoine says, he always struggled with his size and fitting in with the others. It’s starts out with Simon Cowell (and the audience) agrevated with the talent so far and figured they were going to be another disappointment. Watch the video and feel inspired for a moment.

Martina McBride @ The Puyallup Fair

Today, Wednesday Sept. 12, 2012, Martina McBride will be playing at the Puyallup Fair.  Many have named her the Celine Dion of Country Music.  Not sure I could compare her to Celine Dion (she is amazing), however, Martina McBride is an amazing singer.

To date, she has recorded 11 studio albums, a greatest hit album, a Xmas album, and two additional compilation albums.  At the age of 49, she has sold over 14 million albums.

Martina Mcbride, whose real name is Martina Mariea Schiff was born in Sharon Kansas. The small town had a population of around 200 people.

The Puyallup Fair Concert Series:

Martina McBride
Date:  9/12/2012
Showtime:  7:30 pm

September 11 Attacks In Libya

Yesterday obviously was Sept 11th and a day many Americans remember fondly.  It was also a secret attack in Libya focusing on the U.S Embassy in Libya.  At this time, the details are sketchy, however, we do know the attack was sophisticated, took planning, and happened to fall on the same day September 11th 2012.

The attack took the life of Christopher Stevens (52) which is the U.S ambassador to Libya and 3 other Americans.  The events took place at night in the eastern city of Benghazi.

Because this event was highly coordinated and perfectly timed for 9/11, I believe we’ll soon see that this was a anniversary attack and the news will report it as such.  We’ve been talking about such an attack for years from Al Qaeda and here it is.

The Obama administration has stated that they are not jumping to conclusions and saying so would be “premature”, however, I am calling a duck a duck and saying it now that this was a well-planned terrorist attack.

Wait for the news to say it because it’s coming out soon.

Moody’s Credit Ratings Threat To US

It’s about that time again, when we need to raise the debt ceiling.  Moody’s credit ratings services has stated that they will be cutting our rating if a debt deal is not reached.  Obviously, one will be agreed upon eventually.  Money seems to grow on trees for our Government so whats another trillion dollars to spend? Nobody wants to stand up to really cut any spending here in America as it could put their political career in jeopardy.  To save face our politicians think of ways to pinch the dollars out of us without saying its a tax.  They are no ashamed to propose taxing the 1% because they know the other 99% will be ok with that and their job is safe down the road.  It’s a shame really no one has stepped up (except Ron Paul) who has the confidence and brass to make the tough decisions about spending cuts.

In 2011, our “big cuts” were so small it was pathetic.  In perspective, if a family was in 142,710 in debt the equivalent spend cut was $385 dollars!  What a joke and honestly the proposal of cutting so little should be embarrassing.  Who could review a proposal like this with so little cut per year and not laugh them out of the room.  You would never pay your debt off at that rate so how can we expect to do that with our national deficit if we are making similar cuts?  We can’t and they won’t.  Obama won’t do it nor will Mitt Romney do it.  We need someone who is serious and just cuts a good 20% or more out of the ridiculous programs and tasks the Government shouldn’t even be involved in.

During the last negotiations of raising the debt ceiling our congress agreed upon cutting  38.5 billion dollars (pathetic).  In the 8 days they talked about what they were going to do, our national debt went up 54 billion dollars.  Lets get serious now and get this under control.  It’s beyond me how we even have a AAA rating by Moody’s Credit Ratings and perhaps they are just as wrong as everyone else laying in bed together.

Finally, one last food for thought, our “government stated” national debt is over 16 trillion dollars now and that means each citizens share of debt is over 51,000 dollars (313 million people).  OR IS IT…?  Now if you add in all the federal governments obligations (which we all know are nearly bankrupt) like Medicare, Social Security, Treasury Securitys, and Bonds the national debt is actually over 79 TRILLION DOLLARS.  That is a real number and a number you’ll never hear about from these crooks spenders in office.  With that in mind, every new baby born in this “rich” nation is given a burden of $253,000.

I know it’s hard to hear and the public would probably go crazy if that was broadcasted on TV – but the numbers are the numbers.

Seattle Deal Of The Week

To provide something unique and beneficial just to our newspaper visitors, we are implementing a new program called our “Seattle deal of the week”.  Every Monday we are going to promote an offer that is an extremely good deal.  The deals themselves will vary from no cost to you to highly discounted.

Our first deal is brought to you by  They are Seattle marketing company helping businesses (or website owners) who want more traffic exposure online.  The leads they generate are highly targeted due to people already knowing what they are looking for (as compared to a billboard or a magazine which is a broad audience) online.


RepuVision is offering a no cost targeted keyword report for your site or business. After a quick call to get a better understanding of your business, they will generate a keyword report of some of the areas you maybe missing in regards to potential customers and traffic available online.  The report also includes the amount of traffic (total volume) and they can also include a competition review if asked.  We received one for the Emerald City Journal and found it very informative and useful for the future.

It’s a $200 dollar value and no cost to you this week only (expires 9/14/12 at 5pm)

How To Claim:

Since this offer is only advertised on the Emerald City Journal, you need to give them a quick call directly at 425-322-3376 and request the “Keyword Report” (no cost deal) posted on the Emerald City Journal.


Do you want to be featured on the “Seattle Deal Of The Week”…. Then Contact Us.  There is no cost to be featured.  Each week we pick the best deal we feel benefits our readers the most and post it live.  Please be descriptive with your offer when submitting it – thank you.

Seattle Dry Streak Is Over

The rain hit Seattle on Sunday thus breaking our dry streak.  It was an impressive attempt, however, lasting 48 days in a row.  The dry streak was the 2nd longest record in Washington.  51 days is the longest if you’re wondering and that was in 1951.  At this point we will have to go after the record next year.  The National Weather Service says the rest of the week should bring back the sunshine.  After long dry streaks and a mild case of rain it does bring out the oil on the roads so be careful out there many drivers have reported issues on the roads this morning.

Simple Ways To Save Money

The past few years I have been on a mission to save money.  It seems everything just costs way to much and I’m done with it.  I call it a minimulist lifestyle and of course it’s not for everyone.  Making more money and saving it is something everyone wants but to what extreme you’re personally willing to go is the question.  I’m pretty extreme, however, I believe the tips below are my best simple ways to save money for the everyday person.  I took out the extreme ones like moving out of the country.  Like I said, some people are willing to take a more extreme approach and others are not so pick and choose as you wish.

ENERGY:  I find each month one of the biggest bills is energy.  It’s rediculously high and my thermastat has been turned off for months.  Unfortunately, not much we can do here except try to use less.  I went around the house and unplugged the things I rarely use.  Like lamps I never use but they are plugged in.  The toaster and other kitchen counter appliances are plugged in so I unplugged them also.   Even though, you don’t use things that are plugged into the outlet doesn’t mean they are not charging you for it.  My point is take a walk around the house and unplug the things you rarely use.  If you decide to use it later simply plug it back it and use it temporarly.

INSURANCE:  If you’ve been with the same insurance provider for more than 3 years, you’re probably paying too much.  You always save the most when changing providers so make a few calls and see what there quotes are.

PRESCRIPTIONS:  If you have prescriptions that cost a lot each month, take a trip to canada or simply buy your perscriptions online at a reputable canadian pharmacy.  All that is required is your prescription from the doctor and shipping in some cases is free.  After the Primetine Mist issue I was placed on Qvar for my ashama medication.  It costs $213 for one canister which lasts a little less than 2 months.  I can get the same thing online for $36 bucks.  In short, it cost more in America so look at other options.

BANKING:  If you have a checking account anywhere that charges you a per month fee – cancel them.  Free checking has been available for many years now so getting charged $7 a month by the bank to hold your money and collect your interest (you ain’t making no interest anyway) is a big rip off.  I love my BECU account.  I hate Bank Of America and US Bank.

PHONE LINES:  If you just have a landline you use for local calls then this probably won’t save you to much.  However, if you’re paying for any long distance or unlimited calling and have a landline you’re getting ripped off.  You’re probably using Century Link or Comcast.  Make the switch to a prepaid cell phone.  You can get them at Walmart (straight talk) and it’s pay as you go (no contracts).  They run off AT&T or Verizon networks and I use the AT&T option.  For $30 bucks I get 1000 min voice, 1000 min text, caller id, voice mail, call waiting, and pretty much all the bells and whistles.  I haven’t had a drop call in so long I can’t remember.  I easily saved over $100 per month doing this.  If you’re thinking about this make sure you look at your bill to calculate how many minutes you’re using now.

INTERNET/TV:  Comcast is my provider and my biggest expense with them is my Internet.  I have found that the Internet costs are the hardest to lower, however, everything else like your TV or phone line can be lowered.  To get it lowered, however, you can’t just ask you have to call them and discuss cancelling.  Just say you’re going through hard times and need to “discuss” cancelling service.  They will forward you to a special team of representives that are hired to keep you around even if you pay less.  I dropped my TV bills down to $10 per month – how much are you paying?

CREDIT CARD DEBT:  (EXTREME TIP – NOT FOR EVERYONE) If you have credit card debt that is out of control and your credit is already not so good – you may want to save up and negociate / settle them.  Strategies online by the pros will tell you to call them and negociate your interest rates I have found that to be difficult or perhaps they are not willing to do that anymore.  If you think about it from their perspective it makes sense.  With all banks $1 dollar given to them allows them to barrow $10 off it it and that is how banks (checking accounts) work.  So, if you’re in a dire situation and thinking about paying one off completely using savings or equity…. consider letting it go a few months.  Next, it will go to collections.  Once it goes to a collection company the credit card company sold it to them for pennys on the dollar and you can negociate it at 25% of the balance or less.  The trick is to don’t be desperate when talking to them and don’t wait to long to settle or you’ll get sued (at which point you’ll settle for even less).  Before starting change your address if possible (go paperless online) and change your number to a Google Voice number so you’re not called all the time.  Like I said extreme option and you’re personal situation determines if it’s for you or not.

MORTGAGE:  If you’ve lost your shorts and you’re home isn’t worth anything anymore consider walking away.  Stop throwing your money into the fire.  Foreclosure takes over a year so considering the amount you’ll save in a year (or add a renter) you’ll make way more than continuing your payments.  Additional Seattle mortgage info here. Another great site is:

SHOPPING CARDS + GAS:  If you go to Safeway or Fredmeyer for your shopping consider saving & working together as a family to get the best deals.  The trick is to use one phone number as a family.  If everyone uses the one phone number at checkout you’ll save considerably more.  I typically save 30 cents a gallon on gas each fill-up! It’s amazing.

– hope you found at least one of these simple ways to save money tips useful.  I have



Sad but true our national debt is over 16 trillion dollars now.  Since it’s election time (and even before that) the finger pointing continues.  If we can pull any good news out of the this I guess it would be that China is no longer our big daddy foreign holder.  They are owed about 1.16 trillion of it.  Japan took on about 1.12 trillion of it.  About 5 trillion of it is internally ours for the Social Security Trust Fund and federal pension systems. The rest is divided up between many countries in smaller increments.  The federal reserves buys it up also to keep it stable which is shady but anyway.  The Bush era certainly didn’t help with the wars debt added and Obama’s promise of reducing it in half – just never came (nor will it ever come).  Obama can blame Bush and how he inherited it, however, after a year in office you have to take the rest of the blame being the man in charge.  It’s never going down and another 4 years will produce the same results.  Will Mitt Romney make a difference?  I doubt it but he at least deserves a shot at it in my opinion.  I would prefer someone who would take drastic changes like a Ron Paul, however, America isn’t ready for that yet.  Perhaps another 4 or 8 years will change their minds.

Here is some food for thought.  The debt added under Obama’s 3+ years in office was more than Bush added in his 8 years of presidency – combined.  Bush added 4.9 trillion total and Obama added 5.4 trillion and climbing.  One last point regarding unemployment rate under Obama, no incumbent has ever been re-elected with unemployment this high – ever.  In the event, Obama takes another 4 years he will have not only made history as the first African American president but also making history being re-elected with the highest unemployment rate.  Congrats if you win I guess.

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