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Headline News - page 44

Seattle Superintendent Jose Banda Announcement (2012)

Jose Banda

A few months ago, a new Seattle Schools Superintendent was announced and Jose Banda is his name. He said in his own words that he, “plans on taking it slow” to look at all the data.  Supposedly, he likes reviewing the numbers/data before making the hard decisions.  We of course have reported the issues with the previous Seattle Superintendent Maria Goodloe Johnson.  I would like to give Jose Banda the benefit of a clean slate since he is just starting out but we unfortunately are already starting off on the wrong foot.  I blame the Seattle School board and the City Council for this mess and you should also.  I have said it time and time again on the Emerald City Journal and that changes in the School Districts must start at the top.  Upper management spends all the money on themselves, and the pennies left are trickled down to the Teachers who are usually forced to pay for their classroom supplies (and other student expenses). This doesn’t just happen in Seattle; however, you’ll see this bad practice all over the state and the teachers just accept it as their problem. Teachers shouldn’t have to be ok with paying for their own supplies. That is not ok.

Previously, Maria Goodloe Johnson was being paid a fortune and it turns out Jose Banda got an even better deal.  His annual salary (with 3-year contract) is $270,000.  Are you kidding me? He also will be making (it’s unsure if this is additional or included) an annual $22,000 and $700 per month car expenses to help him out.  Obviously, money is not an issue at the Schools here in Seattle!  Seriously, it’s just corruption to pay something this much when the school could have hired 3 superintendents for that kind of money.  3 Superintendents working together to clean up the schools would have produced better results in the end.

Take note, you heard the complaint here first and when the question comes asking for more money (I expect that anytime), you’ll know who to ask to borrow a few bucks from (Welcome Jose Banda).

The press release indicates that during Wednesday’s School Board meeting (May 2), the full board anticipates formally identifying Mr. Banda as their preferred candidate, with a subsequent vote on the contract slated for May 16. Subject to approval, the incoming Superintendent would assume the role post-July 1. Mr. Banda is set to succeed Maria Goodloe-Johnson, who was dismissed last year amid a financial scandal. Notably, two other candidates for the superintendent position—Steven Enoch from San Ramon Valley, near San Francisco, and Sandra Husk from Salem-Keizer, Oregon—withdrew after their interviews. Mr. Banda brings with him four years of experience as superintendent of the Anaheim district, serving 20,000 students, while the Seattle district, where he is poised to serve next, is the largest in Washington, catering to over 47,000 students.

Update about Jose Banda: June 20, 2014, Jose Banda announced he was a finalist for Superintendent of Sacramento City Unified School District and wouldn’t be renewing his contract in Seattle. Seattle Postive Review

I enjoy the Seattle nightlife scene.  Particularly I enjoy Belltown.  Some of my favorite hot spots are Ambers, Belltown Pub, Tia Lous, and some of the areas sport bars.  It’s a fun friendly vibe mostly.  Of course the Seattle liquor board failed us should have passed the curfew and expanding the nightlife hours, however, it is what is at this point.  I recently had a friend get a DUI and what a mess it was for him.  I rarely drink myself and never drive when I do, however, with the hours if you are going to drink it’s hard to make it work logistically.  The clubs/bars throw you out at about 1:50am with no where to go.  Thousands of drunks hit the streets and drive home. Even if the clubs would just stay open to serve just food (liquor board giving them that opportunity) with no alcohol – it would clean up the city and drunk driving.  It would have a bigger effect then any drunk driving ads they could produce or pay for.

After his DUI issue and random pullover & check by the office who pulled him over (with a .09). He challenged the ruling paying over 10k in fees and got it dropped to a reckless driving which I guess is the normal protocol for a first time offender.  So we have been just staying in Seattle using  You can get last minute rooms for a fairly good price.  There is uncertainty with the service by not knowing which hotel they are going to give you (your stuck with their choice) but overall the experience has been good and affordable for two people splitting the costs.

If you’re planning on going to Seattle and going to drink even a little I highly recommend that you try out Seattle  My experience and review has been postive using them. Best In Seattle

Nothing I hate more than moving especially living in Seattle.  From the amount of stuff I have collected over the years, to the traffic, or parking it is a complete mess.  I have found it much easier to just use a moving company like  For the weeks it would take me to get my stuff in order and hauled over to my new place, I could hire them for a couple hours and get it all done in a day.  They come with everything also.  They have a staff who can lift all my heavy things.  They also have boxes and shipping material ready to use if needed.  That alone is almost worth the hassle of moving.

So if you’re planning on moving around Seattle or anywhere in the Pacific Northwest I would highly recommend the staff at 

Who is President Obama?

I don’t know the answers to anything I am asking or writing about but my goal is to interest enough “Independent Thinkers” to help get answers as to Obama’s past. Hillary Clinton blew her chance by being so sure she would win that she did not put Obama’s back to the wall at all. If she said anything even remotely showing he might be a liar or evading she did not press because immediately the “race card” came in. In my opinion he is so far to the left and cares so little about America he sure should not get 4 more years to do more damage. It is so obvious he wants everyone to be dependant on the government that he is trying to convince people that the government is the only thing that has even made small businesses successful. He is dead wrong. The government has created so many rewards for people who have no desire to work that they know they have to vote for him to keep their “stay at home checks” coming. That being said, I will list the things I think he should be forced to answer. It should be relentless and stop the crap that people are picking on a black. Remember he is half white too. I am not a crazy lady making up stuff here. Donald Trump forced him to produce a long term birth certificate, which very likely is phony too but he did not cough up one for Hillary. Why did he have to be forced?

He is privy to the top top secrets. How on earth did he get a top secret clearance unless he bought one? For sure he did not even do what I had to do to get a low level secret clearance. During the War at Boeing to work on certain projects you had to have a secret clearance. I was sent on tests on Minuteman and needed one. I was only 18 but number 1 was a birth certificate. I didn’t have one. I was born in a log cabin, with no doctor, and no one to help my mother with the birth. BUT my Dad had a notarized paper made out. The census bureau had a record of my birth date. The public school where I started first grade and graduated from high school had my records. So I passed that part. I then had to prove I had never traveled outside the USA. Then had to fill in every address I had ever had and could not leave ANY blanks. I had to go through a similar thing when I worked for an insurance agency and I had access to the names and addresses of people who owned millions in jewelry and only two of us girls could do those policies. NOW FOR OBAMA.

He had his 15 minutes of fame of being the first black to run for president. He was a novelty and came out of nowhere. No one even knew him. He was treated with kid gloves for fear the ACLU or the like would raise a stink if you said a word, they would say you hated blacks. This time lets concentrate on he is half white and go for that half. Forget that his birth certificate could very well be a phony. But his life is a total mystery. He grew up in Indonesia. He was a citizen of that country. He was abandoned by his Mother to be raised in Hawaii by his Grandparents. He had no money. He traveled to Pakistan. American citizens were not allowed to go there. SO, if he was an American citizen how could he travel there? He must be forced to show what passport he used. It had to be an Indonesian passport. What name was he using, was it Barack Obama or Barry?

How did he pay for his college education. Did he get student loans?  Did he pay them back? When did he become an American Citizen after being an Indonesian citizen? Why are all his college records sealed? What is there to be ashamed of  or what is he hiding? Its something way way bigger and darker than poor grades. George W. Bush was crucified for missing a few National Guard meetings and drinking a few beers. Obama just has totally covered his past. Read the Public Liberty Alert of Aug 9, 2012. A so called classmate speaks out. But to summarize it, it is scary. Obama says he graduated from Columbia University, Class of 83. Obama says he was Pre-Law and Political Science major. This classmate never saw Obama or Barry Soetoro (the other name he used). They have interviewed 400 so called classmates and not one ever remembered seeing Obama. Did he even go to school there, if not where was he during those years? If his grades were poor how did he get into Harvard? Why has he spent millions to keep his school records sealed.

Who paid for his education? If he had student loans he had to keep up his good grades. Did he pay his student loans back? OR did Obama a/k/a Barry Soetoro get into Occidental and Columbia as a foreign exchange student? Foreign students get admitted to American Universities way easier and they get all sorts of aide and scholarships for free. Did Obama use his Indonesia Passport and citizenship to go to college here? He could not be an American Citizen and be a foreign exchange student at the same time. Mitt Romney’s income tax forms are nothing compared to what Obama should be forced to disclose. To be president of the United States you can’t have a past like this completely sealed up. He has to talk without a teleprompter. He actually should be forced to step down as president now. Keep reminding him he has used up his black half and now we start on the white half and we all know whites don’t get treated with kid gloves. This is beyond scary? Its time for Romney to make a deal to lay records on the table, but even if Obama quits trying to bring up Romney’s tax returns should not be enough to keep his past school and travels sealed. Is he even a citizen? How come he has not a single classmate or professor that remembers him? We have to tell more about ourselves to get a job at Burger King than he had to to  become President because he hid behind being a picked on black. Lets pick on the white now. Hope you think about this and help get answers.

Read more questions here:  Marshall Frank’s 33 questions to the president

Seattle Trash Collection Strike

The drivers sure knew when to strike and causing the most problems for “us people who are working, paying taxes to pay their wages” didn’t they? We are told to put table scraps in our yard waste bin and it would be picked up weekly. It already stinks pretty bad by then. Containers are full so now the raccoons and possums can really have a field day with the bags. If it were in the winter it wouldn’t be quite so bad and there would not be much yard waste but right now with weather in the 70’s and 80’s its actually cruel. We are told to put it out on our regular day and if it’s not picked up bring it back in and put it out the next week on our pick up day. Well I don’t think so. What if you are elderly or handicapped in some way. All the above is bad enough but it gets worse.

No one is ever going to say a garbage man’s job is easy or clean. But no one makes him stay on the job. If he does not like the conditions or pay, I am sure there are at least 10 men who can do the job as good as him and would do it at half the price. Greed of the public workers is bound to backfire one of these days. If we had anyone representing “we the people” none of these obscene contracts would be signed. They would not let the union run the city. Of course the unions take a big chunk of the workers pay check to elect Mayors, executives, City council members etc to see to it the City hires Union help. Union help is no better than non union help, they just are able to demand more. The Union top dogs make a lot of money and take union funds to buy the elections to get leaders who demand Union help. It makes no sense and soon will be so top heavy it will not work anymore. This strike might wake up a few. We are not allowed NOT TO SUBSCRIBE to your service and haul our own.

These numbers are from the Seattle Times story, so I feel safe in repeating them. It said drivers were offered $98,000 wage and benefit package which included a 4% raise in the second year til the contract expired in 6 years. We are talking big money here. That’s way more than school teachers make and twice as much as “we the people” make working in private jobs. The city cannot keep raising taxes to meet the unions demands. The tail is wagging the dog it seems. It appears the big dispute is that the recycle drivers make $9.00 an hour less than the garbage drivers. Drive the same sized truck, same route, same hours but stuff they pick up is not as heavy. Geez you don’t need a rocket scientist to know that really isn’t fair but you don’t have to give everyone a fat raise with taxpayers money. My first thought would be to tell the Union that we can’t afford their workers. Hire non union, for about half price and rotate the drivers. One week you drive a recycle truck, the next week a garbage truck. That’s the only fair and sensible thing to do but the Mayor, City, and County will have to have meeting after meeting, probably appoint a fact finding group and on and on. Our so called leaders are too busy trying to build an arena most of us don’t want, and a tunnel that most don’t want but they can’t seem to keep our garbage picked up on time. Think we better clean out City Hall and start over with a different crew and hire all new waste management drivers. Remember when President Regan fired all the controllers and never let them back? The sun still came up and the World is still turning. Put the word out you need truck drivers and there would be a traffic jam to sign up. This is just my opinion and as far as I know we are still entitled to that. LLL

UPDATE 7/29/12 – I emailed the Mayor waiting for a reply:

Now is your chance to show the people of Seattle you are “their mayor” not in the pocket of the union. Time to tell the Waste Management to “take their job and shove it”. President Regan did that when the controllers got out of hand when he was president. Don’t let the city bargain for a contract that pays garbage men $98,000 a year. Are you completely nuts? With all the pensions and perks and crap, what are you leaders thinking. I know this single handedly is not your problem but even you have to know thats way out of line. Sure its hard dirty work, and if they wont work for about half that tell them to go home. Don’t hire them back. College degree people don’t make half that. You are being bossed by the unions that demand obscene wages.

Think of the sea wall you could build with the money saved, but guess you are too busy trying to get a tunnel (you promised you would not allow) and now an arena that we need like a hole in the head. I am really dissapointed in you. I voted for you but would not again. And no I can’t ride a bike to shop. I am almost 89, and a gallon of milk in one hand, a jug of kitty litter in the other would be just a bit much. Plus the South Park bridge is closed, the Airport way bridge is closed and the city could even think of a contract like Waste Management wants. Put out a call for truck drivers and you would have a line a mile long for half the price.

Thank you for listening.

Georgetown Garden Walk (July 8th)

Well folks you all know about the Jingle Bell Run, then last week they had the Rock and Roll run where people paid between $40 and $150 dollars to participate. It was not to “cure” anything but was put on by a for profit outfit. I have never been able to understand why hundreds or thousands of people buy a new shirt with a logo, pay a big amount to go run when they most likely don’t even like to run. Well that being said, lets forget the “runs” that cost a lot.

How about taking in the Georgetown Garden Walk for free? You can get a lot of nice exercise by walking and have fun seeing what people raise in their yards. This is the 17th year of this experience and it gets bigger every year. One of the very best features – it’s absolutely free. You don’t have to worry about being on time. It is open to the public from 10:00 a.m. until 5 p.m. You can pick up maps of the tour at the Bank of America parking lot in Georgetown. It is located at 1112 S Bailey st.  You can check out more on the website.

There will be lots of artist’s and restaurants included on the map for you to visit besides wandering through yards. There will be sandwich boards on the sidewalks in front of houses that you may visit. I am sure there will be lots of really interesting things to see and learn from.

I raise succulents commonly called Hen and Chicks for rockeries or dish gardens or whatever you want to do with them. I will be having a sale that day on my parking strip and front yard. If you are into creating walls or outdoor living wreaths etc this is the place to come. I cut off little water bottles (think green here), and will have hundreds of little starts in those for only 50 cents each. I have many many colors but this time of the year they look a lot alike. I have whole trays of sedum . Stop by and take a look while you are out walking. Looky lous are welcome for sure. Hope to see you Sunday July 8th.  Look on the map for Lilly and it will give my address.

See pictures for a sample of what you can see at my house. If you want groovy things I have planters made from old phonograph records. Some planted – some empty.

Weekend Fun In Seattle – Tourist Experience

My Nephew graduated from High School recently and I decided to book them a Hotel in Seattle and go to all the tourists type areas.  I figured it would be good to give the Journal a first person perspective what it was like as a Seattle tourist for a weekend.  Since my Nephew or his friends don’t live in Seattle and new to the scene, I decided to show him and two of his friends the ropes.  From the Hotel, EMP, Space Needle, Pike Place Market – it was quite the adventure.

Last week I started the hotel search.  My goal was to stay close to Pike Place as we had a few other things planned in the area that we could simply walked to them (instead of paying for a taxi).  That unfortunately did not happen.  Many of the hotels in Seattle were booked.  Seattle had a Rock N Roll Marathon and the Pride Festival scheduled for the weekend.  I ended up booking a room at the Courtyard Marriott on Lake Union.  The package was $239 and include two Queens, two passes to the EMP, and two free breakfasts.  They also had a pool and a view which was a nice add on.  So I called them up to order and obviously a sales lady who doesn’t work there arranged the reservation.  I told them 3 were staying and we would need one roll-away bed.  She added it to the reservation and it was included in my confirmation email sent to me after the call.  I call them up a day before check-in (now you call the hotel directly – guest services) and confirm the reservation (Yes) and verify the roll-away would be added.  The guest services lady mentions that they don’t have roll-away beds at this location.  Well… I must say that was a big disappointment and honestly felt tricked.  It’s a day before now and we’re locked in and they know it.  The Nephew and friends are 17 and 18 year olds.  Typically they are up all night playing video games, cards, or watching movies anyway.  I know I got screwed already but figured it wouldn’t be the first time these guys made it work.  I figured we would just grab a bunch of pillows and blankets and they’ll make it work – which we did.  That doesn’t make it right, however, the Courtyard Marriott on Lake Union still screwed it up.

We get to the Courtyard Marriott Hotel on Lake Union and check-in at 3pm (their earliest check-in time by the way). If you’ve never been here it’s kind of out of the way and there is some construction in the area.  You have Jillian’s across the street which seems dead every time I look in and Trago which replaced the dying Outback Restaurant on the corner.  Courtyard Marriott Hotel on Lake Union is very nice.  The Hotel is nice, the rooms are nice, great pool, hot tub etc.  The area doesn’t really have any good parking thus you can expect to drop $20 per day on that alone.

I purchased 4 tickets to the School Of Rock concert (Show Box) which starts at 7pm so with about 3 hrs to spare we headed down to the Pike Place Market.  Being on a Saturday, Pike Place Market was packed with people.  We made our way through it and downstairs they found their favorite store.  It was a comic and collectible store and the guys ended up buying several things.  As we head out of the Market, we all were getting hungry and wanted to eat before the big rock concert which would probably last until 11pm I guessed.  My Nephew is big into guitars and music so I figured they would love the Hard Rock Cafe – and they did.  Again, the place was backed and this was probably the highlight of the trip.  The food, music, and atmosphere was great.  The waiter was just average but overall a great experience for the young guys.

It’s 6:25pm now and about time to walk over to the big rock concert at the Show Box.  If you’ve never heard of School Of Rock it’s a movie featuring Jake Black and features lots of great songs.  I knew Jack Black wasn’t in this concert but figured a great show by some professional musicians ROCKING OUT!!  The show starts at 7pm and we’re there by 6:35 to grab out seats.  As we reach the door, we are informed the doors don’t open until 7pm.  OK… that is weird so they have this roped area going down the sidewalk and that is where the line starts.  We jump in line and few minutes later it’s wrapped around the block with people.  While I am standing in line I can’t help but think if the show starts at 7pm (per the ticket) and they open the doors at 7pm… they are losing so much money.  You can’t help but think of all these people wrapped around the block and all the revenue they are missing out on if they were inside waiting (buying drinks and merchandise etc).  I guess it was just poor management or something.  They open the doors about 7:10 and we walk into a venue which is standing room only.  Oh great we’re going to have to stand for 2 hours.  As we are standing and waiting for the show to start, the amount of really young kids is starting to increase.  We’re talking about about 10 year olds to 14 year olds running around doing their normal thing with their friends.  Unfortunately, this Rock Concert at the Show Box, a major venue, is looking more like a kids talent show.  As the show started, we learned more that it was actually a real music school with kids learning how to play music.  SERIOUSLY!  As I watch each act sorta like a 6th grade camp feel where each cabin team had a “performance” to put on.  I can’t help but think who is making all the money from the ticket sales and why are they playing at the Show Box (on a Friday night) which featured big groups like Nirvana used to play.  We didn’t even last the full ” Rock concert” unfortunately.  After two hours of standing watching kids, we all agreed to leave a little early.  The hotel pool closed at 11pm and that would be more entertaining than this elementary school talent show.  It was just the wrong place for this type of show and since it tricked me (who investigates things pretty thoroughly before buying) it must have let down a lot of others also who were there.

After an uncomfortable night sleeping for many, we started a new day.  Breakfast was free for two of us and that means we’ll be needing to order another two.  There is a breakfast cashier who gets us started.  I told her we have two free breakfasts from the hotel and we’ll need to order two more.  I ask her how much the buffet is and she says $11.99 – that sounds OK with me I guess.  Having stayed in several hotels in Seattle, I know the hotel breakfast buffets are nothing special and I have pretty low expectations.  This was pretty much the same experience.  They have scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon, bread, self serve waffle maker if you want one.  I saw some boxed yogurt and some self serve orange juice if wanted also.  The entire buffet was about a half a wall in size.  As I was grabbing my breakfast, there was a gentleman at the table maybe 3 feet to my right and his exact words were “I am not paying 12 bucks for eggs and bacon”.  I couldn’t help but laugh on the inside a little because he was actually right on with it.  He was just trying to get the best bang for his 12 bucks and honestly the buffet was below average when it came to the selection.  All filled up, our waiter brings the bill and it’s $30 bucks and some change.  I look at it and tell him the lady said it was 11.99? He said “No it’s 13.99”.  I said “well you screwed up because the lady at the front told me 11.99.”  I said, “I going to pay it because it’s only a few bucks but you’re completely wrong.”  I think I just felt another stab in the back.  You really have to watch these hotels.  This is actually the second time (last time Bellevue Red Lion) except the Red Lion had a big sign while walking in that read $9.95, however, the bill was $25 each!  Big Rip Off.

Time to checkout and see the final damage – the bill.  As we are checking out I was hoping they’d ask how my experience was…. but she didn’t even ask.  Just took the room keys and said you’re good.  I requested a final bill which came to $310.  Ouch!  Approx. $40 dollars in just taxes…. makes you wonder where these taxes go doesn’t it?

The final stop was the Experience Music Project (EMP).  We had two free tickets from the hotel so we purchase another two when we got there.  They are about $15 bucks each.  The EMP was very much worth it in my opinion.  They have some great items like the original Star Trek chair to the original Super Man outfit Christopher Reeve wore.  It’s not just about items, however, you can learn and listen about music.  For $15 bucks, you can easily spend 3 hours in this place – just go on a Sunday when nothing is happening downtown so you can park free on the streets.

There you have it folks.  The day in the life as a Seattle tourist.

Companion Story to Home Ownership – Take the Test

Subject: Companion Story to Home Ownership-Take the Test

The article Home Ownership is Dead – Take the test, written by my colleague, was really interesting and informative and should be required reading in schools. It is apparent that it is almost impossible to ever own a home free and clear these days. You would have to be able to keep your job, never have children and pay on it until you were a senior citizen. I am talking about the ordinary working person. Do you want to live in the same house all your life? Do you want to have to continually be making the repairs? Yes, we are taught the American Dream is to own your own home. You don’t think about the fact that property taxes could go sky high or there would come a time when you still owed more on your home than it was worth after paying on it for years? Your interest payment could be as much as rent would be. You never get either one back. So that’s a trade off.

I was raised with the mind set, get a home, get it paid for. Never go in debt. Work or you don’t eat. I followed what my parents taught me and I cant say it was the best advice. I stayed the same but the world around me changed. I definitely had the American Dream. I met a man who had the same dream. Yes we had the perfect wedding that we could afford, with only 6 wedding guests. But we did not go in debt. We both had jobs at Boeing. Got married and saved every penny and within a year were able to pay cash for a run down tiny house. We paid $2500 for it. Every night after work we remodeled. Within two years we were able to sell it for $4500. With a thousand dollars added to that we paid cash for the house I still live in. We paid $5,500 for this house that I have lived in for 66 years. Repairs just keep showing up. We built the white picket fence. We had 3 children. I had to quit work but we were never in debt. My husband died of cancer, I went back to work, finished raising the children alone, and am still in my old house. The property has been re-zoned. The assessor has assessed the land at its “best and highest use” which is two 8 unit condos. The property tax now is almost as much each year as I paid for the house. I get a senior citizen discount but cant sell my house as a single family dwelling and no condo’s are being build around me so I have never had a new house and never will.

Looking back at my experience of home ownership I would not change a thing. There was never a time in my life that I had to worry about foreclosure. The best great feature my home had was a Title that said it was mine, free and clear. BUT, I was also chained to it more or less. I could not sell it for enough to upgrade into a newer nicer house without having a house payment to make. Now with my land assessed at an inflated, stupid, arbitrary figure and my home assessed at $1,00(they call it a tear down) I still am sort of stuck here. If I were able to sell for $300,000, I would have to live someplace and houses are that price and more for most places. I am near 90 and I don’t want to move into a nice new place. Young people these days are more interested in big brand new homes, and if they can find a way to squeak into one they don’t think about what a small portion of their house payment actually goes on the principle. They have to have big screen TV’s and new furniture and they are sitting pretty FOR AWHILE. What will happen when you are laid off from your job? What happens when the perfect marriage goes south? You lose everything. In my case I have never had new furniture, never used a credit card, always lived in and old house needing repairs, but knew I would never be homeless. You have to judge which is the best for you. I can’t see how my great grandchildren can ever dream of buying a home. Hope this gives you a comparison with the previous article.

Home Ownership Is Dead! Take The Test.

I find it more and more difficult to talk about home ownership with people.  I understand most of their points and counter points, however, discussing it with them often leads to both parties agreeing to dis-agree on the topic.  I certainly don’t believe home ownership is completely dead but the likely hood of you or anyone you know making a positive return is certainly slim to none.  I of course have heard of some people making good money buying low and selling high, however, the stories are maybe one in a thousand if that.  I honestly don’t think people truly understand the financial numbers thus they truly believe (and arguing) they are making money or are going to be making money “in the long run”.

Growing up we hear a lot of the marketing propaganda.  I’m sure you’ve heard of the “American Dream” and the white picket fence of home ownership.  Maybe waiting to fall in love (or are in love) with that “perfect” person who turns out not so “perfect” down the road.  Are you creating the “perfect” wedding?  These are examples of over delivered hype in my opinion.  Sure we want them to be true.  The reality is home ownership is a lot of work that you probably can’t afford.  Relationships take work and it turns out that nobody is perfect.  The “perfect” wedding deep down wasn’t like you imagined it as a little girl and most fail.

Not to get to much off topic but looking back at grade school & middle school – and how we had to stand up each and everyday in the morning to recite the pledge of allegiance to the flag.  You’re trained from an early age to love this country.  No matter how much the government, banks, and companies screw you over on a daily basis – you’ll continue to love and build this “American Dream” in the country you were trained to love.  Being a home owner you support this city.  You provide a large chunk of the taxes (property taxes).  These yearly taxes help fund the schools, emergency, and other services.  Home owners are important and we must have them. We must have home owners who believe in this home ownership American dream to even function as a city financially.

I created this little test to see where you stand with your home.  Before I get to that, however, there are a few exceptions we need to discuss.  First, there was a time when home ownership was good.  If you have an older parent or maybe an older Grandma/Grandpa, they may have purchased a home for example 7K and now it’s worth 300K.  There is a good chance they have refinanced a few times and spent that money anyway.  The comparison between then and now isn’t even a comparison.  From the way banks operate today to the land available compared to now – we are in difference times and those deals are long gone.  The gap of profitability (buying and selling points) has been eaten up by the banks, taxes, interest etc.  today so just letting you know about that before starting the test.

Time for the home ownership test to see how you are doing. Are you throwing money into the fire or are you doing ok?

1)  Take your buying price and subtract any down payment.  Banks usually require 20% or may have paid more or less but figure out that down payment number.

Example: Home purchased for 240K my down payment was 20% so $48,000 is the magic number invested.

2)  Initially you may have had some closing costs, appraisals, purchased extra points.  Some banks bundle this together into the loan, however, you probably paid for some of them upfront.

Example:  $300 appraisal fee and $2000 points buy down so I’m at $50,300.

3) Add up your interest to date.

Example:  Three years (36 months) is approx. $39,000 in just interest so I add that to my previous figure amount which means I’m at $89,300.

4) Add up your property taxes.

Example:  $3000 per year for 3 years of home ownership is $9,000. dded to the above figure is now:  $98,300.

5)  Add in your Insurance.  If you’re lucky you don’t have PMI insurance being added to your payment each month.

Example:  $600 per year for 3 years costs me $1,800.  Added to previous figure is approx $100,100. for 3 years of ownership.

6) Optional:  Add in your renovations/upgrades to date.

Example:  $6000 added for new carpets and smaller kitchen updates to date.  Added into my above figure I am at:  $106,100.

7) Optional:  Homes are bigger than rentals usually so if you want to add in the extra cost like gas, water, sewer, electric, garbage – you can add those on now.

8) Optional:  HOA (Association fees) add those in if you have them.

9) Final question is to take what you owe to date (your current principal) and add the figure you calculated above.

Example:  My principal is $195,000 currently and adding the figure above my final number is:  $195,000 + $106,100 = $301,100.

So now you know what you need to break even on your home.  Well… not quite…. when you sell your home you’re going to pay about 6% in fees to the agents involved and also escrow & titles & other misc. fees.  So for the sake of keeping this simple lets just forget those fees.  Forget i mentioned that.

You should have our magic number now.  So for the example home above purchased for $240K it will need to be sold for at least $300K just to break even with no profit. Here is the fun part…. jump over to and see what your home is approx. worth.    If you’re still with me at this point you’re probably heart broken or really happy.  Some will argue that Zillow is not the “end all be all” source of accuracy.  There is some truth to that i guess but in today’s society it is the number one source for buyers and agents.

If you’re happy with those numbers then you’re doing great and you won the test.  For everyone else, think about this.  What could you buy with your break even figure money – think like a new home buyer for a second.  Every year homes continue to get bigger and bigger and are costing less.  Communities of homes are being built around your home. These homes have brand new everything inside with big kitchens and master bathrooms.  What makes a family looking for a new home want your old overpriced home for?  They don’t want to live in your filth.  They don’t want to have to put a new roof on your home.  My point is chances are your break even number doesn’t even compare to what I can get brand new – and cheaper.

Here are the popular arguments why home ownership is so great.

Retirement:  First problem is that you’re assuming you’re going to live to retirement age.  Think about your close family members and how many have died before retirement whether its cancer, heart attacks, or whatever A LOT of people die early or just a few years after retirement.  Second, you’re paying 3 times the value of your home over 30 years and that makes it a horrible retirement investment.  You’re paying $500K for a $200K home.  If you’re bad at saving more and not dedicated to put money away for retirement then maybe that is an argument.  A better method would be to rent and put aside the extra $750 per month for retirement.  You’ll have way more in the long term.  OR you can give me $1400 per month for 30 years ($504K) and when you turn 65 I will give you $200K back (if you have good credit and equity).  Now that sounds like a good investment.

You can write off the Interest:  Yes, you do get to write off the overpriced interest you’re paying over the 30 years.  Interest is a loss, however, just like taxes.   Your theory is you’re saving money by “writing it off” and that is just silly. It’s not money you get back…ever.  It doesn’t go to your principal amount so it’s a total loss and goes into the banks pocket.  Just like taxes the theory of writing if off isn’t always a good thing.  If I got $100 dollars in my pocket and I have to give uncle sam $30 percent that means I still got $70 bucks in my pocket.  Your theory is to give it all to uncle sam and now you have nothing.

Renting is a total loss:  I heard this one a few times before.  Lets say for example a mortgage payment is $1400.  If I was to rent an apartment for $800 i would pocket $600 per month.  At the end of the year I would have $6,000 extra.  At the end of 5 years i would have $30,000 saved.  If you make your mortgage payment of $1400 per month (assuming you’ll be able to afford that) you’ll lose at least $1200 of that to interest the first 5 years.  That means you “kinda saved” $10,000.  (edit: actually assuming basic property taxes of 3K per year – you would be in the hole 5K… sorry) However, i can spend my money now and you’ll have to get approved and hope you can get your “kinda saved” money later.

Who makes money with real estate?

Investors or individuals who can pay cash for the house.  Investigate a property before hand and buy it at a courthouse auction. Most can’t and most never pay their mortgage off.  If you’re a house flipper, have cash to buy house, and can do the construction needed to flip it successfully there certainly is a lot of money to be made.

So… there you have it folks – lets hear how good or bad you’re doing and also your test results.

Better Finish Up Those Taxes….Seattle.

If you haven’t done your taxes by now, you’re late. Not only do you lose about 28% per paycheck received working for the man – you also lose 10% in sales taxes for the stuff you buy. It’s the cycle of life I guess. If that wasn’t enough the man sticks it the retailers you just paid a 35% rate of that revenue! I won’t bother you with the property taxes, lotto taxes, death taxes, tolls, license fees, or gas taxes… it’s endless. So the question is how much are your really paying and are you getting what you’re paying for. Would you feel differently if you actually had to write a check out inside of it being integrated into your life seamlessly? This system isn’t new by any means. It has been in place for many Presidents but surely our tax system is one of the most complicated and messed up systems.

This statement was released by Ron Paul today:

Knowing that every penny the average American has earned from January 1st until today has gone to pay federal, state, or local taxes is a frightening reminder of how much liberty modern Americans have lost. Unfortunately, even after Tax Freedom Day, Americans will still suffer from the Federal Reserve’s regressive and hidden inflation tax, which erodes their purchasing power for the benefit of big banks and big-spending politicians.

As a Congressman, I have never voted to raise taxes or increase spending, which is why I have consistently been named one of the top ‘Taxpayers’ Best Friends’ in Congress by the non-partisan National Taxpayers Union. As President, I will work to reduce the burden of taxes and spending on the American people by passing my ‘Plan to Restore America.’

This Plan not only cuts $1 trillion in the first year of my administration and balances the budget by the third year, but it provides much-needed tax relief to the American people. It does this by permanently extending the Bush-era tax rates, lowering the corporate tax rate to 15 percent, allowing American companies to repatriate capital without paying additional taxes, abolishing the death tax, and ending all taxes on personal savings.

My ‘Plan to Restore America’ also begins to free the American people from the inflation tax by conducting a full audit of the Federal Reserve and legalizing competing currencies. These simple steps will allow the American people to at last learn the truth about how the Fed is working to prop up big banks at the expense of average Americans’ standard of living and then to take the appropriate actions to protect themselves and their families.

My ultimate goal remains to repeal the 16th Amendment and end the tyranny of the IRS once and for all. Of the four men seeking the presidential nomination of one of the major parties – President Obama, Governor Romney, Speaker Gingrich, and myself – I am the only one who has consistently opposed increases in taxes and spending. I am also the only one who has consistently fought the Federal Reserve’s assault on the middle class’ standard of living. My campaign to Restore America Now is the clear choice for any American concerned about rolling back taxes, cutting spending, and curbing inflation.

….. Yet people will continue to vote for Mitt Romney or Obama.  Can’t really fault them as the media continues to push these two “front runners” like nobody else is running.

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