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Sharon Bush’s Work With Protein Matrix

Sharon Bush with Protein Matrix works to reduce grease buildup.

Protein Matrix is a product meant to break down and remove substances from pipelines. The solution is meant to break down substances including fats, oils, and grease (FOG). Protein Matrix is environmentally friendly, cost-efficient, and doesn’t use harsh chemicals like many of the other products out on the market. What happens to things poured down residential drains? Unfortunately, substances build up over time and stick to sewage pipes. Fats, oils, and grease can disintegrate and damage pipelines. Many of these buildups will come from everyday household items, especially residue and bits from food leftovers that make their way down the drain. Many people don’t realize what they put down their drains can have a negative environmental impact. Sharon Bush is the driving force behind Protein Matrix.

Protein Matrix works in a two-step process. The components of the protein matrix are specially made to break down and prevent the buildup of excess materials within a pipeline. In the second step, the breakdown of buildup materials are converted into a flowable non harmful product. The broken-down product can be more easily digested by water waste treatment and allows the pipelines not to be full of excess build up.

Protein Matrix is essential in preventing sewer spills. All the buildup that occurs in pipelines will eventually lead to unfortunate and unwanted sewer problems. If there is sewage backup, it can lead to overflow, and that is often an undesirable situation. Flooding is inconvenient, expensive, and preventable. If you could prevent contact with sewage overflow that is filled with potentially harmful bacteria, you would want to. Overflow sewage can find its way into all kinds of different unwanted places including parks, lakes, and yards. Protein Matrix is a proactive solution to sewage buildup that could lead to unwanted spills. Instead of having to repair damaged sewer pipelines that have had build-up, you could use Protein Matrix to break down materials that have built up over time and maintain pipeline structural integrity in an environmentally friendly way. While sewage spills are unsightly, there are also health consequences of being exposed to material that is meant to be contained.

Protein Matrix is an excellent alternative to environmentally harmful products that are currently used to break down sewage build up. When a newer and more productive product comes to the market, it takes time to overtake older and outdated methods. Lye (sodium hydroxide) was commonly used to maintain FOG complications. While this was the standard for many years, there are now more environmentally friendly and useful methods. Protein Matrix doesn’t hurt the pipes while it is breaking down the material buildup. It works hard to break down the built-up FOG without harming the pipes.  Protein Matrix is water-based, biodegradable, non-toxic, nonvolatile, and nonflammable. Protein Matrix can be used on more than just sewage systems. As just one example, it can also be used on commercial kitchen baking racks as a degreaser. There is peace of mind knowing that a product that is tough enough to break down FOG in industrious sewer pipes are also just as safe to be used in a kitchen setting.

Sharon Bush has done work with numerous philanthropic organizations, promoting the ideals of love and family. Across her various efforts, she’s worked to help numerous causes, including education, pollution remediation, and other nonprofit organizations. Her contributions have helped further advance these causes, helping people around the world. Read more about Sharon Bush:

You can follow Sharon Bush on her website:

Sharia Faith and Laws

Seattle's Mayor Ed Murray

I have tried to steer away from writing about religion or homosexuality in my previous writing’s. I believe each person has a right to believe how they want. But all of a sudden I am forced to mix the two because of our openly gay Mayor Ed Murray really slid off the tracks coming with the idea that Muslims can use Sharia law in Seattle while the rest of us must follow the rules and regulations America has in place. I will get the subject of gays right off the table to start. This has nothing to do with MY view on gays or gay marriage in this article, but how can an openly gay Mayor even feel safe talking to these so called peaceful Muslims who are taught to hate him. They are taught that they should kill anyone who does not accept Islam. Islam says homosexuals must be executed. They throw gays off buildings. These guys he is pandering too would not hesitate to blow themselves and him up if they decide they can’t control him.

NOW: The point of this article is about the Mayor even considering letting the Muslims use any part of Sharia for contracts or anything else. Let them go worship how they want, who they want, spread out their rug and pray, no problem. To think the mayor would even listen to a Muslim tell him he is against paying interest. My story really spreads now. I think everyone hates to pay interest, and look at the foreclosures because people paid interest for years and never got the principle down at all and lost their homes when the prices fell. They could not even sell them. Now, the Muslims say they want to buy homes but don’t want to pay any interest. It’s against their belief. Well I say go home where your Sharia law is in place. We are under American law here. Even Muslims with high paying jobs want interest free homes. Well why don’t you get all of Seattle together and say, “lets have a showing of hands of how many would like to buy a house, interest free”. Geez shoulders would be jerked out of place hands would go up. This is beyond crazy. You cannot give a special break to a Muslim because it’s against his or her faith. I can completely understand how he/she doesn’t believe in paying interest. Then the thing to do is rent until you save enough to pay cash.

I want to add in a personal note here. My Fathers parents were from Bohemia. My Father and Mother were both born in America but my Dad really drummed in into all of us kids. Never, never buy something that you can’t pay cash for. That was over 90 years ago. The only credit card I have ever had was an Arco gas card. My husband and I saved and saved while we were renting and bought a little fixer upper FOR CASH. Paid $2500 for it. We owned that little house at 306 Lucille street. We fixed it up really nice after work and traded up and got this old fixer up (I wont put my address here) in Georgetown with a little cash added. I am still living here, I have never paid interest or a house payment in my lifetime. So if I can do it the Muslims can do it. I have never gone into a furniture store and bought a thing on credit. I had to charge something at Sears one time in order to have them deliver it or something, but paid it right off.

My Father always said if someone holds a mortgage or note you can lose what you have anytime. I never forgot it. Of course we never had anything that others might call nice and I got most everything I have at “junk stores” and half price sales. Let the Muslims do what I did. I am living proof you can own a house and not pay interest. BUT YOU SHOULD NOT DO WHAT THE MAYOR IS CONSIDERING. I hope there is such an outcry of working whites with high mortgages the Mayor will get the message. He can’t even think it’s fair, or legal but wants to pander to the Muslims and maybe get a few extra votes. Does Sharia law let them vote. If they are going by their Muslim religion about interest I do not believe it allows woman to vote. So mayor Murray look into that. You can’t pick and choose what part of the law you will let them use and my advice would be not to go on any roof parties with your partner and a bunch of Muslims and make them mad, because according to their religion they can just toss you over, no problem. Do you agree that part of their faith is good, or just give them an interest free mortgage.

Back to 90 years ago. My Father homesteaded. Started with a log cabin and did a lot of add-on’s. No mortgage payments. He made most of our furniture and our mattresses were filled with fresh clean straw every fall after the grain was thrashed and taken to town to be made into flour. There was 12 of us little kids and we little girls got to pick out the flower sack they would put the flour in and Mama would make our dresses with that. ( I will write an article next week on how we managed during the depression) Electricity finally came through but Dad could not afford to hook up and was afraid to sign up for anything. So all my years at home were without running water inside, no electricity, no phone and we cooked and heated with wood, from our own forest. Now Dad religiously preached to us about hard work, never go in debt, and I have followed it to this day. Worked from the time I was 13 until I was 70. But I see now he was against paying Utility Bills. I didn’t catch on that it was like a religion with him and I went astray. I have been paying for lights, water, gas, and garbage pick up for 70 years at this same address. The price goes up every year. Since I know now it is against MY religion I want to start a little church with its own laws. I am going to call it the Bohemian Fairness Church. One thing it’s against is having to pay any utilities. The City owes us water to drink, lights to light our home and I would be willing to heat with wood but they keep having burn bans so had to put in natural gas. I want to form a group who are also against paying Utilities. If Muslims can write their law we Americans can sure as heck make our law that it’s against “our religion to pay utilities”. We wont cause the Mayor any harm. He can be gay and I want him to know that his other really really stupid rule of transgender toilets was in place in my days. Yes Mr/Mrs/Ms whatever Mayor we had a transgender bathroom. It was a free standing wood building. It was made of wood and had a cute crescent moon over the door. There was so many of us (6 girls and 6 boys) no way could we go one at a time so it had 4 nice holes cut in a bench over a pit. 4 of us girls could potty at the same time. Then the boys. NEVER did we go in the same time. But it still was for both boys and girls. Mayor should be proud of me for that.

I hope there is a huge out cry against the Mayor pandering to the Muslims. They either follow every one of our laws, rules and regulations like the rest of us do or they get deported. We don’t follow their religion and I don’t even want to hear about it. I hope this article gets some attention and they contact the Mayor as to what they think of the Sharia law that they can buy a house here and not pay any interest. We don’t (or shouldn’t) change our way of life. Just like I will always put out a Nativity set. If it bothers them I say is look the other way or go the hell home. You came here, we didn’t drag you here. You are free to leave, the sooner the better.

Lilly Marek

Naveen Jain Biography

Naveen Jain Photo

Born as Naveen K. Jain on Sept. 6th 1959. As a child he grew up in or around the villages of Uttar Pradest, Roorkee, as well as the New Delhi, India. Education was very important to him and in 1979 he graduated with an engineering degree from the Indian Institute of Technology in Roorkee. He later moved again (Jamshedpur) and received an MBA from XLRI School of Business and Human Resources in 1982. Married to his wife Anu Jain who is the Vice President of community relations at inome. As a young man he always knew the importance of a good education and how it would be the foundation of his career.

Jain is a very successful Businessman, executive, entrepreneur, and philanthropist. Growing up Jain always had the passion of business and helping others. While growing up and surrounded by poverty, he knew that he had to make a change that will be impacting. Later in life he realized it was his calling and motivation to be so passionate and successful. Mr. Jain is known mostly as being the Founder/CEO of InfoSpace. He is also known as the Founder/CEO of inome & Moon Express. When Infospace was at its height (the dot com boom) he was worth over 1 billion dollars. The stock did go down, however, he did taste and hit that mark at one-time in his career. Being a leader in the tech industry and a highly sought speaker he was also featured on Forbes “Richest Americans” in the year 2000. We were unable to find any Seattle Washington speaking arrangements scheduled.

In 1983, he got accepted into a business exchange program. It required him to leave India, however, it was a important turning point in his career. He knew it was a great opportunity. This turning point highlighted Naveen Jain’s professional career. He worked at several companies including Convergent Technologies and Tandon Computer Corporation (Computer Manufacturer). About 6 years later in 1989, he joined Microsoft as a Program Manager. Living in Seattle, we all know Microsoft is one of the biggest companies in the World and leader in the computer software space. He was assigned to the Redmond, Washington office. Mr. Jain’s software background really helped him at Microsoft and it formed the foundation he needed to start his own company several years later name InfoSpace (1996). While at Microsoft, however, he worked with OS/2, then moved on to Windows NT, and the popular Windows 95. His position at Microsoft was later moved to the Microsoft Network.

As I mentioned in March 1996, Jain founded the highly success InfoSpace. Until the year 2000 he served as the CEO. If you’re not sure what InfoSpace is – it’s a company that provides private label and search data for businesses as well as companies. During the height of the well known Internet boom he was considered ranked as being one of the richest Americans. In fact, Forbes ranked him 121. Later at Infospace Jain was pushed out by the board members as CEO/Chairman in 2002. In 2003, he stepped down from the InfoSpace board completely. The same year he started a new company named Intelius which is located in Bellevue, Washington.

His philanthropy work is quite large and highly publicizes in the media. His focus is about improving the lives of as many people as possible. It doesn’t matter if it’s business or helping others. The impact of someone’s effort should try to reach as many souls as you can. It should be strategic and that is how Mr. Jain likes to approach his philanthropic work. He mentions that there are four key elements. These include overcoming the infrastructure, build scale, making it self-sustaining, and to live an entrepreneurial life. Through his leadership at inome, he gives back to medical care, family development, and education. His company, inome, was ranked by the Puget Sound Business Journal as one of the top 15 philanthropic companies in the USA.

World Innovation Institute:
He is the founder of the World Innovation Institute which believes that “entrepreneurship and creativity can solve the world’s most pressing and complex challenges” according to their website ( The groups focus is about improving the lives of through philanthropy, education, and positive youth development. It’s a effort he and his family strongly support. Today, we wants to put his efforts into making the World a better place. He wants to make sure we leave our children in a position that is better than it previously was.

Moon Express:
Is a group supported and funded by silicon valley and space exploration entrepreneurs. Their ultimate goal is to mine the moon to see if any resources are available. They want to find elements that are rare on Earth. In the short term they would like to win the Google Lunar X Prize. The venture is headquartered in California and includes a robotic transportation element as well. They already have been connected with NASA for various efforts of data purchase. In 2015, they are going to be doing a test flight to the moon and by 2018 place two Lunar telescopes near the Malapert crater. The crater is about 3 miles high. In recent news, they have expressed to send their robotic spacecraft up a little early in 2016. The company believes the moon holds valuable elements such as gold, iron, tungsten plus many other elements which could provide nuclear power without all the waste we currently are using. The Moon Express company has approximately 50 employees and have a goal of staying under 50 million dollars for the moon mission.

Awards and Recognition:

  • In 1999, he was awarded the Emerging Entrepreneur Award Winner by Ernst & Young.
  • In April 2011, he was given the Light of India Business Leadership Award by the The Times Group.
  • In December 2011, during the Red Herring Global 2011 Conference, he was awarded the Lifetime
    Achievement Award.

Personal Life:
Mr. Naveen Jain is married with 3 children. They live in Washington State just north of Seattle in Medina. The City of Medina is mostly reserved for the most wealthy including Bill Gates of Microsoft.

Moon Express
CEO September 6, 1959
Naveen Jain is a very successful Businessman, executive, entrepreneur, and philanthropist. founder and former CEO of InfoSpace.
227 Bellevue Way NE
Phone: (425) 974-6100
DOB: 09/06/1959

Dr. Robi Ludwig Book Review & Bio

Dr. Robi Ludwig Photograph

The website, is a popular book review website that started back in 2007. They pride themselves as being a site that focuses on its readers and book recommendations. The company has over 30 million readers and 34 million books in their database. One of the many popular features of the site is that you can view what your friends are reading and also what they have read previously. You can also leave reviews and make suggestions to your friends. Otis Chandler is the CEO and the very reason why he created the site so he could easily get recommendations from friends. Of course, he created it for his passion for books as well.

One of the books featured on the website is entitled “Till Death Do Us Part: Love, Marriage, and the Mind of the Killer Spouse”. The book is authored by Dr. Robi Ludwig and Matt Birkbeck. This book goes into great detail and analysis about killer spouses. It dives into the some of the specific psychological reasons of why it may have happened or why one spouse turned violent. They discuss the spouse profiles and history. According to Dr. Robi Ludwig, on the Goodreads website the full description of the book is described and quoted as: “Every day six people in the United States are murdered by spouses or intimate partners. Society is captivated and startled by stories of these killers, leading people to wonder how seemingly normal and happy people manage to go over the edge. In Till Death Do Us Part, noted psychotherapist Dr. Robi Ludwig, along with journalist Matt Birkbeck, presents the psychological profiles of notorious killer spouses — from Scott Peterson and Clara Harris to Rabbi Fred Neulander and Betty Broderick. Dr. Ludwig reveals the ten killer personality types and defines them in detail with examples from high-profile cases and in-depth analyses of the motivations behind the murders.” I must say she describes the book very well and is highly qualified in this area. There are currently 73 ratings of the book online at and 11 full reviews for the book. It is a paperback and features 256 pages. The book publisher is Atria books.  I wrote about my review and additional information about Robi’s the book here.

Till Death Do Us Part

History of Dr. Robi Ludwig

Writing and talking about a complicated issue of why a spouse would kill their partner, you must be experienced. Author Dr. Robi Ludwig is highly successful and experienced. She graduated from California Southern University. In addition, she also has a certificate from Hunter College, a Masters Degree from the University of Pennsylvania (social work – 1990), and a bachelor’s degree from Cedar Crest College (mass communications). She is a contributor to many major media sites including the Huffington Post. You can also find her live on the radio station Magic 100.1 (New Jersey). The segment on the show is called “Ask Dr. Robi”. She helps callers with questions and answers live on the radio. According to the website Psychology Today she has 15+ years of practical experience.

TV Appearances

Dr. Robi Ludwig has hosted and made several TV appearances throughout the years. She was on two seasons of TLC’s reality show, “One Week to Save Your Marriage” as well as , GSN’s reality game show, “Without Prejudice?” according to her official website. It also states that she was a “regular on CNN, Headline News and The Fox News Channel where she talks about psychological/lifestyle issues as well as the criminal mind. She also appears on national shows such as: ET, TODAY, 20/20, ABC World News, The View, Fox and Friends, The Steve Harvey Show, Wendy Williams, The Bill Cunningham Show, Neil Cavuto, Hannity and Lou Dobbs helping audiences and guests alike to understand the complexities of the human condition.”

Jewelry Business Vise Mari

Dr. Ludwig believes that everyone has to right to look beautiful, and wear stunning costumes and jewelry. Her national recognition can be judged by the fact that most of the noble personalities, whether working in media or corporate world, like to wear her collections. She is passionate to proceed further in this line along with her professional responsibilities. She is continuing her commit to writing and discussing psychological issues in the media as well as attending to her patients and building a healthy partnership with ShopNBC. Her jewelry line is named Vise Mari ( All of her jewelry pieces are described as being big and bold. Her jewelry has been worn by stylists and celebrities. Her goal is to make people feel good and beautiful about themselves. Each piece is carefully made and very affordable. Dr. Robi Ludwig was quoted as saying “It’s my goal to make every woman feel like her very best self, so she can go out into the world to sparkle and shine. To create a line of jewelry that’s both beautiful and purposeful is truly a dream come true.”

Being so successful in her career this far, there is a high probability that her childhood inclination will earn her fame in this jewelry line as well. Her early love exerted her creative skills and she started designing jewelry for herself. Being her sole collection, it looks very sophisticated and bears a mild touch of ancient times, which created excitement among her fans and they started questioning her about the vendor from where she shops. She herself was not aware of how much the public craves for her specifically designed jewelry items, but discovered it soon. She designed her first collection upon the request of her close friend, to raise funds for a charity and then came the very popular “believe pendant” to the market.

Personal Life

Even with a fast moving career and business, Dr. Ludwig does have time for the family. She lives in New York with her husband (married) and two children. Her husband’s name is David Ludwig. According to Hitched Magazine she has been married approximately 13 years. As a child, she was raised in Chatham, New Jersey. Her Mother (Helene Shalotsky) was a school teacher and her Father (Charles Shalotsky) was an executive for a men’s product company. She has two sisters and she is the niece of Irving Gikofsky. He also went by the name of Mr. G. He was an actor who played in People I know in 2002 and also Honey, I Shrunk The Kids in 1997.

Seattle Appearances

We were unable to find any history of appearances for this celebrity in Seattle, Washington.

Photo Gallery

Joseph Tacopina Biography

Joseph Tacopina

On the Emerald City Journal, we provide some of most thorough information that is related to many of the celebrities and CEO’s in Seattle. Below you’ll find our most recent addition to the Journal which we have entitled the Joe Tacopina Biography and career history. It’s the full story about Mr. Tacopina and his life story.

Attorney Joseph Tacopina was born 4/14/66. He is a criminal defense attorney based in New York. In 1994 he founded his law firm the Law Offices of Joseph Tacopina, P.C. and he is also the chairman of the Bologna Football Club. By the time Joe Tacopina was 42 years old he had already had 80 cases under his belt. The media started to call him the “hottest young criminal defense lawyer” in New York. Mr. Tacopina was a prosecuting attorney as well before becoming a famous defense attorney. Before his fame, however, he earned a law degree from the University of Bridgeport. Also, a graduate of Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, NY. He is a high profile celebrity and one of the most successful defense attorneys (if not the most successful) in the country. His cases have been known to be some of the most difficult and most profiled in the legal field.

Joe’s history of legal experience and high profile cases, puts him in the cross hairs of the media. You can often find him appearing on TV being a legal expert/analyst on shows such as Fox News, NBC, CNBC, CNN, and Court TV to name just a few. Joe is not afraid to speak his mind and discuss openly about case law and verdicts (as long as he is able legally). You can sometimes even find him debating and/or discussing legal points of view on “Imus in the Morning” with Don Imus. He is not afraid to speak his mind even if that means being loud about it.

According to his official website “Mr. Tacopina is a member of the Federal Bar Council, the New York Counsel of Defense Lawyers, and the Judicial Committee for the Association of the Bar of the City of New York.” Both of these associations solidifies his expertise in this area. New York has a lot of competition in the legal field and having these associations really demonstrates his dedication to this field.

Joesph Tacopina is a Managing Member at TAG Partners LLC. The firm was in talks to purchase 100% of the soccer club Bologna but unfortunately the deal was delayed and later dropped. The TAG firm and Bolangna deal was expected to be in the $28.6 million dollar range approximately. In Oct 2014, however, Tacopina & Joey Saputo were successful in the acquisition of the soccer club.

The Bologna Soccer Club:
As we mentioned above, the initial struggles to acquire the Bologna Soccer Club was not easy. He battled the allegation that he may flee the area to manage the team and that his assets should be frozen as well. Mr. Tacopina denied all the allegations and continues to practice law in the New York area. Tacopina and Joey Saputo (A Canadian investor) took over the team in late Oct 2014 and the fans were excited over the news. Over the last few years, the Bologna Soccer Team was failing to preform well and having the new leadership in place offer lots of hope for the future years. It was unfortunate the team was doing so badly because the history of the team is actually quite successful. It has won the Italian league championship 7 times and considered to be the 6th most successful team in the league. Despite all the allegations and finger pointing directed at Mr. Tacopina, he has shown his leadership to take the team over the make it once again very successful. Not to mentioned loved again by the many fans to love the team and sport.

Mr. Tacopina was a director at SG Building and later company from January 2008 until November 4, 2011. SG Building provided code engineer shipping containers.

Other career highlights include:

  • He was a key figure at Talent Representation. It’s a talent representation, marketing, and advising firm. (2009)
  • Vice Chairman of A.S. Roma S.P.A since 10/2011 and served as director since 2011.
  • Tacopina is a member of the board at Advantage Home Telehealth Inc.
  • Director of Barnaba S.r.l
  • Member of the Federal Bar Council, New York Counsel of Defense Lawyers, and Judicial Committee for the Association of the Bar of the City of New York.
  • Serves on the Legislative Committee for the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers.
  • Mr. Tacopina volunteers his time as an Adjunct Professor at Fordham Law School and lectures nationwide.

Popular Criminal Cases By Joseph Tacopina:
– Viewed as being one of the most shocking verdicts in history by the media, New York Police Officers Franklin Meta and Kenneth Moreno were found to be Not Guilty of Rape (Acquitted by Jury) in May 2011. A women claimed she was raped while intoxicated.

– Represented State Senator Hiram Monserrate (D-Queens) was cleared of felony assault. The allegation was that he slashed his girlfriend Karla Giraldo with a piece of broken glass.

– Bryan Thomas who is a linebacker with the Jets was charged in Randolph Town Court. Joseph Tacopina represented the professional football player. The allegation was that he committed aggravated assault upon his wife at their home.

– Represented Melanie McGuire in her murder trial. The allegation was that McGuire murdered and dismembered her husband. His body was found in 3 suitcases in the Chesapeake Bay.

– Mr. Tacopina was part of the team who represented Michael Jackson during his child molestation case.

– Represented famed actor Lillo Brancato who was charged with felony murder. Mr. Brancato was acquitted by Joe Tacopina.

– In another high profile case Mr. Tacopina successfully represented van der Sloot in regards to the allegation of the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. The lawsuit was brought to the court by the parents of Natalee Holloway. With the representation of Tacopina the case was dismissed.

– Represented a popular land assessor by the name of John Nicolo who was charged with bribery and money laundering by the Eastman Kodak Company.

– A very high profile and infamous case known as the body snatchers. Tacopina represented on the case where two men were accused of cutting open fresh corpses and selling the body parts. Prosecutors stated the ring netted approximated $4.7 million dollars over 4 years with allegedly 1,077 corpses.

Personal Life:
Mr. Joe Tacopina met his wife back in Law School. He later decided to move to her hometown of Westport New York. This small town only has a population of 1,312 which was recorded in 2010.

Mr. Tacopina does in person and TV appearances. We’ve looked for any future appearances for Seattle, Washington but was unable to find any at this time. If a Seattle event comes to the area, the Emerald City Newspaper will be the first to report that for you.

Dr. Robi Ludwig


Dr. Robi S Ludwig is a nationally renowned modern psychoanalytically trained psychotherapist, award winning author and a reporter. Being a well-known psychotherapist, she deals with both adults’ and couples’ issues. She is inspiring directing people to find their personal life goals and to grow emotionally. She treats for wide range of issues including relationship problems, addiction issues, transitional problems, as well as mood, depression, thought and character disorders. You’ll commonly see her on TV shows such as CNN, Entertainment Tonight, and The Bill Cunningham Show just to name a few. She has been appearing on the broadcasting mass media since 1997 and has contributed a lot in communicating current psychological insights on broad range of topics. Her advice and tips are highly valued in the media and by the public who trust her and her education.

The goal is to help provide you with the insights and tools you need to move beyond old, limiting beliefs and behaviors. Through a combination of therapeutic techniques, she can help you identify limiting beliefs and outmoded coping mechanisms that may be standing in your way. Her advice has help many understand their problems more clearly which in the end helps them overcome their issue/s. Many clients report rapid progress due to the effective approaches she employs.

She is currently a relationship contributor for Investigation Discovery Network’s Scorned, which presents reenactment and analysis of marital homicide stories. Dr. Robi has also hosted her own show including two seasons of TLC’s reality show, “One Week to Save Your Marriage” as well as GSN’s reality game show, “Without Prejudice?”

DR. Ludwig is making lot of guest appearances on popular TV shows. As noted above, Dr. Ludwig is a regular on CNN, Headline News and The Fox News Channel where she talks about psychological, lifestyle, and sociocultural issues as well as the criminal mind. She also appears on national shows such as: ET, TODAY, 20/20, ABC World News, The View, Fox and Friends, The Steve Harvey Show, Wendy Williams, The Bill Cunningham Show, Neil Cavuto, Hannity and Lou Dobbs helping audiences and guests alike to understand the complexities of the human mind.

Her book, ’Till Death Do Us Part: Love, Marriage and the Mind of the Killer Spouse, written with journalist Matt Birkbeck was published with Atria books. It came out March in 2006. Every day six people in the United States are murdered by spouses or intimate partners. That is truly a shocking number. The stories of killer spouses tend to captivate us, as they beg the question of how so many seemingly normal and happy people manage to go over the edge. Indeed, every relationship presents “extreme moments” where scary feelings surface, yet what happens when those feelings turn to action? That was the core concern of Ludwig’s book.

Till Death Do Us Part presents the psychological profiles of notorious killer spouses — from Scott Peterson and Clara Harris to Rabbi Fred Neulander and Betty Broderick. Ludwig reveals ten killer personality categories. These ten personality types are defined in detail and illustrated with examples from high-profile cases along with in-depth analyses of the motivations behind the murders. The ten types range from the Betrayal/Abandonment Killer (who loses control and kills from a broken heart) to the Control Killer (who micromanages every aspect of the spouse’s life) and the Black Widow/Profit Killer (who kills for money).

Her book is a masterpiece in psychology category. It has received so many top class reviews and ratings. I thought it’s noteworthy to bring some of them here.

“…Through Robi’s valuable insight, she has helped us all to understand the violent actions and dark logic behind these murders, particularly since these cases appear to involve seemingly normal people.”
Larry King
CNN’s Larry King Live.

“Dr. Ludwig casts light on the formerly taboo subjects of marital strife and homicide. She enlightens us all!”
Nancy Grace
Court TV’s Closing Arguments & Headline News

“…Till Death Do Us Part is an invaluable resource. It offers an expert’s analysis of the psychological factors that oftentimes coalesce and are expressed violently.”
Robert K. Tanenbaum
Former homicide bureau chief for the Manhattan DA’s office and New York Times bestselling author of Fury

Authors Ludwig and Birkbeck examine the concept of peaceful versus violent resolution and why certain spouses believe murder is the best and only response in their great piece of work. In the book they sit down and evaluate the situations so you can better understand the couple. You get an inside look of what they may have been thinking and what some of their highly rooted issues may have been.

Apart from the TV programs, Robi is now doing regular “Ask Dr. Robi” Segments every Wednesday morning for Magic Variety Radio on Magic 100.1 in New Jersey. On the show, their audience can ask them about their social and mental problems directly to Dr. Robi Ludwig. Most of the topics covered by her included sexual aspects, depressions, couple problems, teenage mind, parenting issues, divorces and so on.

In the late 1990’s she worked as a psychology reporter for WETM-TV, the NBC affiliate in Elmira, New York. She wrote, produced and hosted Real Talk, a weekly live call-in show covering psychological and self-help topics. Everyday people would call in and she would help them live on the show. It covered a variety of topics and emotions from serious problems to questions which turned out pretty funny. The show was an immediate hit and talked about all the time in the media.

Her practical experience as a psychotherapist began in 1988 when she worked as a counselor for patients with severe psychiatric disorders. In both clinical settings and in her private practice, she has treated all forms of mental illness, substance abuse, grieving, sexual identity issues, job stress, anxiety emotional and sexual abuse problems as well as the more common social and parenting issues.

Dr. Ludwig’s academic credentials include a doctorate in psychology (Psy.D) from California Southern University; she holds a post-masters certificate in advanced clinical work from Hunter College, a master’s degree in social work from the University of Pennsylvania and a bachelor’s degree in mass communications from Cedar Crest College.

In addition to the mass media programs held by her, she voluntarily helps those who need counseling via social media networks. In her profile, there are lot of people asking different types of psychological issues. Everyone who expects some mental and spiritual relief are welcome to her profiles. She has asked her fans to be forward and to participate in those little activities that she recommends on her social sites. She believes that those activities (I may say fun activities) would lessen the heavy weight that people keep in their heads.

DR. Robi Ludwig is not just a professional counselor or a psychologist. But she is a famous star who has helped people to resolve their mental dilemmas. Her solutions to mental problems are simple, practicable, and obviously very effective.

She currently resides in New York. She has two children and her husband in her family.

There are several good videos of featuring her on her YouTube Channel. Here is one where she covers her highlight reel like her appearances on Fox News, The Bill Cunningham Show, and CNN.

If you want to contact this award winning psychologist, here are the contact information of DR. Ludwig.
Dr. Robi Ludwig (email:

There currently are no tours in the Seattle, Washington area at this time for this celebrity, however, if one comes up in the area the Emerald City Journal will be the first to report on it. This isn’t her first article with us, she wrote an exclusive article for the Emerald City Journal newspaper about a month ago entitled Killer Lovers. Dr. Ludwig provides us insight into lovers and why they sometimes feel the need to kill each over as lovers.

Dr Robi Ludwig Photo

Dr. Robi Ludwig Biography

Photo of Dr Robi Ludwig
Photo of Dr Robi Ludwig
In this biography of Dr. Robi Ludwig, we will be discussing her career, personal life, and her education. Being a well known reporter, author, and psychotherapist her long history of experience is very large. Let’s get started now.

Table of Contents:
Her Education
Counseling and Psychotherapy discussions with Dr. Ludwig
Personal Life
Vise Mari Jewelry
Her Book
TV Appearances

Dr. Robi Ludwig is a nationally renowned modern psychoanalytically trained psychotherapist, award winning author and a reporter. Being a well-known psychotherapist, she deals with both adults’ and couples’ issues. She is inspiring directing people to find their personal life goals and to grow emotionally. She treats for wide range of issues including relationship problems, addiction issues, transitional problems, as well as mood, depression, thought and character disorders. You’ll commonly see her on TV shows such as CNN, Entertainment Tonight, and The Bill Cunningham Show just to name a few. She has been appearing on the broadcasting mass media since 1997 and has contributed a lot in communicating current psychological insights on broad range of topics. Her advice and tips are highly valued in the media and by the public who trust her and her education.

The goal is to help provide you with the insights and tools you need to move beyond old, limiting beliefs and behaviors. Through a combination of therapeutic techniques, she can help you identify limiting beliefs and outmoded coping mechanisms that may be standing in your way. Her advice has help many understand their problems more clearly which in the end helps them overcome their issue/s. Many clients report rapid progress due to the effective approaches she employs.

An increasing number of people are dealing with stress in their everyday lives, it helps to seek professional help. She has been encouraging the use of psychotherapy for the treatment of a variety of issues via broadcasting media from 1997 onwards. Her opinion and insights on a wide range of well-being issues are sought after.

She began her career as psychotherapist in 1988. Her role was that of a counselor, aiding patients with acute psychiatric disorders. She has meted out treatment for all sorts of mental illnesses such as personality disorder and impulse control disorder, grief, substance abuse, job stress, sexual identity crisis, sex abuse and emotional issues in her private and clinical practice. Her dexterity also reaches out to more widespread parenting and social issues.  Dr. Ludwig works currently with adult individuals who have suffer from various issues such as addiction, relationship struggles, problems of transition along with character, mood and thought disorder. Her treatment approaches include those of cognitive behavior (CBT) and Solution Focused Brief (SFBT). Currently she practices in New York, although her television assignments have her jet setting across the country. She treats both couples and singles. She strives to aid people cope with their various issues so that they can focus more on their life goals and ambition. She believes that a troubled life is no reason to feel defeated and dejected; with proper help and guidance, nothing is impossible to achieve.


WETM-TV in New York is where it started for Robi Ludwig
WETM-TV in New York is where it started for Robi Ludwig
In the late 1990’s she worked as a psychology reporter for WETM-TV, the NBC affiliate in Elmira, New York. She wrote, produced and hosted Real Talk, a weekly live call-in show covering psychological and self-help topics. Everyday people would call in and she would help them live on the show. It covered a variety of topics and emotions from serious problems to questions which turned out pretty funny. The show was an immediate hit and talked about all the time in the media.

Her practical experience as a psychotherapist began in 1988 when she worked as a counselor for patients with severe psychiatric disorders. In both clinical settings and in her private practice, she has treated all forms of mental illness, substance abuse, grieving, sexual identity issues, job stress, anxiety emotional and sexual abuse problems as well as the more common social and parenting issues.

Dr. Ludwig’s academic credentials include a doctorate in psychology (Psy.D) from California Southern University; she holds a post-masters certificate in advanced clinical work from Hunter College, a master’s degree in social work from the University of Pennsylvania and a bachelor’s degree in mass communications from Cedar Crest College.

In addition to the mass media programs held by her, she voluntarily helps those who need counseling via social media networks. In her profile, there are lot of people asking different types of psychological issues. Everyone who expects some mental and spiritual relief are welcome to her profiles. She has asked her fans to be forward and to participate in those little activities that she recommends on her social sites. She believes that those activities (I may say fun activities) would lessen the heavy weight that people keep in their heads.

Dr. Robi Ludwig is not just a professional counselor or a psychologist. But she is a famous star who has helped people to resolve their mental dilemmas. Her solutions to mental problems are simple, practicable, and obviously very effective.

Her Education:
Dr. Robi Ludwig is a highly accomplished psychotherapist who has gotten her Doctorate degree in Psychology from California Southern University. She has a post masters certification from Hunter College in advanced clinical. She also holds a master’s degree in social work from the University of Pennsylvania along with a Bachelor’s degree from Cedar Crest College in Mass Communications.

Dr. Ludwig's book titled Till Death Do Us Part.  Love, Marriage, and the Mind of the Killer Spouse

Counseling and Psychotherapy – Which is Which? Discussions with Dr. Ludwig.

You might have heard about psychotherapy from one of your friends or colleagues. However, most people do not fully understand how psychotherapy works as they often use the terms psychotherapy and counseling interchangeably. It is good to note that they are essentially the same which is to cater to the emotional and psychological needs of other people, they have distinct differences.

To start things off, counseling is all about lending a sympathetic ear to someone who’s been going through a troubling experience. Generally, a counselor will listen to the angst of a person without any form of corrections or interruptions. They usually do not give analysis or advice.

On the other hand, psychotherapy looks more on the historical factors that may influence the present behavior and line of thinking of a person. Psychotherapy tends to delve into what might have caused the present scenario. They link pieces of information together to come up with a certain form of hypothesis. Counseling on the other hand works more with the crisis intervention.

According to the theory of Eric Burne known as Transactional Analysis, he said that whatever happened to an individual’s life it is also duly recorded in his brain. All of these experiences include those that happen in his childhood, on what he perceived from what he considered as parent figures and how perceived are the events that happened in his life.

All of these memories are recorded to our brain just as the way we save files on a computer disc. These sets of memories can be replayed all throughout our existence. We often recall and re-experience what happened in the past in what we experience today. That is the reason why each one of us behaves differently on different things.
To better illustrate, here are the key differences between counseling and psychotherapy:

– Assist people in identifying their personal problems and dilemma while encouraging them to take proper and positive actions to address the problems
– This type of treatment is advisable to those with deeper understand of human wellbeing and to those who are good at resolving problems
– This is considered a short term that helps in changing a person’s behavior.

– This type of treatment can help people deal with problems that have built over time
– This will also help you to better understand your actions, feelings and thoughts a lot better
– This is a long term process of treatment that deal with historical background of the emotions that a person currently feels

Psychotherapy and counseling are two different treatments that often overlap in numerous ways. To put it simply, counseling can be considered as a crucial aspect of the psychotherapy process; whereas a counselor may work with people in a psychotherapeutic way.

Also, other key differences between these two is the time that is needed in order to get desirable results. Counseling is often given on a short period of time while psychotherapy will require a longer period of time in order to work out the person’s emotional problems and difficulties.

Personal Life:
Even with a fast moving career and business, Dr. Ludwig does have time for the family. She lives in New York with her husband (married) and two children. Her husband’s name is David Ludwig. According to Hitched Magazine she has been married approximately 13 years. As a child, she was raised in Chatham, New Jersey. Her Mother (Helene Shalotsky) was a school teacher and her Father (Charles Shalotsky) was an executive for a men’s product company. She has two sisters and she is the niece of Irving Gikofsky. He also went by the name of Mr. G. He was an actor who played in People I know in 2002 and also Honey, I Shrunk The Kids in 1997.

Vise Mari Jewelry:
Dr. Ludwig believes that everyone has to right to look beautiful, and wear stunning costumes and jewelry. Her national recognition can be judged by the fact that most of the noble personalities, whether working in media or corporate world, like to wear her collections. She is passionate to proceed further in this line along with her professional responsibilities. She is continuing her commit to writing and discussing psychological issues in the media as well as attending to her patients and building a healthy partnership with ShopNBC. Her jewelry line is named Vise Mari ( All of her jewelry pieces are described as being big and bold. Her jewelry has been worn by stylists and celebrities. Her goal is to make people feel good and beautiful about themselves. Each piece is carefully made and very affordable. Dr. Robi Ludwig was quoted as saying “It’s my goal to make every woman feel like her very best self, so she can go out into the world to sparkle and shine. To create a line of jewelry that’s both beautiful and purposeful is truly a dream come true.”

Being so successful in her career this far, there is a high probability that her childhood inclination will earn her fame in this jewelry line as well. Her early love exerted her creative skills and she started designing jewelry for herself. Being her sole collection, it looks very sophisticated and bears a mild touch of ancient times, which created excitement among her fans and they started questioning her about the vendor from where she shops. She herself was not aware of how much the public craves for her specifically designed jewelry items, but discovered it soon. She designed her first collection upon the request of her close friend, to raise funds for a charity and then came the very popular “believe pendant” to the market.

Her Book:
Ludwig is an author who has published several books. Her book, ’Till Death Do Us Part: Love, Marriage and the Mind of the Killer Spouse, written with journalist Matt Birkbeck was published with Atria books. It came out March in 2006. Every day six people in the United States are murdered by spouses or intimate partners. That is truly a shocking number. The stories of killer spouses tend to captivate us, as they beg the question of how so many seemingly normal and happy people manage to go over the edge. Indeed, every relationship presents “extreme moments” where scary feelings surface, yet what happens when those feelings turn to action? That was the core concern of Ludwig’s book.

Till Death Do Us Part presents the psychological profiles of notorious killer spouses — from Scott Peterson and Clara Harris to Rabbi Fred Neulander and Betty Broderick. Ludwig reveals ten killer personality categories. These ten personality types are defined in detail and illustrated with examples from high-profile cases along with in-depth analyses of the motivations behind the murders. The ten types range from the Betrayal/Abandonment Killer (who loses control and kills from a broken heart) to the Control Killer (who micromanages every aspect of the spouse’s life) and the Black Widow/Profit Killer (who kills for money).

Her book is a masterpiece in psychology category. It has received so many top class reviews and ratings. I thought it’s noteworthy to bring some of them here.

“…Through Robi’s valuable insight, she has helped us all to understand the violent actions and dark logic behind these murders, particularly since these cases appear to involve seemingly normal people.”
Larry King
CNN’s Larry King Live.

“Dr. Ludwig casts light on the formerly taboo subjects of marital strife and homicide. She enlightens us all!”
Nancy Grace
Court TV’s Closing Arguments & Headline News

“…Till Death Do Us Part is an invaluable resource. It offers an expert’s analysis of the psychological factors that oftentimes coalesce and are expressed violently.”
Robert K. Tanenbaum
Former homicide bureau chief for the Manhattan DA’s office and New York Times bestselling author of Fury

Authors Ludwig and Birkbeck examine the concept of peaceful versus violent resolution and why certain spouses believe murder is the best and only response in their great piece of work. In the book they sit down and evaluate the situations so you can better understand the couple. You get an inside look of what they may have been thinking and what some of their highly rooted issues may have been.

TV Appearances:
Dr. Ludwig has made a lot of guest appearances on popular TV shows. She is a regular on CNN and The Fox News Channel where she talks about psychological, lifestyle, and sociocultural issues as well as the criminal mind. She also appears on national shows such as: ET, TODAY, 20/20, ABC World News, The View, Fox and Friends, The Steve Harvey Show, Wendy Williams, The Bill Cunningham Show, Neil Cavuto, Hannity and Lou Dobbs helping audiences and guests alike to understand the complexities of the human mind. We’ve included several of her appearances at the bottom of this page should you care to watch them.

Presently, she works in the capacity of a relationship contributor on “Scorned” of the Investigation Discovery Network. The show focuses on analysis and re-enactment of marital homicidal incidents. Ludwig has also hosted two seasons of “One Week to Save Your Marriage”, a reality show aired over TLC and “Without Prejudice?” a reality based game show on the GSN Network.

Dr. Robi Ludwig regularly appears in Headline News as noted above where she expresses her views across lots of topics. She appeared on the Neil Cavuto show (Fox News Channel) as a psychotherapist present to help out guests and audiences alike for understanding the complications of human conditions. She started her television career working as a psychology reporter in 1990s. Her first job was with NBC affiliate WETM-TV in Elmira, New York. She has produced, hosted and written Real Talk, a live calling-in show that encompasses topics such as self-help and psychology. The show aired on a weekly basis. We featured and discussed additional information about Dr. Robi Ludwig on her Killer Lovers article. In the article, she provides us insight into lovers and why they sometimes feel the need to kill each over as lovers.

Apart from the TV programs, Robi Ludwig is now doing regular “Ask Dr. Robi” Segments every Wednesday morning for Magic Variety Radio on Magic 100.1 in New Jersey. On the show, their audience can ask them about their social and mental problems directly to Dr. Robi Ludwig. Most of the topics covered by her included sexual aspects, depressions, couple problems, teenage mind, parenting issues, divorces and so on.

Her appearance on Entertainment Tonight:

Her appearance on The Bill Cunningham Show:

If you want to contact this award winning psychologist, here are the contact information of DR. Ludwig.
Dr. Robi Ludwig (email:
275 7th Ave
New York, NY 10021 [Map]

Dr. Robi Ludwig: Killer Lovers

Falling in love is always a bit of a mystery. Psychoanalyst Theodor Reik said most people fall in love for selfish reasons. We’re attracted to and choose people who seem capable of giving us the qualities we think we’re lacking. But what if our love radar is terribly off? So off, that the lover we choose instead of making our dreams come true, ultimately turns into our worst nightmare as well as our personal killer? I know, it’s a very scary thought. One thing that is true is that Robi Ludwig (LinkedIn) knows her stuff and she is an expert in her field.

Eight years ago, when I was approached to write a book about marital homicide, it was the last topic I ever thought I’d write about. I considered myself more of a “happily ever after” kind of person. Marrying one’s killer is such a dark idea and a very foreign one to a positive self-help therapist like myself. Yet, there was something very intriguing and compelling about the notion that someone would actually fall in love with and marry his or her killer. It didn’t take long before I was totally hooked and intensely researching the topic. I wondered what went wrong. What took place in order for these love tragedies to occur?

One of the first questions I was and still am routinely asked, especially during TV and radio interviews I do about my book, Till Death Do Us Part: Love, Marriage and the Mind of the Killer Spouse is,

Why don’t these people just get divorced?

That is a very good question! The answer, “Divorce takes time, takes forethought, and can be quite costly.” In some cases, it can also compromise one’s moral and social standing in the community. Homicide, to the distorted thinker, is a lot quicker. It erroneously seems more efficient in that disturbed state. Divorce, while an understandable and common solution for the martially disgruntled and even minded is not always the effective go to choice for the more murderously and maddened partner.

As a relationship contributor for Investigation Discovery’s popular series Scorned: Love Kills (now going into its 4th season this October), I talk about the unconscious mindset and motivations of these killer lovers. The show vividly highlights and brings to life the more lethal side of love and romance. Scorned leads its loyal viewers to the intimate side of these violent crimes of passion. It gives the audience a voyeuristic view and dramatic account of the events which lead to the homicidal crimes and major headliners of the day. Having seen the show myself, I can report it’s truly fascinating to learn about how the mind works.

As a writer for the Emerald City Journal, I can tell you that Dr. Robi discusses in-depth with vivid detail about the killers psychology and why they may have done what they have done. The show is not for the faint of heart and digs deep into the topic. I’ve seen a show that discusses the mindsets of these individuals and if the mind interests you or learning more about why people do the things they do then it’s worth watching for sure.

During my research one common trait clearly emerged among these disturbed group of killer lovers: They often viewed their partner as standing in the way between them and the life they wanted and felt entitled to lead with a certain fierceness: A life they viewed for themselves as filled with interpersonal happiness, joy, passion and fulfillment. It’s a sad and deadly twist of fate for couples who simply wanted to achieve their own personal version of “happily ever after”, even if it meant killing one another to achieve it.

These individuals with their distorted view of self and their own self described perception of happiness, ultimately led them to dire results for both themselves and their partners.

– By Dr. Robi Ludwig

Table of Contents:
Getting Married? Here is What to Expect, Statistically
Helping Adults and Couples
Early Career
Counseling and Psychotherapy – Which is Which?
Getting Personal Interview
Your Best Age is Now
Media Coverage and Appearances
Vise Mari Jewelry
Age and Net Worth
Popular Videos
Friday Night Tykes Show (Esquire Network)
Dr. Robi Ludwig Joins Bella Magazine
Seattle Speaking Events
Source References
Photo Gallery

Dr. Robi Ludwig Biography
Psychotherapist and TV personality Dr. Robi Ludwig career is filled with may highlights. She is highly regarded and the to go source for relationships and family matters. She is located and living in New York and married to her husband David Ludwig. She has two children. In the last year, Dr. Robi started her own jewelry line which goes by the name of Vice Mari. Each jewelry piece on the website is personally approved by her. Her feedback and designs are also implemented into each piece which makes it highly personalized. You can read more about Robi and her full bio on her official website ( or stay connected with her via Facebook or her very popular Twitter account. She is very connected to the community and her visitors. Her Jewelry line is a work in progress and a venture she is very passionate about. It relates personally with her as it’s something she did with her Mother growing up which was one of the reason she started the company Vice Mari. She also is active with her practice of helping others in the community with her expertise as a physiatrist. She has an office in New York according to Yelp. Robi Ludwig continues her practice in her New York office and available to help residents of the area.

Friday Night Tykes TV Show
Friday Night Tykes Show

On Wednesday, January 14th 2015, Robi Ludwig is expected to be a panelist to discuss our youth, important social, emotional and psychological implications associated with hyper-competitive parents, controversial coaching techniques and pressure felt by very young children to win at all costs. The show will be brought to you by the Esquire Network and 92Y. The show will be moderated by ESPN’s Jeremy Schaap and will feature lots of guests. The discussion/debate will be a refection of the Esquire Network’s show Friday Night Tykes. The show follows 8 to 9 year-old Rookies division in the San Antonio region of the Texas Youth Football Association (TYFA). The series follows five teams on and off the field throughout the season, from pre-season training through the state championships. These young players face some very adult pressures and concerns, from extreme training drills, heckling from rabid fans, and balancing on-the-field expectations against a typical off-the-field childhood.

Her talent and experience in the social and relationship space is at its highest right now. There really isn’t a network she hasn’t worked with and the same is true for media/newspapers. You can even schedule a one-on-one with her if you’re in the New York area. She is also a well known and very busy author. Her advice and tips are highly valued in the media and by the public who trust her and her education.

Her book “Till Death Do Us Part” is featured on Amazon currently and a very popular read according to the Good Reads website. The book is also co-authored with Matt Birkbeck. Larry King is featured in the Introduction and Nancy Grace provides the Forward for the popular book. The book itself is about understanding the profiles of some of the most popular profiles of killer spouses. She digs deep into why the killer spouses did what they did. It’s a professional in-depth analysis of their motivations to kill their spouses. As of 1/15/15, has 29 reviews for the book with an average rating of 4.5/5. The book came out in 2006 so it’s pretty established and well known at this point in time. I have personally read the book myself and can say I have never seen such an analysis so deep as it relates to this topic (or even category). She really expands and explains each partner’s profile. It’s extremely interesting for sure and a must read.

Her book, Till Death Do Us Part, presents the psychological profiles of notorious killer spouses — from Scott Peterson and Clara Harris to Rabbi Fred Neulander and Betty Broderick. Ludwig reveals ten killer personality categories. These ten personality types are defined in detail and illustrated with examples from high-profile cases along with in-depth analyses of the motivations behind the murders. The ten types range from the Betrayal/Abandonment Killer (who loses control and kills from a broken heart) to the Control Killer (who micromanages every aspect of the spouse’s life) and the Black Widow/Profit Killer (who kills for money).

The book was published by Atria books. It came out March in 2006. Every day six people in the United States are murdered by spouses or intimate partners. That is truly a shocking number. The stories of killer spouses tend to captivate us, as they beg the question of how so many seemingly normal and happy people manage to go over the edge. Indeed, every relationship presents “extreme moments” where scary feelings surface, yet what happens when those feelings turn to action? That was the core concern of Ludwig’s book.

The book is a masterpiece in the psychology category. It has received so many top class reviews and ratings. We thought it’s noteworthy to bring some of them here.  Read these reviews and quotes from other well known celebrities.

“…Through Robi’s valuable insight, she has helped us all to understand the violent actions and dark logic behind these murders, particularly since these cases appear to involve seemingly normal people.”
Larry King
CNN’s Larry King Live.

“Dr. Ludwig casts light on the formerly taboo subjects of marital strife and homicide. She enlightens us all!”
Nancy Grace
Court TV’s Closing Arguments & Headline News

“…Till Death Do Us Part is an invaluable resource. It offers an expert’s analysis of the psychological factors that oftentimes coalesce and are expressed violently.”
Robert K. Tanenbaum
Former homicide bureau chief for the Manhattan DA’s office and New York Times bestselling author of Fury

Authors Ludwig and Birkbeck examine the concept of peaceful versus violent resolution and why certain spouses believe murder is the best and only response in their great piece of work. In the book they sit down and evaluate the situations so you can better understand the couple. You get an inside look of what they may have been thinking and what some of their highly rooted issues may have been.

Getting Married? Here is What to Expect, Statistically
Disney movies seem to have the whole “romance equals marriage” thing figured out. What Disney movies fail to include in their happy-go-lucky outlook is that marriage, at times, can be work. Watching Prince Charming kiss Snow White to wakefulness may make you question the romance in your own marriage, but it helps to remind yourself that the romances Disney portrays are often dated, idealistic notions of love. And, as it turns out, they are only really documenting early stages. Psychologists have studied the marriage track and concluded that most married couples go through many stages, stages that most couples will hit in their marriage. Sometimes, these require more dedication and care.

Married couples can attest even happy marriages require work. Vows merge one life to another and suddenly personal gain must give way toward a common goal. Your partner has equal share of your burdens, and you of theirs. As spouses spend more time together, they tend to go through several, predictable stages. These stages occur as your personal identity gives up control, even in small amounts, and embraces the nature of a true union.

Why the Stages of Marriage Complicate Unions
Couples go through five major stages of personal development. These stages are ones of exciting, confusing growth. They are challenging for two reasons:

1. Each partner progresses through these stages at differing speeds. You may be stuck at stage three while your spouse has already ascended to stage five. This difference leads to misunderstandings, as one spouse may wonder why their partner is still stuck on petty control issues he or she has long surpassed.

2. Most people are unaware these stages exist. People tend to have a basic understanding of the stages of grief. Depression and anger are expected. The stages of marriage are every bit as natural as grief, though more tied to ego. When ego comes into play, tricky variables, like admitting fault and making compromises, seemingly evolve into impossible feats.

The good news for all married couples is when you finally find light at the other end of the tunnel, the major storms of your life are out of the way. These couples experience the full benefits of love and affection promised by matrimony.

The Five Stages of Marriage by Dr. Ludwig:
1.) The first stage is the best-loved. This is when your body chemistry launches itself into overdrive, akin to an adolescent holding hands for the first time. This stage represents the kind of mortar love songs are about. Even the mention of a name spurs the heart into a quickened pitter-patter.

Your life seems inexplicably tied to theirs, the deep burning desire of passion increasing your positive attitude toward the other person, personal energy, sensitivity, and sexuality. This stage is common in fresh love, but often heightened during the first year or two of marriage, starting with the honeymoon.

2.) At some point a fight breaks out that spurs one partner’s doubt about the union. This stage breaks the mirror, so to speak. You realize flaws in your partner for the first time, but it is accompanied by a nagging, negative voice that says “can I live with this for the rest of my life?” Will you divorce because your partner never washes the dishes after you make dinner? The mantra here is: old habits die hard.

Stage two is the hardest to stomach, because the differential between the incredible passion of stage one and feelings of personal betrayal in stage two are so large. The newness is gone and is replaced by familiarity.

Another challenge is by the third or fourth year of marriage, the situations with impossible answers surface. Should we have kids? Do we pack up and move across the country for that incredible career opportunity? It is unfortunate that as partners begin to distrust the capabilities of their partner these questions must be addressed.

3.) In stage three usually both partners have entrenched themselves. The trenches do not have to be a stark, dividing line between tired arguments. They can manifest through habits, lifestyles, even chore procedures. At this stage both couples think his or her opinion is the best one. Relationships that lack communication struggle with this stage. During this stage, a couple may frequently tell couples’ therapists that they have tried everything but the gap will never be bridged. To pass stage three, couples must invest their time and energy to meet in the middle. The fifth year is cited as the statistically most challenging for married couples. Most are in stage three during that year.

4.) Stage four is the point where couples stop trying to change one another. They recognize the habits that will die hard, or never disappear, and resign themselves to making the best of the situation. Some may struggle, seeking advice from friends, family members, and therapists on how to live with the aspects of the marriage that are displeasing. Fights still happen, but they lack the same oomph from the early days. After years of traveling uphill, couples are finally about to stroll down the other side of the mountain, to the sunny meadows.

5.) Statistically speaking, nearly half of marriages fail. In fact, according to the American Psychological Association 40 to 50 percent of marriages fail.  Those numbers are much higher for subsequent marriages.  Many more couples stay together out of habit, living their lives without speaking much with one another. Maybe divorce is too expensive, or perhaps they have been together too long to make the change. Whatever the numbers are, a good number of couples never reach the last stage.

Here couples honestly appreciate the life they’ve lived together. Shared memories burn brighter, and both partners feel secure in their roles. The things that seemed so important before have been reduced to petty grievances, barely worth noticing.

As a final note by Dr. Robi Ludwig, she mentions that communication is what drives all successful marriages. Stages 2-4 are impossible to surpass without talking through problems. Nobody ever said marriage was easy, but for some reason most first-timers assume it is.

Helping Adults and Couples
Being a well-known psychotherapist, she deals with both adults’ and couples’ issues. She is inspiring directing people to find their personal life goals and to grow emotionally. She treats for a wide range of issues including relationship problems, addiction issues, transitional problems, as well as mood, depression, thought and character disorders.  She has been appearing on the broadcasting mass media since 1997 and has contributed a lot in communicating current psychological insights on broad range of topics.

The goal is to help provide you with the insights and tools you need to move beyond old, limiting beliefs and behaviors. Through a combination of therapeutic techniques, she can help you identify limiting beliefs and outmoded coping mechanisms that may be standing in your way. Her advice has help many understand their problems more clearly which in the end helps them overcome their issue/s. Many clients report rapid progress due to the effective approaches she employs.

An increasing number of people are dealing with stress in their everyday lives, it helps to seek professional help. She has been encouraging the use of psychotherapy for the treatment of a variety of issues via broadcasting media and other channels to help spread the word. Her opinion and insights on a wide range of well-being issues are sought after and dealing with stress is one of those issues.  It’s quite common for stress to ruin marriages and families.

Robi began her career as psychotherapist in 1988. Her role was that of a counselor, aiding patients with acute psychiatric disorders. She has meted out treatment for all sorts of mental illnesses such as personality disorder and impulse control disorder, grief, substance abuse, job stress, sexual identity crisis, sex abuse and emotional issues in her private and clinical practice. Her dexterity also reaches out to more widespread parenting and social issues.  Dr. Ludwig works currently with adult individuals who have suffer from various issues such as addiction, relationship struggles, problems of transition along with character, mood and thought disorder. Her treatment approaches include those of cognitive behavior (CBT) and Solution Focused Brief (SFBT). Currently she practices in New York, although her television assignments have her jet setting across the country. She treats both couples and singles. She strives to aid people cope with their various issues so that they can focus more on their life goals and ambition. She believes that a troubled life is no reason to feel defeated and dejected; with proper help and guidance, nothing is impossible to achieve.

Early Career
WETM-TV in New York is where it started for Robi Ludwig WETM-TV in New York is where it started for Robi Ludwig. In the late 1990’s she worked as a psychology reporter for WETM-TV, the NBC affiliate in Elmira, New York. She wrote, produced and hosted Real Talk, a weekly live call-in show covering psychological and self-help topics. Everyday people would call in and she would help them live on the show. It covered a variety of topics and emotions from serious problems to questions which turned out pretty funny. The show was an immediate hit and talked about all the time in the media.

As mentioned, her practical experience as a psychotherapist began in 1988 when she worked as a counselor for patients with severe psychiatric disorders.

In addition to the mass media programs held by her, she voluntarily helps those who need counseling via social media networks. In her profile, there are lot of people asking different types of psychological issues. Everyone who expects some mental and spiritual relief are welcome to her profiles. She has asked her fans to be forward and to participate in those little activities that she recommends on her social sites. She believes that those activities (I may say fun activities) would lessen the heavy weight that people keep in their heads.

Dr. Robi Ludwig is not just a professional counselor or a psychologist. But she is a famous star who has helped people to resolve their mental dilemmas. Her solutions to mental problems are simple, practicable, and obviously very effective.

Apart from the TV programs, Robi Ludwig is now doing regular “Ask Dr. Robi” Segments every Wednesday morning for Magic Variety Radio on Magic 100.1 in New Jersey. On the show, their audience can ask them about their social and mental problems directly to Dr. Robi Ludwig. Most of the topics covered by her included sexual aspects, depressions, couple problems, teenage mind, parenting issues, divorces and so on.

Counseling and Psychotherapy – Which is Which?
You might have heard about psychotherapy from one of your friends or colleagues. However, most people do not fully understand how psychotherapy works as they often use the terms psychotherapy and counseling interchangeably. It is good to note that they are essentially the same which is to cater to the emotional and psychological needs of other people, they have distinct differences.

To start things off, counseling is all about lending a sympathetic ear to someone who’s been going through a troubling experience. Generally, a counselor will listen to the angst of a person without any form of corrections or interruptions. They usually do not give analysis or advice.

On the other hand, psychotherapy looks more on the historical factors that may influence the present behavior and line of thinking of a person. Psychotherapy tends to delve into what might have caused the present scenario. They link pieces of information together to come up with a certain form of hypothesis. Counseling on the other hand works more with the crisis intervention.

According to the theory of Eric Berne known as Transactional Analysis, he said that whatever happened to an individual’s life it is also duly recorded in his brain. All of these experiences include those that happen in his childhood, on what he perceived from what he considered as parent figures and how perceived are the events that happened in his life.

All of these memories are recorded to our brain just as the way we save files on a computer disc. These sets of memories can be replayed all throughout our existence. We often recall and re-experience what happened in the past in what we experience today. That is the reason why each one of us behaves differently on different things.
To better illustrate, here are the key differences between counseling and psychotherapy:

– Assist people in identifying their personal problems and dilemma while encouraging them to take proper and positive actions to address the problems
– This type of treatment is advisable to those with deeper understand of human wellbeing and to those who are good at resolving problems
– This is considered a short term that helps in changing a person’s behavior.

– This type of treatment can help people deal with problems that have built over time
– This will also help you to better understand your actions, feelings and thoughts a lot better
– This is a long term process of treatment that deal with historical background of the emotions that a person currently feels

Psychotherapy and counseling are two different treatments that often overlap in numerous ways. To put it simply, counseling can be considered as a crucial aspect of the psychotherapy process; whereas a counselor may work with people in a psychotherapeutic way.

Also, other key differences between these two is the time that is needed in order to get desirable results. Counseling is often given on a short period of time while psychotherapy will require a longer period of time in order to work out the person’s emotional problems and difficulties.

Getting Personal Interview
We were lucky enough to do an interview with Dr Ludwig below.  She has been appearing on broadcast media since 1997, and is sought after for her psychological insights on a wide range of topics.  As a child she was raised in Chatham, New Jersey. Her Mother (Helene Shalotsky) was a school teacher and her Father (Charles Shalotsky) was an executive for a men’s product company. She has two sisters and she is the niece of Irving Gikofsky. He also went by the name of Mr. G. He was an actor who played in People I know in 2002 and also Honey, I Shrunk The Kids in 1997.

Where did you go to school?
I received my doctorate in psychology (Psy.D) from California Southern University; got my post-masters certificate in advanced clinical work from Hunter College, received my masters degree in social work from the University of Pennsylvania and got my bachelor’s degree in mass communications from Cedar Crest College.

What motivated you to get into this field?
I knew from a very early age that I wanted to be a therapist. I believe it was while I was walking home from elementary school my chosen profession to become a therapist became fully crystallized. I always loved delving into the intricacies of interpersonal dynamics, and analyzing people and situations. Any psychological subject captured my interest and attention. It wasn’t until I became a teen, around the age of 14, that I realized I wanted to include television into this mix. My uncle is a prominent local New York City TV weatherman. He made the TV business look so glamorous and fun. When I first saw Dr. Joyce Brothers on a talk show combine psychology and television, I realized this was something I had to pursue. It was somewhat of an “aha” moment for me. I’m not sure when I knew I wanted to be an author, but this probably happened when I was in high school. It was very clear to me from an early age what my professional path would be. I was fortunate to discover what I felt passionate about when I was very young.

Can you share one of your more memorable experiences during your career or on TV?
The most powerful TV memory I have is definitely when I got my first TV reporting job at WETM, channel 18 in Elmira, New York. It was actually a job interview I almost didn’t go to. I knew that I wasn’t going to take the job I was interviewing for. I was going to interview for a job to be a full time morning anchor. The job would require me to relocate and move upstate, which I was not prepared to do. I took a six hour bus ride all the way up to Elmira from New York City, until I found my way to the studio. The news director at the time, David Schifter, told me in detail about the anchor job. I told him I didn’t think this job was exactly right for me, and then pitched my job idea to him, to be the station’s psychology reporter. He hired me on the spot, and I was on the air that evening analyzing Timothy McVeigh. This news director is one of my dearest friends, to this day. He was the one who gave me my first real start in the TV news business. And the rest, as they say, is history.

How do you find inspiration?
I really find my inspiration everywhere. From life. I’m inspired by my field, my desire to learn and know more, by the patients I work with, and by my friends and family. I love what I do and feel passionate about my work. I suppose it’s this passion which fuels my inspiration.

What are some project/s you’re currently working on?
I’m very excited about finishing my latest book, published by Harper One: Your Best Age is Now: Embrace an Ageless Mindset, Reenergize Your Dreams, and Live a Soul-Satisfying Life, which comes out in April. I compiled all of the latest research, combined with the research from my practice, to dispel some of the unsettling myths currently out there about midlife. I’m also excited to bring my jewelry line, Vise Mari, to Star Shop, a new shopping APP which makes shopping fun and easy, on your phone.

Where is your office in New York?
275 7th Ave
New York, NY 10021

Your Best Age is Now – Her New Book 2016
The older we get, the more our lives become bogged down with our baggage that comes with reaching middle age. Women start to face harsh realties when they begin to reach their midlife, and many times women let the myth of the midlife crisis influence their outlook on life. Sometimes that outlook can lead to depression because they stop feeling relevant and feel like they no longer have the same options in life that they once did in their younger years. Midlife is not what it once was for their mothers and grandmothers. Society has become so youth obsessed that is has become harder and harder for women to be comfortable and happy in this next phase of life. Women get fed the same lies about middle age that stops them from living the best life possible. Women become stunted and stagnant because these myths about middle age hold them back.

Dr. Robi Ludwig, psychotherapist, award winning reporter, and author wants to help women to not fall victim to the middle age trap. Contradicting long-ingrained beliefs about this time of life, Robi Ludwig draws on myth-busting data from scientific research and on her experience as a therapist to show midlife is not the trap that women believe it to be but instead it is a time to shine. Robi Ludwig writes in a way that is relatable to women from all different walks of life. This book is for any women looking to redefine the later years in life.

Her latest literary accomplishment, Your Best Age is Now, is the guided for women in their 40s, 50s, and even 60s wishing to live younger and more vibrant lives. The book offers specific advice on how to change our perception about this next life phase and make the best of it. She draws on her long time experience as a psychotherapist when she worked as a counselor for patients with severe psychiatric disorders like substance abuse, grieving, sexual identity issues, job stress, emotional and sexual abuse problems as well as the more common social and parenting issues. Dr. Robi Ludwig combines that experience and knowledge with scientific research to come up with the new rules for middle age. There is very little information out there that provides the kind of honest to goodness advice that women need in order to help them change their middle age mindset.

Your Best Life is Now provides specific advice on how to change your perception and approach to the next phase of life. Dr. Ludwig offers advice on how to let go of stress to create a more balanced life and to help women to identify false thinking that is holding them back. She gives solid advice on how to take charge of your love life and relationships. She also writes about the best way to stay relevant in the work place and how to start a new and exciting career later in life. Ludwig teaches women how to lead a spiritual life and how to live a life full of gratitude. These key aspects will help women to find the happiness that can be hard to come by as they get older. This book gives the reader guidance on how to reject the status quo and teaches women on how to become the best version of themselves possible.

Media Coverage and Appearances
Dr. Ludwig’s media exposure is quite large. As noted above, she has been included in just about every media outlet available today. Some of these including a contributor to the Huffington Post, Washington Post, Fox News, CNN, Hitched Magazine, Entertainment Tonight, and Today to name just a few. She always has new articles being featured on her Huffington Post. Not to mention all the TV appearances. From TV series, movies, and documentaries her career and appearance schedule is very busy. One of my favorite appearances by her was when she was the host of TLC’s show “One Week to Save Your Marriage”. By the way, Dr. Ludwig has been married over 13 years herself (to David Ludwig) so not only is she experienced she knows what it’s like being married for a respectable time period. During the show, she offers some of the best advice I heard to struggling couples and she is very open about her marriage as well. She explains that nobody or marriage is perfect and there are always things everyone needs to work on (including herself). It’s a very personal/emotional show and I think it really puts marriage in perspective for couples looking to take that next step as well. Many of the couples on the show are in a last resort type of situation where they need serious advice and help by an expert. One of the questions I remember her talking about was what she thought was the biggest issue facing couples that she has to deal with. Her answer was related to partner disappointment. From my relationships (not working out), I completely agree with that. There seems to be a point when a relationship is coming to an end and you look back thinking about what went wrong. For me, it comes down to the disappointment as well. You start to think about your partner’s flaws and evaluate how great it was initially and where it went wrong. The disappointment of those flaws and eventually understanding that it’s simply not going to work out. The disappointment in your partner or other half could be other things as well such as financial, past history, or maybe in-law issues she points out. There is no perfect solution and marriages really do take work to make them successful.

Vise Mari Jewelry
Dr. Ludwig believes that everyone has to right to look beautiful, and wear stunning costumes and jewelry. Her national recognition can be judged by the fact that most of the noble personalities, whether working in media or corporate world, like to wear her collections. She is passionate to proceed further in this line along with her professional responsibilities. She is continuing her commit to writing and discussing psychological issues in the media as well as attending to her patients and building a healthy partnership with ShopNBC. Her jewelry line is named Vise Mari ( All of her jewelry pieces are described as being big and bold. Her jewelry has been worn by stylists and celebrities. Her goal is to make people feel good and beautiful about themselves. Each piece is carefully made and very affordable. Dr. Robi Ludwig was quoted as saying; “It’s my goal to make every woman feel like her very best self, so she can go out into the world to sparkle and shine. To create a line of jewelry that’s both beautiful and purposeful is truly a dream come true.”

Being so successful in her career this far, there is a high probability that her childhood inclination will earn her fame in this jewelry line as well. Her early love exerted her creative skills and she started designing jewelry for herself. Being her sole collection, it looks very sophisticated and bears a mild touch of ancient times, which created excitement among her fans and they started questioning her about the vendor from where she shops. She herself was not aware of how much the public craves for her specifically designed jewelry items, but discovered it soon. She designed her first collection upon the request of her close friend, to raise funds for a charity and then came the very popular “believe pendant” to the market.

Age and Net Worth

  • Age: We never ask a lady her age and at this time it’s unknown online.
  • Net worth: Again, as we know she is very popular but at this time we were unable to find her net worth online.

Popular Videos
In this video Ludwig, part of her EXaholics appearance, she discusses about grieving as it relates to a breakup. We all know relationships are hard and grieving can certainly be part of the that “healing” process. She offers some great advice about moving forward and dealing with the grieving process. She also discusses the importance of building your self confidence back up and how to recover from this dark place after a breakup. It’s important advice for anyone getting out of a relationship and dealing with grieving. You can watch her video below (1 min length):

In another video with Robi Ludwig on her YouTube Channel, she talks about being defined by your ex after a breakup. She talks about how easily you can be defined by what your partner thought of you as person. Her advice focuses on that topic and how you need to get out of that mindset because it can be toxic for future relationships. You’re more than what your other half thinks of you and nobody knows that better then yourself she expresses. As an author and relationship expert she obviously knows about dealing with these issues. It’s something we all deal with on an emotional level at some point in our lives so it’s good to hear advice from an expert like her. Watch this topic video below (1:38 min length):

Her appearance on Entertainment Tonight:

Her appearance on The Bill Cunningham Show:

Friday Night Tykes Show (Esquire Network)
Esquire Network is shining some bright camera lights on the exclusive culture of a youth football association in the heart of Texas. The compelling documentary series, called Friday Night Tykes (airing Tuesdays at 9PM Eastern Standard Time beginning January 20) follows five teams in the 10- and 11-year old Juniors division of the Texas Youth Football Association both on and off the field. Coaches and parents alike are also observed, offering their insights explaining why kids should suffer in order to achieve football glory and excellence.

While the parents and coaches support this tough love notion of discipline, they also struggle with a serious question: How hard is too hard to push your kids? As the Friday Night Tykes cameras continue to roll, one wonders if this militant approach to football which includes extreme training drills, heckling from crazy fans, along with the balancing of intense on-the-field demands, are put in place alongside the normal demands of being a child. This approach, however, may be failing rather than facilitating these kids’ mental and physical well-being.

To delve into this topic more comprehensively, Esquire Network and the 92nd Street Y will host a private screening of Friday Night Tykes on Wednesday January 14, 2015 at 8:15 p.m. This screening will be followed by a candid conversation on the state of youth sports in our culture. ESPN’s Jeremy Schaap will moderate the discussion. The other panelists will include former NFL players Tiki Barber and Bart Scott, who will also bring their own experiences as players and fathers into the discussion. Barber and Scott will be joined by Brian Morgan, President of the Texas Youth Football and Cheer Association, Matt Maranz, Executive Producer of Friday Night Tykes and Psychotherapist, author and award winning reporter Dr. Robi Ludwig.

Dr. Ludwig will address such psychological themes as competition, how much is too much, as well as discuss how hyper competitive parenting styles combined with an obsession about winning, can ruin a child’s self-esteem. She will lead the discussion about important social, emotional and psychological implications associated with hyper competitive parents, controversial coaching techniques as well as address what happens when very young children feel an overwhelming pressure to win, at all costs.

Questions such as:
-Why do we continue to professionalize youth sport?
-When does competition become harmful?
-What is the outlook for children and professionalized type sports?
-How do we progress on in this sports’ field within our culture?

The ultimate goal for the panel is to have a productive debate and further the ongoing national conversation about this very problematic trend. This private event will be extended to media, 92nd Street Y special guests and influencers across sports, health and parenting media.

Dr. Robi Ludwig joins the Bella Magazine
Bella Magazine is one of New York City’s premier subscriptions and newsstand-based women’s luxury lifestyle publication. They offer an insider’s guide to one of the most affluent areas on America. At Bella, the spotlight shines on the individual. Their tag line for women is “Beauty is Defined by You”. They offer a sophisticated combination of fashion, beauty, health, philanthropy, arts and culture, cuisine, celebrity and entertainment.

Chief Executive Officer and Editor-in-Chief, Courtenay Hall strives to inspire her readership to discover the beauty all around them. One of the ways she accomplishes this, is by showcasing professionals who share a passion for helping others identify and embody what beauty is.

Dr. Ludwig, was brought on board In March of 2015, to add her special psychological point of view, that resonates with the Bella readers. She is a nationally known psychotherapist, author and award winning reporter who is also a relationship contributor that only adds additional value for the magazine and it’s readers.

Dr. Ludwig can be seen regularly on such high profile national shows as: Nightline, ET, The Today Show, CNN, The Fox News Chanel as well as many others, helping audiences and guests alike understand the complexities of the human condition. She is looking forward to contributing her particular brand of expertise via writing regularly for the magazine. Her first article, “Calling all Eco-Budget-Conscious Fashionistas. It’s Your Lucky Day to Shine!” will appear in Bella’s May Magazine edition.  Bella is published six times a year in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut.

Seattle Speaking Events
We currently don’t have any events for this celebrity in the area, however, should a speaking or book signing event happen locally in the City of Seattle we’ll be the first to report that.

Source References

Photo Gallery

Dr Robi Ludwig Dr. Robi Ludwig Profile Photo

Dr. Robi Ludwig speaking at a lecture event
Dr. Robi Ludwig speaking at a lecture event

A book signing and meet and greet event where she provided insight on mid-life possibilities.
A book signing and meet and greet event where she provided insight on mid-life possibilities.

A Well-Rounded Life: Mark Hurd

Often the media puts a famous celebrity or successful businessman under the spotlight, and the world is treated to a view of that person for a short while before they are passed over for a new story. In these cases, only one aspect of the person of interest is ever shown. For example, a movie star is only ever considered in the light of their career as a movie star. A businessman is considered purely in light of their business or their fame and notoriety because of their success in business.

The truth that is universally understood but seems to be ignored is that these people are far more than the caricatures that the media portrays. They are fathers, mothers, husbands, wives, brothers and sisters, artists and painters, lovers, thinkers, and doers. There is more than meets the eye to every person who has ever existed, and sometimes looking for that something else is worth the time.

Mark Hurd is known as a successful businessman. He has worked for NCR Corp, HP, and now Oracle Corp. His time as CEO and President at each of these companies has always led to increased profit, higher efficiency, and improved customer service. In addition, he has overseen each of the companies growth while maintaining efficient operations.

Follow Mark Hurd on his Twitter @MarkVHurd

While Mark Hurd was CEO of NCR, the company’s net profits increased fivefold, and total revenue increased by 7 percent in one year. When HP hired Mark Hurd as their CEO and President in 2005, positive changes were seen almost immediately. Within a year he brought HP to number one in laptop sales, and the year after, desktop sales hit number one as well. His 4 year tenure with the corporation yielded 22 years of consistent increase in profits, and a total revenue increase of 63%.

Now that Mark Hurd is President at Oracle Corporation, his emphasis on customer service and increased efficiency is as pronounced as ever, and the company looks to grow just as his previous businesses thrived. But in his spare time, Mark Hurd is much more than just a successful businessman.

Mark Hurd is a husband, and a father to two daughters. He is devoted to his Alma Mater, Baylor University, where he played tennis and where his oldest daughter attends. Who would have imagined the successful businessman of three computer companies was once the president of a fraternity and a tennis star? It’s a big load to carry, and having so many responsibilities requires some incredible time management skills, but Mark Hurd excelled while at Baylor.

He still goes to Baylor football games, and has donated generously to the Baylor tennis program. His philanthropy made possible a renovation of the entire tennis facility, renamed the Hurd Tennis Center. The Hurd family also donates to the Baylor Bear Foundation and to the Men’s Tennis Excellence Fund. Mark Hurd will always have a place in his heart for the national championship Baylor tennis program, which helped him grow so much during his collegiate years.

Mark Hurd Tennis Center Photo

Oracle’s Bellevue location:
Bellevue is located just east of Seattle, Washington. The drive time is about 16 minutes. Seattle is constantly growing in the technical space and was one of the reasons Oracle moved to Seattle. They have a training center here and are constantly hiring developers and programmers in the Seattle area. Phone: (425) 945-8200

Oracle Bellevue Office
Oracle Bellevue Office

Mark Hurd Being An Effective Manager

We’ve all experienced bad mangers in our careers.  Seattle is a fast paced environment and every company is looking for the fastest and best employee.  However, often times their expectations or egos get in their way of managing others.

This is a great piece on how to be an effective manager.  You maybe one right now in Seattle or working to be one in the future.  Just remember these skills and maybe one day you’ll be the best manager ever.  You too can build these key personality traits.

First lets talk about Mark Hurd because this guy is a leader in the business World.

Mark Hurd is an experienced leader and President of the Oracle Corporation. A former President of NCR Corporation and former CEO of Hewlett-Packard, Mark Hurd met a number of men and woman with characteristics defining a strong and effective leader. For some men and women, these skills come naturally while for others, the skills are practiced and developed while climbing the management ladder.

Before looking at a person’s qualities as a manager, Mark Hurd first looks at what makes a manager effective. A manager has many responsibilities and duties and only one of them is leading a team. Managers must have their own talents and skills while coaching and mentoring the employees under their watch. Managers need to be organized, efficient, and productive to be profitable for a company. A good manager can motivate a team, support the goals of management, work as a negotiator when there is trouble, and encourage a team to be innovative.

There are also a number of key personality traits that make one person more effective than another. It is important to look beyond sales numbers to spot who the best manager may be. Mark Hurd recognizes a number of personality traits common along strong leaders. The strongest leaders have the ability to communicate, lead others, develop themselves and others, build strong work relationships, and drive positive performance.

Communication is important to Mark Hurd because it is the first key to success and understands the goals and expectations of a business. An effective manager should be able to instruct others and listen just as effectively. Effective managers need to learn to hear more than what is spoken. Mark Hurd believes managers need to be attentive to non-verbal communication and how their own nonverbal actions speak to others.

The ability to lead isn’t as easy as it may seem. Mark Hurd understands a natural leader is one who can drive positive results by providing direction and feedback in a positive way. Leaders should inspire trust and be responsible for making sure tasks are completed when expected. The best performing employee may not be a skilled leader and a negative attitude can negatively affect business performance.

Self-development and developing the skills of others is important. Mark Hurd worked on his skills as a leader for years developing his business skills and knowledge. Effective managers praise employees for performance while encouraging them to develop further as an employee. Managers must improve themselves and be grateful for the opportunities of themselves and others to grow without being too controlling.

There you have it!  Build your key personality traits to be the best in the future and even perhaps the best business manager in Seattle.  There are so many great career and job opportunities in Seattle (including Oracle in Bellevue) so get out there and make a difference.

Best personality traits for a seattle manager


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