Seattle News Stations (Most Popular)
Some of the most popular Seattle news stations include the Emerald City Journal (of course)!
Others include the Seattle Times, Tacoma News Tribune, Komo News, Kiro 7, and Q13 Fox News. Most Seattle news stations have both TV time and online websites with offer recent news stories to the public. The difference between these Seattle news stations and us is that we offer news that is opinionated. All opinions are independent so you may read one story liking a polical view and another story which doesn’t like the view for example. Either way, we share everyones opinon and let the public decide on their own how they feel about the specifics of the news story.
We have found most news stations across the nation just doesn’t tell you how it is. They are great at giving you the overview of a story but lack when it comes to the public opinion or what the negatives could be for a topic. We fill that niche and that is why we are on the top Seattle news stations.