Seattle Newspaper for the People by the People

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Real Estate - page 4

Online Real Estate Brokerage

There is a discussion about looking for properties online. For me my first experience was in about 2000. That seems like a long time ago.

The Multiple Listing Service stored data in a central location. The company that handled the data for the Northwest Multiple Listing Service was called Moore Data. I bought a software program from them to do Comparative Market Analysis. It worked great. It made a nice presentation at a time before it became a common tool.

With the program I was also able to share information with other people on line, through e-mails. The e-mail system quickly became a common Real Estate practice. The Real Estate agent would e-mail clients a list of properties. Soon after our Multiple Listing Service began offering an online version of the data base Real Estate agents use.

John L Scott was the first Brokerage that I recall who invested in the technology of online searches in conjunction with Microsoft. Windermere seemed to be dragging their feet. Coldwell banker made the most significant strides nationally.

Then a company called Zillow began the ambitious project of a national data base for Real Estate. Governments had converted sales data to an online system from microfiche. It opened up a whole new world of analysis of tax data.

The next question is, if all of this information was available how did Real Estate prices get so high?

Why Customers Hate Bank Of America

Unfortunately, I am a Bank Of America customer.  In fact, they are my mortgage company.  The good news is that I am not a checking or savings account customer.  First I am not sure why anyone would want to bank here and pay a monthly fee (or have to keep a large minimum) when there are so many FREE options available.  I simply refuse to look at any option that isn’t free.  It’s a free system why pay for it?  That is just silly.

There are many reasons why customers hate Bank Of America but it’s mostly because the company is greedy.  Not only are they greedy they are extremely sneaky about it.  First Bank Of America is one of the largest banks in America.  They are one of the worst managed companies around and continue the “cry” when they are just barely making it.  Just a while ago Bank Of America changed their branch policies to not provide any support for their customers.  They said a fee would be imposed they you needed to actually speak to someone.  To help with this effort they updated their ATMS to make deposits etc easier.  In short, they are going to to charge you the same price but not provide any real person help if you need it (well… they will help but may charge you extra for the help lol).  I couldn’t believe it when they announced this new change.  I figured customers would get disturbed and make the change but many stayed with this messed up business.

Recently, Bank Of America announced that they were going to charge customers $5 just to use their ATM per month.  Wow I said, rolling in laughter on the floor.  That is a big move and a stupid one if you ask me.  This bank just continues to gouge it’s customers with sneaky and greedy fees.

I believe this really hit a nerve with a lot of customers and a Bank Transfer Day was created.  The day was last Saturday actually and I heard it was a tremendous success.  The credit unions who all pretty much offer free banking and higher checking interest rates were overwhelmed with new customers.  After the $5 ATM monthly fee was announced by Bank Of America, they started to feel the heat.  Customers were fed up and starting to move elsewhere.  Bank Of America now is saying that they are not going to charge customers the $5 ATM fee.  They say it was just a test program to see how customers would react and be ok with it.  UMMM… no!!

This morning a Seattle Bank Of America caught on file.  The fire is suspicious and we all wonder why? Really?  I say let it burn.

Seattle Real Estate Market – Down Again

The Seattle real estate market is down again in April and many are starting to think it may never rebound. I believe the general public is feeling better about real estate (compared to a year ago or more) but at the end of the day it’s comes down to money. Many don’t feel secure in their jobs and even more don’t have enough money to invest in a home. When you’re nickled and dimed everyday with the taxes, fines, tolls, penalties, and other dreamed up concoctions it makes it very difficult for the average family. When you were a child, you most likely were taught that home ownership is the American dream. It’s the best thing you can do for yourself. A place where you can call your own instead of paying rent every month (that goes no where).

The real estate market sure has changed overtime. Of course the wages were less back then but you could get a home in the 5K – 20K range. Over the course of 30 years the property would grow in appreciation and eventually you could make a profit, retire on it, or just live comfortably. Unfortuately, the banks have put a stop to that. The average family purchasing a home will not even come close to see the home appreciation as it once was. A home that cost $250K will cost you over $400K over the life of loan. If you add in the additional 3K+ per year property taxes over the 30 years, that would mean you would have paid over 490K. Do you really think your $250K home will appreciate over $490K? The value of home ownership and the Seattle real estate marketing is retirement. You must be in it for the longterm.

Seattle Housing Authority & Yesler Terrace Makeover

Last Tuesday, the Seattle Housing Authority Board of Commissioners approved the project of redevelopment and the makeover of the Yesler Terrace.  Why the city even owns property, land, real estate and have a Seattle Housing Authortiy Board of Commissioners is another topic but it appears to be another Board that makes decisions for the Seattle residents and is quick to blow money on projects without proper discussions.  The construction is expected to cost 300 million (so they say) and will take 10 to 20 years.

The last step is getting the City of Seattle Council Members to approve it and since money is no object in Seattle Washington I would expect it to easily pass with little to no discussions or debates by the Seattle Council Members.  They probably won’t even have a public meeting.

Did You Know Houses in Georgetown are Assessed at $1,000? Zillow Didn’t.

I want to invite you to take a nice walk thru Georgetown. Look at the houses on Corson and Carlton. I am not sure about Flora and Ellis. Notice all the houses are different. There are some beauties. Some are small and plain. Everyone is assessed at $1,000 ( one thousand dollars). Zillow prices varies but are between $200,000 and $350,000), Fire insurance appraisers set the price close to the Zillow price.
The assessor that did this was Scott Noble. After he got himself into some serious trouble and arrested, we had four assessors in 5 months. Appeals were nightmares and totally useless. The Department of Assessments actually wiped out single family homes. They call all of our homes tear downs. They want us to build 8 unit condos. I appealed but the only defense you can present is evidence the assessor has erred in doing the appraisal. My argument was you would have to be drunk or crazy to say every house along at these two streets are only worth a thousand dollars. They said I had to bring proof of sales around me. No house beside me, behind me, in front of me had been sold. Every house in this entire neighborhood had been declared identical and worthless. I lost my appeal.  The reason was “It is the assessors job to tax on the highest and best use”.  Single family dwellings are not the best use. The best use is tear our house down and put up an 8 unit condo. The state of course owns vacant land, pays no tax and doesn’t build condo’s on theirs. I also argued that you cant buy a Tuff Shed for $1,000. Just a total time waster to appeal. The value of the land went from $60,000 to $320,000. In other words we are being taxed right out of our $1,000 home.

This presents another boondoggle. Fire Insurance appraisers actually come and go thru the houses. They talk you into taking replacement value. This means if my house burns down they will replace it, not give me money or replace the house on a lot I can afford to pay taxes on. I would never build a new little house on a $320,000 lot here in Georgetown. So Fire Insurance is actually worthless. I am not sure the city would issue a permit to build a single family dwelling. If you go down to try to talk to them you are more or less shown the way back out of the building and told to file certain forms. From then on you are lost in Electronic Dead Ends. Something is very wrong here but none of us residents can find a way to fix it. It appears the appraiser took on the role of a Land Use Change without having to hold a hearing.

Today in the mail I get a letter from King County Sound Insulation Program. They want to come and insulate my house free to block out the noise of airplanes. If the state is broke, why would they spend thousands to insulate my THOUSAND DOLLAR HOUSE that I have lived in for 65 years and the appraiser wants me to tear down? Not real urgent. Wait until the state is not in debt.

I also got a notice from WSDOT that they will be repaving my street soon. My goodness if the state is broke why would you repave a street that doesn’t even need it. Please do not send the men in little white coats. This stupid stuff is true. State is not broke, they just cant figure out how to spend all the money.

Olympia Representatives – Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

The liars are on the loose again.  State lawmakers passed a plan to pay for a new Mariners stadium in 1995. It was controversial then but passed because it would end when the bonds expire this year. They promised the restaurant and rental car tax would end.  The time is almost hear and they just cant let that source of money slip away even if it means making themselves look like liars. Well if you look like a duck ………. They do not want us to really know what they will use it for or if it will ever end. We taxpayers know we have to pay some taxes to pay to run the government but this is turning into a PORK BUFFETT. I can almost picture the lawmakers like those poker playing dogs that are in an old picture, only this time they are trading votes not cards or chips. They have no qualms about not keeping their word that when we paid for the stadium the taxes would end. Remember the voters did not want the stadium built.

HB1997 wants to expand the Convention Center but to get enough votes it has to set aside money for other causes. Some are: 3 million a year for affordable housing(they don’t call it low cost anymore). A million a year would go to a Seattle-public development Authority (did you ever hear of it?) didnt think so. It is focused on Pioneer Square and the Chinatown International District.

SB 5834 would deal with the arts, without money for affordable housing or the convention. They say they would have money set aside for other purposes.(think dogs playing poker again here)

I say let the taxes expire. Keep your word Olympia representatives. We cant afford expansions and all your goodies in these hard times. If you need more money and taxpayers will vote for it I can’t argue that. But you need to put on the ballot exactly what it is funding and when whatever it is will be paid for. It cant go on forever, no questions asked. Democracy does not make everyone happy, but its the best we have. I dont feel its fair fon non property owners to vote to raise my property tax. I feel its a little like two lions and a sheep voting on what to have for lunch.  Quit telling lies. Regain some trust.

How Much Could You Rent Your House For? Zillow Knows!

Zillow, the local Seattle startup company, that has been predicting home values for over 5 years now is getting into the rental business.  Zillow currently manages the estimated values to over 120 million real estate listings.  Just like the home estimates they currently provide, today they announced  “Rent Zestimates” which gives you a properties monthly rental value. 

I have to say the figures are quite impressive.  Good job Zillow!

You can try it here for free.  Just enter your property address and your monthly rental figures will be displayed.

Protected Class

 Is there such a thing as common sense anymore? I never was for giving protected class status to woman (I am one), minorities, gays or lesbians in jobs or housing. I think it should be entirely up to the landlord or boss as to who he wants to hire or rent to. Now they want to add convicted felons to the protected class. If I hadn’t read it in this mornings paper I would never have believed it. The paper describes a woman with a 20 year old rap sheet, theft, dealing meth, violating a restraining order. Just two years ago she pleaded guilty to multiple counts of identity theft and forgery. She now complains of having difficulty finding a place to live and a job, so she can take care of her daughter(must be entitled to a welfare check for that).

Why would the Office of Civil Rights(we taxpayers pay for that) try to push a law that actually wipes out the Rental Research business of checking renters past history of evictions, paying rent on time, or criminal history.

Making a Low Ball Offer

One of the first things to consider is that no one likes to carry a low offer to a property owner. In todays market it will become more normal. The real estate blogs are filled with advice on how you should proceed. Sales data, even historical data will be of little use.

What people forget is that in real estate there have always been formula buyers. Some buyers will buy anything that fits the formula they have. Number one is the ability to pay off a property quickly. If you have a business plan in commercial real estate you follow that. Residential purchases can work the same way.

A young couple that I worked with ten years ago made an offer on a house that was as much as they could afford. They were tired of looking at properties, and just took the chance. It turned out the seller was making an aggressive price reduction if the property didn’t sell over that week end, they had to be in Boston in a month.

You never know what the circumstances are for the seller of a property. Low offers will become normal this year. What you should do is have a plan, to go along with the offer. You’re also going to need an agent who can present the offer well. You need some one to go to bat for you.

An investor who made an offer on one of our properties was making twenty offers a week. His agent was simply faxing in the offer with no follow up. I, as a comparison want to present my own low ball offers, at least to the agent, or the agents broker.

In my opinion no one should be offended by getting an offer from a qualified buyer. Getting a pre approval for over the loan limit on a specific property helps a lot in having the offer considered. Your ability to close a loan will be a huge factor this year. All your negotiations should be up front, get an inspection done as soon as possible, and be willing to walk away.

Never nickel and dime a deal once you have it. Just assume that the house need at least $5K worth of work. You’re going to want it your way, anyway, so just figure you’ll be doing repairs. Become a serious buyer who is there to close the deal.

Real Estate is an investment. Think like a professional.

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