Seattle Newspaper for the People by the People

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People - page 8

Who Is Bill Bryant?

Bill Bryant is seeking to be re-elected to his job as Seattle’s Port Commission President. Forget any good things you might have heard that he has done. (I can’t recall any, but there might be something). It’s time to say NO to Port President Bill Bryant because he pushed for the largest raise possible for Port CEO Tay Yoshitani during this economic recession. Is he getting a whopping kick back or does he need a couple weeks at Western State for a mental evaluation? This gives the CEO a base salary of $366,825. God only knows how many thousands in perks he gets.

They call themselves public servants, I call them parasites. I have written other articles on this website about the obscene salaries and perks but this article is to alert you to NOT VOTE FOR BILL BRYANT.

The Governor says the state is broke, she may be right but his salary could be cut by $300,000 and it would still be $66,825. Lots of smart people would step right in for that salary. No wonder there are protests by people out of work or who are having their insurance cancelled when this stupid, stupid stuff is going on. Like they say Throw the Bums out. Let’s start with Bill Bryant.

When I voted this time, I voted against any incumbent that is holding office. You cannot reach them, they do not care what you have to say. A little legislative aide will answer for all of them. The King County Council is selling bonds based on tolls even though there is a vote coming up on that, but they will ram it through like they did the tunnel that no one can afford by saying contracts were signed so it has to go forward. If the city, state and fed government is broke none of these expensive things should be considered.

All monies for each branch of government is paid for by workers. None of these places including the port have a money tree but they will tell you it was allocated, or set aside, or approved by the voters ten years ago.

Who Is Mayor Bud Norris?

Have you ever heard of Mayor Bud Norris? Didn’t think so. If you did it would be something to try to make you not like him. He makes the spotlight every once in awhile. Two years ago he declared a “Glen Beck” day and gave him a key to the city. Beck is a native son and famous now. Why shouldn’t the mayor invite a famous personality home whether you like Glen Beck or not? But the public had a hissy fit over it.

Now the Mayor is in trouble with the public and city council because he asked the state to deny a liquor permit for a proposed Mexican Restaurant. They want to serve 60 kinds of Tequila @ $8 to $10.00 a drink. There is an establishment directly across the street from this proposed restaurant that has had excessive 911 calls so the Mayor says its just too much booze served in that neighborhood. Public is having a hissy fit again.

The Library sign fell apart and they had to replace it but the Mayor left off one word. The word was “biblioteca”. This means Library in Spanish. He as asked that the phone system not include Spanish in their menu choices.  Another Hissy fit.

The public is calling him a racist. I call him the best prospect for President of the United States. What do you think? Please leave your comments. LLL

Paridon Williams – 50 Ways To Help Another

It’s about 1:30am in Seattle as I share a beer with a friend at the newly updated Belltown Pub. As the last call announcement is broadcasted over the speakers, a very tall house-less man walks in. His beard is a little gray and needs a good shaving. Dressed in black with a shoulder bag over his shoulder that appears to have costs a few dollars. It appears to be another awkward moment where we are going to be hustled for a buck or two. Walking the Seattle streets I am sure you’ve experienced it. Some are more honest than others and just need a beer and/or others have a more elaborate story to get some change. Normally, you just continue walking and don’t engage ignoring the behavior to save yourself the time, story, and money.

Paridon Williams was a little different then most, however. He had a passion about this book. It was a book he created and continues to create which involves helping others out. After his pitch to us, I passed on the offer. I just didn’t get it. Mr. Williams continue to chat it up with my friend (who may have had a few drinks) and eventually I was talked into a 50/50 investment into the book from my friend. He pulled out a copy of the book from his shoulder bag and it was put together quite well. He said he goes to the library and gets it binded at Kinkos. The pages are not numbered, but I am estimating it has approx. 75 pages or so (front and back also). I am guessing it must cost about the same for what he is selling it for ($12.95).

Since I basically gave the book to my friend at the Pub, I figured I would flip through a few pages and check it out (before morning) since I won’t be seeing this book again. The book, however, was impressive – really impressive. The value is in its inspiration from a guy who is struggling and continues to push forward and help others. It is his “masterpiece” and a piece of work that overlooks his own needs and problems for the sake of others. The book is filed with letters he has received from people just like me. Most several days and weeks later. People who turned their backs to him initially but after reading and being inspired have changed their point of view. Some people have also submitted stories, poems, and letters to Peridon Williams inside the book. His book, 50 ways to help another, encourages submissions and that keeps the book updated with new versions. He also has advertising in the book from local Seattle businesses.

In short, it’s a good read from a good guy filled with a whole lot of love from a whole lot of people.

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