A 14 Trillon Dollar Deficit Cut
Obama was in the news today suggesting a 4 trillion dollar (12 year) plan to cut the deficit. I would kindly suggest the President … Keep Reading
Obama was in the news today suggesting a 4 trillion dollar (12 year) plan to cut the deficit. I would kindly suggest the President … Keep Reading
Metro Transit does not care about their people who depend on buses to be independent and get to doctors or grocery shopping. … Keep Reading
Finally a story in the paper got peoples attention about the University of Washington. By now most everyone has heard of Brandon … Keep Reading
Even Though MLK day was back in January, their was a recent news story about Jesse Jackson that just made my jaw drop in … Keep Reading
It’s sad businesses continue to rip people off. Do they really think in this digital age that nobody is going to report … Keep Reading
I want to invite you to take a nice walk thru Georgetown. Look at the houses on Corson and Carlton. I am … Keep Reading
The City Attorney just sued to block the Referendum against the Highway 99 Tunnel. Does he have the legal right to do … Keep Reading
Let’s call the load of taxpayer’s money the Gravy Train. It’s a little train that COULD. There is billions on the train. … Keep Reading
Susan Enfield who took over immediately upon the firing of Maria Goodloe-Johnson says she has no big changes planned. What the heck … Keep Reading
If you drive a motor vehicle you could soon be taxed for the miles you drive. Uncle Sam with the help of … Keep Reading